JayCS’s Fibro Blog

2022-09-08, Thursday - Energy 5% / Sleep 70% / Feeling 60%-ish

Strange start to the night, haven’t had that for months: Totally awake upon going to bed. So I got up again after half an hour, the time it sometimes takes for the fast cold shower FCS to work. And worked for almost 2h, without getting particularly tired, then cold showered again, this time it worked. Thinking about supps it felt as if I hadn’t taken any, then at least realized I had very probably forgotten the magnesium malate, so added that upon getting up to work. However I had stopped taking it a while back without such an effect. So I’d’ve thought I’d forgotten either passiflora or GABA or both. However I’d encapsulated GABA and think I remember preparing the amounts, similar for passiflora. In the morning I also feel 8.5h is enough, not druggedness, so am stopping there. But not sure what this could mean. If it were the tooth ache from the dentist or the “lower back unrest” LBU then it should’ve been the night before… The only thing that’s changed is getting more energy in the evening, seemingly 10% or more, being able to move more without nausea…

:zap: Pee pain & muscle tension may be showing I need more GABA for a bit.
:student: Pak choy is good for “detox”, like all cruciferous veggies (cabbage etc.).
:student: Glutathione as detox-superhero and protecting mitochondria (again cabbage etc.)
:student: NAC, ALA, curcumin, vitamin D, SAM-e and melatonin from sun increase glutathione.
:ambulance: :soon: Bed “before” 10.
:ambulance: :soon: Test pak choy for burning once tooth is thru.

Today’s symptoms sorted by the ACR 2016 criteria

Widespread pain, WPI = 11 of 19 areas: limb-Ache 8 (20%, stiff 20%) + spine-pain 3 (25%), shoulder-girdles/hips 0 chest / abdomen / jaw 1 (50%)
Symptom severity, SSS = severity 9 of 12: Fatigue 3 (95%), insomnia 3 (30%), fog 2 (15%), headache 0, GI 1 (20%), depression 0

Triggers & resulting Symptoms

SLEEP (click for details): 8h16, up 6x (2h29) 🧐/✅ ➔ Feeling 80-90% well, Ache 1-2 of 7 ✅, getting up: 90%/1 ✅

Teeth, cold shower p0 Sleep 23:15- ear plugs, dozing, LBU, not tired, remembered I’d forgotten the magnesium malate, so took at
23:45 1h45 80%/1/30% p2+2 st1 sip fw10’ FCS#2
2:45 5’ 80%/1/10% p0 st1 sip fw1’
3:45 5’ 80%/2/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’
6:00 18’ 90%/1/10% p0-1 st1 sip fw1’ air 6
7:35 10’ 80%/1/10% p2 st1 sip fw1’ air
9:34 6’ 90%/1/10% p0 st1 sip fw1’ B2-4
-10:00 stools
Sum: 45+10h-(1h45+5+5+18+10+6=)2h29 = 10h45-2h29 = 8h16, up 6x (2h29)
Memo: Need to ask mates for coriander

ACTIVITIES (aim: 40% energy)ACHE: 70%/3 :x:, can’t do much at all.
ACTIONSPAINS: :white_check_mark: except: neck :white_check_mark:, GI :white_check_mark:, esophagus :white_check_mark:, jaw esp. 16:30- after talking with sister for 25’ :x: :x: :x:, pee pain: 5xp1-2 :white_check_mark:.
MCAS/HIT-Symptoms/Triggers/Treatments: :white_check_mark: Fatigue better from acupuncture/sleep/cold showering as well probably as losing the CoV-antibodies. :face_with_monocle:. Hazelnuts no problem, I’m taking hazelnut butter every morning in my muesli at the moment.
Fibro & Touch: :white_check_mark:
Covid-danger: :white_check_mark:
Weather: Indoors :white_check_mark: Outdoors :white_check_mark:.


Tooth on 6th. :face_with_monocle:
Phoned cardio on 8th cos of the remaining bloods, e.g. copper, B12, she’ll be phoning back.
Immunologist via studies?
Chinese Acupuncturist - #27 on 30th, after 28 days :white_check_mark: (Sleep helping, trying to reduce GABA again) Still good. Session #28 on 9th (postponed from 8th)

SELF-PHYSIO (click for details): 109'

:white_check_mark: airing 3x2’, cold shower 3x(10’) (once to cope with the cold), cream/oil fc/ey/hd/ft 1x1’, teeth 3x2’, HWB 0x3’, breath exercises 5x1’, Timing, hunchback-pillow 20’, Y. Nidra 20’, massage gun 0x3’, neck 1+ 1x1’, neck 2 0x1’, plantar/calf stretch 1x1’, acupressure 1x1’, palpate 0’, belly 0’, back 4’, !!aloe vera 2x1’, twist-stretch 0x1’, yoga/stretching 0x1’, breath-hold 12’,
Combine: next?
:x: workout 7’, horse stance 1’, balance roll standing 5’, jolt-jump 1’, marionette-hang 1’, shaking dance 1’, bent leg fall 1’.

Supps Sep 5th (32 supps): Supp costs:~364€/m (Sep 8th) CHANGED: 8th: I'm getting strange sweaty burning after the C4 and D4 supps. The only thing that's new there is starting up with ellagic acid, but only after a short break. From 8th on I'm adding the olive leaf extract low (100mg) and slow (but +100mg daily, not weekly). Boosting some things from 7th on for tooth. Trying 1x150mg alpha GPC for fatigue from Sep 5th (recommendation on a forum), can add a few when I'm safe. Pure ATP 400mg in liquid was bad, so at most I may encapsulate & start with less, 100mg. Can't explain pee pain on Sep 4th/5th unless additional stress from a gig. Taking 1x B3 flush free since 25th, 2x from 31st (then checking homocystein). Got, but not yet taking olive oil extract, fisetin. Continuing B2 (R-5-P) when I get round to it. Copper (gluconate), pending low bloods. New idea: Creatine. PLANNED/TAKEN TODAY: click for details:

ZERO now: Arg, B2, Cu, Mum, Nc 1*.5g, (Nd), Pe, Ps, atm !Qc, Rib, Se, Sr 31125k, Zn.
REGULAR as of Sep 5th (32 supps): ALA .2g, alpha-GPC 1x150mg, B2 0x50mg, B3/Nia 50g, B12 5mg/4m, C 2x.5g, Cr 6x0.6g, 0(-2) DAO before meals, D3 20.000 IE = 500mcg, + K2 (MK7) 200mcg, stopped increasing that, EGCG 1x(50%, incl. theanine?).5g, EllagicA 2 x.2g (+43mg vit. C) after a short break, Fev .4g (+.2g MSM), Ga: now 4x.6g=2.4g, Gi 3x168mg, Glu: down to 0.6g, Hon (2%)x2x.4g=16mg, Luteolin .2g, Ω3 1x5mg, Mg Gly 2x50mg, Mg Mal 2x45mg, P5P 1x27mg, PEA 1x0.4g Pf down to 3x.35g, pine bark down to 1x.5g, PQQ 1, CoQ10 (ubn) 1x.1g, no Qc 0x.5g, Rs (50%) 2x.4g, Ro 2x.35g, Sa .1g, Sily (80%) 1x.5g (+83mg L-cholin) , The 2x.2g (+.15g polyphenols).
What-when-details: Updated Sep 5th (before: see the reference post)
/20:15 A1/2 “19:00” PF#1+2 GABA#1 Cr#1+2, 2 mg mal, 0-1P5P, 0x50mg B2, 1PQQ, 5ml Ω3 & 0Qc. Meal: 1xHon. Q10.
Meal -21: Gum -
/23:15 A3 “21:00” PF#3 .3-.6?GABA#2 & .3-.6?glu & 1Lut (slp!) & 0Qc 1xHon + 0 Rupafin
09: B2-4 “07:00” +ALA+1x pine bark, (teeth) +1Ro, 0Qc Rs#1 SAM-e EGCg + Fev/MSM + Sily +2The
Meal 11:00-35: Gum 0
11:35 C1-3 “MEAL!” 2Cr#2 .6GABA#4, (C2:) 0x50mgB2, gink#1, 0 Zn, gly#1+2, 1x pine bark#2. .5gC#1 (0NAC)+PEA + Rutin + vit.D3 1/wk. + 1x alpha-GPC.
/13:50 C4 “11:00” (+2h/) gi#2 1 Ellagic acid#1
Meal 14:20-15:00 Gum - (D1) “12:30”
/16:30 D2/3 “13:00” .5gC#2 , 2Cr#3, .6GABA#5, gink#3 DRINK!
/19:00 D4 “17:00” (“meal/acids+2h”) Ellag#2, Qc#4.Rs#2, +1Ro
“18:00” Prepare: 1) Cpl & chk/C supp-chg. 2) Remove “v”, cut, save, paste 1x & unhide & paste 2nd (+1 to date and ##). Close 2nd TAB!
(Nov 4th, Jan 10th: B12 5mg methylcobalamin s.c.; last: Apr 10th.)

The day's 16 supp-compartments (10', plus 5' making capsules), Sep 5th

Pf: 1A1+1A2+1A3, alpha GPC:C2. B2:0A1+0C2 C:C3+D3 3x2Cr: A1+C1+D2, Ell: A4,C4+D4. 4-5xGa: A2,A3,C1c2,D2, Glu: A3,c1 Gi: C2,C4,D3 2Gly:C2 Hon:A2.A3. 2Mal:A2 Qc: 0A2.A3.B3.D4 Ro:B2,D4 Rs:B3,D4 SINGLE: P5+Q1 (->ubiquinone <150mg/d!):A2. A3: Luteolin B2: ALA+1 pine B3:Sa. B4: 2Th EGCG&Fev/MSM&Sily C2:0Cu/Zn C3:PEA+B3 (A2:Ω/Pq:meal) DAO before risky meals?
(A2:0Se), (B2:0mu), (0Nc: A3, B1,C1,C3,D2)


‘Research’ today:
Not sure what all this detox stuff is about, such a buzz word. Relevant? What Berg has to say about it is before you take detox herbs to take purified bild salts, so you don’t get a detox reaction he calls Herxheimer Reaction, some say “Herx” (Rxn = Reaction). I don’t think I get these.
How could I detox? He says it’s possible with foods: Detoxify 1000s of Chemicals From Your Body Just With Food - YouTube, cruciferous vegetables induce bile transformation (says the WHO): kale, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, arugula, bak choi. When I eat these (only bak choi at the moment) I don’t have any Herx.
Glutathione is Berg’s “superhero” for detox, repairing the liver, which I however don’t have any problems with itself. The MOST Important Fatty Liver Detox and Cleansing Antioxidant - YouTube