Awww sweetie. You are going through such a painful time now aren’t you. I’m sorry I missed your post. They say it gets worse before it gets better dont they and it’s true. It will get better for you. And everyone on here who goes through these awful hard times. We’ve grown so strong with living with the fibro. We have days when we think we haven’t but we really are strong on here. I went through an awful separation like you and believe me the cleaner the break the better. It’s not the same with joint friends and you can’t often get on with anyone who is a link. But my life and many others have become ten times better. The initial few weeks are the hardest then it gets easier. You would not have made that decision if its not something that you really believed would be better for you in the end. Stay strong friend and the sun will shine through before you know it. You know in your heart you can make it. Prayers and hugs x
Aww girls. I wanna give you both a hug. Giving me tears cos I know how you both feel. Stay strong please and keep talking. It will get better. I’ll put the rest off my health on it
Thank you so much. It will make me feel so much better to have someone that knows what I am going through, to talk with. God bless you!
I have cried enough for both of us. Life just isn't fair, is it? I have always tried to help anyone in anyway I could. I guess that is part of my problem, maybe? I know that I am a good and caring person (sometimes too much) Thank you, and God bless you for caring!
You need to volunteer like at a spinal ward at a hospital , or a Hospice find someone for you to feel empathy towards, people who are dealing with horrible and confronting illness even if it's just to visit someone who doesn't get a visit from anybody. People that have to deal with death alone, even though it's very sad, it' makes you feel good and worthwhile to bring a little sunshine into another persons life. I used to volunteer at the Childrens Hospital when aids started getting into the mainstream community, and there were so many babies who were born with HIV they were often left at the hospital because there mothers were drug addicted. I used to go in and just cuddle and hold them, they didn't have enough staff with time just to cuddle and play and talk to these little innocent angels who back then there prognosis wasn't good and nobody wanted to aadopt or foster a aids baby this gave me great joy seeing there perfect little faces,but on the other hand it breaks your heart when they got sick but while you were there the last thing you thought about was yourself. Same as at a Hospice so many people die alone I know because I sat with many dying people, as a RN it was great when we had some volunteers I could ring up just to be there to hold a hand, read a book, give them somebody so they didn't have to die alone. I quarantee even though your problems are significant, they will feel very minor after a visit to people worse off then you. It is a trap with a illness like this you lose perspective and empathy towards normal people this snaps you back to reality in a big way I hope you find your way back