It's hard

Cat1 Here:

I know about careers. I have had fribro for 15yes and had to change careers 5 times till I could not hold on.

All my degrees and jobs have been related to working outdoors/ and physical activities with kids and animals.

I have lost everything and anything that mattered to me. I had trained for. I am now 61yrs a double wammie.. The last 4 yrs have been the worst.

I'm on disability but who can live of 950,00 a month. So we with fribro and it does lead to other medical problem are up against a lot of odds.

I have been on this site for about 4 months on and off -mainly off because I was afraid of what people would say and I did not thing anyone was suffering and in the same boat so I just curled up like a ball praying for something to happen but the people here were great. I was not scared and it gave me the will to find a combination of things that would give me some relief. But it has to start with getting out of what I call the RED Zone - to me that's the zone of no return. In the last 3 weeks - I just got out of another hospital stay - You can only shove so many pills down someone's mouth but it's having that connect with people like that are here that helps. Small steps - laughing, crying, venting, and knowing someone with give you a "A HA" moment - It has been 2 weeks since I have through about ending it -(And I have tried) but I owe it all to everyone here that feeling has not come back in the RED ZONE

My name is cat and I invite you to be my friend.



You betcha, cat1! But we already are, so I too invite others to “friend” you.

I got to know cat1 during a few low times, for both of us, and I have to admit I’ve never laughed so hard with a friend in a very long time. This amazing woman has a huge heart and so many stories she should write a book! I encourage everyone to get to know her and after hearing about her very different careers - gymnastic coach, law enforcement, special Ed teacher, environmentalist, etc., you’ll want more!

The people you meet on this site are more than just members. We “get” each other due to the fibro, but there’s so much more when you have someone who brightens your day and makes you laugh uncontrollably!!! Thank you, my friend ~ hugs ~ Sandi :slight_smile:

Hey cat1! I AM YOUR FRIEND! I am so glad to see you on the boards, I've been nudging you here, getting you into the soft cocoon of the group! You are such an interesting lady, have so much to offer, to give, to share. I know that you posting this discussion is not only going to help you, but help others. Something you dedicated your life to, and by others, I mean with 2 legs and 4!

Besides what Sandi gave her credit for, she is also an accomplished horsewoman, and was an emergency Vet Tech! There is a HUGE population of animal lovers here! She's worked with children too, guess that was the Special Ed!

I have been watching you renew your life and bloom in just a short time! Sounds like you had a 'knock of the spirit' as Carlos Castanada put it. I've had a couple of those too! Chronic illness is not easy to put into a good place!

What we are, what we can be, what we want to be is what we have to work with, so keep working it, girlfriend!

Though so many things about us are different, we all walk the same walk, or ride the same chair, yield the same cane, limp the same limp, and we've all had our hearts stomped by someone, something, and here we are again today. Wanting to have more information, make new friends, help ourselves and others!

I am very pleased to have you as one of my friends, if I could give you a gift, it would be to take an early morning ride on your favorite horse, I'm going along, you know! I'm not missing out on this! Close your eyes and it's there!

Sending love and hugs,


Hi Cat1,

I would be happy to be your friend--I will friend you as soon as I write this. I, too, tried to work with fibro. I worked in a factory, 50+ hours a week on my feet on cement floors. Needless to say, I couldn't take it. Living on disability isn't easy, but I manage somehow. I do a bit of work online that helps make ends meet.

As soon as I came in here I knew I had found a place where people would understand and not judge. I don't spend as much time in here as I would like--I am either busy or busy resting ;)--but I am so grateful to have found this site and I am so glad that coming in here has kept you out of your RED ZONE. This place is wonderful!!

Take care Cat and know that, although we have never met, you are loved!

Gentle Hugs, Kimberly :)

Meow to you too! It sounds to me like you are mourning your career…I too am in the same process. I MISS the career I loved so much. I was an insurance adjuster for homes and I love it very very much. But I can’t focus enough any longer to keep the files where they need to be with this darn FOG, plus the pain, sleep issues (work gets mad when you fall asleep at your desk when you just slept 12 hours!)

We all have “STUFF”. Taking your life is not the answer…I know I have tried, although for a different reason.

I am not on a lot but would be happy to be your friend!

Hi Cat

Kat G here. Unlike our namesake we only have one life. And all of us here know at times it can be pretty tough. But always remember that you can't give up. And we have to make the best of the one life that we have. It is my pleasure to meet you and I would like to be your friend. US "kittys" got to stick together! MEOW! :#)

Kat G47

Aww you are so cute lol. You have done so much in your fibro career you must be proud of yourself. We forget that some are better or worse off or we have times when the fibro goes from mild to severe and we can do loads or do nothing. We try out best living with this awful illness and just getting through the days without losing it is an achievement
Lol. I’ve had so many of them I lost count.

It’s great when you have a nice run of not so bad days or weeks isn’t it and share them with friends on here. What colour zone is that? Purple? Lets stay here for a long time!

We should all do a happy dance like cats do too! They’re so cute!

Cat - so glad you are doing better. I am so sorry you are having such a hard time!! I have been where you are and it is so hard to come out of it. I am so glad you have been able to fight it - unfortunately we can only do it for ourselves and it is such hard work. Take care and be kind to yourself. Big Hugs!!!!

I am so glad that it didn't work when you tried. Although it is hard and there are so few times when it is possible to know pleasure ,I hope those times can be worth it to you. Learning to say no helps so you can save your energy for the important things .Also learning to ask for help.Hang in there Cat

Sure Cat. Welcome to the club. Sorry for your suffering. My life hasn’t been the same since around 2007. Pain never leaves me as I know how you feel. How bout being pain buddies with me. I’m on disability also and have a hard time doing anything. My iPad is my friend a lot of the day. Take care.

Hey Cat1 We all here get it cause we got it,They say there are people out there who get over it eventually I only know one and he was a child of eleven when he got it but at 23 has arthritus. So that over it I am not sure I agree with,Hope your day is going as well as can be ,it not raining so it is alittle better here in Wisconsin. This is a wonderful place to come when you are not sure if you can take it anymore ,I know I do.Hang in there woman ,Sarah 2