Is fainting part of Fibromyalgia

Hi all! I have a question for you all. Is passing out part of Fibromyalgia? I have been having this problem for a while now and I am concerned about it. I figure if anyone would know you all would! So please if you all have any advice let me know! Thanks y all!

well Paula,

i have a severe case of cfids (chronic fatigue immune dysfunction syndrome) in addition to the fm and all kinds of neuro issues. not sure which caused it. But i have had fainting.

I think it is best to see a neuro doc about this sort of thing or if you have a doc who has knowledge and treats fm.I still would see a neuro doc as well. all the best


Hi, Paula. Please do see your doctor about this sooner rather than later. It is not a part of Fibro to my knowledge. It may be a medication side effect or something else could be going on.

Please keep us posted.



I passed out before I was on any medicine. My docs said my body couldn’t handle the pain and simply checked the hell out. It would happen to me first thing in the morning. Once I was diagnosed and medicated properly, it was no longer an issue.

Hi Paula Z

Have you seen the doctor yet? Their are many things that can cause passing out so you should get this check soon.

Good day to you. I have been fighting dizziness and fainting for over 10 years and yes, this can definitely be directly related to fibro according to my awesome doctor. But you need to have it checked out because there other things that can have this problem besides fibro.

Hi all,
I have issues with dizziness, faintness, and tachycardia (rapid heartbeat). I was diagnosed with Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome or POTS. Its basically overly low blood pressure that the body corrects by speeding up the heart. It has been connected to fibromyalgia. But it’s definitely something to talk to the doc about, it can be a serious symptom.

Hi, I agree with the others, this is something you should definitely have checked out by a doctor. Lots of things can cause fainting and your doctor would be the best to advise you. Please keep us updated on how you are doing. Hugs!

Hi Everyone! I have been to the Doctor. She had a MRI and CT Scan done and blood work. Everything came back fine. She said that my blood pressure was low and because the Fibro isn't under control it could be from the pain I am in also. She said that it could be a side effect of some of the medicine too. So it is a combo of all of the above I am assuming. Thank you all for your concern and care. I appreciate it deeply! You guys are some Awesome friends! Huggggggs to all!

Paula Z.