Weird palm and foot pain

For a few weeks I have been having sharp burning pain in my palms, right in the center. Makes it hard to drive or write or do anything. My fingers get tingly as well. The same has happened in my feet, right in the center bottom of my feet. Feels like I am walking on glass. Anyone experience this or have suggestions?

Actually, I can usually tell when I am going to have a fibro flare by the bottom of my feet, in the arch area, gets really tight. Not a lot of pain but uncomfortable, also the main muscle going to my thumb will swell. When I notice this I usually try to back off things, get more sleep, eat healthier, etc. Us with Fibro get the weirdest sensations don't we?

Maybe some neuropathy going on. Any burning feeling I have, like hot embers, I attribute to nerves/neuropathy. I have bad arthritis and as it builds in places it pinches off nerves on encroaches on their territory and rubs the nerve and it burns in reaction.

That's been my experience anyway. Neuropathy is no fun and there's not much you can do for it sadly. It's progressive as well.

You also might check with a neurologist because of the distinct areas one might be able to pinpoint the trouble.

I hope you get feeling sweet to yourself!

Always~Laurel aka Northwoods G-Ma