JayCS’s Fibro Blog

2021-04-16, Friday - Shorter night, brilliant day - is that the GABA?

FEELING Well % / Pain 0-7 :left_right_arrow: DOING

Sleep: 80% / 2 :left_right_arrow: ∑ 8h50, 4x up (40’): :white_check_mark::white_check_mark::white_check_mark:
GABA plus glutamic acid plus passiflora half an hour before bedtime for the 2nd time:white_check_mark::white_check_mark::white_check_mark:
Hardly any side effects: dry mouth, slight belly pressure-pain, slightly feverish-squeamish.
Activities: 90% / 1 :left_right_arrow: ∑ 5h15 (digi-work 3h15 sports 2h shop 0h) :white_check_mark:
Treatment: 90% / 1 :left_right_arrow: ∑ 1h… (APM h, self h) :white_check_mark:


(Well in % / Pain incl. Gut 0-10) :left_right_arrow: (Sleep, Fibro-‘Work’, Work Digi & Live, Activity, Treatment)
Sleep: After going to work and taking GABA cd be good. But tomorrow?
80% / 2 :left_right_arrow: 21:30 0:45!p.fw10’ 1:30i25’ 5:15!p doze 6:00w 8h30-40=7h50 My eyes don’t want to get up, my body does. -6:35 Now my eyes do too. +30 = 8h20, up 4x (40’) Let’s see how it goes. work 8:40 10’ First fibro-work, then 3h15 digi-Work incl. phoning. 13:15 Still OK, tho I may be overdoing things, no breaks, not enough change of position, too much flow. Tired eyes. 13:15 Fibro-work 30’. Eat. Table tennis 8:0, no breaks, no problems! Work 10’ 17:15-17:35’ 17:45 Grandchild playground etc. 45’ action without breaks!

Development: (:white_check_mark:)
Focus on increasing self-treatments:
Sleep Timing: Eat 19:00 :white_check_mark:, :new: 20:30 GABA :white_check_mark: bed 21:30 :white_check_mark: sleep-breaks <5’ :white_check_mark:, HWB :white_check_mark:
:new: 0. GABA side effects: No tingling any more, just 0:05 dry mouth → 2xgel/lipstick. 5:30 slight belly pressure-pain 5:15 & 6:00 Ever so slightly feverish-squeamish-ill.

  1. ∑ 30’ :white_check_mark: night 30’, day 30’ AT Night, meals.
  2. 1x :white_check_mark: 1-2x5’ Palpate! First thing.
  3. 0h :white_check_mark: *1-2x4’ Grandchild instead of workout! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
  4. ∑ 4h10 :white_check_mark: Fibro-work <4h all the time. 0:55:10’ < at night! 6:35-7:40 8:10-8:20=10’ 8:30-9:30-10=50’ +5’ 9:40-10:00=20’ 13:15-45:30’ 14:35-45=10’ 16:30-17:10 =4h +10’ :stop_sign:
  5. ∑ 0h10 :white_check_mark: Premeditate work! Used templates, but not enough pre-m.
  6. 11’ :white_check_mark:/:x: *1-2x11’ breath-hold! not properly, too distracted.
  7. Cold showering not possible due to body-acupressure yesterday.
  8. 3’* :white_check_mark: 5x1’ Stretch Legs! In between.
  9. 3’ :white_check_mark: 5’ Neck! (slp) Evening.
  10. 10’ :white_check_mark: 20’ Yoga! (slp) Evening.
  11. 10’ :white_check_mark: 10’ Hands! Evening

AT = Autogenic Training, cold/FCS = Flash Cold Shower (20’’) , ex = exercises, HWB = Hot water bottle, breath-hold/WHM-B-H = Wim Hof Method Breath-Holding, slp = sleep.
Reasons for getting up lbu: lower back unrest, p: pee, i: ideas. PsA = Psoriatic Arthritis-suspicion
fw = fibro-work
Pain 7 = crying (/out) point