Hot feet?

I am so susceptible to heat that I actually have a fear of it. I get a headache very quickly and nausea so bad. The strangest problem I have is my feet. If it is near 80 they swell and hurt and they are actually 2 or 3 degrees hotter than the rest of my body. I know how weird that sounds but (my poor family) can tell you! "hey kid, come here and feel my feet" lol. So I guess I am asking if this is a Fibro thing or yet another freakish part of my body? It is also very painful to have anything touch them. I never wear shoes anyway but during the summer it is flipflops or nothing. Anyone else?

Hi Ciraawyn, yes this happens to me also, my dr said its related to the neuropathy that is very much associated with fibro. Sometime I feel like I want to wrap cold wash cloths on my feet. It usually happens if my feet get warm, and then they start to burn. And yes they are very sensitive !
Just another great fibro symptom… But, you should talk to your dr about this, especially if its a new symptom for you.
Hugs &

age old symptom! I never really connected it to fibro until recently. One day I am going to do a temperature measurement to see just what the difference is between my feet and the rest of me. lol.

Hi Ciarawyn,

The burning I have is in my neck, and left leg, the leg is Sciatica, the neck is from discs collapsed on one side or the other, and both are from nerve irritation. Discs are out of place and rubbing nerves, irritating them. This causes me to be ultra sensitive sometimes, sometimes it's clothing, sometimes the Sciatica in my upper left leg is so significant that I have to sleep with my feet on a roll pillow so that my leg does not even touch the sheet. This can be maddening, I know!

I have used this for years, you can find it in most grocery and drug stores, you CANNOT use it with a heating pad though. Ask your Doctor, and make sure it would not interfere with any other med.

My Rheumatologist has also prescribed Ethyl Chloride spray for me, though I have to use it sparingly, and be careful with it, it really does help. This is an anesthetic, goes on ice cold, but the cold leaves rapidly, it will numb you for a couple of hours. Should you get this, be very careful to keep it away from kids, and don't even advertise the fact that you have it, the kids are huffing it to get high! Make sure the area is well ventilated and that you do not breathe it in!

I hope that you can find some relief, and I hope that perhaps one or both of these may be of help to you. I'm not a Doctor, I can only tell you that both of these help me, I hope you find something to help you!

Wishing you well,


It's quite possibly a fibro thing, I'm a little bit the opposite of you though, for me its my hands and torso that stay warm, so much so that my fiance will playfully use me as a handwarmer in the winter >>'

But I have the worst problems with being hot. If the room is above 70 degrees I'm miserable, and at the same time its completely possible my feet are freezing. Sometimes I think fibro has a vendetta against being comfortable.