I'm totally freaking out! Now my nuerologist wants me to see an immunologist due to very low low LGG levels! I'm so tired of Dr and their bills and SSI taking their good ole time scheduling my appeal! I just wan't to scream, I'm losing all my hand strength, and gross motor skills! I can't do this to much longer, I want to live a normal life again.
Hi Jackie
It is very hard to adjust to seeing doctors all the time and them wanting you to see some one else. It also takes a while to ajust to the life we have now and getting into new routines. I think venting is very good for us it helps to releave stress and no that their are others you can vent to. I will be thinking of you.
hi jackie.please dont freak out. i think your neuro is doing the right thing by sending you to the immunologist since those antibody levels are that specialists field of expertise. There could be a very good explanation and an easy fix. I will keep you in my most good thoughts and prayers and send you lots of HUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGS
Oh, Jackie, I'm sorry! It's hard to grasp all of the ways that fibro messes with us, it really is! It sounds like you doctor is trying his/her best, though, by sending you to another specialist. I'm sorry that I don't know what an immunologist does but I'm thinking it must be a pretty specific thing that he/she will be looking in to.
It seems that with fibro, things like motor skills and hand strength come and go. So hopefully you'll have some better ability to handle them in a while. And make sure to take frequent breaks, Jackie, when you're doing things that are giving your grief. I can only type a little bit then have to rest. Can't type like I used to. So try to just take those breaks for now and see what the immunologist wants with you.
Gentle hugs,
I just checked on what an immunologist does, and that is test allergies and other immunological issues. Maybe you also have allergies that are affecting you?
If you still don't feel like you're getting the proper help, feel free to try another doctor. Sometimes that's what's needed.
Soooooooo true! This illness is such a pain in the tush, especially in the beginning! Vent away, as pb says!
Thank you all for your support! Petunia, I do have allergies and asthma. However, my hemoglobin and LGG levels are very low. They are your immune system levels. I'm pretty sure it is another disease disorder that is going on. I just have always been very . I was diagnosed in my early 40s with fibro! It just seems the last 2 years things are going down hill! They found out in my nerve conduction study that there is severe nerve damage in both arms right arm is the worst. They have me seeing a rhuemy, nuero for brain isssuess, urologist, my pcp, eye specia,ist, how many more can they send me tol. It used to be the fai,y dr took care of everything. I miss those days. Ladies, I have had to stop coaching, teaching and doing the things I loved! I went from a gymnist to a person who has a hags time walkkng. I'm justbfrustrated. Sorry for sharing my greif. Hugs to all Jackie
Please don't feel like you need to apologize for venting. That's what friends are for and why we are here. It is a safe place.
You are in my thoughts and prayers. Please keep us posted on what the immunological says and what his recommendations are for you.
Jackie S.
no need for sorry. we are here to support one another. its the right place for you to be....
No apologies needed, I'm just very sorry that your nerves are in such tough shape. No wonder you're so upset, with all that is going on. I hope the immunologist helps you out and gets to the root of what's going on with you now. Please vent to us anytime you want!
Hugs and thoughts,