JayCS’s Fibro Blog

2022-07-03, Sunday - Energy 15% / Sleep 85% (too long) / Feeling (70-)80%-ish

Focus on:

  • 2-3 cold showers at night
  • Cu and retinol?
  • slower eating
  • drinking more with capsules, but in compromise with keeping bladder pain down,
  • praps reducing sweet potatoes, quinoa, chocolate, olives, cashews, almonds, figs, broccoli, cucumber, herbs and apples, then stopping for 2-3 weeks, then re-introducing.
  • praps stopping quercetin, resveratrol, PEA (all this for oxalates and salicylates).

Saturday evening 21:00: hot flash, with a feverish-feeling, slightly burning skin and “feeling poisoned” - see MCAS/allergic.

Today’s symptoms sorted by the ACR 2016 criteria

Widespread pain (WPI) = 11 of 15 areas: limb-Ache 8 (20%, stiff 30%) + spine-pain 3 (20%).
Symptom severity (SSS) = severity 9 of 12: Fatigue 3 (80%), insomnia 3 (10%), fog 2 (20%), headache 0, GI 1 (10%), depression 0.

Triggers & resulting Symptoms

SLEEP (click for details): 10h30, up 6x (58'), only 2 cold showers ✅, but ➔ Feeling 80% well, Ache 2 of 7 ✅, getting up: 80%/2 ✅. Sleepy enough without a 3rd cold shower. Decided on the 2nd after a 30' stint, after which I had 2x 2h stints, a 1h and a 1.5h stint.

cold shower p0 Sleep 21:40- ear plugs after above “poisoning” myself. p2-3
22:40 20’ 80%/2/15% p3 st2 sip fw15’ air (ear plugs) A3
00:20 20’ 80%/2/15% p2 st2 sip fw1’ air (ear plugs) A4
2:17 5’ 80%/2/15% p2 st1 sip fw1’ air (ear plugs) B1
2:43 7’ 80%/2/15% p1 st1 sip fw1’ air (ear plugs) FC#2 calendula
4:25 4’ 80%/2/15% p1 st1 sip fw1’ air (ear plugs)
6:14 6’ 80%/2/15% p1 st1 sip fw1’ air (ear plugs)
7:38 17’ 80%/2/15% p1 st1 sip fw1’ air (ear plugs) (right nostril), eyemask: right eyebrow hurts a little under it. B2-4 with a lot of almond milk / water and a break before B4.
-9:08 stools, C1-3
Sum: 2h20+9h08-(20+5+7+4+6+17=)58’ = 11h28-58’ = 10h30, up 6x (58’)

ACTIVITIES (aim: 40% energy)ACHE: Quick grocery shopping at 19:20 ➔ 80%/2, TT 2:0 ➔ 80%/3 :white_check_mark:, cycle, mask, work, kids,*
ACTIONSPAINS: :white_check_mark: except: neck :white_check_mark: GI :white_check_mark:, esophagus :face_with_monocle:/:white_check_mark:, jaw :white_check_mark:, 4xp1-2 :x:, 18:00 Nauseous for a few hours, after lying in the shade / heat. :x:.
(lie, sit, stand, arms up, cycle, walk, mask??)
MCAS/HIT-Symptoms/Triggers/Treatments: :white_check_mark: Except lack of real energy as ever. :x:. Praps try avocado, olives, vinegar, mustard and soy/tofu again? Watching fatigue? Saturday evening 21:00: Wow, while ending a pretty copious meal but without more histamine triggers, I suddenly got a hot flash, with a feverish-feeling, slightly burning skin and “feeling poisoned”. So if it was something I ate, I need to be looking at something or a combination I thought was safe, like salicylates, which fits to the research-search I’d just come across anyway. 13:25 again a little bit. A bit worse - hot flush, skin pricks & burning here and there, after eating the left-overs of the left-overs, so that means it was the food, and as the reaction was worse yesterday, I’m thinking it wasn’t the increased histamine from eating left-overs (now 2 days old I think), but the foods. These were: quite some broccoli, half-cooked; white cabbage (but that’s not what’s meant by kale is it?), bits of sweet potatoes, quite some quinoa, a bit of chocolate, olives, cashews, almonds, figs, cucumber, herbs and apples, so a bit of everything on the oxalates/salicylates lists…

Fibro & Touch: :white_check_mark:. Probably wouldn’t be good at the moment, but more from MCAS. Showering is OK tho.
Covid-danger: :white_check_mark: We were outside in open space all the time yesterday, I hope that the family conctact was safe enough.


Chinese Acupuncturist - #23 on 30th :face_with_monocle: (Sleep & +25% GABA helping.) Session #24 on 12th.

SELF-PHYSIO (click for details): 78'

:white_check_mark: airing 5x2’, cold shower 3x(10’), cream fc/ey/hd/ft 0x1’, teeth 2x2’, HWB 0x3’, breath exercises 1x1’, Timing, hunchback-pillow 10’, Y. Nidra 0’, massage gun 0x3’, neck 1+ 0x1’, neck 2 0x1’, plantar/calf stretch 0x1’, acupressure 0x1’, palpate 1’, belly 3’, back 10’, aloe vera 0x1’, twist-stretch 1x1’, yoga/stretching 8’.
Combine: next?
:x: workout 7’, horse stance 1’, balance roll standing 5’, breath-hold 12’, jolt-jump 1’, marionette-hang 1’, shaking dance 1’, bent leg fall 1’.

Supps June 27th (28 supps): Supp costs:~325€/m (Jun 27th) CHANGED: Stable now I've piled everything back on. Working thru June 27th, I've seen I can add a 3rd Ellagic acid, as I have tons cheap with short use by date. Trying theanine before first meal, hoping I won't wake up too much. PLANNED/TAKEN TODAY: click for details:

ZERO now: Arg, B3/Nia, Cu, Mum, Nc 1*.5g, (Nd), Pe, Ps, Rib, Se, Sr 31125k, Zn.
REGULAR as of Jun 27th (>30 supps): ALA .2g, B2 4x50mg, B12 5mg/4m, C 2x.5g, Cr 6x0.6g, 0(-2) DAO before meals, D3 20.000 IE = 500mcg, + K2 (MK7) 200mcg, increased up to 2-3/w, EGCG 1x(50%, incl. theanine?).5g, EllagicA 2 → 3x.2g (+43mg vit. C), Fev .4g (+.2g MSM), Ga: 5x.6g=3g, Gi 3x168mg, Glu: 0.6+0.3g, Hon (2%)x2x.4g=16mg, Luteolin .2g, Ω3 1x5mg, Mg Gly 2x50mg, Mg Mal 2x45mg, P5P 1x27mg, PEA 1x0.4g Pf 5x.35g, pine bark 2x.5g, PQQ 1, CoQ10 (ubn) !1x.1g, Qc 4x.5g, Rs (50%) 2x.4g, Ro 2x.35g, Sa .1g, Sily (80%) 1x.5g (+83mg L-cholin) , The 2x.2g (+.15g polyphenols).
What-when-details: Updated Jun 27th (before: see the reference post)
/20:00 A1/2 “19:00” PF#1+2 GABA#1 Cr#1+2, 2 mg mal, 1P5P, 2x50mg B2, 1PQQ, 5ml Ω3 & Qc. Meal: 0 DAO 1xHon
Meal - Gum -
/22:50 A3 “21:00” PF#3 .6 GABA#2 & .6glu & 1Lut (slp!) & Qc 1xHon
0 Chamomile tea.
/0:20 A4 “23:00” PF#4 .6 GABA#3&.3glu#2 & Ellagic acid#1 + 0 Rupafin
/2:20 B1 “01:00” PF#5
/7:45 B2 “07:00” +ALA+1x pine bark, (teeth) +1Ro
/7:45 B3 “07:00” (-30’) Q10 Qc Rs#1 SAM-e
/7:45 B4 “07:00” EGCg + Fev/MSM + Sily +2The?
/10:30 C1/2 “MEAL!” 2Cr#2 .6GABA#4, (C2:) 2x50mgB2, gink#1, 0 Zn, gly#3+4, 1x pine bark#2 + vit.D3 2-3/wk.
/10:30 C3 “MEAL” .5gC#1 (0NAC)+PEA
Meal -11:00 Gum 11:30-11:55
/13:30 C4 “11:00” (+2h/) gi#2 0gly#1. Nd#? & Ellagic acid#2
0 DAO (D1) “12:30” 0psyllium
/14:20 D2/3 “13:00” .5gC#2 , Cr#3, .6GABA#5, gink#3 DRINK!
Meal 14:20-35 Gum - Hmm, 15:30, still hungry…-16:00
19:20 D4 “17:00” (“meal/acids+2h”) Ellag#3, Qc#4.Rs#2, Nd#? +1Ro
“18:00” Prepare: 1) Cpl & chk/C supp-chg. 2) Remove “v”, cut, save, paste 1x & unhide & paste 2nd (+1 to date and ##). Close 2nd TAB!
(Nov 4th, Jan 10th: B12 5mg methylcobalamin s.c.; last: Apr 10th.)

The day's 16 supp-compartments (10', plus 5' making capsules), Jun 27th

Pf: 1A1+1A2+1A3+1A4+1B1, B2:2A1+2C2 C:C3+D2 3x2Cr: A1+C1+D2, Ell: A4,C4+D4. 4-5xGa: A2,A3,A4,C1,D2, Glu: A3,a4 Gi: C2,C4,D3 2Gly:C2 Hon:A2.A3. 2Mal:A2 Qc: A2.A3.B3.D4 Ro:B2,D4 Rs:B3,D4 SINGLE: P5:A2 A3: Luteolin A4: 0Rup! B2: ALA+1-2 pine B3:Sa+Q1 (->ubiquinone <150mg/d!) B4: 2Th EGCG&Fev/MSM&Sily C2:0Cu/Zn C3:PEA (A2:Ω/Pq:meal) DAO before every meal, usually only when risk?
(A2:0Se), (B2:0mu), (5NADH if nec.) (D1:0Pe). (0 Nia) (0Nc: A3, B1,C1,C3,D2) (0Sr: B1,C4,D4)


‘Research’ today:

Quercetin and salicylate sensitivity?

I haven’t found much yet, - people saying they are sensitivity to salicylates, yet tolerating quercetin, a comment on mastcell360 saying it had been helping her but stopped confused cos of high levels of salicylates in an Organic Acid Test (I guess the Great Plains one).
This is a short UK page by a Margaret Moss with many details - but not a single source - recommending “if you have a problem with histamine or salicylate… [y]ou need to minimise your intake of amines and phenols in general”. And she recommends against many supps, not just quercetin: “This includes resveratrol in red wine, tyramine in mature cheese, and phenylethylamine in chocolate. Green tea should be avoided because of the quercetin in it. Avoid tablets of quercetin and take vitamin C without bioflavonoids, which are phenols.” - also boron, which reduces vit. B2, thus sulphate & glutathione. On the other hand recommending DAO, with copper, as well as Mg, Zn, vit. B1, B2, B6, B12, folate, DMG / TMG / choline. Interesting the idea to take Epsom salt baths not because of the magnesium, but because of the sulphate - never read it put that way. https://www.nutritionist-resource.org.uk/memberarticles/why-do-i-react-to-histamine-sulphites-and-salicylate
I find extend recommendations like these which contradict the many people recommending quercetin and resveratrol for MCAS exasperating. And what do I now do with the PEA I’m taking, and is the EGCg from green tea, and theanine OK? And do I now have to stop eating my broccoli, sweet potatoes, cucumber, herbs (my few?), apples cos of salicylates and sweet potatoes, quinoa and chocolate (my dark sorts?) cos of oxalates like Dr. Becky Campbell lists, as opposed to the SIGHI list? And stop my trials with olives, cashews, almonds, and a fig a day, which seemed to have been OK in small amounts? And what about the high amount of bioflavonoids, being phenols, in broccoli and kale, I thought they were good, now they may be bad?
Makes me want to ignore them all and go back to my very own guinea pig lab drawing board. But without outside suggestions that couldn’t exist. sigh. I do need to get my energy up considerably, stuck at 15%. But by reducing all the above, meaning a reduction of food types from 50+ to 40? evenbiggersigh Oh well, here I go again… Becky Campbell says we can stop salicylates immediately. And oxalates slowly - separately if it’s only them or together if we are reducing salicylates: slowly to prevent their dumping, then re-introducing after 2-3 weeks.
Trudy Scott (amino acids) is someone whose judgement I trust and she has an uncommented page sharing the Great Plains Organic Acid Test; but that’s not enough for me yet.

The page I’d found yesterday giving companies advertising ellagic acid content some stick cited a “Dr. John Barron”. I’ve found him, as his site wasn’t linked. He’s called Jon tho, but is not a Dr. in any form at all, has a very professional site, which shows he uses the pomegranate form of ellagitannins and markets specific formula in a pseudo-understating spectacularly unspectacular way. https://www.jonbarron.org/diet-and-nutrition/designing-super-food-formula. I’m slightly impressed by the website, but not by his recommendations, nor his videos, and the only review of his book on amazon that I can follow is the worst one, with telling quotations.
BTW That lead me on to have a look see that DC and DO doctors (often “functional doctors”) are actually “doctors”, with almost as long training as an MD, I didn’t realize that, we don’t have that here at all.

Lessons in self-care #355 Watching out for my energy went well.
Reasons to be cheerful #357 Gig today went OK, lying down in between.
Things I love about myself #51 Quick to pluck up courage again.

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