How to stay positive

Sorry forgot to sign my comment. "energy healing" (Susan)

I try to stay informed and be as proactive as I can be. I am finding there is alot of strength in knowledge. I am in an unwilling partnership with fibro. Rather than fight it all the time, I am trying to strike compromise and make this "partnership" work the best it can. It's important to me not to allow this disease too much control over me and my happiness. That said, I have been giving myself permission to be sad or angry when I have to be sad or angry. I believe in happiness and anger and their places within ourselves. It is tricky to keep this balance, but I find coming here helps me. I draw inspiration from the strength and positvity of others and feel good about being in a supportive group.

Hi Susan and BB,

Being positive is a must for any chronic illness, but with anything else there are moments of exception and for me these usually come when the barometric pressure drops and my lower back thumps. (like now with the snow) That pain is excruciating, it is from spinal stenosis.

Those are the times I go off to myself, if I can, take pain meds and rest, watch a movie and stay to myself, whenever possible. I have my grandsons so that is not possible unless I can get the little one to take a nap!

My sardonic sense of humor is always just around the corner, and lifting others up is always good for me!

I've met the nicest, smartest, and most compassionate of people here! Thanks to all of you! This group has been a life changer for me!

Thanks SK. I don't take meds anymore, too many side effects. Sense of humor and support from others is invaluable! The wet and cold weather makes it worse for me too. Plus general lack of sleep. My sleep is lousy even with an OTC supplement which does help. I keep trying things though and setting positive intentions to sleep better. I try to do everything I read about if it makes sense to me and use a lot of prayer and energy work.


Hi BB,

I understand all of that. Have you read "You Can Heal Your Life" by Louise Hay? She talks about the emotional connection to all dis-eases and the importance of healing our emotions to heal our bodies. I am a therapist and it all makes sense to me. It has helped me a lot to deal with old emotional issues.


Hi Susan, I haven't read, but now I am curious. I will check it out. I believe fibro is trauma-related and I am doing alot of work with a therapist to help with my trauma.

Thank you for your suggestion.

Hi BB,

I have done years of work on my own past trauma and continue to work on it. I agree that it is trauma related. Best of luck in your journey, It takes Tremendous bravery to do the work. I have found that forgiveness has helped me even though it seemed impossible at times.

Hugs to you!
