Hanging in There

Two weeks ago I resigned my job. The email notice read- resigned to retire. Hell no! I resigned because of fibro, the pain, fog and fatigue! You can have a wonderful job, great credentials but if you don’t have good health, goodby career! Well that’s where I stand! Everyone has been congratulating me on my retirement and I smile and I’m so sad on the inside.

Bless you Patti. That’s a hard decision but health comes first. I hope that your fibro makes a huge improvement for you now. Well I know it will so I’m really pleased for you!

I no a couple of people that had emails sent out like that. One got a letter from where she worked congratulating her on her retirement she had used all her fmla leave and didn't no it till she got the letter.

I'm sorry to hear that. It's always hard to explain. I worked for 6 years, then went to school for 2 years, and I got sick. I really want to finish school. My husband is sucessful and I hate that everyone thinks of me as a housewife. I don't even like the idea of being a housewife, it's just not my thing. I'm stuck in my house, so I must be a housewife! :(

That was me I had a great job, great workmates who even used to cover for me when I was unwell, I was RN my job was 5min away. I tried doing all afternoon shifts because there's not so much happening at nite so I could sleep in and try to look presentable for work, but I got to the stage I was sicker the people I was trating, them my body just rebelled I started having svt a hearfor them to stop my heart beating so fast it couldn't condition and was gretting taken to hospital once a week with a racing heart they stope your heart for a few seconds and hope it jumps back into the normal rythym. Then I got septacemia blood poisning and nearly died I always felt that sick so it was only when I coudn;t stand I called a ambulance. So had to resign myself to the fact I was a better patient then a nurse but I miss my friends and the satisfaction of helping others

I know this sadness, Patti! I worked until I could not walk, and did a huge Christmas for my family at the tail end, was bed-ridden for 6 months out on long term disability. I finally got the letter that I had been terminated. I knew it was coming, it was not personal, it was their company rule. I was still devastated! I cried rivers, and waterfalls! Broke my heart! There is all kind of pain related to this, so much that is not on the surface!

It's a big on-going process, as far as acceptance! It does not come easy, or completely, but you can get in the right frame of mind and get out of bed, hopefully!

This site and my grand kids keep me going, along with 3 fantastic Doctors, find something to hang onto! We're all here for you! I'm so glad that you posted! Really glad!

Hope you stay in touch with us!

Big hugs,


Hello Patti,

I am sorry, all I can say is that I am going through the same thing. Other people don't understand, all they see is your "disability", not all of your knowledge or expertise or experience. I know it is hard for you, too. I have a hard time thinking of all these things I want to do, and realizing I don't have the energy to do it, or I can't do it because of my muscle fatigue or balance issues. I have a time A personality, and was always on the go, rarely even sat to watch TV, now, at age 46 I am on energy conservation, and I have not worked since April, and both PT and my primary said I can't do my current job. Well what can I do? I really don't think I can work any job at this point.

On the positive side, I have always wanted to be a stay at home mom. Now I am staying at home, but I am an empty nester. Now I have more time for my crafts. The house may get messier, but I get creative, and it helps not think about all the other stuff going on right now.