I'm sitting here reading some of the discussions, thinking about my day so far, and I have found I'm very thankful for today. I'm not sure why, I hurt so bad today, but after reading some of them, I know I have an awesome husband who for the most part doesn't truly understand, but is so very loving and patient with me. He knows that I'm bipolar, most of the time depressed, very rarely smile or laugh much anymore, and hurt about 90% of the time. He calls me beautiful and sexy, and tells me often how much he loves me. I've been hiding in my closet for almost 3 weeks now, but I've started stepping outside the door. He's right there to take my hand and guide me around until I get my bearings again. Even with my mental and physical pain, I know I am so blessed. I have 5 children (3 bio and 2 step) who are very, very patient and loving to me as well. Even my grandchildren are aware and "help" me when I need it, whether to carry something or help me up! My family is so precious to me, and I'm guessing I'm precious to them. Maybe if I try to remember this when I am having day that I just don't want to do this anymore, it will help me get through it because I know how precious I am to them and I wouldn't want to put them through any unnecessary pain. Thank you all for listening....
You are very blessed to have such a great family. I am sure you are just as precious to them.
What a beautiful family you have !! Having an emotional disorder and a chronic pain illness can be very difficult on our loved ones.... just ask my husband! But knowing that we have such amazing support can mean all the difference in our lives. You are truly blessed!
Thank you for sharing, Mimi. I know it is so hard to find a relatively pain-free and energized moment to get on here and talk. I am so happy you felt welcomed to express your concerns, your pain, and your happiness. Our stories help everyone. You are so precious... Just because you are you. ♥