My poor feet!

I have had 3 sleepness nights because my feet both of them are so very hot. I put cream , lotion even baby oil but nothing helps. Last night I kept a cool cloth near the bed and wiped them down when they woke me up, so I was able to get a bit of sleep. During the day they seem ok , just when I lay down at night , anybody else have this problem. Help!!

Take Care

Gentle Hugs


Sure sounds unpleasant! No, I don't have it but just wanted to offer you some support, Vicky.

It kind of does sound like neurological burning. Are you on any meds to counteract neurological pain? Come to think of it, could this be a side effect of any of your meds? Always worth a look.

I hope someone's got a solution for you because it really stinks when you've got something so annoying that it keeps you up at night.

Hugs and smiles,


Hi Vicky, one thing that I used to use when my feet were hot (they’re cold now) were the slippers that have the inserts you can put into the microwave or into the freezer. I used to try lotion first, and if that didn’t work resorted to the slippers. Before I got them I would put the microwave bags in the freezer, or use ice bags, wrap a tea towel around them and try to keep my feet on them at nightI I think they’re called hot/cold slippers, it’s easier than keeping your feet on an icepack, and you can find them on the Internet and I may have seen them in a drugstore. They’re sort of clumsy to wear, but mine stayed cool for quite a while.

Gentle hugs

I sure do! I finally resorted to standing in the snow till I can't stand it. Then if i'm lucky I can fall asleep before they get hot again. The heart doc doesn't want me to do that anymore, easy for him to say ;) I don't know if it's from the raynauds or what? I hope we both get a solution here. Hugs, Charlie.