Jaw Pain


For the past two weeks I have had severe pain in my lower jaw. I went to the dentist and he pulled a tooth however the pain has not decreased. Spoke to my doctor who indicated it had nothing to do with fibro, but after researching it appears that it might.


Debbie from FL

Hi Debbie

I have TMJ Have you thought about going back to the dentist? My ent doctor said my ear problems and jaw problems were caused by the arthritis and fibro

I was going to ask the same thing. My dentist made a bite plate for me because I grind my teeth and clench my jaw. He never used the words TMJ but thats basically what it is. I haven't worn my bite plate in years because every morning I would wake up and it would be in the bed somewhere or on the floor. I couldn't stand having it in my mouth. So when my stress level is high(super high),my jaw aches so bad and a lot of times it gives me pain in my ears. Sometimes i'll catch myself clenching when i'm awake and when I notice that i'm doing it,I try to relax it before it gets too out of hand. i'm pretty sure that in my case,it's caused by anxiety. Another nervous habit is rubbing my tongue along the inside of my teeth and it causes my tongue to get super sore and sensitive.