You're welcome. I didn't mention the usual things since I figured if a doctor knows anything at all about EDS he will know to do the Beighton test. Some doctors only do that. If you have 5 of the 9 possible hypermobile joints, they diagnose you with EDS. That is the most known test. After we were diagnosed, my sister was still questioning it some but was pretty sure it was right. She asked another doctor how we knew it was right. He grabbed my thumb and pulled it toward the arm (one of the 9 points) and said 'that's how we know'.
So depending on your doctor, you may need lots of evidence or maybe not. But they don't want to diagnose it for someone that has benign hypermobility. Some people never have pain. They stop being so hypermobile as they age (I think I got more hypermobile and I suspect it is because of mast cell issues).
But if the person is flexible but doesn't dislocate, subluxate, have hernias, skin issues, muscle tears, daily pain, the feeling of rigor mortis upon awaking, dysautonomia, POTS or tachycardia, Raynaud's, fibro, digestive issues, autoimmune problems, etc., there is no reason to label them with EDS even if they have the gene.
As they age it could get worse or it might not. So it's best not to try to predict the future with EDS. Most of us get worse. I've steadily gotten worse throughout my life. All the symptoms I just listed, I have to some degree. :p
Also, the better EDS doctors who have seen other EDS patients, can see a 'look'. The pretty, smooth, soft skin is very common. It's hard to describe the look but I think there's a looseness to our look sometimes (like a ragdoll), especially if we are thin. Then we list off decades of problems like above and we look so young and healthy for our age - tada - EDS!
We joke that if you look half your age and feel twice your age, you may have EDS! That's me. I am 40, look 20 and feel 80.
I definitely agree that it is way underdiagnosed and is likely more common than one in 5000. But we don't want to count benign hypermobility or common childhood hypermobility. Many step us saying they have EDS and make a show of it. It makes it look like a fun syndrome to have. It's awful! It is destroying lives and killing people. It needs proper awareness.