I can not believe

How much knowing what is wrong with me had changed my life already. My teen actually helped with dinner tonight from start to finish. Including the after dinner clean up and Sunday night dessert. I really am blessed my fiance is like a miracle sent straight from heaven and my youngest while still fairly young is a blessing also. So yes I’m still in more pain than I care to think about life is good

Mel, nice talking on chat with you earlier.

As they say, knowledge is power. And so it is! Having the name of an illness and meeting others who manage to cope is empowering.

And your family sounds wonderful. It's so nice to read about supportive family members. I wish everyone could have them. You are blessed for your wonderful family.

Take care,


It was very nice to chat with you as well. Looking forward to many more chats :slight_smile:

Wow, Mel, sounds like you have an awesome family who gives you great support. I don’t have that great support but, to me, just getting a diagnosis brought a terrific sense of relief as I could finally know what I am dealing with and I knew I didn’t have a terminal disease. And yes, life is good. When is the wedding?

I'm not really sure hopefully next summer we are moving soon and I refuse to do it until I have all of this under better control I want to be feeling as good as I can be so I can enjoy it as much as I possible can.