I am new here!


I am a 39 year old single working mom to a beautiful 15 year old daughter who I value more than anything in this world and I have fibromyalgia. Having trouble with my body for 22 years now and after many diagnosis and re-diagnosis...... Fibro claimed me this year. From muscle pain to fibro brain, I have been run through the medical ringer and so far I haven't lost my mind. I have come close mind you but I remain a positive person in spite of a negative outlook at times. My hope is to get emotional support now that I have a concrete diagnosis.

Thanks for having me :)

Stephy Chelle

Helllo Stephy Chelle,

So glad ypu have found this site, you will get lots of emotional support. Also strategies and information that will help you thro' this very difficult condition. Sounds like you are a very positive person, so you will be able to share your ideas, too.

Take care, Anne

Hey and welcome, Stephy!

you came to an excellent support group that is very uplifting and knowledgeable. We're all in the same boat together! I have personally gotten so many encouraging and kind words from other fibro fighters on here, it is crucial to know that you are not alone in this disease and that there are others out there fighting the same battles. Please feel free to post whatever your feeling and if you ever want to just chat you can usually message me directly as well!

Blessings and prayers!