In need of advice

As many of you are aware, I have been going through many tests over this past year. Today I saw the immunologist for the first time, (sent by my nuerologist) he tookn15 tubes of blood, told me I do have an autoimmune disease which is genetic, he said I have probably have had this since I was a youngster.

After explaining this he told me I need to see my Rhumetologist ASAP. I have an appt in Aug scheduled, he then proceeded to check my ears, poked around in there, then my throat, n finally my sinus cavityI have never had a tube almost 12 inches long put into my nose. After his exam, hevtold me I have blockage in my sinus cavity, and a lump in my throat. He also said he would be doing extensive allergy testing. How many of you think I should do the allergy testing? Oh, and he also sent 5 more scripts in to pharmacy. Has anyone ever tried for help with medical bills? We cnt keep going everytime I walk into a

Dr office other than pcp it cost me 60.00, this week aline cost me 140. Just in medical bills! That isn't includng the 6 scripts waiting at the pharmacy. I need help, I'm sick of Dr

There is one for zantax at night, then for sinus spray, and antibiotic. He is an ENT/immunologist, he wants me to go see my RA dr because of autoimmune disease Hypogammaglobulinemia. What do they do for blockages in sinus n throat.

Hi Jackie. did you mean that he gave you 5 scripts and you already have 6 waiting for you at the pharmacy? I got a bit confused. as for me i dont really even like to start a lot of new drugs at the same time. It is hard to figure out what is doing what if you have any reactions.. I have had allergy testing once because my skin would break out in hives/welts randomly and the itching was awful. turned out it was because of the opiates ( vic's/ perc's) i used for about 20 years but last year i gave them up for various reasons. anyway i will keep you in my thoughts and prayers for your well being and send you lots of hHUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGs,


No, one plus his 4.I'm just so tired f medications, pain, and being tired. I wish it would all go away, I just want to be normal! Its awful having yo deal with this crap forever! Dear God please help us all to deal with these burdens! Hugs to all. Jackie