As if it isn't bas enough having fibro fog when I run into people but add to that that MY LIPS ARE STICKING TO MY TEETH WHICH MAKES IT EVEN HARDER TO SPIT OUT WHAT I'M TRYING TO SAY.(pun intended) I don't know how obvious it is to others but it makes me paranoid.
I've tried the Biotene products and they don't really help,for me at least. I came accross this line of oral hygene products. I only bought the lozenges so far and I LOVE THEM !
They're natural and they absolutely work. With all of the bad tastes and dry mouth,i was brushing my teeth 4-5 times a day. Drinking lots of water(still do) but my gums and tongue get sore from all the brushing. I even have a soft SCUBA brush. Very soft and it's great for cleaning you whole mouth. I'm obsessed with oral hygene and dry mouth due to medications is not good for your teeth OR your breath. i use to chew gum or carry mints but even the mints would leave a bad taste due to the sugar(I'm guessing).
There's also toothpaste and mouthwash..haven't used them yet. The lozenges alone do the trick.
A lot of us experience oral issues,tonsil problems,especially those of us with CFIDS. This doctor explains the whole science behind the things that contribute to dry mouth and bad breath. Everything from build up on the tongue,tonsil stones(i spent years on antibiotics for chronic tonsilitis...very gross), to even post nasal drip. i don't know if all the added information interests did me, but i'm VERY thankful that I found this product. Use 1 Lozenge and my mouth feels clean fresh,and most importantly WET with my own saliva for a couple hours.
Been using them for a few weeks.LOVE THEM!!! SOLVES THE PROBLEM COMPLETELY!
Hope this is helpful.