If we could only sleep when we're supposed to

I'm back to sleeping in shifts again, a couple hours here, a couple there. My Rheumatologist is constantly working with me to find a solution to this, I don't have apnea, it's mostly a PAIN problem! So, I sleep when I can, most of the time it doesn't really matter when, it would just be nice to sleep when the rest of the hemisphere does!

Hello SK,

Wouldn't that be lovely, a normal nights sleep!

I go to bed at about 10.30 normally, am totally exhausted so you'd think I'd sleep right through, but NO! I'm awake again by about 2am, not always in pain, generally stiff yes but my brain never seems to sleep!

I usually get up, cup of tea, perhaps a bit of knitting or spend time here on this site. Then fall tired again so go back to bed!

Thinking back, I don't think I've slept through for about 3 years now! Luckily as I now don't work I can take an afternoon nap but I'd struggle for the rest of the day without it.

Perhaps it's a habit I've got into, but I've tried staying in bed at night and just end up restless and fed up! so I get up for a while. I don't know what the answer is, but it can be frustrating being up in the night, when I look out the window and see all the other houses in my road in darkness!

Hey ho! Being up for a while in the night has become part of my "new" life now!!

I'm sure we'd all feel so much better if we slept right through instead of having broken sleep all the time.

Take care,

Love Lucy xxx

Well, you know Lucy, they have to be so afraid of over medicating us to allow us to sleep normally, even if we never agree to early appointments. I've never met a woman who can sleep through the night without having to get up at least once or twice to go to the bathroom, so there is the danger of being 'knocked out', and falling!

That's very true!! Over the years it's either your bladder or listening out for your children that stops you getting a good nights sleep, us women can't win!! Even when your children are older, you're listening for them coming home when they've been out late!!

Lucy xx

I usually try and go to bed around 10 last night I went about 830 and read awhile. My biggest problem is waking up so stiff I can not move.

Oh yes, I know about STIFF!