How you should be treated in your "WORK PLACE" if your still working (USA)

"Accommodation and Compliance Series"

Employees with fibromyalgia....i've found these great links for all fibro members who are still working and how you should be treated with Accommodation.

(Updated 04/09/2011)

By "Job accommodation network"

IIf you work at WALMART and do not have enough work cedoits YOU DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT COUNT for ADA. I know Im going through this.

What are cedoits?

Thanks, Tez, there are certain companies that are not subject to the ADA, such as companies with under 15 employees. Also, companies often argue that accommodations for those with disabilities provide an undue hardship for the employer to provide them, thus spawning many lawsuits. It is sad but true that employers will try to get out of doing something that is so right. (Hell, governments and individuals do it too!) that’s why we should always stick up for our rights and/or have an advocate do it for us.

sorry I meant credits

What kind of credits?

you have to have a certain amount of work hours in to count

I guess if you work part time you are just screwed. That sucks! And I have heard from a friend who works at Walmart that they give you just under the number of hours per week that you need to be considered full time so they don’t have to give you benefits. Walmart has a reputation for not being good to its workers.

The company determines who is eligible to receive benefits. So, one company may provide benefits to part timers and another may require you to work 40 hours a week. And some companies do not provide benefits at all.