Cat1 Here:
I know about careers. I have had fribro for 15yes and had to change careers 5 times till I could not hold on.
All my degrees and jobs have been related to working outdoors/ and physical activities with kids and animals.
I have lost everything and anything that mattered to me. I had trained for. I am now 61yrs a double wammie.. The last 4 yrs have been the worst.
I'm on disability but who can live of 950,00 a month. So we with fribro and it does lead to other medical problem are up against a lot of odds.
I have been on this site for about 4 months on and off -mainly off because I was afraid of what people would say and I did not thing anyone was suffering and in the same boat so I just curled up like a ball praying for something to happen but the people here were great. I was not scared and it gave me the will to find a combination of things that would give me some relief. But it has to start with getting out of what I call the RED Zone - to me that's the zone of no return. In the last 3 weeks - I just got out of another hospital stay - You can only shove so many pills down someone's mouth but it's having that connect with people like that are here that helps. Small steps - laughing, crying, venting, and knowing someone with give you a "A HA" moment - It has been 2 weeks since I have through about ending it -(And I have tried) but I owe it all to everyone here that feeling has not come back in the RED ZONE
My name is cat and I invite you to be my friend.