Dear cat1,
As moderators, we are not allowed to discuss this topic, as we are NOT Therapists, Counselors, or Physicians. So, I guess we'll talk about life. My life, since I don't know that much about you, yet, but hope to.
As a Mother, Grandmother, Great Grandmother, I always try my hardest to be available, though I can no longer perform the feats of my younger years. I push myself to do all I can for them when they come, and sometimes my grandson stays for 9 or 10 days at a time, which is usually good for a big CRASH for days, possibly weeks afterward, but I love having him, I love the idea that he still thinks I'm cool enough to come to see!
It took me 7 years and so many Doctor visits to get my full diagnosis, and there are still things they are suspicious about, like MS and SLE. It took years before anything substantial showed up on the x-rays, but it finally did. I was very fortunate to already have a good GP and chiropractor before, but it took me 7 years to get to my Rheumatologist. It was a car accident that kicked this into high gear, and I ran from ortho surgeons, to neuro surgeons, trying to 'get fixed'. However these wise men told me that as I was at that time, surgery would only ever make me worse... So I went the way of meds, and I know I am fortunate that I have found meds that I can tolerate, but there's a lot of trial and error, some made me very ill, but I got to better ones, and they do help. I'm better, not ALL better, not best, not great, but not bad usually.
I try to keep my little house clean and inviting, but that's a big challenge!
My volunteer work is here, as it is so difficult for me to ride in the car with the damage to my SI joints, DDD, DFD, stenosis and scoliosis. The Ethyl Chloride spray will somewhat numb me for a couple of hours, and if I'm not driving, I can take morphine, which without Phenergan makes me sick and with out benadryl makes me itch, really itch!
Haven't been able to work in years, I wanted to do something positive and helpful to others, so when they asked me to moderate, I was honored. I'm no expert, I don't know everything, I don't have all the answers, I'm not always well enough to do it. But I can make a difference, not all the time, not with everyone, but sometimes. Of all the things wrong with me, of all the groups I belong to here on BF, this is the group I chose, because I liked the members, the mods, and I wanted to help the young teenagers, and young mothers. I want to help everyone, but especially them, they just stole my heart.
Anyone who has experienced chronic, intractable pain has had a good long look on the dark side. It's not fun, it's not easy, you know this, we all know this. I guess I'm just an optimist deep down, yea, I know the sardonic humor. It's wicked sometimes, but it gives me the ability to keep laughing at myself. Why not?
How I live my life is how my grand kids will remember me. I don't have pets anymore. they are my pets! I am so very sorry that you lost your beloved cat! That is like loosing your very best friend, well it is really. I'm all in on the kitty adoption for you. There is always someone who has a litter. If you choose not to do the adoption thing, we found that sometimes vet offices have info on kittens to good homes.
We just went through this with my sister-in-law, she got a beautiful little guy, he keeps her busy, he;s just like a kid, always onto everything! It's done her nothing but good, and she brings him with her when she comes. We are pet friendly that way! She had to put her long time pet to sleep, and it did not take her long to need another. They are good for each other, and this kitten has given her a reason to live again. She is not well either, she has a fused neck and serious neurological problems, due to a fall.
I hope that you will feel better. It took me a while to respond, I was not sure what I wanted to say. We never know if we are saying the right thing, but we hope. We always hope!
1-800-273-TALK, they can help!
Wishing you well,