
Has anybody ever had a burning sensation on their skin? It’s not always in the same spot or last very long. It’s just enough to irritate me. I don’t really know how to explain it.

Hi, Brandy. Yes, it’s a symptom of Fibro called Allodynia. It seems to be part of the nervous system dysregulatory processes associated with Fibro. I have taken Gabapentin to help with it in the past. I also take soothing baths or practice breathing techniques which also help. Please discuss with your doctor to rule out any other causes, however, as it is not exclusive to Fibro.


I’m not sure if this is the same thing, but about a month ago my left arm got this extreme burning sensation. It started in my shoulder and worked its way down? I guess that’s the best way to explain it. I talked to my doctor about it and the best way I could describe it was using way, way, way too much icy hot. Just a painful, tingling burning sensation. Is that what it feels like to you?

Jess that’s exactly the way it feels. But it will go away just as fast as it appears. And I like said its just enough to irritate me. Not enough to really hurt me. I do take Gabapentin already. I don’t have a bathtub (which really sucks) so I can’t soak in warm water. I miss my bathtub. Thanks for your guys input.

I get that burning skin feeling too. It feels like I just touched a hot pan. I’ve noticed it tends to happen when I’m I in a flare because of stress. It also happens when I’ve exposed my skin to something irritating (like capsaicin) as I discovered when I made salsa this summer - now my husband makes the salsa :slight_smile:

Yes i get this burning sensation too.It is very uncomfortable for me.It normally feels worse when ium wearing non baggy clothing so i wear baggy clothing.