JayCS’s Fibro Blog

2023-01-24, Tuesday - Energy 14%

Sleep 90% / Feeling 80%-ish / nausea 0%, fog 10%

New Habits: Click for details of those I'm still working on. Last change 14th: deleted B-supps & earlier antihistamine & leg stretches and turned daylight lamp & back exercises & teeth into reminders, leaving (reduced) 4: bed, ACT, stretches & cold food out.

:ambulance: Bed 23:30-8:30/9:00. :x:
:ambulance: Note thoughts and emotions (ACT) (:white_check_mark:)
:ambulance: More leg stretches. (:white_check_mark:)
:ambulance: Cold foods out of fridge 2h earlier than eating. (:white_check_mark:)

Today's FM symptoms unchanged from WPI 11 & SSS 9, except....: SSS +1 headache 40% in evening (click for details)

Today’s symptoms sorted by the ACR 2016 criteria

Widespread pain, WPI = 11 of 19 areas: limb-Ache 8 (20%, stiff 10%) + spine-pain 3 (10%), shoulder-girdles/hips 0 chest / abdomen / jaw 0
Symptom severity, SSS = severity 9 of 12: Fatigue 3 (86%), insomnia 3 (10%), fog 2 (10%), headache 1 (40% in evening), GI 1 (10%), depression 0

Triggers & resulting Symptoms

JAB#3 (on Nov 7th) causing MCAS / histamine problems, esp. energy narrowed to 15-20%. 22nd: no tongue, try more pecans, praps with DAO before? Lips still very white. 21st 9:30: Tongue20% (pecans?). 20th: Trying a few half pecan nuts didn't make my tongue burn much more.

JAB#3 (on Nov 7th) → MCAS / histamine since end of Dec: 15-20% energy for under 45’, then white lips & pale face. But if I keep strain down to ‘half speed’ (70%) I can push on thru for hours - with a few breaks and lots of task-switching. Not that much specifically histaminey problems since end of Dec, occasionally sinuses and nausea, no more ill ache. Usually white lips & face 30%, and some sliding instead of walking indoors 10%, bit more cold intolerance 30% (long johns 24/7, 2 thick duvets at night). From Jan on, bit warmer (5-12° C), I’ve swapped long johns for a 2nd pair of pyjama trousers at night and when I’m pretty active at daytime sometimes no long johns, but when out slow cycling/walking. And don’t need hot water bottles any more, whether I can manage a cold shower (usually) or not.
Development summarized: Down: Nov 17th - Dec 1st, worst 17th-18th, best 20th & 29th. Up: Dec 2nd-6th, Down 7th-8th, Up: 9th-14th, best 13th-14th: Winning easily 4:0, and slow energy for 4h! Down: 15th-21st 7 days, Up 22nd to 24th winning roughly 3:1, Unsure: 25th-31st: TT 2:2 or no play possible: 25th 2:2(?), (26th 0), 27th: 2:2, (28th 0 - ordered supps, not cellar), Down: 1st-2nd. Up: 3rd, Down: 4th. Up: 5th.
Unsure: 6th. Sinuses after 80g of baked beans, but not a 2nd time after 70g whilst having taken my antihistamine again, after the 3rd time tongue burning (left side) → for 12h → 24h,… plus eating half? a walnut at 2 by accident, my tongue tip started burning a few minutes later too. 7th: Up (TT 5:1) until flustered by having to get something to the post, making art exhibition very difficult, better after rest.
8th: First down (TT 3:0), then OK-ish - de-cluttering etc. slowly for 4-6h. 9th: Unsure, seemed OK. 10th: 1 DAO allowed 120g of baked beans and half a walnut without tongue burning. 11th: Ache all over, lips white. 1 DAO allowed 120g of red beans with only a bit of tongue burning. 2x 12th: Needing one hot water bottle again at night. Lips even paler after the tooth cleaning. No tongue burning after DAO/red beans. 13th: Better, don’t think the GI problems have to do with the MCAS. A tepid or warm shower hurts more after than a cold shower during it. 14th: Like yesterday strong flushing from nicotinic acid: why? Yesterday’s nausea was definitely GI, unlikely the jab nausea. 15th: Runny nose in the morning for “no reason”, white lips 80% at 10:45, 13:50 sinus burning for quite some time, 19:00 again or still sinus burning. 16th: Slight tongue burning yesterday evening and again upon waking this morning. Better again. 17th 18:30 Worse again (right side). 18th: Hurting tongue since 16th, worse from 17th, despite added GABA (4x0,4+2x0.75 = 2,7g). 19th: Tongue hurting less. 20th: Trying a few half pecan nuts didn’t make my tongue burn much more. 21st 9:30: Tongue20%. 22nd: no tongue, try more pecans, praps with DAO before? Lips still very white.

Treatments: Antihistamine, and extra GABA from Nov 29th. Stopping the antihistamine at the turn of the year quickly caused sleep problems.

SLEEP (click for details): 6h39, up 4x (33'), 6h deep. ✅ ➔ Feeling 80% well, Ache 2 of 7 ✅, getting up: 80%/2 ✅. Nostrils 5% stuffy 100% of the night.

A3 teeth0 alternating shower/ p0 Sleep 1:05- Why not 21:00? eBay. 3rd # is LBU
Memos: Lower Back: short exercises, twist-stretched, yoga & hanging. massager.
2:35 5’ 80%/2/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep air PSYLLIUM cream
(nostril/s5% nauseous0% stomach5% sinuses0% headache0% sore throat5%)
3:45 5’ 80%/2/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep air cream HWB#2
(nostril/s5% nauseous0% stomach5% sinuses0% headache0% sore throat10%)
5:25 5’ 80%/2/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep air Sore leg muscles! (why?)
(nostril/s5% nauseous0% stomach5% sinuses0% headache0% sore throat10%)
7:25 18’ 80%/2/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep air cream Sore leg muscles
(nostril/s5% nauseous0% stomach5% sinuses0% headache0% sore throat10%)
-8:17 80%/2/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ doze Sore leg muscles
(nostril/s5% nauseous0% stomach5% sinuses0% headache0% sore throat10%) B1-4 ‘ in sun, stools firm?
Sum: 8h17-1h05-(5+5+5+18=)33 = 7h12-33 = 6h39, up 4x (33’), 6h deep.

ACTIVITIES (aim: 40% energy)ACHE: 80%/2 ➔ TT 3:(0) (picking up 0 balls) ➔ 80%/3 :x:, not too much, lots of rest ➔ 80%/2-3 :x:
ACTIONSPAINS :white_check_mark:: except GI :white_check_mark:, esophagus: better :white_check_mark:, pee pain: 0xp1-2: better :white_check_mark:, lower back unrest :white_check_mark:, finger tips: better now I’ve been moving stuff less :white_check_mark:. Lips chapped, improving :white_check_mark:).

Click for details on Touch, Covid, Weather, last seizures Jan 14th & 15th, last esophagus block Jan 8th, last jaw pain Jan 10th. Well I spose since then 1-2x/d.

Touch: :white_check_mark: Covid: :white_check_mark: Weather: Indoors :white_check_mark: Outdoors :white_check_mark:. Daylight lamp regularly on.
Last focal seizures: Jan 15th 10:40 (from a pee urge, only 2nd “wave”). Jan 14th 23:58 (no trigger, praps missing out on .6g GABA Friday). Jan 5th (after being scolded for being hyper). Dec 11th: 1x. Nov 21st: 2x.
Last esophagus blocks: Jan 19th: Sometimes do use massager a while to make sure. Jan 17th: I can take my B supps and then go to bed again atm. Jan 8th: Block after evening supps, maybe from twisting. Jan 7th: Testing if twisting before, while & after pills & food increases esophagus blocks Jan 6th: Slight blocks. Jan 5th: Medium block in evening. About 5x small blocks from pills around end of the year. Dec (20th, 15th) 11th (9th,) 1st, Nov 30th 2x, 29th 2x, (28th,) 24th, 22nd, 20th. Powder blocks in funnel if it’s too much in one go…
Jaw: Hardly & seldom pain since Nov. A bit more in Jan. Jan 6th: Slightly psychosomatic from memory of a painful time. Jan 10th: A bit after tooth cleaning. After: regularly a little bit, 1-2x/d.


Click for details on bloods (Dec 9th), practitioner ideas (last on Dec 20th), acupuncture (last on Dec 22nd). Last started masterwort (warily) and Hexacyl on Jan 6th - low & slow. 13th: Unsure if the stomach problems are from those two, so stop-start to see. 16th: again feel 2x2 drops is too much, stomach problems. 17th: 2x1 drop, 2x OK, praps a bit. 19th: 1-2x1 drop each again apparently too much (nausea).

Bloods at cardio Dec 9th: Homocysteine a bit high, continue B3 and B2, phosphate not that bad. Leukocytes low! CK, muscular, too high, praps fibro?
Alternative health practitioner (“Heilpraktiker”) on Dec 6th+20th: Jan 6th: Started masterwort & Hexacyl, lower than recommended (2x1 drop each), adding 1/d. 9th: Further research after reply to take manganese and vit. E. 13th: Unsure if the stomach problems are from those 2, so stop-start to see. 16th: again feel 2x2 drops is too much, stomach problems. 17th: 2x1 drop, 2x OK, praps a bit. 19th: 1-2x1 drop each again apparently too much,.
Chinese Acupuncturist - Session #32 on Nov 4th., after 14 days :white_check_mark: “Energy still pretty stable at 20%, despite jab-nausea…”, now it’s down from that so often that I tried #33 22nd Dec. Wasn’t worth it: No improvement, sleep too short.

SELF-PHYSIO (click for details): 77'

white_check_mark: airing 4x2’, cold shower 1x(10’), cream/oil fc/ey/hd/ft 6x1’, teeth 2x2’, HWB 1x3’, breath exercises 4x1’, Y. Nidra 0’, massage gun 0x3’, daylight lamp/sun 4x5’, plantar/calf stretch 5x1’, acupressure 0x1’, palpate 0’, belly 3’, back 10’, !!aloe vera 0x1’, twist-stretch 2x1’, yoga/stretching 2x1’, hang 2x1’. hunchback-pillow 0’.
Combine: next?
:x: wart x1. neck 1+ x1’, RR: 0, neck 2 0x1’, workout 7’, horse stance 1’, balance roll standing 5’, breath-hold 12’, jolt-jump 1’, marionette-hang 1’, shaking dance 1’, bent leg fall 1’.

Supps Jan 8th (48 supps): Supp costs: 466€/m (8th) + 16€/m for empty capsules = 482€/m: J21st 1x1 drop of masterwort at 21:40. Jan 20th: 1 day break: with masterwort & Hexacyl. Jan 20th: Nauseous/hurting for 1h after psyllium, then severe nausea after masterwort & Hexacyl. Jan 13th: Costs would be doubled if I didn't watch for best cheapest products and self-encapsulating: That's a new job of mine, I spose. Jan 11th: Still to get her MSM, manganese, E as tocotrienol and my silymarin again. And remember to take the masterwort and Hexacyl regularly. Yet to try: Creatine? ATP again, encapsulated, for phosphate?? Click for details on the lists, with dosing batches by times and tubs.

ZERO now: Arg, alpha-GPC 1x150mg, fisetin: 0x196mg, huperzia A, mumijo, NAC 1*.5g, NADH, Ribose, Serrapeptase, Zinc, P5P (= vit. B6) 0x27mg (high).

REGULAR as of Jan 8th (48 supps): (R-)ALA .2g, aloe vera juice 50+ml/d, apigenin 1x50mg, vit. B2 6x600mg, vit. B3/Nia 6x0.6=3.6g, vit. B5/Panto: 3x.5g vit. B12 (methyl-C) 1x5mg/4m s.c., AND B12 1x0.2mg (all 3 good types) WITH vit. B9/5-MTHF 1x0.4mg, vit. C 2x3x.5g, L-carnitine (Cr) 8x0.6g, copper (Cu) 1x2mg, vit. D3 20.000 IE = 500mcg, WITH vit. K2 (MK7) 200mcg, DAO before meals, EGCg 1x(50%, incl. L-theanine?).5g, ellagic Acid (Ell) 2x.2g (+43mg vit. C), eleuthero (eleu) 2x4,5mg, feverfew (fev) 3x.4g WITH 3x.2g MSM, GABA (Ga): 4x0.3g+2x.6g=2.4g, ginkgo (Gi) 3x168mg, (L-)glutamin (gltm, glu): 2x0.6g, glutathione (gltt) 1x250mg, honokiol (Hon) (2%)x2x.4g=16mg, luteolin 1x.2g, magnesium glycinate (mag gly) 2x50mg, mag malate (mag mal) 0x45mg, mag threonate (mag threo) 2x50g, monkfruit 0.1g, myo-inositol 1x1g/1!d, olive leaf extract (oli) 2x.75, Ω3 1x5mg, passiflora (Pf) 3x.35g, Levagen±PEA 1x0.3g, pine bark (pin) 2x.5g, PQQ 1, psyllium (Ps), CoQ10 (Q10)(ubn) 1x.1g, quercetin (Qc) 4x.5g, resveratrol (Rs) (50%) 2x.4g, rhodiola (Ro) 2x.35g, rutin (ru): 1x522. SAM-e (Sa) 2x.1g, Selenium 1x.2mg, Silymarin (Sil) (80%) 1x.5g (+83mg L-cholin), (L-)theanine (The) 1x.2g (+.15g polyphenols) (next 2x0.1mg), TMG: 6x0.6=3.6g (as much as B3). Plus rupatadine/Rupafin 1x/d since jab#3 Nov. Plus practitioners recommendations: #1) masterwort / Imperatoria ostruthium, #2) Hexacyl (Sulphur D4, Lycopodium Ø, Berberis Ø), #3) add Steirocall comp. (for “arthrosis” & bones) (& umckaloabo). Not at all sure about any of these, after 3 weeks of Hexacyl, #4 bitter herbs when Hexacyl bottle is finished, #5 more B5 now, #6 “glutathione activator” → upping MSM, selenium, and have asked if manganese and vit. E are important. #7 Pro Mucosa: added Hericium, can’t increase glutamine, asked back about ficin and biotin, #8 Chlorella, #9 B9 as 5-MTHF for homocysteine.

What-when-details: Updated Jan 8th.
OK-ish, encapsulated a bit more at last!
“16:00” preparing pills
“18:15” A1 PF#1, 2x threo., Lut, Qc#1.
5’ “empty time” = to see if I need worry time.
“18:30” myo-inositol + teeth
“19:30” A2=12+1 2xvB2#1 2xvB3 vB5#1 2Cr#1, PF#2, Cu, .3gGABA CoQ10 (oil) &! Se, 2xTMG#1. Meal: 1PQQ, 5ml Ω3 & Hon#1. monkfruit.
Meal 20: ’ +xylitol. Back exercises. Soak seeds. aloe.
“20:30” pre-A3 agigenin 1h before bedtime + teeth
“20:30” chamomile
“21:00” A3 PF#3 0.3gGABA & .6glu & Qc#2 Hon#2 + 1 Rupafin or A2
“0:00” psyllium / medicinal clay if a sleep break is 2h before & after other supps.
“2:00” A4 300mg GABA + teeth
“4:00” +0.25 GABA
B=11/ ’ in sun/lamp “07:00” ALA, Ro#1, Qc#3 Rs#1 2xSAM-e EGCg + Fev/MSM#1 + Sily +2The.
Back exercises.
Soak Soak pumpkin seeds & almonds.
Meal ’ in sun/lamp. aloe.
’ in sun/lamp C=23/ with meal: 2xB2#2 2xvB3#2 vB5#2 3xvC#1 3xCr#2 .6GABA#4, gink#1, Oli#1 pine bark#1 2xTMG#2 2xEleu 2gly PEA Rutin = 23. (vit.D3 1/wk)
“11:00” D1(0) + Teeth (+2h/) Ellag#1, Fev/MSM#2, gi#2.
“14:00” 0 Meal ’ in sun +aloe
“14:15” D=15/ ’ in sun vB2#3 "2"vB3#3 vB5#3 3xvC#2 3Cr#3, .6GABA#5, gink#3 Oli#2, pine#2, TMG#3
“16:00” preparing pills: 5x to encapsulate.
E “17:00” (“meal/acids+2h”) Ellag#2, Fev/MSM#3 Qc#4, Ro#2, Rs#2.
A1 “18:00”
Eat + aloe + PQQ+Ω3 if not earlier.
A2 + apigenin & heating down
(B12 s.c.: 2022-11-04, 2022-04-10, 2022-01-10: B12 5mg methylcobalamin s.c.)

The day's supp-compartments (8', plus 10' making capsules), Jan 8th

Pf: A1+A2+A3, vB2: 2A,2C,2D. vB3: 2A,2C,2D. vB5: A,C,D. vC:0A+3C+3D 8Cr: 2A+3C+3D, Ell: D0+E. Fev/MSM: B,D0. Ga 4-5x: a2,a3,a4,C,D, Gi: C,D0,D Glutathione: B. Hon:A2.A3. Oliv: C,D. pine: C,D. Qc: A1.A3.B.E Ro:B,D Rs:B,D SINGLE: A1: 0xMgMal, luteolin. 2MgThreo. myo-inositol (15’ before meal 1x/(2)d) A2: Cu (separate from P5P etc.!)+0P5+1xQ10 (->ubiquinone <150mg/d! atm ubiquinol), 1xSe. (A2:Ω/Pq:meal, A3: apigenin) A3: Glutamin (0c1), B (or C): ALA, EGCg, 2xeleu, , Ru, 2 Sa, Sily, 2Th, C: 2 Gly, PEA, DAO before risky meals? monkfruit usually evenings, aloe vera. D3 saturdays. (A2:0Se, up soon)
TALLIES Jan 9th: correct?
A1=6+1 Pf#1 Qc1#1, Lut, 2 MgThreo, + myo-inositol + (DAO?)
A2=16 2vB2#1 "2"xvB3, vB5#1, 2xCr#1, Cu, Pf#2, Ga#1, Hon#1, Q10, Se, 2TMG#1 + Rup. = 16
+Ω3/PQQ/aloe +monkfruit +apigenin 16(+5) -1 vB5 = 15.
A3=5 Pf#3, Ga#1, Gltm, Hon#2, Qc#3
A4=1 Ga, A5=1 Ga#2. A6 = 1-2 psyllium.
B=11 ALA, EGCg, Fev/MSM#1, Glutt, Qc#3, Ro#1, Rs#2, 2xSa, 2Th, Sily (DAO?) = 11/
C=22 2vB2#2 "2"xvB3#2 vB5#2 3xvC#1 3xCr#2 Ga#4 Gi#2 Ol#1 Pin#1 TMG#2 2xEleu 2xMgGly PEA Rut = 22 - vB5 = 21.
D0=2 Ell, Fev/MSM#2, Gi, + (DAO?)
D=15 2vB2#3 "2"vB3#3 vB5#3 3xvC#2 3xCr#3 Ga#5 Gi#3 Ol#2 Pin#2 TMG#3 Fev/MSM#2
25th: -vB5#3: so only 14/
E=4 Ell, Qc#4, Ro#2, Rs#2. Fev/MSM#3
B12 4-monthly, D3 Saturdays.


‘Research’ today: No.
Lessons in self-care #554 Rest was good. Getting my head around prioritizing work rather than moving and forums.
Reasons to be cheerful #592 Nice deep altho long phone call with a good mate.

Click for links to jab side effects, foods, blog references, e.g. abbreviations, & guideline for symptom tracking & trigger hunting

2023-01-25, Wednesday - Energy 14%

Sleep 90% / Feeling 80%-ish / nausea 0%, fog 10%.

Supp confusion. :roll_eyes: Buttock muscles sore for 3 days for no reason, exactly like after the 1st 2 jabs :interrobang: :face_with_monocle:

New Habits: Click for details of those I'm still working on. Last change 14th: deleted B-supps & earlier antihistamine & leg stretches and turned daylight lamp & back exercises & teeth into reminders, leaving (reduced) 4: bed, ACT, stretches & cold food out.

:ambulance: Bed 23:30-8:30/9:00. (:white_check_mark:)
:ambulance: Note thoughts and emotions (ACT) :x:/(:white_check_mark:)
:ambulance: More leg stretches. (:white_check_mark:)
:ambulance: Cold foods out of fridge 2h earlier than eating. :white_check_mark:

Today's FM symptoms unchanged from WPI 11 & SSS 9, except....: 0 (click for details)

Today’s symptoms sorted by the ACR 2016 criteria

Widespread pain, WPI = 11 of 19 areas: limb-Ache 8 (10%, stiff 10%) + spine-pain 3 (10%), shoulder-girdles/hips 0 chest / abdomen / jaw 0
Symptom severity, SSS = severity 9 of 12: Fatigue 3 (86%), insomnia 3 (10%), fog 2 (10%), headache 1 (10-20%, evening), GI 1 (10%), depression 0

Triggers & resulting Symptoms

JAB#3 (on Nov 7th) causing MCAS / histamine problems, esp. energy narrowed to (10-)15-20%. 25th: Burning tongue after evening olives. Sore buttock & leg muscles like after the jabs since 23rd. 22nd: no tongue, try more pecans, praps with DAO before? Lips still very white. 21st 9:30: Tongue20% (pecans?). 20th: Trying a few half pecan nuts didn't make my tongue burn much more.

JAB#3 (on Nov 7th) → MCAS / histamine since end of Dec: 15-20% energy for under 45’, then white lips & pale face. But if I keep strain down to ‘half speed’ (70%) I can push on thru for hours - with a few breaks and lots of task-switching. Not that much specifically histaminey problems since end of Dec, occasionally sinuses and nausea, no more ill ache. Usually white lips & face 30%, and some sliding instead of walking indoors 10%, bit more cold intolerance 30% (long johns 24/7, 2 thick duvets at night). From Jan on, bit warmer (5-12° C), I’ve swapped long johns for a 2nd pair of pyjama trousers at night and when I’m pretty active at daytime sometimes no long johns, but when out slow cycling/walking. And don’t need hot water bottles any more, whether I can manage a cold shower (usually) or not.
Development summarized: Down: Nov 17th - Dec 1st, worst 17th-18th, best 20th & 29th. Up: Dec 2nd-6th, Down 7th-8th, Up: 9th-14th, best 13th-14th: Winning easily 4:0, and slow energy for 4h! Down: 15th-21st 7 days, Up 22nd to 24th winning roughly 3:1, Unsure: 25th-31st: TT 2:2 or no play possible: 25th 2:2(?), (26th 0), 27th: 2:2, (28th 0 - ordered supps, not cellar), Down: 1st-2nd. Up: 3rd, Down: 4th. Up: 5th.
Unsure: 6th. Sinuses after 80g of baked beans, but not a 2nd time after 70g whilst having taken my antihistamine again, after the 3rd time tongue burning (left side) → for 12h → 24h,… plus eating half? a walnut at 2 by accident, my tongue tip started burning a few minutes later too. 7th: Up (TT 5:1) until flustered by having to get something to the post, making art exhibition very difficult, better after rest.
8th: First down (TT 3:0), then OK-ish - de-cluttering etc. slowly for 4-6h. 9th: Unsure, seemed OK. 10th: 1 DAO allowed 120g of baked beans and half a walnut without tongue burning. 11th: Ache all over, lips white. 1 DAO allowed 120g of red beans with only a bit of tongue burning. 2x 12th: Needing one hot water bottle again at night. Lips even paler after the tooth cleaning. No tongue burning after DAO/red beans. 13th: Better, don’t think the GI problems have to do with the MCAS. A tepid or warm shower hurts more after than a cold shower during it. 14th: Like yesterday strong flushing from nicotinic acid: why? Yesterday’s nausea was definitely GI, unlikely the jab nausea. 15th: Runny nose in the morning for “no reason”, white lips 80% at 10:45, 13:50 sinus burning for quite some time, 19:00 again or still sinus burning. 16th: Slight tongue burning yesterday evening and again upon waking this morning. Better again. 17th 18:30 Worse again (right side). 18th: Hurting tongue since 16th, worse from 17th, despite added GABA (4x0,4+2x0.75 = 2,7g). 19th: Tongue hurting less. 20th: Trying a few half pecan nuts didn’t make my tongue burn much more. 21st 9:30: Tongue20%. 22nd: no tongue, try more pecans, praps with DAO before? Lips still very white. 25th: Burning tongue after evening olives. Sore buttock (& leg) muscles like after the jabs since 23rd.

Treatments: Antihistamine, and extra GABA from Nov 29th. Stopping the antihistamine at the turn of the year quickly caused sleep problems.

SLEEP (click for details): 6h54, up x (16'), 6h deep ✅, as often recently "awake" "too early" and as I don't feel sleepy in the evening hard to pull my sleep forward, but following Huberman's recommendations to then get up ➔ Feeling 70% well, Ache 2 of 7 ❌, getting up: 70%/2 ❌. Nostrils 5% stuffy 100% of the night.

A3+4 teeth cold shower p0 HWB#1 Sleep 0:18- Why not 21:00? Awake. 3rd # is LBU
Memos: Lower Back: short exercises, twist-stretched, yoga & hanging. massager.
1:35 4’ 70%/2/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep air A5 cream
(nostril/s5% nauseous% stomach% sinuses% headache% sore throat10%)
3:15 4’ 70%/2/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep air cream
(nostril/s5% nauseous% stomach% sinuses% headache% sore throat10%)
6:00 4’ 70%/2/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep air PSYLLIUM 3x cream
(nostril/s5% nauseous% stomach% sinuses% headache% sore throat10%)
6:40 4’ 70%/2/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep doze with work ideas air → A’sYoNi
(nostril/s5% nauseous% stomach% sinuses% headache% sore throat10%)
-7:30 B1-4 ‘ in sun, stools firm?
5’ 78%/2/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep air cream
(nostril/s5% nauseous% stomach% sinuses% headache% sore throat10%)
Sum: 7h30-20-(4+4+4+4=)16 = 7h10-16 = 6h54, up x (16’), 6h deep

ACTIVITIES (aim: 40% energy)ACHE: 70%/2, incl. muscle soreness from dunno what, the JAB, 2 months later?, 2-3h work, 1h (later +1h= housework, TT 3:0 (picking up 0 balls), 1h sorting, selling & moving stuff ➔ 80%/2 :white_check_mark:
ACTIONSPAINS :white_check_mark:: except GI :white_check_mark:, esophagus: better :white_check_mark:, pee pain: 0xp1-2: better :white_check_mark:, lower back unrest :white_check_mark:, finger tips: better now I’ve been moving stuff less :white_check_mark:. Lips chapped, improving :white_check_mark:.

Click for details on Touch, Covid, Weather, last seizures Jan 14th & 15th, last esophagus block Jan 8th, last jaw pain Jan 10th. Well I spose since then 1-2x/d.

Touch: :white_check_mark: Covid: :white_check_mark: Weather: Indoors :white_check_mark: Outdoors :white_check_mark:. Daylight lamp regularly on.
Last focal seizures: Jan 15th 10:40 (from a pee urge, only 2nd “wave”). Jan 14th 23:58 (no trigger, praps missing out on .6g GABA Friday). Jan 5th (after being scolded for being hyper). Dec 11th: 1x. Nov 21st: 2x.
Last esophagus blocks: Jan 19th: Sometimes do use massager a while to make sure. Jan 17th: I can take my B supps and then go to bed again atm. Jan 8th: Block after evening supps, maybe from twisting. Jan 7th: Testing if twisting before, while & after pills & food increases esophagus blocks Jan 6th: Slight blocks. Jan 5th: Medium block in evening. About 5x small blocks from pills around end of the year. Dec (20th, 15th) 11th (9th,) 1st, Nov 30th 2x, 29th 2x, (28th,) 24th, 22nd, 20th. Powder blocks in funnel if it’s too much in one go…
Jaw: Hardly & seldom pain since Nov. A bit more in Jan. Jan 6th: Slightly psychosomatic from memory of a painful time. Jan 10th: A bit after tooth cleaning. After: regularly a little bit, 1-2x/d.


Click for details on bloods (Dec 9th), practitioner ideas (last on Dec 20th), acupuncture (last on Dec 22nd). Last started masterwort (warily) and Hexacyl on Jan 6th - low & slow. 13th: Unsure if the stomach problems are from those two, so stop-start to see. 16th: again feel 2x2 drops is too much, stomach problems. 17th: 2x1 drop, 2x OK, praps a bit. 19th: 1-2x1 drop each again apparently too much (nausea).

Bloods at cardio Dec 9th: Homocysteine a bit high, continue B3 and B2, phosphate not that bad. Leukocytes low! CK, muscular, too high, praps fibro?
Alternative health practitioner (“Heilpraktiker”) on Dec 6th+20th: Jan 6th: Started masterwort & Hexacyl, lower than recommended (2x1 drop each), adding 1/d. 9th: Further research after reply to take manganese and vit. E. 13th: Unsure if the stomach problems are from those 2, so stop-start to see. 16th: again feel 2x2 drops is too much, stomach problems. 17th: 2x1 drop, 2x OK, praps a bit. 19th: 1-2x1 drop each again apparently too much. 25th I don’t feel like taking “her” powders at the moment (fungi & chlorella don’t taste good, roasted pumpkin seeds sometimes yes), lost some fun in eating, need to reclaim that.
Chinese Acupuncturist - Session #32 on Nov 4th., after 14 days :white_check_mark: “Energy still pretty stable at 20%, despite jab-nausea…”, now it’s down from that so often that I tried #33 22nd Dec. Wasn’t worth it: No improvement, sleep too short.

SELF-PHYSIO (click for details): 89'

white_check_mark: airing 5x2’, fairly cold shower 1x(10’), cream/oil fc/ey/hd/ft 6x1’, teeth 2x2’, HWB 2x3’, breath exercises 5x1’, Y. Nidra 0’, massage gun 0x3’, daylight lamp/sun 6x5’, plantar/calf stretch 3x1’, acupressure 0x1’, palpate 0’, belly 0’, back 10’, !!aloe vera 0x1’, twist-stretch 2x1’, yoga/stretching 2x1’, hang 1x1’. hunchback-pillow 0’.
Combine: next?
:x: wart x1. neck 1+ x1’, RR: 0, neck 2 0x1’, workout 7’, horse stance 1’, balance roll standing 5’, breath-hold 12’, jolt-jump 1’, marionette-hang 1’, shaking dance 1’, bent leg fall 1’.

Supps Jan 8th (48 supps): Supp costs: 466€/m (8th) + 16€/m for empty capsules = 482€/m: Jan 25th forgot C supps, so postponed it to D, and that to before evening meal, A late, also forgot masterwort. Jan 21st 1x1 drop of masterwort at 21:40. Jan 20th: 1 day break: with masterwort & Hexacyl. Jan 20th: Nauseous/hurting for 1h after psyllium, then severe nausea after masterwort & Hexacyl. Jan 11th: Still to get her MSM, manganese, E as tocotrienol and my silymarin again. And remember to take the masterwort and Hexacyl regularly. Yet to try: Creatine? ATP again, encapsulated, for phosphate?? Click for details on the lists, with dosing batches by times and tubs.

ZERO now: Arg, alpha-GPC 1x150mg, fisetin: 0x196mg, huperzia A, mumijo, NAC 1*.5g, NADH, Ribose, Serrapeptase, Zinc, P5P (= vit. B6) 0x27mg (high).

REGULAR as of Jan 8th (48 supps): (R-)ALA .2g, aloe vera juice 50+ml/d, apigenin 1x50mg, vit. B2 6x600mg, vit. B3/Nia 6x0.6=3.6g, vit. B5/Panto: 3x.5g vit. B12 (methyl-C) 1x5mg/4m s.c., AND B12 1x0.2mg (all 3 good types) WITH vit. B9/5-MTHF 1x0.4mg, vit. C 2x3x.5g, L-carnitine (Cr) 8x0.6g, copper (Cu) 1x2mg, vit. D3 20.000 IE = 500mcg, WITH vit. K2 (MK7) 200mcg, DAO before meals, EGCg 1x(50%, incl. L-theanine?).5g, ellagic Acid (Ell) 2x.2g (+43mg vit. C), eleuthero (eleu) 2x4,5mg, feverfew (fev) 3x.4g WITH 3x.2g MSM, GABA (Ga): 4x0.3g+2x.6g=2.4g, ginkgo (Gi) 3x168mg, (L-)glutamin (gltm, glu): 2x0.6g, glutathione (gltt) 1x250mg, honokiol (Hon) (2%)x2x.4g=16mg, luteolin 1x.2g, magnesium glycinate (mag gly) 2x50mg, mag malate (mag mal) 0x45mg, mag threonate (mag threo) 2x50g, monkfruit 0.1g, myo-inositol 1x1g/1!d, olive leaf extract (oli) 2x.75, Ω3 1x5mg, passiflora (Pf) 3x.35g, Levagen±PEA 1x0.3g, pine bark (pin) 2x.5g, PQQ 1, psyllium (Ps), CoQ10 (Q10)(ubn) 1x.1g, quercetin (Qc) 4x.5g, resveratrol (Rs) (50%) 2x.4g, rhodiola (Ro) 2x.35g, rutin (ru): 1x522. SAM-e (Sa) 2x.1g, Selenium 1x.2mg, Silymarin (Sil) (80%) 1x.5g (+83mg L-cholin), (L-)theanine (The) 1x.2g (+.15g polyphenols) (next 2x0.1mg), TMG: 6x0.6=3.6g (as much as B3). Plus rupatadine/Rupafin 1x/d since jab#3 Nov. Plus practitioners recommendations: #1) masterwort / Imperatoria ostruthium, #2) Hexacyl (Sulphur D4, Lycopodium Ø, Berberis Ø), #3) add Steirocall comp. (for “arthrosis” & bones) (& umckaloabo). Not at all sure about any of these, after 3 weeks of Hexacyl, #4 bitter herbs when Hexacyl bottle is finished, #5 more B5 now, #6 “glutathione activator” → upping MSM, selenium, and have asked if manganese and vit. E are important. #7 Pro Mucosa: added Hericium, can’t increase glutamine, asked back about ficin and biotin, #8 Chlorella, #9 B9 as 5-MTHF for homocysteine.

What-when-details: Updated Jan 8th.
Jan 25th forgot C supps, so postponed it to D, and that to before evening meal, A late, also forgot masterwort.
“16:00” preparing pills
“18:15” A1 PF#1, 2x threo., Lut, Qc#1.
5’ “empty time” = to see if I need worry time.
“18:30” myo-inositol + teeth
“19:30” A2=12+1 2xvB2#1 2xvB3 vB5#1 2Cr#1, PF#2, Cu, .3gGABA CoQ10 (oil) &! Se, 2xTMG#1. Meal: 1PQQ, 5ml Ω3 & Hon#1. monkfruit.
Meal 20: ’ +xylitol. Back exercises. Soak seeds. aloe.
“20:30” pre-A3 agigenin 1h before bedtime + teeth
“20:30” chamomile
“21:00” A3 PF#3 0.3gGABA & .6glu & Qc#2 Hon#2 + 1 Rupafin or A2
“0:00” psyllium / medicinal clay if a sleep break is 2h before & after other supps.
“2:00” A4 300mg GABA + teeth
“4:00” +0.25 GABA
B=11/ ’ in sun/lamp “07:00” ALA, Ro#1, Qc#3 Rs#1 2xSAM-e EGCg + Fev/MSM#1 + Sily +2The.
Back exercises.
Soak Soak pumpkin seeds & almonds.
Meal ’ in sun/lamp. aloe.
’ in sun/lamp C=23/ with meal: 2xB2#2 2xvB3#2 vB5#2 3xvC#1 3xCr#2 .6GABA#4, gink#1, Oli#1 pine bark#1 2xTMG#2 2xEleu 2gly PEA Rutin = 23. (vit.D3 1/wk)
“11:00” D1(0) + Teeth (+2h/) Ellag#1, Fev/MSM#2, gi#2.
“14:00” 0 Meal ’ in sun +aloe
“14:15” D=15/ ’ in sun vB2#3 "2"vB3#3 vB5#3 3xvC#2 3Cr#3, .6GABA#5, gink#3 Oli#2, pine#2, TMG#3
“16:00” preparing pills: 5x to encapsulate.
E “17:00” (“meal/acids+2h”) Ellag#2, Fev/MSM#3 Qc#4, Ro#2, Rs#2.
A1 “18:00”
Eat + aloe + PQQ+Ω3 if not earlier.
A2 + apigenin & heating down
(B12 s.c.: 2022-11-04, 2022-04-10, 2022-01-10: B12 5mg methylcobalamin s.c.)

The day's supp-compartments (8', plus 10' making capsules), Jan 8th

Pf: A1+A2+A3, vB2: 2A,2C,2D. vB3: 2A,2C,2D. vB5: A,C,D. vC:0A+3C+3D 8Cr: 2A+3C+3D, Ell: D0+E. Fev/MSM: B,D0. Ga 4-5x: a2,a3,a4,C,D, Gi: C,D0,D Glutathione: B. Hon:A2.A3. Oliv: C,D. pine: C,D. Qc: A1.A3.B.E Ro:B,D Rs:B,D SINGLE: A1: 0xMgMal, luteolin. 2MgThreo. myo-inositol (15’ before meal 1x/(2)d) A2: Cu (separate from P5P etc.!)+0P5+1xQ10 (->ubiquinone <150mg/d! atm ubiquinol), 1xSe. (A2:Ω/Pq:meal, A3: apigenin) A3: Glutamin (0c1), B (or C): ALA, EGCg, 2xeleu, , Ru, 2 Sa, Sily, 2Th, C: 2 Gly, PEA, DAO before risky meals? monkfruit usually evenings, aloe vera. D3 saturdays. (A2:0Se, up soon)
TALLIES Jan 9th: correct?
A1=6+1 Pf#1 Qc1#1, Lut, 2 MgThreo, + myo-inositol + (DAO?)
A2=16 2vB2#1 "2"xvB3, vB5#1, 2xCr#1, Cu, Pf#2, Ga#1, Hon#1, Q10, Se, 2TMG#1 + Rup. = 16
+Ω3/PQQ/aloe +monkfruit +apigenin 16(+5) -1 vB5 = 15.
A3=5 Pf#3, Ga#1, Gltm, Hon#2, Qc#3
A4=1 Ga, A5=1 Ga#2. A6 = 1-2 psyllium.
B=11 ALA, EGCg, Fev/MSM#1, Glutt, Qc#3, Ro#1, Rs#2, 2xSa, 2Th, Sily (DAO?) = 11/
C=22 2vB2#2 "2"xvB3#2 vB5#2 3xvC#1 3xCr#2 Ga#4 Gi#2 Ol#1 Pin#1 TMG#2 2xEleu 2xMgGly PEA Rut = 22 - vB5 = 21.
D0=2 Ell, Fev/MSM#2, Gi, + (DAO?)
D=15 2vB2#3 "2"vB3#3 vB5#3 3xvC#2 3xCr#3 Ga#5 Gi#3 Ol#2 Pin#2 TMG#3 Fev/MSM#2
25th: -vB5#3: so only 14/
E=4 Ell, Qc#4, Ro#2, Rs#2. Fev/MSM#3
B12 4-monthly, D3 Saturdays.


‘Research’ today: No.
Lessons in self-care #555 Supp confusion, but prioritized work and housework well.
Reasons to be cheerful #593 More fun getting work done…

Click for links to jab side effects, foods, blog references, e.g. abbreviations, & guideline for symptom tracking & trigger hunting

2023-01-26, Thursday - Energy 10% - difficult today, but with pacing still doing a little, nausea for a few hours … after masterwort… And analyzing jab reactions in January I’m getting the impression that (possibly also triggered by tooth cleaning & moving out) it’s peaking with not only histamine-y reactions, but also sore muscle, being able to move less, energy decreasing… The nausea however is GI, not jab, so I think the new supps.

Sleep 90% / Feeling 70%-ish / nausea 10%, fog 20%

New Habits: Click for details of those I'm still working on. Last change 14th: deleted B-supps & earlier antihistamine & leg stretches and turned daylight lamp & back exercises & teeth into reminders, leaving (reduced) 4: bed, ACT, stretches & cold food out.

:ambulance: Bed 23:30-8:30/9:00. (:white_check_mark:)
:ambulance: Note thoughts and emotions (ACT) :x:/(:white_check_mark:)
:ambulance: More leg stretches. (:white_check_mark:)
:ambulance: Cold foods out of fridge 2h earlier than eating. :white_check_mark:

Today's FM symptoms unchanged from WPI 11 & SSS 9, except....: 1: bit of headache, maybe sinuses, plus nausea after a drop or two of masterwort at 15:00 (click for details)

Today’s symptoms sorted by the ACR 2016 criteria

Widespread pain, WPI = 11 of 19 areas: limb-Ache 8 (20-30%, stiff 15%) + spine-pain 3 (10%), shoulder-girdles/hips 0 chest / abdomen / jaw 0
Symptom severity, SSS = severity 9 of 12: Fatigue 3 (90%), insomnia 3 (10%), fog 2 (20%), headache 1 (10%), GI 1 (20%), depression 0

Triggers & resulting Symptoms

JAB#3 (on Nov 7th) causing MCAS / histamine problems, esp. energy narrowed to (10-)15-20%. 26th: Tongue & muscles better again, but pain & fatigue. 25th: Burning tongue after evening olives. Sore buttock (& leg) muscles like after the jabs since 23rd. 22nd: no tongue, try more pecans, praps with DAO before? Lips still very white.

JAB#3 (on Nov 7th) → MCAS / histamine since end of Dec: 15-20% energy for under 45’, then white lips & pale face. But if I keep strain down to ‘half speed’ (70%) I can push on thru for hours - with a few breaks and lots of task-switching. Not that much specifically histaminey problems since end of Dec, occasionally sinuses and nausea, no more ill ache. Usually white lips & face 30%, and some sliding instead of walking indoors 10%, bit more cold intolerance 30% (long johns 24/7, 2 thick duvets at night). From Jan on, bit warmer (5-12° C), I’ve swapped long johns for a 2nd pair of pyjama trousers at night and when I’m pretty active at daytime sometimes no long johns, but when out slow cycling/walking. And don’t need hot water bottles any more, whether I can manage a cold shower (usually) or not.
Development summarized: Down: Nov 17th - Dec 1st, worst 17th-18th, best 20th & 29th. Up: Dec 2nd-6th, Down 7th-8th, Up: 9th-14th, best 13th-14th: Winning easily 4:0, and slow energy for 4h! Down: 15th-21st 7 days, Up 22nd to 24th winning roughly 3:1, Unsure: 25th-31st: TT 2:2 or no play possible: 25th 2:2(?), (26th 0), 27th: 2:2, (28th 0 - ordered supps, not cellar), Down: 1st-2nd, 4th. Up: 3rd, 5th. Both: 6th-11th - sinuses, tongue, lips, runny, DAO helping. Cold: 12th. 13th: GI: HP supps? 14th: B3-Flushing up!? 15th: Runny nose, 16th-21st & 25th-26th…: Tongue off and on. 23rd-25th: Sore buttock (& leg) muscles like after the jabs since 23rd. 26th: Cold, pain & fatigue, energy from 18% to 10% since 19th. Triggers tooth cleaning and moving out.

Treatments: Antihistamine, and extra GABA from Nov 29th. Stopping the antihistamine at the turn of the year quickly caused sleep problems.

SLEEP (click for details): 8h33, up 6x (25') ✅ ➔ Feeling 80% well, Ache 2 of 7 ✅, getting up: 80%/2 ✅. Nostrils 15-30% stuffy 50% of the night.

A3 teeth0 cold shower0 - trying without first - supps with lots of almond milk so late, no inositol, no apigenin, no idea if and how I can sleep now. Music strenuous and left calf/ankle started breaking off. p0 Sleep 1:00- Why not 21:00? 3rd # is LBU
Memos: Lower Back: short exercises, twist-stretched, yoga & hanging. massager.
1:50 4’ 80%/2/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep air
(nostril/s5% nauseous% stomach% sinuses% headache5% sore throat5% stools firm?)
2:50 4’ 80%/2/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep air A4 cream
(nostril/s5% nauseous% stomach% sinuses% headache5% sore throat5% stools firm?) burning tongue 40%.
3:50 4’ 80%/2/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep air A5
(nostril/s5% nauseous% stomach% sinuses% headache5% sore throat5% stools firm?) burning tongue 50%.
4:35 4’ 80%/2/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep air
(nostril/s15% nauseous% stomach% sinuses% headache5% sore throat5% stools firm?) burning tongue 50%.
6:10 5’ 80%/2/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep air
(nostril/s15% nauseous% stomach% sinuses% headache5% sore throat5% stools firm?) burning tongue 50%.
7:30 4’ 80%/2/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep air cream
(nostril/s15% nauseous% stomach% sinuses10% headache10% sore throat5% stools firm?) burning tongue 40%.
-9:58 10:00 B1-4 ‘ in sun, stools firm?
80%/2/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep air
(nostril/s30% nauseous% stomach% sinuses% headache5% sore throat5% stools firm?)
Sum: 9h58-1h-(4+4+4+4+5+4=)25 = 8h58-25 = 8h33, up 6x (25’)

ACTIVITIES (aim: 40% energy)ACHE: 70%/3, TT, didn’t fit in, but would’ve got difficult too, just 45’ of moving stuff, nothing heavy ➔ 60%/4 :x:, online meeting OK ➔ 0%/ :x:
ACTIONSPAINS :white_check_mark:: except GI :white_check_mark:, esophagus: better :white_check_mark:, pee pain: 0xp1-2: better :white_check_mark:, lower back unrest :white_check_mark:, finger tips: better now I’ve been moving stuff less :white_check_mark:. Lips chapped, improving :white_check_mark:.

Click for details on Touch, Covid, Weather, last seizures Jan 14th & 15th, last esophagus block Jan 8th, last jaw pain Jan 10th. Well I spose since then 1-2x/d.

Touch: :white_check_mark: Covid: :white_check_mark: Weather: Indoors :white_check_mark: Outdoors :white_check_mark:. Daylight lamp regularly on.
Last focal seizures: Jan 15th 10:40 (from a pee urge, only 2nd “wave”). Jan 14th 23:58 (no trigger, praps missing out on .6g GABA Friday). Jan 5th (after being scolded for being hyper). Dec 11th: 1x. Nov 21st: 2x.
Last esophagus blocks: Jan 19th: Sometimes do use massager a while to make sure. Jan 17th: I can take my B supps and then go to bed again atm. Jan 8th: Block after evening supps, maybe from twisting. Jan 7th: Testing if twisting before, while & after pills & food increases esophagus blocks Jan 6th: Slight blocks. Jan 5th: Medium block in evening. About 5x small blocks from pills around end of the year. Dec (20th, 15th) 11th (9th,) 1st, Nov 30th 2x, 29th 2x, (28th,) 24th, 22nd, 20th. Powder blocks in funnel if it’s too much in one go…
Jaw: Hardly & seldom pain since Nov. A bit more in Jan. Jan 6th: Slightly psychosomatic from memory of a painful time. Jan 10th: A bit after tooth cleaning. After: regularly a little bit, 1-2x/d.


Click for details on bloods (Dec 9th), practitioner ideas (last on Dec 20th), acupuncture (last on Dec 22nd). Last started masterwort (warily) and Hexacyl on Jan 6th - low & slow. 13th: Unsure if the stomach problems are from those two, so stop-start to see. 16th: again feel 2x2 drops is too much, stomach problems. 17th: 2x1 drop, 2x OK, praps a bit. 19th: 1-2x1 drop each again apparently too much (nausea).

Bloods at cardio Dec 9th: Homocysteine a bit high, continue B3 and B2, phosphate not that bad. Leukocytes low! CK, muscular, too high, praps fibro?
Alternative health practitioner (“Heilpraktiker”) on Dec 6th+20th: Jan 6th: Started masterwort & Hexacyl, lower than recommended (2x1 drop each), adding 1/d. 9th: Further research after reply to take manganese and vit. E. 13th: Unsure if the stomach problems are from those 2, so stop-start to see. 16th: again feel 2x2 drops is too much, stomach problems. 17th: 2x1 drop, 2x OK, praps a bit. 19th: 1-2x1 drop each again apparently too much. 25th I don’t feel like taking “her” powders at the moment (fungi & chlorella don’t taste good, roasted pumpkin seeds sometimes yes), lost some fun in eating, need to reclaim that. 26th: nauseous after masterwort.
Chinese Acupuncturist - Session #32 on Nov 4th., after 14 days :white_check_mark: “Energy still pretty stable at 20%, despite jab-nausea…”, now it’s down from that so often that I tried #33 22nd Dec. Wasn’t worth it: No improvement, sleep too short.

SELF-PHYSIO (click for details): 87', shower needed to be alernating.

white_check_mark: airing 5x2’, cold shower 0.5x(10’), cream/oil fc/ey/hd/ft 8x1’, teeth 2x2’, HWB 3x3’, breath exercises 5x1’, Y. Nidra 0’, massage gun 0x3’, daylight lamp/sun 6x5’, plantar/calf stretch 2x1’, acupressure 0x1’, palpate 0’, belly 0’, back 10’, !!aloe vera 0x1’, twist-stretch 1x1’, yoga/stretching 1x1’, hang 2x1’. hunchback-pillow 0’.
Combine: next?
:x: wart x1. neck 1+ x1’, RR: 0, neck 2 0x1’, workout 7’, horse stance 1’, balance roll standing 5’, breath-hold 12’, jolt-jump 1’, marionette-hang 1’, shaking dance 1’, bent leg fall 1’.

Supps Jan 8th (48 supps): Supp costs: 466€/m (8th) + 16€/m for empty capsules = 482€/m: Jan 25th forgot C supps, so postponed it to D, and that to before evening meal, A late, also forgot masterwort. Jan 21st 1x1 drop of masterwort at 21:40. Jan 20th: 1 day break: with masterwort & Hexacyl. Jan 20th: Nauseous/hurting for 1h after psyllium, then severe nausea after masterwort & Hexacyl. Jan 11th: Still to get her MSM, manganese, E as tocotrienol and my silymarin again. And remember to take the masterwort and Hexacyl regularly. Yet to try: Creatine? ATP again, encapsulated, for phosphate?? Click for details on the lists, with dosing batches by times and tubs.

ZERO now: Arg, alpha-GPC 1x150mg, fisetin: 0x196mg, huperzia A, mumijo, NAC 1*.5g, NADH, Ribose, Serrapeptase, Zinc, P5P (= vit. B6) 0x27mg (high).

REGULAR as of Jan 8th (48 supps): (R-)ALA .2g, aloe vera juice 50+ml/d, apigenin 1x50mg, vit. B2 6x600mg, vit. B3/Nia 6x0.6=3.6g, vit. B5/Panto: 3x.5g vit. B12 (methyl-C) 1x5mg/4m s.c., AND B12 1x0.2mg (all 3 good types) WITH vit. B9/5-MTHF 1x0.4mg, vit. C 2x3x.5g, L-carnitine (Cr) 8x0.6g, copper (Cu) 1x2mg, vit. D3 20.000 IE = 500mcg, WITH vit. K2 (MK7) 200mcg, DAO before meals, EGCg 1x(50%, incl. L-theanine?).5g, ellagic Acid (Ell) 2x.2g (+43mg vit. C), eleuthero (eleu) 2x4,5mg, feverfew (fev) 3x.4g WITH 3x.2g MSM, GABA (Ga): 4x0.3g+2x.6g=2.4g, ginkgo (Gi) 3x168mg, (L-)glutamin (gltm, glu): 2x0.6g, glutathione (gltt) 1x250mg, honokiol (Hon) (2%)x2x.4g=16mg, luteolin 1x.2g, magnesium glycinate (mag gly) 2x50mg, mag malate (mag mal) 0x45mg, mag threonate (mag threo) 2x50g, monkfruit 0.1g, myo-inositol 1x1g/1!d, olive leaf extract (oli) 2x.75, Ω3 1x5mg, passiflora (Pf) 3x.35g, Levagen±PEA 1x0.3g, pine bark (pin) 2x.5g, PQQ 1, psyllium (Ps), CoQ10 (Q10)(ubn) 1x.1g, quercetin (Qc) 4x.5g, resveratrol (Rs) (50%) 2x.4g, rhodiola (Ro) 2x.35g, rutin (ru): 1x522. SAM-e (Sa) 2x.1g, Selenium 1x.2mg, Silymarin (Sil) (80%) 1x.5g (+83mg L-cholin), (L-)theanine (The) 1x.2g (+.15g polyphenols) (next 2x0.1mg), TMG: 6x0.6=3.6g (as much as B3). Plus rupatadine/Rupafin 1x/d since jab#3 Nov. Plus practitioners recommendations: #1) masterwort / Imperatoria ostruthium, #2) Hexacyl (Sulphur D4, Lycopodium Ø, Berberis Ø), #3) add Steirocall comp. (for “arthrosis” & bones) (& umckaloabo). Not at all sure about any of these, after 3 weeks of Hexacyl, #4 bitter herbs when Hexacyl bottle is finished, #5 more B5 now, #6 “glutathione activator” → upping MSM, selenium, and have asked if manganese and vit. E are important. #7 Pro Mucosa: added Hericium, can’t increase glutamine, asked back about ficin and biotin, #8 Chlorella, #9 B9 as 5-MTHF for homocysteine.

What-when-details: Updated Jan 8th.
Fairly on time.
“16:00” preparing pills
“18:15” A1 PF#1, 2x threo., Lut, Qc#1.
5’ “empty time” = to see if I need worry time.
“18:30” myo-inositol + teeth
“19:30” A2=12+1 2xvB2#1 2xvB3 vB5#1 2Cr#1, PF#2, Cu, .3gGABA CoQ10 (oil) &! Se, 2xTMG#1. Meal: 1PQQ, 5ml Ω3 & Hon#1. monkfruit.
Meal 20: ’ +xylitol. Back exercises. Soak seeds. aloe.
“20:30” pre-A3 agigenin 1h before bedtime + teeth
“20:30” chamomile
“21:00” A3 PF#3 0.3gGABA & .6glu & Qc#2 Hon#2 + 1 Rupafin or A2
“0:00” psyllium / medicinal clay if a sleep break is 2h before & after other supps.
“2:00” A4 300mg GABA + teeth
“4:00” +0.25 GABA
B=11/ ’ in sun/lamp “07:00” ALA, Ro#1, Qc#3 Rs#1 2xSAM-e EGCg + Fev/MSM#1 + Sily +2The.
Back exercises.
Soak Soak pumpkin seeds & almonds.
Meal ’ in sun/lamp. aloe.
’ in sun/lamp C=23/ with meal: 2xB2#2 2xvB3#2 vB5#2 3xvC#1 3xCr#2 .6GABA#4, gink#1, Oli#1 pine bark#1 2xTMG#2 2xEleu 2gly PEA Rutin = 23. (vit.D3 1/wk)
“11:00” D1(0) + Teeth (+2h/) Ellag#1, Fev/MSM#2, gi#2.
“14:00” 0 Meal ’ in sun +aloe
“14:15” D=15/ ’ in sun vB2#3 "2"vB3#3 vB5#3 3xvC#2 3Cr#3, .6GABA#5, gink#3 Oli#2, pine#2, TMG#3
“16:00” preparing pills: 5x to encapsulate.
E “17:00” (“meal/acids+2h”) Ellag#2, Fev/MSM#3 Qc#4, Ro#2, Rs#2.
A1 “18:00”
Eat + aloe + PQQ+Ω3 if not earlier.
A2 + apigenin & heating down
(B12 s.c.: 2022-11-04, 2022-04-10, 2022-01-10: B12 5mg methylcobalamin s.c.)

The day's supp-compartments (8', plus 10' making capsules), Jan 8th

Pf: A1+A2+A3, vB2: 2A,2C,2D. vB3: 2A,2C,2D. vB5: A,C,D. vC:0A+3C+3D 8Cr: 2A+3C+3D, Ell: D0+E. Fev/MSM: B,D0. Ga 4-5x: a2,a3,a4,C,D, Gi: C,D0,D Glutathione: B. Hon:A2.A3. Oliv: C,D. pine: C,D. Qc: A1.A3.B.E Ro:B,D Rs:B,D SINGLE: A1: 0xMgMal, luteolin. 2MgThreo. myo-inositol (15’ before meal 1x/(2)d) A2: Cu (separate from P5P etc.!)+0P5+1xQ10 (->ubiquinone <150mg/d! atm ubiquinol), 1xSe. (A2:Ω/Pq:meal, A3: apigenin) A3: Glutamin (0c1), B (or C): ALA, EGCg, 2xeleu, , Ru, 2 Sa, Sily, 2Th, C: 2 Gly, PEA, DAO before risky meals? monkfruit usually evenings, aloe vera. D3 saturdays. (A2:0Se, up soon)
TALLIES Jan 9th: correct?
A1=6+1 Pf#1 Qc1#1, Lut, 2 MgThreo, + myo-inositol + (DAO?)
A2=16 2vB2#1 "2"xvB3, vB5#1, 2xCr#1, Cu, Pf#2, Ga#1, Hon#1, Q10, Se, 2TMG#1 + Rup. = 16
+Ω3/PQQ/aloe +monkfruit +apigenin 16(+5) -1 vB5 = 15.
A3=5 Pf#3, Ga#1, Gltm, Hon#2, Qc#3
A4=1 Ga, A5=1 Ga#2. A6 = 1-2 psyllium.
B=11 ALA, EGCg, Fev/MSM#1, Glutt, Qc#3, Ro#1, Rs#2, 2xSa, 2Th, Sily (DAO?) = 11/
C=22 2vB2#2 "2"xvB3#2 vB5#2 3xvC#1 3xCr#2 Ga#4 Gi#2 Ol#1 Pin#1 TMG#2 2xEleu 2xMgGly PEA Rut = 22 - vB5 = 21.
D0=2 Ell, Fev/MSM#2, Gi, + (DAO?)
D=15 2vB2#3 "2"vB3#3 vB5#3 3xvC#2 3xCr#3 Ga#5 Gi#3 Ol#2 Pin#2 TMG#3 Fev/MSM#2
25th: -vB5#3: so only 14/
E=4 Ell, Qc#4, Ro#2, Rs#2. Fev/MSM#3
B12 4-monthly, D3 Saturdays.


‘Research’ today: No.
Lessons in self-care #556 Got to keep very slow now!
Reasons to be cheerful #594 Hard at the moment, quite a bit to be sad about, but nice to see the kids and they’re having a few successes.

Click for links to jab side effects, foods, blog references, e.g. abbreviations, & guideline for symptom tracking & trigger hunting

2023-01-27, Friday - Energy 10 → 14%

Sleep 90% (but very short) / Feeling 80%-ish / nausea 0%, fog 20%

New Habits: Click for details of those I'm still working on. Last change 14th: deleted B-supps & earlier antihistamine & leg stretches and turned daylight lamp & back exercises & teeth into reminders, leaving (reduced) 4: bed, ACT, stretches & cold food out.

:ambulance: Bed 23:30-8:30/9:00. (:white_check_mark:)
:ambulance: Note thoughts and emotions (ACT) :x:
:ambulance: More leg stretches. (:x:)
:ambulance: Cold foods out of fridge 2h earlier than eating. (:white_check_mark:)

Today's FM symptoms unchanged from WPI 11 & SSS 9, except....: 0 (click for details)

Today’s symptoms sorted by the ACR 2016 criteria

Widespread pain, WPI = 11 of 19 areas: limb-Ache 8 (30-10%, stiff 10%) + spine-pain 3 (10%), shoulder-girdles/hips 0 chest / abdomen / jaw 0
Symptom severity, SSS = severity 9 of 12: Fatigue 3 (90-86%), insomnia 3 (10%), fog 2 (20%), headache 0 (?0%), GI 1 (10%), depression 0

Triggers & resulting Symptoms

JAB#3 (on Nov 7th) causing MCAS / histamine problems, esp. energy narrowed to (10-)15-20%. 27th: Got up OK, but very early, using that energy turned out too much, but better after long rest. 26th: Tongue & muscles better again, but pain & fatigue. 25th: Burning tongue after evening olives. Sore buttock (& leg) muscles like after the jabs since 23rd. 22nd: no tongue, try more pecans, praps with DAO before? Lips still very white.

JAB#3 (on Nov 7th) → MCAS / histamine since end of Dec: 15-20% energy for under 45’, then white lips & pale face. But if I keep strain down to ‘half speed’ (70%) I can push on thru for hours - with a few breaks and lots of task-switching. Not that much specifically histaminey problems since end of Dec, occasionally sinuses and nausea, no more ill ache. Usually white lips & face 30%, and some sliding instead of walking indoors 10%, bit more cold intolerance 30% (long johns 24/7, 2 thick duvets at night). From Jan on, bit warmer (5-12° C), I’ve swapped long johns for a 2nd pair of pyjama trousers at night and when I’m pretty active at daytime sometimes no long johns, but when out slow cycling/walking. And don’t need hot water bottles any more, whether I can manage a cold shower (usually) or not.
Development summarized: Down: Nov 17th - Dec 1st, worst 17th-18th, best 20th & 29th. Up: Dec 2nd-6th, Down 7th-8th, Up: 9th-14th, best 13th-14th: Winning easily 4:0, and slow energy for 4h! Down: 15th-21st 7 days, Up 22nd to 24th winning roughly 3:1, Unsure: 25th-31st: TT 2:2 or no play possible: 25th 2:2(?), (26th 0), 27th: 2:2, (28th 0 - ordered supps, not cellar), Down: 1st-2nd, 4th. Up: 3rd, 5th. Both: 6th-11th - sinuses, tongue, lips, runny, DAO helping. Cold: 12th. 13th: GI: HP supps? 14th: B3-Flushing up!? 15th: Runny nose, 16th-21st & 25th-26th…: Tongue off and on. 23rd-25th: Sore buttock (& leg) muscles like after the jabs since 23rd. 26th: Cold, pain & fatigue, energy from 18% to 10% since 19th. Triggers tooth cleaning and moving out. 27th: Got up OK, but very early, using that energy turned out too much, but better after long rest.

Treatments: Antihistamine, and extra GABA from Nov 29th. Stopping the antihistamine at the turn of the year quickly caused sleep problems.

SLEEP (click for details): 5h43, up 7x (32'), 5h30 deep ✅ ➔ Feeling 80% well, Ache 2 of 7 ✅, getting up: 80%/2 ✅. Nostrils 5% stuffy 100% of the night.

A3 teeth0 cold shower p0 HWB#1 Sleep 23:50- Why not 21:00? 3rd # is LBU
Memos: Lower Back: short exercises, twist-stretched, yoga & hanging. massager.
0:40 4’ 90%/2/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep A4 cream
(nostril/s% nauseous% stomach% sinuses% headache% sore throat5% stools firm/)
1:30 4’ 90%/2/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep A5 cream
(nostril/s5% nauseous% stomach% sinuses5% headache% sore throat10%)
2:20 4’ 90%/2/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep cream
(nostril/s5% nauseous% stomach% sinuses5% headache% sore throat5%)
2:55 4’ 80%/2/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep air cream
(nostril/s5% nauseous% stomach% sinuses5% headache% sore throat5%)
4:05 4’ 80%/2/15% p0 st1 fw1’ deep air cream HWB#2
(nostril/s5% nauseous% stomach% sinuses5% headache% sore throat5%)
5:24 6’ 80%/2/15% p0 st2 sip fw1’ deep cream
(nostril/s5% nauseous% stomach% sinuses5% headache% sore throat5%)
5:50 6’ 80%/2/15% p0 st2 sip fw1’ deep doze/awake cream B
(nostril/s5% nauseous% stomach% sinuses5% headache% sore throat5%)
-6:05 5:50 B1-4 ‘ in sun, stools firm?
Sum: 6h05+10-(4+4+4+4+4+6+6=)32 = 6h15-32 = 5h43, up 7x (32’), 5h30 deep

ACTIVITIES (aim: 40% energy)ACHE: 80%/2, up early, 1h of moving & de-cluttering, then some half-rest, then ➔ TT 2:2 (picking up 0 balls) ➔ 80%/2 :white_check_mark:, but breaking down after ➔ 70%/4 :x:
ACTIONSPAINS :white_check_mark:: except GI :white_check_mark:, esophagus: better :white_check_mark:, pee pain: 0xp1-2: better :white_check_mark:, lower back unrest :white_check_mark:, finger tips: better now I’ve been moving stuff less :white_check_mark:. Lips chapped, improving :white_check_mark:.

Click for details on Touch, Covid, Weather, last seizures Jan 14th & 15th, last esophagus block Jan 8th, last jaw pain Jan 10th. Well I spose since then 1-2x/d.

Touch: :white_check_mark: Covid: :white_check_mark: Weather: Indoors :white_check_mark: Outdoors :white_check_mark:. Daylight lamp regularly on.
Last focal seizures: Jan 15th 10:40 (from a pee urge, only 2nd “wave”). Jan 14th 23:58 (no trigger, praps missing out on .6g GABA Friday). Jan 5th (after being scolded for being hyper). Dec 11th: 1x. Nov 21st: 2x.
Last esophagus blocks: Jan 19th: Sometimes do use massager a while to make sure. Jan 17th: I can take my B supps and then go to bed again atm. Jan 8th: Block after evening supps, maybe from twisting. Jan 7th: Testing if twisting before, while & after pills & food increases esophagus blocks Jan 6th: Slight blocks. Jan 5th: Medium block in evening. About 5x small blocks from pills around end of the year. Dec (20th, 15th) 11th (9th,) 1st, Nov 30th 2x, 29th 2x, (28th,) 24th, 22nd, 20th. Powder blocks in funnel if it’s too much in one go…
Jaw: Hardly & seldom pain since Nov. A bit more in Jan. Jan 6th: Slightly psychosomatic from memory of a painful time. Jan 10th: A bit after tooth cleaning. After: regularly a little bit, 1-2x/d.


Click for details on bloods (Dec 9th), practitioner ideas (last on Dec 20th), acupuncture (last on Dec 22nd). Last started masterwort (warily) and Hexacyl on Jan 6th - low & slow. 13th: Unsure if the stomach problems are from those two, so stop-start to see. 16th: again feel 2x2 drops is too much, stomach problems. 17th: 2x1 drop, 2x OK, praps a bit. 19th: 1-2x1 drop each again apparently too much (nausea).

Bloods at cardio Dec 9th: Homocysteine a bit high, continue B3 and B2, phosphate not that bad. Leukocytes low! CK, muscular, too high, praps fibro?
Alternative health practitioner (“Heilpraktiker”) on Dec 6th+20th: Jan 6th: Started masterwort & Hexacyl, lower than recommended (2x1 drop each), adding 1/d. 9th: Further research after reply to take manganese and vit. E. 13th: Unsure if the stomach problems are from those 2, so stop-start to see. 16th: again feel 2x2 drops is too much, stomach problems. 17th: 2x1 drop, 2x OK, praps a bit. 19th: 1-2x1 drop each again apparently too much. 25th I don’t feel like taking “her” powders at the moment (fungi & chlorella don’t taste good, roasted pumpkin seeds sometimes yes), lost some fun in eating, need to reclaim that. 26th: nauseous after masterwort.
Chinese Acupuncturist - Session #32 on Nov 4th., after 14 days :white_check_mark: “Energy still pretty stable at 20%, despite jab-nausea…”, now it’s down from that so often that I tried #33 22nd Dec. Wasn’t worth it: No improvement, sleep too short.

SELF-PHYSIO (click for details): 90'

white_check_mark: airing 5x2’, cold shower (1)x(10’), cream/oil fc/ey/hd/ft 10x1’, teeth 2x2’, HWB 0x3’, breath exercises 5x1’, Y. Nidra 0’, massage gun 0x3’, daylight lamp/sun 6x5’, plantar/calf stretch x1’, acupressure 0x1’, palpate 0’, belly 3’, back 10’, !!aloe vera 0x1’, twist-stretch 4x1’, yoga/stretching 2x1’, hang 2x1’. hunchback-pillow 0’.
Combine: next?
:x: wart x1. neck 1+ x1’, RR: 0, neck 2 0x1’, workout 7’, horse stance 1’, balance roll standing 5’, breath-hold 12’, jolt-jump 1’, marionette-hang 1’, shaking dance 1’, bent leg fall 1’.

Supps Jan 8th (48 supps): Supp costs: 466€/m (8th) + 16€/m for empty capsules = 482€/m: Jan 25th forgot C supps, so postponed it to D, and that to before evening meal, A late, also forgot masterwort. Jan 21st 1x1 drop of masterwort at 21:40. Jan 20th: 1 day break: with masterwort & Hexacyl. Jan 20th: Nauseous/hurting for 1h after psyllium, then severe nausea after masterwort & Hexacyl. Jan 11th: Still to get her MSM, manganese, E as tocotrienol and my silymarin again. And remember to take the masterwort and Hexacyl regularly. Yet to try: Creatine? ATP again, encapsulated, for phosphate?? Click for details on the lists, with dosing batches by times and tubs.

ZERO now: Arg, alpha-GPC 1x150mg, fisetin: 0x196mg, huperzia A, mumijo, NAC 1*.5g, NADH, Ribose, Serrapeptase, Zinc, P5P (= vit. B6) 0x27mg (high).

REGULAR as of Jan 8th (48 supps): (R-)ALA .2g, aloe vera juice 50+ml/d, apigenin 1x50mg, vit. B2 6x600mg, vit. B3/Nia 6x0.6=3.6g, vit. B5/Panto: 3x.5g vit. B12 (methyl-C) 1x5mg/4m s.c., AND B12 1x0.2mg (all 3 good types) WITH vit. B9/5-MTHF 1x0.4mg, vit. C 2x3x.5g, L-carnitine (Cr) 8x0.6g, copper (Cu) 1x2mg, vit. D3 20.000 IE = 500mcg, WITH vit. K2 (MK7) 200mcg, DAO before meals, EGCg 1x(50%, incl. L-theanine?).5g, ellagic Acid (Ell) 2x.2g (+43mg vit. C), eleuthero (eleu) 2x4,5mg, feverfew (fev) 3x.4g WITH 3x.2g MSM, GABA (Ga): 4x0.3g+2x.6g=2.4g, ginkgo (Gi) 3x168mg, (L-)glutamin (gltm, glu): 2x0.6g, glutathione (gltt) 1x250mg, honokiol (Hon) (2%)x2x.4g=16mg, luteolin 1x.2g, magnesium glycinate (mag gly) 2x50mg, mag malate (mag mal) 0x45mg, mag threonate (mag threo) 2x50g, monkfruit 0.1g, myo-inositol 1x1g/1!d, olive leaf extract (oli) 2x.75, Ω3 1x5mg, passiflora (Pf) 3x.35g, Levagen±PEA 1x0.3g, pine bark (pin) 2x.5g, PQQ 1, psyllium (Ps), CoQ10 (Q10)(ubn) 1x.1g, quercetin (Qc) 4x.5g, resveratrol (Rs) (50%) 2x.4g, rhodiola (Ro) 2x.35g, rutin (ru): 1x522. SAM-e (Sa) 2x.1g, Selenium 1x.2mg, Silymarin (Sil) (80%) 1x.5g (+83mg L-cholin), (L-)theanine (The) 1x.2g (+.15g polyphenols) (next 2x0.1mg), TMG: 6x0.6=3.6g (as much as B3). Plus rupatadine/Rupafin 1x/d since jab#3 Nov. Plus practitioners recommendations: #1) masterwort / Imperatoria ostruthium, #2) Hexacyl (Sulphur D4, Lycopodium Ø, Berberis Ø), #3) add Steirocall comp. (for “arthrosis” & bones) (& umckaloabo). Not at all sure about any of these, after 3 weeks of Hexacyl, #4 bitter herbs when Hexacyl bottle is finished, #5 more B5 now, #6 “glutathione activator” → upping MSM, selenium, and have asked if manganese and vit. E are important. #7 Pro Mucosa: added Hericium, can’t increase glutamine, asked back about ficin and biotin, #8 Chlorella, #9 B9 as 5-MTHF for homocysteine.

What-when-details: Updated Jan 8th.
Pretty on time.
“16:00” preparing pills
“18:15” A1 PF#1, 2x threo., Lut, Qc#1.
5’ “empty time” = to see if I need worry time.
“18:30” myo-inositol + teeth
“19:30” A2=12+1 2xvB2#1 2xvB3 vB5#1 2Cr#1, PF#2, Cu, .3gGABA CoQ10 (oil) &! Se, 2xTMG#1. Meal: 1PQQ, 5ml Ω3 & Hon#1. monkfruit.
Meal 20: ’ +xylitol. Back exercises. Soak seeds. aloe.
“20:30” pre-A3 agigenin 1h before bedtime + teeth
“20:30” chamomile
“21:00” A3 PF#3 0.3gGABA & .6glu & Qc#2 Hon#2 + 1 Rupafin or A2
“0:00” psyllium / medicinal clay if a sleep break is 2h before & after other supps.
“2:00” A4 300mg GABA + teeth
“4:00” +0.25 GABA
B=11/ ’ in sun/lamp “07:00” ALA, Ro#1, Qc#3 Rs#1 2xSAM-e EGCg + Fev/MSM#1 + Sily +2The.
Back exercises.
Soak Soak pumpkin seeds & almonds.
Meal ’ in sun/lamp. aloe.
’ in sun/lamp C=23/ with meal: 2xB2#2 2xvB3#2 vB5#2 3xvC#1 3xCr#2 .6GABA#4, gink#1, Oli#1 pine bark#1 2xTMG#2 2xEleu 2gly PEA Rutin = 23. (vit.D3 1/wk)
“11:00” D1(0) + Teeth (+2h/) Ellag#1, Fev/MSM#2, gi#2.
“14:00” 0 Meal ’ in sun +aloe
“14:15” D=15/ ’ in sun vB2#3 "2"vB3#3 vB5#3 3xvC#2 3Cr#3, .6GABA#5, gink#3 Oli#2, pine#2, TMG#3
“16:00” preparing pills: 5x to encapsulate.
E “17:00” (“meal/acids+2h”) Ellag#2, Fev/MSM#3 Qc#4, Ro#2, Rs#2.
A1 “18:00”
Eat + aloe + PQQ+Ω3 if not earlier.
A2 + apigenin & heating down
(B12 s.c.: 2022-11-04, 2022-04-10, 2022-01-10: B12 5mg methylcobalamin s.c.)

The day's supp-compartments (8', plus 10' making capsules), Jan 8th

Pf: A1+A2+A3, vB2: 2A,2C,2D. vB3: 2A,2C,2D. vB5: A,C,D. vC:0A+3C+3D 8Cr: 2A+3C+3D, Ell: D0+E. Fev/MSM: B,D0. Ga 4-5x: a2,a3,a4,C,D, Gi: C,D0,D Glutathione: B. Hon:A2.A3. Oliv: C,D. pine: C,D. Qc: A1.A3.B.E Ro:B,D Rs:B,D SINGLE: A1: 0xMgMal, luteolin. 2MgThreo. myo-inositol (15’ before meal 1x/(2)d) A2: Cu (separate from P5P etc.!)+0P5+1xQ10 (->ubiquinone <150mg/d! atm ubiquinol), 1xSe. (A2:Ω/Pq:meal, A3: apigenin) A3: Glutamin (0c1), B (or C): ALA, EGCg, 2xeleu, , Ru, 2 Sa, Sily, 2Th, C: 2 Gly, PEA, DAO before risky meals? monkfruit usually evenings, aloe vera. D3 saturdays. (A2:0Se, up soon)
TALLIES Jan 9th: correct?
A1=6+1 Pf#1 Qc1#1, Lut, 2 MgThreo, + myo-inositol + (DAO?)
A2=16 2vB2#1 "2"xvB3, vB5#1, 2xCr#1, Cu, Pf#2, Ga#1, Hon#1, Q10, Se, 2TMG#1 + Rup. = 16
+Ω3/PQQ/aloe +monkfruit +apigenin 16(+5) -1 vB5 = 15.
A3=5 Pf#3, Ga#1, Gltm, Hon#2, Qc#3
A4=1 Ga, A5=1 Ga#2. A6 = 1-2 psyllium.
B=11 ALA, EGCg, Fev/MSM#1, Glutt, Qc#3, Ro#1, Rs#2, 2xSa, 2Th, Sily (DAO?) = 11/
C=22 2vB2#2 "2"xvB3#2 vB5#2 3xvC#1 3xCr#2 Ga#4 Gi#2 Ol#1 Pin#1 TMG#2 2xEleu 2xMgGly PEA Rut = 22 - vB5 = 21.
D0=2 Ell, Fev/MSM#2, Gi, + (DAO?)
D=15 2vB2#3 "2"vB3#3 vB5#3 3xvC#2 3xCr#3 Ga#5 Gi#3 Ol#2 Pin#2 TMG#3 Fev/MSM#2
25th: -vB5#3: so only 14/
E=4 Ell, Qc#4, Ro#2, Rs#2. Fev/MSM#3
B12 4-monthly, D3 Saturdays.


‘Research’ today: No.
Lessons in self-care #557 Need to do less I spose.
Reasons to be cheerful #595 Depressed from the morning exhaustion, better when better…

Click for links to jab side effects, foods, blog references, e.g. abbreviations, & guideline for symptom tracking & trigger hunting


2023-01-28, Saturday - Energy 13→16 %

Sleep 90% / Feeling 80%-ish / nausea 0%, fog 10%

New Habits: Click for details of those I'm still working on. Last change 14th: deleted B-supps & earlier antihistamine & leg stretches and turned daylight lamp & back exercises & teeth into reminders, leaving (reduced) 4: bed, ACT, stretches & cold food out.

:ambulance: Bed 23:30-8:30/9:00. :white_check_mark:
:ambulance: Note thoughts and emotions (ACT) :x:
:ambulance: More leg stretches. (:white_check_mark:)
:ambulance: Cold foods out of fridge 2h earlier than eating. (:white_check_mark:)

Today's FM symptoms unchanged from WPI 11 & SSS 9, except....: 0 (click for details)

Today’s symptoms sorted by the ACR 2016 criteria

Widespread pain, WPI = 11 of 19 areas: limb-Ache 8 (10-20%, stiff 10-20%) + spine-pain 3 (10%), shoulder-girdles/hips 0 chest / abdomen / jaw 0
Symptom severity, SSS = severity 9 of 12: Fatigue 3 (87-84%), insomnia 3 (10%), fog 2 (10%), headache 0 (0%), GI 1 (10%), depression 0

Triggers & resulting Symptoms

JAB#3 (on Nov 7th) causing MCAS / histamine problems, esp. energy narrowed to (10-)15-20%. 26th: Tongue & muscles better again, but pain & fatigue. 25th: Burning tongue after evening olives. Sore buttock (& leg) muscles like after the jabs since 23rd. 22nd: no tongue, try more pecans, praps with DAO before? Lips still very white.

JAB#3 (on Nov 7th) → MCAS / histamine since end of Dec: 15-20% energy for under 45’, then white lips & pale face. But if I keep strain down to ‘half speed’ (70%) I can push on thru for hours - with a few breaks and lots of task-switching. Not that much specifically histaminey problems since end of Dec, occasionally sinuses and nausea, no more ill ache. Usually white lips & face 30%, and some sliding instead of walking indoors 10%, bit more cold intolerance 30% (long johns 24/7, 2 thick duvets at night). From Jan on, bit warmer (5-12° C), I’ve swapped long johns for a 2nd pair of pyjama trousers at night and when I’m pretty active at daytime sometimes no long johns, but when out slow cycling/walking. And don’t need hot water bottles any more, whether I can manage a cold shower (usually) or not.
Development summarized: Down: Nov 17th - Dec 1st, worst 17th-18th, best 20th & 29th. Up: Dec 2nd-6th, Down 7th-8th, Up: 9th-14th, best 13th-14th: Winning easily 4:0, and slow energy for 4h! Down: 15th-21st 7 days, Up 22nd to 24th winning roughly 3:1, Unsure: 25th-31st: TT 2:2 or no play possible: 25th 2:2(?), (26th 0), 27th: 2:2, (28th 0 - ordered supps, not cellar), Down: 1st-2nd, 4th. Up: 3rd, 5th. Both: 6th-11th - sinuses, tongue, lips, runny, DAO helping. Cold: 12th. 13th: GI: HP supps? 14th: B3-Flushing up!? 15th: Runny nose, 16th-21st & 25th-26th…: Tongue off and on. 23rd-25th: Sore buttock (& leg) muscles like after the jabs since 23rd. 26th: Cold, pain & fatigue, energy from 18% to 10% since 19th. Triggers tooth cleaning and moving out. 27th: Bad. 28th: Bad to better.

Treatments: Antihistamine, and extra GABA from Nov 29th. Stopping the antihistamine at the turn of the year quickly caused sleep problems.

SLEEP (click for details): 8h12, up 4x (53'), all deep ✅ ➔ Feeling 80-70% well, Ache 1-3 of 7 ✅, getting up: 80%/2 ✅. Nostrils 15% stuffy 50% of the night.

A3 teeth? cold shower0 p0 Sleep 23:05- Why not 21:00? 3rd # is LBU
Memos: Lower Back: short exercises, twist-stretched, yoga & hanging. massager.
0:00 11’ 90%/1/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep A4 cream
(nostril/s5% nauseous% stomach% sinuses% headache% sore throat% stools firm?)
1:35 5’ 80%/1/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep A5 cream
(nostril/s5% nauseous% stomach% sinuses% headache% sore throat% stools firm?)
3:40 12’ 80%/2/15% p0 st2 sip fw1’ deep air Psyllium cream HWB#2 cos of sore throat
(nostril/s15% nauseous% stomach% sinuses5% headache% sore throat20% stools firm?)
5:57 25’ 70%/3/15% p0 st2 sip fw1’ deep air B cream 6
(nostril/s15% nauseous% stomach% sinuses5% headache% sore throat10% stools firm?)
-8:10 6:00 B1-4 0‘ in sun, 70%/2/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep
(nostril/s15% nauseous% stomach% sinuses5% headache% sore throat10% stools firm?)
Sum: 8h10+55-(11+5+12+25=)53 = 9h05-53 = 8h12, up 4x (53’), all deep

ACTIVITIES (aim: 40% energy)ACHE: 80%/2, recorded a video for work, tapes and CDs ➔ TT 1:2 (picking up 0 balls) ➔ 80%/2 :white_check_mark:, cycling to & from graveyard, standing talking fairly OK, except urge ➔ 80%/2-3 :white_check_mark:
ACTIONSPAINS :white_check_mark:: except GI :white_check_mark:, esophagus: massager often just in case :white_check_mark:, pee pain: 0xp1-2: better :white_check_mark:, lower back unrest :white_check_mark:, finger tips: better now I’ve been moving stuff less, but left thumb tip again today :white_check_mark:. Lips chapped, improving :white_check_mark:.

Click for details on Touch, Covid, Weather, last seizures Jan 14th & 15th, last esophagus block Jan 8th, last jaw pain Jan 10th. Well I spose since then 1-2x/d.

Touch: :white_check_mark: Covid: :white_check_mark: Weather: Indoors :white_check_mark: Outdoors :white_check_mark:. Daylight lamp regularly on.
Last focal seizures: Jan 15th 10:40 (from a pee urge, only 2nd “wave”). Jan 14th 23:58 (no trigger, praps missing out on .6g GABA Friday). Jan 5th (after being scolded for being hyper). Dec 11th: 1x. Nov 21st: 2x.
Last esophagus blocks: Jan 19th: Sometimes do use massager a while to make sure. Jan 17th: I can take my B supps and then go to bed again atm. Jan 8th: Block after evening supps, maybe from twisting. Jan 7th: Testing if twisting before, while & after pills & food increases esophagus blocks Jan 6th: Slight blocks. Jan 5th: Medium block in evening. About 5x small blocks from pills around end of the year. Dec (20th, 15th) 11th (9th,) 1st, Nov 30th 2x, 29th 2x, (28th,) 24th, 22nd, 20th. Powder blocks in funnel if it’s too much in one go…
Jaw: Hardly & seldom pain since Nov. A bit more in Jan. Jan 6th: Slightly psychosomatic from memory of a painful time. Jan 10th: A bit after tooth cleaning. After: regularly a little bit, 1-2x/d.


Click for details on bloods (Dec 9th), practitioner ideas (last on Dec 20th), acupuncture (last on Dec 22nd). Last started masterwort (warily) and Hexacyl on Jan 6th - low & slow. 13th: Unsure if the stomach problems are from those two, so stop-start to see. 16th: again feel 2x2 drops is too much, stomach problems. 17th: 2x1 drop, 2x OK, praps a bit. 19th: 1-2x1 drop each again apparently too much (nausea).

Bloods at cardio Dec 9th: Homocysteine a bit high, continue B3 and B2, phosphate not that bad. Leukocytes low! CK, muscular, too high, praps fibro?
Alternative health practitioner (“Heilpraktiker”) on Dec 6th+20th: Jan 6th: Started masterwort & Hexacyl, lower than recommended (2x1 drop each), adding 1/d. 9th: Further research after reply to take manganese and vit. E. 13th: Unsure if the stomach problems are from those 2, so stop-start to see. 16th: again feel 2x2 drops is too much, stomach problems. 17th: 2x1 drop, 2x OK, praps a bit. 19th: 1-2x1 drop each again apparently too much. 25th I don’t feel like taking “her” powders at the moment (fungi & chlorella don’t taste good, roasted pumpkin seeds sometimes yes), lost some fun in eating, need to reclaim that. 26th: nauseous after masterwort. 27th-28th OK after masterwort.
Chinese Acupuncturist - Session #32 on Nov 4th., after 14 days :white_check_mark: “Energy still pretty stable at 20%, despite jab-nausea…”, now it’s down from that so often that I tried #33 22nd Dec. Wasn’t worth it: No improvement, sleep too short.

SELF-PHYSIO (click for details): 72'

white_check_mark: airing 5x2’, cold shower 0x(10’), cream/oil fc/ey/hd/ft 3x1’, teeth 1x2’, HWB 2x3’, breath exercises 5x1’, Y. Nidra 0’, massage gun 0x3’, daylight lamp/sun 6x5’, plantar/calf stretch x1’, acupressure 0x1’, palpate 0’, belly 3’, back 10’, !!aloe vera 0x1’, twist-stretch 2x1’, yoga/stretching x1’, hang 1x1’. hunchback-pillow 0’.
Combine: next?
:x: wart x1. neck 1+ x1’, RR: 0, neck 2 0x1’, workout 7’, horse stance 1’, balance roll standing 5’, breath-hold 12’, jolt-jump 1’, marionette-hang 1’, shaking dance 1’, bent leg fall 1’.

Supps Jan 8th (48 supps): Supp costs: 466€/m (8th) + 16€/m for empty capsules = 482€/m: Jan 25th forgot C supps, so postponed it to D, and that to before evening meal, A late, also forgot masterwort. Jan 21st 1x1 drop of masterwort at 21:40. Jan 20th: 1 day break: with masterwort & Hexacyl. Jan 20th: Nauseous/hurting for 1h after psyllium, then severe nausea after masterwort & Hexacyl. Jan 11th: Still to get her MSM, manganese, E as tocotrienol and my silymarin again. And remember to take the masterwort and Hexacyl regularly. Yet to try: Creatine? ATP again, encapsulated, for phosphate?? Click for details on the lists, with dosing batches by times and tubs.

ZERO now: Arg, alpha-GPC 1x150mg, fisetin: 0x196mg, huperzia A, mumijo, NAC 1*.5g, NADH, Ribose, Serrapeptase, Zinc, P5P (= vit. B6) 0x27mg (high).

REGULAR as of Jan 8th (48 supps): (R-)ALA .2g, aloe vera juice 50+ml/d, apigenin 1x50mg, vit. B2 6x600mg, vit. B3/Nia 6x0.6=3.6g, vit. B5/Panto: 3x.5g vit. B12 (methyl-C) 1x5mg/4m s.c., AND B12 1x0.2mg (all 3 good types) WITH vit. B9/5-MTHF 1x0.4mg, vit. C 2x3x.5g, L-carnitine (Cr) 8x0.6g, copper (Cu) 1x2mg, vit. D3 20.000 IE = 500mcg, WITH vit. K2 (MK7) 200mcg, DAO before meals, EGCg 1x(50%, incl. L-theanine?).5g, ellagic Acid (Ell) 2x.2g (+43mg vit. C), eleuthero (eleu) 2x4,5mg, feverfew (fev) 3x.4g WITH 3x.2g MSM, GABA (Ga): 4x0.3g+2x.6g=2.4g, ginkgo (Gi) 3x168mg, (L-)glutamin (gltm, glu): 2x0.6g, glutathione (gltt) 1x250mg, honokiol (Hon) (2%)x2x.4g=16mg, luteolin 1x.2g, magnesium glycinate (mag gly) 2x50mg, mag malate (mag mal) 0x45mg, mag threonate (mag threo) 2x50g, monkfruit 0.1g, myo-inositol 1x1g/1!d, olive leaf extract (oli) 2x.75, Ω3 1x5mg, passiflora (Pf) 3x.35g, Levagen±PEA 1x0.3g, pine bark (pin) 2x.5g, PQQ 1, psyllium (Ps), CoQ10 (Q10)(ubn) 1x.1g, quercetin (Qc) 4x.5g, resveratrol (Rs) (50%) 2x.4g, rhodiola (Ro) 2x.35g, rutin (ru): 1x522. SAM-e (Sa) 2x.1g, Selenium 1x.2mg, Silymarin (Sil) (80%) 1x.5g (+83mg L-cholin), (L-)theanine (The) 1x.2g (+.15g polyphenols) (next 2x0.1mg), TMG: 6x0.6=3.6g (as much as B3). Plus rupatadine/Rupafin 1x/d since jab#3 Nov. Plus practitioners recommendations: #1) masterwort / Imperatoria ostruthium, #2) Hexacyl (Sulphur D4, Lycopodium Ø, Berberis Ø), #3) add Steirocall comp. (for “arthrosis” & bones) (& umckaloabo). Not at all sure about any of these, after 3 weeks of Hexacyl, #4 bitter herbs when Hexacyl bottle is finished, #5 more B5 now, #6 “glutathione activator” → upping MSM, selenium, and have asked if manganese and vit. E are important. #7 Pro Mucosa: added Hericium, can’t increase glutamine, asked back about ficin and biotin, #8 Chlorella, #9 B9 as 5-MTHF for homocysteine.

What-when-details: Updated Jan 8th.
Forgot A2 Saturday evening until 22:00
“16:00” preparing pills
“18:15” A1 PF#1, 2x threo., Lut, Qc#1.
5’ “empty time” = to see if I need worry time.
“18:30” myo-inositol + teeth
“19:30” A2=12+1 2xvB2#1 2xvB3 vB5#1 2Cr#1, PF#2, Cu, .3gGABA CoQ10 (oil) &! Se, 2xTMG#1. Meal: 1PQQ, 5ml Ω3 & Hon#1. monkfruit.
Meal 20: ’ +xylitol. Back exercises. Soak seeds. aloe.
“20:30” pre-A3 agigenin 1h before bedtime + teeth
“20:30” chamomile
“21:00” A3 PF#3 0.3gGABA & .6glu & Qc#2 Hon#2 + 1 Rupafin or A2
“0:00” psyllium / medicinal clay if a sleep break is 2h before & after other supps.
“2:00” A4 300mg GABA + teeth
“4:00” +0.25 GABA
B=11/ ’ in sun/lamp “07:00” ALA, Ro#1, Qc#3 Rs#1 2xSAM-e EGCg + Fev/MSM#1 + Sily +2The.
Back exercises.
Soak Soak pumpkin seeds & almonds.
Meal ’ in sun/lamp. aloe.
’ in sun/lamp C=23/ with meal: 2xB2#2 2xvB3#2 vB5#2 3xvC#1 3xCr#2 .6GABA#4, gink#1, Oli#1 pine bark#1 2xTMG#2 2xEleu 2gly PEA Rutin = 23. (vit.D3 1/wk)
“11:00” D1(0) + Teeth (+2h/) Ellag#1, Fev/MSM#2, gi#2.
“14:00” 0 Meal ’ in sun +aloe
“14:15” D=15/ ’ in sun vB2#3 "2"vB3#3 vB5#3 3xvC#2 3Cr#3, .6GABA#5, gink#3 Oli#2, pine#2, TMG#3
“16:00” preparing pills: 5x to encapsulate.
E “17:00” (“meal/acids+2h”) Ellag#2, Fev/MSM#3 Qc#4, Ro#2, Rs#2.
A1 “18:00”
Eat + aloe + PQQ+Ω3 if not earlier.
A2 + apigenin & heating down
(B12 s.c.: 2022-11-04, 2022-04-10, 2022-01-10: B12 5mg methylcobalamin s.c.)

The day's supp-compartments (8', plus 10' making capsules), Jan 8th

Pf: A1+A2+A3, vB2: 2A,2C,2D. vB3: 2A,2C,2D. vB5: A,C,D. vC:0A+3C+3D 8Cr: 2A+3C+3D, Ell: D0+E. Fev/MSM: B,D0. Ga 4-5x: a2,a3,a4,C,D, Gi: C,D0,D Glutathione: B. Hon:A2.A3. Oliv: C,D. pine: C,D. Qc: A1.A3.B.E Ro:B,D Rs:B,D SINGLE: A1: 0xMgMal, luteolin. 2MgThreo. myo-inositol (15’ before meal 1x/(2)d) A2: Cu (separate from P5P etc.!)+0P5+1xQ10 (->ubiquinone <150mg/d! atm ubiquinol), 1xSe. (A2:Ω/Pq:meal, A3: apigenin) A3: Glutamin (0c1), B (or C): ALA, EGCg, 2xeleu, , Ru, 2 Sa, Sily, 2Th, C: 2 Gly, PEA, DAO before risky meals? monkfruit usually evenings, aloe vera. D3 saturdays. (A2:0Se, up soon)
TALLIES Jan 9th: correct?
A1=6+1 Pf#1 Qc1#1, Lut, 2 MgThreo, + myo-inositol + (DAO?)
A2=16 2vB2#1 "2"xvB3, vB5#1, 2xCr#1, Cu, Pf#2, Ga#1, Hon#1, Q10, Se, 2TMG#1 + Rup. = 16
+Ω3/PQQ/aloe +monkfruit +apigenin 16(+5) -1 vB5 = 15.
A3=5 Pf#3, Ga#1, Gltm, Hon#2, Qc#3
A4=1 Ga, A5=1 Ga#2. A6 = 1-2 psyllium.
B=11 ALA, EGCg, Fev/MSM#1, Glutt, Qc#3, Ro#1, Rs#2, 2xSa, 2Th, Sily (DAO?) = 11/
C=22 2vB2#2 "2"xvB3#2 vB5#2 3xvC#1 3xCr#2 Ga#4 Gi#2 Ol#1 Pin#1 TMG#2 2xEleu 2xMgGly PEA Rut = 22 - vB5 = 21.
D0=2 Ell, Fev/MSM#2, Gi, + (DAO?)
D=15 2vB2#3 "2"vB3#3 vB5#3 3xvC#2 3xCr#3 Ga#5 Gi#3 Ol#2 Pin#2 TMG#3 Fev/MSM#2
25th: -vB5#3: so only 14/
E=4 Ell, Qc#4, Ro#2, Rs#2. Fev/MSM#3
B12 4-monthly, D3 Saturdays.


‘Research’ today: No.
Lessons in self-care #558 Resting a bit more, keeping TT down to 3 games may have helped improve in the afternoon, altho on the other hand my wife was nagging I was doing too much - cleaned the whole bathroom in 45’ before TT, and afterwards a little gardening, de-cluttering.
Reasons to be cheerful #596 Getting important stuff done. Makes us very sad we seem to have lost our balcony magpie. But so much good things.

Click for links to jab side effects, foods, blog references, e.g. abbreviations, & guideline for symptom tracking & trigger hunting

2023-01-29, Sunday - Energy 15% - Severe sudden pain under ribs on the right front (gallbladder?) while cleaning the bathroom (45’). Priority on music in service, brilliant, but depleted energy more than ever, my wife had to pack my stuff together after.

Sleep 90% / Feeling 80%-ish / nausea 0%, fog 10%

New Habits: Click for details of those I'm still working on. Last change 14th: deleted B-supps & earlier antihistamine & leg stretches and turned daylight lamp & back exercises & teeth into reminders, leaving (reduced) 4: bed, ACT, stretches & cold food out.

:ambulance: Bed 23:30-8:30/9:00. (:x:)
:ambulance: Note thoughts and emotions (ACT) (:white_check_mark:)
:ambulance: More leg stretches. (:white_check_mark:)
:ambulance: Cold foods out of fridge 2h earlier than eating. (:white_check_mark:)

Today's FM symptoms unchanged from WPI 11 & SSS 9, except....: severe sudden gallbladder? pain from a wrong twist at around 12, also stomach pain after psyllium at 5, before that (click for details)

Today’s symptoms sorted by the ACR 2016 criteria

Widespread pain, WPI = 11 of 19 areas: limb-Ache 8 (10-30%, stiff 10%) + spine-pain 3 (10%), shoulder-girdles/hips 0 chest / abdomen / jaw 0
Symptom severity, SSS = severity 9 of 12: Fatigue 3 (85%), insomnia 3 (10%), fog 2 (10%), headache 0 ?0%), GI 1 (40% - gallbladder?), depression 0

Triggers & resulting Symptoms

JAB#3 (on Nov 7th) causing MCAS / histamine problems, esp. energy narrowed to (10-)15-20%. 26th: Tongue & muscles better again, but pain & fatigue. 25th: Burning tongue after evening olives. Sore buttock (& leg) muscles like after the jabs since 23rd. 22nd: no tongue, try more pecans, praps with DAO before? Lips still very white.

JAB#3 (on Nov 7th) → MCAS / histamine since end of Dec: 15-20% energy for under 45’, then white lips & pale face. But if I keep strain down to ‘half speed’ (70%) I can push on thru for hours - with a few breaks and lots of task-switching. Not that much specifically histaminey problems since end of Dec, occasionally sinuses and nausea, no more ill ache. Usually white lips & face 30%, and some sliding instead of walking indoors 10%, bit more cold intolerance 30% (long johns 24/7, 2 thick duvets at night). From Jan on, bit warmer (5-12° C), I’ve swapped long johns for a 2nd pair of pyjama trousers at night and when I’m pretty active at daytime sometimes no long johns, but when out slow cycling/walking. And don’t need hot water bottles any more, whether I can manage a cold shower (usually) or not.
Development summarized: Down: Nov 17th - Dec 1st, worst 17th-18th, best 20th & 29th. Up: Dec 2nd-6th, Down 7th-8th, Up: 9th-14th, best 13th-14th: Winning easily 4:0, and slow energy for 4h! Down: 15th-21st 7 days, Up 22nd to 24th winning roughly 3:1, Unsure: 25th-31st: TT 2:2 or no play possible: 25th 2:2(?), (26th 0), 27th: 2:2, (28th 0 - ordered supps, not cellar), Down: 1st-2nd, 4th. Up: 3rd, 5th. Both: 6th-11th - sinuses, tongue, lips, runny, DAO helping. Cold: 12th. 13th: GI: HP supps? 14th: B3-Flushing up!? 15th: Runny nose, 16th-21st & 25th-26th…: Tongue off and on. 23rd-25th: Sore buttock (& leg) muscles like after the jabs since 23rd. 26th: Cold, pain & fatigue, energy from 18% to 10% since 19th. Triggers tooth cleaning and moving out. 27th: Bad. 28th: Bad to better. 29th: OK, considering.

Treatments: Antihistamine, and extra GABA from Nov 29th. Stopping the antihistamine at the turn of the year quickly caused sleep problems.

SLEEP (click for details): 7h02, up 4x (58'), all deep(?) ✅ ➔ Feeling 80% well, Ache 2 of 7 ✅, getting up: 80%/2 ✅. Nostrils 5% stuffy 100% of the night.

A3 alternate shower p0 HWB#1 Sleep 0:40- Why not 21:00? 3rd # is LBU
Memos: Lower Back: short exercises, twist-stretched, yoga & hanging. massager.
1:50 5’ 80%/2/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep A4 cream, slipped over in our hall!
(nostril/s5% nauseous% stomach% sinuses% headache% sore throat% stools firm?)
2:50 5’ 80%/2/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep A5 cream
(nostril/s5% nauseous% stomach% sinuses% headache% sore throat% stools firm?)
4:25 10’ 80%/2/15% p0 st1 sip fw5’ deep psyllium cream
(nostril/s5% nauseous% stomach% sinuses% headache% sore throat10% stools firm?)
5:40 38’ 80%/2/15% p0 st1 sip fw5’ deep cream. The psyllium now caused a specific stomach or gut ache, as it often does, which is temporary, but does not feel healthy in any way. So this is the end of my trial
(nostril/s5% nauseous% stomach% sinuses% headache% sore throat10% stools firm?)
-8:40? B1-4 ‘ in sun, Seems to have been fairly deep.
Sum: 8h40-40-(5+5+10+38=)58 = 8h-58 = 7h02, up 4x (58’), all deep(?)

ACTIVITIES (aim: 40% energy)ACHE: 80%/2 ➔ TT 1:2(?) (picking up 1-2 balls) ➔ 70%/3 :x:, making music ➔ 80-70%/3 :x:
ACTIONSPAINS :white_check_mark:: except GI :white_check_mark:, esophagus: better :white_check_mark:, pee pain: 0xp1-2: better :white_check_mark:, lower back unrest :white_check_mark:, finger tips: better now I’ve been moving stuff less :white_check_mark:. Lips chapped, improving :white_check_mark:.

Click for details on Touch, Covid, Weather, last seizures Jan 14th & 15th, last esophagus block Jan 8th, last jaw pain Jan 10th. Well I spose since then 1-2x/d.

Touch: :white_check_mark: Covid: :white_check_mark: Weather: Indoors :white_check_mark: Outdoors :white_check_mark:. Daylight lamp regularly on.
Last focal seizures: Jan 15th 10:40 (from a pee urge, only 2nd “wave”). Jan 14th 23:58 (no trigger, praps missing out on .6g GABA Friday). Jan 5th (after being scolded for being hyper). Dec 11th: 1x. Nov 21st: 2x.
Last esophagus blocks: Jan 19th: Sometimes do use massager a while to make sure. Jan 17th: I can take my B supps and then go to bed again atm. Jan 8th: Block after evening supps, maybe from twisting. Jan 7th: Testing if twisting before, while & after pills & food increases esophagus blocks Jan 6th: Slight blocks. Jan 5th: Medium block in evening. About 5x small blocks from pills around end of the year. Dec (20th, 15th) 11th (9th,) 1st, Nov 30th 2x, 29th 2x, (28th,) 24th, 22nd, 20th. Powder blocks in funnel if it’s too much in one go…
Jaw: Hardly & seldom pain since Nov. A bit more in Jan. Jan 6th: Slightly psychosomatic from memory of a painful time. Jan 10th: A bit after tooth cleaning. After: regularly a little bit, 1-2x/d.


Click for details on bloods (Dec 9th), practitioner ideas (last on Dec 20th), acupuncture (last on Dec 22nd). Last started masterwort (warily) and Hexacyl on Jan 6th - low & slow. 13th: Unsure if the stomach problems are from those two, so stop-start to see. 16th: again feel 2x2 drops is too much, stomach problems. 17th: 2x1 drop, 2x OK, praps a bit. 19th: 1-2x1 drop each again apparently too much (nausea). 27th-29th OK after 1 drop of masterwort.

Bloods at cardio Dec 9th: Homocysteine a bit high, continue B3 and B2, phosphate not that bad. Leukocytes low! CK, muscular, too high, praps fibro?
Alternative health practitioner (“Heilpraktiker”) on Dec 6th+20th: Jan 6th: Started masterwort & Hexacyl, lower than recommended (2x1 drop each), adding 1/d. 9th: Further research after reply to take manganese and vit. E. 13th: Unsure if the stomach problems are from those 2, so stop-start to see. 16th: again feel 2x2 drops is too much, stomach problems. 17th: 2x1 drop, 2x OK, praps a bit. 19th: 1-2x1 drop each again apparently too much. 25th I don’t feel like taking “her” powders at the moment (fungi & chlorella don’t taste good, roasted pumpkin seeds sometimes yes), lost some fun in eating, need to reclaim that. 26th: nauseous after masterwort. 27th-29th OK after masterwort.
Chinese Acupuncturist - Session #32 on Nov 4th., after 14 days :white_check_mark: “Energy still pretty stable at 20%, despite jab-nausea…”, now it’s down from that so often that I tried #33 22nd Dec. Wasn’t worth it: No improvement, sleep too short.

SELF-PHYSIO (click for details): 85'

white_check_mark: airing 2x2’, cold shower (1)x(10’), cream/oil fc/ey/hd/ft 4x1’, teeth 1x2’, HWB 0x3’, breath exercises 4x1’, Y. Nidra 0’, massage gun 0x3’, daylight lamp/sun 6x5’, plantar/calf stretch 2x1’, acupressure 0x1’, palpate 0’, belly 3’, back 10’, !!aloe vera 0x1’, twist-stretch 2x1’, yoga/stretching 2x1’, hang 2x1’. hunchback-pillow 0’.
Combine: next?
:x: wart x1. neck 1+ x1’, RR: 0, neck 2 0x1’, workout 7’, horse stance 1’, balance roll standing 5’, breath-hold 12’, jolt-jump 1’, marionette-hang 1’, shaking dance 1’, bent leg fall 1’.

Supps Jan 8th (48 supps): Supp costs: 466€/m (8th) + 16€/m for empty capsules = 482€/m: Jan 29th: psyllium again not working, masterwort 1 drop per day seems to be OK now, so trying Hexacyl again. Jan 11th: Still to get her MSM, manganese, E as tocotrienol and my silymarin again. And remember to take the masterwort and Hexacyl regularly. Yet to try: Creatine? ATP again, encapsulated, for phosphate?? Click for details on the lists, with dosing batches by times and tubs.

ZERO now: Arg, alpha-GPC 1x150mg, fisetin: 0x196mg, huperzia A, mumijo, NAC 1*.5g, NADH, Ribose, Serrapeptase, Zinc, P5P (= vit. B6) 0x27mg (high).

REGULAR as of Jan 8th (48 supps): (R-)ALA .2g, aloe vera juice 50+ml/d, apigenin 1x50mg, vit. B2 6x600mg, vit. B3/Nia 6x0.6=3.6g, vit. B5/Panto: 3x.5g vit. B12 (methyl-C) 1x5mg/4m s.c., AND B12 1x0.2mg (all 3 good types) WITH vit. B9/5-MTHF 1x0.4mg, vit. C 2x3x.5g, L-carnitine (Cr) 8x0.6g, copper (Cu) 1x2mg, vit. D3 20.000 IE = 500mcg, WITH vit. K2 (MK7) 200mcg, DAO before meals, EGCg 1x(50%, incl. L-theanine?).5g, ellagic Acid (Ell) 2x.2g (+43mg vit. C), eleuthero (eleu) 2x4,5mg, feverfew (fev) 3x.4g WITH 3x.2g MSM, GABA (Ga): 4x0.3g+2x.6g=2.4g, ginkgo (Gi) 3x168mg, (L-)glutamin (gltm, glu): 2x0.6g, glutathione (gltt) 1x250mg, honokiol (Hon) (2%)x2x.4g=16mg, luteolin 1x.2g, magnesium glycinate (mag gly) 2x50mg, mag malate (mag mal) 0x45mg, mag threonate (mag threo) 2x50g, monkfruit 0.1g, myo-inositol 1x1g/1!d, olive leaf extract (oli) 2x.75, Ω3 1x5mg, passiflora (Pf) 3x.35g, Levagen±PEA 1x0.3g, pine bark (pin) 2x.5g, PQQ 1, psyllium (Ps), CoQ10 (Q10)(ubn) 1x.1g, quercetin (Qc) 4x.5g, resveratrol (Rs) (50%) 2x.4g, rhodiola (Ro) 2x.35g, rutin (ru): 1x522. SAM-e (Sa) 2x.1g, Selenium 1x.2mg, Silymarin (Sil) (80%) 1x.5g (+83mg L-cholin), (L-)theanine (The) 1x.2g (+.15g polyphenols) (next 2x0.1mg), TMG: 6x0.6=3.6g (as much as B3). Plus rupatadine/Rupafin 1x/d since jab#3 Nov. Plus practitioners recommendations: #1) masterwort / Imperatoria ostruthium, #2) Hexacyl (Sulphur D4, Lycopodium Ø, Berberis Ø), #3) add Steirocall comp. (for “arthrosis” & bones) (& umckaloabo). Not at all sure about any of these, after 3 weeks of Hexacyl, #4 bitter herbs when Hexacyl bottle is finished, #5 more B5 now, #6 “glutathione activator” → upping MSM, selenium, and have asked if manganese and vit. E are important. #7 Pro Mucosa: added Hericium, can’t increase glutamine, asked back about ficin and biotin, #8 Chlorella, #9 B9 as 5-MTHF for homocysteine.

What-when-details: Updated Jan 8th.
“16:00” preparing pills
“18:15” A1 PF#1, 2x threo., Lut, Qc#1.
5’ “empty time” = to see if I need worry time.
“18:30” myo-inositol + teeth
“19:30” A2=12+1 2xvB2#1 2xvB3 vB5#1 2Cr#1, PF#2, Cu, .3gGABA CoQ10 (oil) &! Se, 2xTMG#1. Meal: 1PQQ, 5ml Ω3 & Hon#1. monkfruit.
Meal 20: ’ +xylitol. Back exercises. Soak seeds. aloe.
“20:30” pre-A3 agigenin 1h before bedtime + teeth
“20:30” chamomile
“21:00” A3 PF#3 0.3gGABA & .6glu & Qc#2 Hon#2 + 1 Rupafin or A2
“0:00” psyllium / medicinal clay if a sleep break is 2h before & after other supps.
“2:00” A4 300mg GABA + teeth
“4:00” +0.25 GABA
B=11/ ’ in sun/lamp “07:00” ALA, Ro#1, Qc#3 Rs#1 2xSAM-e EGCg + Fev/MSM#1 + Sily +2The.
Back exercises.
Soak Soak pumpkin seeds & almonds.
Meal ’ in sun/lamp. aloe.
’ in sun/lamp C=23/ with meal: 2xB2#2 2xvB3#2 vB5#2 3xvC#1 3xCr#2 .6GABA#4, gink#1, Oli#1 pine bark#1 2xTMG#2 2xEleu 2gly PEA Rutin = 23. (vit.D3 1/wk)
“11:00” D1(0) + Teeth (+2h/) Ellag#1, Fev/MSM#2, gi#2.
“14:00” 0 Meal ’ in sun +aloe
“14:15” D=15/ ’ in sun vB2#3 "2"vB3#3 vB5#3 3xvC#2 3Cr#3, .6GABA#5, gink#3 Oli#2, pine#2, TMG#3
“16:00” preparing pills: 5x to encapsulate.
E “17:00” (“meal/acids+2h”) Ellag#2, Fev/MSM#3 Qc#4, Ro#2, Rs#2.
A1 “18:00”
Eat + aloe + PQQ+Ω3 if not earlier.
A2 + apigenin & heating down
(B12 s.c.: 2022-11-04, 2022-04-10, 2022-01-10: B12 5mg methylcobalamin s.c.)

The day's supp-compartments (8', plus 10' making capsules), Jan 8th

Pf: A1+A2+A3, vB2: 2A,2C,2D. vB3: 2A,2C,2D. vB5: A,C,D. vC:0A+3C+3D 8Cr: 2A+3C+3D, Ell: D0+E. Fev/MSM: B,D0. Ga 4-5x: a2,a3,a4,C,D, Gi: C,D0,D Glutathione: B. Hon:A2.A3. Oliv: C,D. pine: C,D. Qc: A1.A3.B.E Ro:B,D Rs:B,D SINGLE: A1: 0xMgMal, luteolin. 2MgThreo. myo-inositol (15’ before meal 1x/(2)d) A2: Cu (separate from P5P etc.!)+0P5+1xQ10 (->ubiquinone <150mg/d! atm ubiquinol), 1xSe. (A2:Ω/Pq:meal, A3: apigenin) A3: Glutamin (0c1), B (or C): ALA, EGCg, 2xeleu, , Ru, 2 Sa, Sily, 2Th, C: 2 Gly, PEA, DAO before risky meals? monkfruit usually evenings, aloe vera. D3 saturdays. (A2:0Se, up soon)
TALLIES Jan 9th: correct?
A1=6+1 Pf#1 Qc1#1, Lut, 2 MgThreo, + myo-inositol + (DAO?)
A2=16 2vB2#1 "2"xvB3, vB5#1, 2xCr#1, Cu, Pf#2, Ga#1, Hon#1, Q10, Se, 2TMG#1 + Rup. = 16
+Ω3/PQQ/aloe +monkfruit +apigenin 16(+5) -1 vB5 = 15.
A3=5 Pf#3, Ga#1, Gltm, Hon#2, Qc#3
A4=1 Ga, A5=1 Ga#2. A6 = 1-2 psyllium.
B=11 ALA, EGCg, Fev/MSM#1, Glutt, Qc#3, Ro#1, Rs#2, 2xSa, 2Th, Sily (DAO?) = 11/
C=22 2vB2#2 "2"xvB3#2 vB5#2 3xvC#1 3xCr#2 Ga#4 Gi#2 Ol#1 Pin#1 TMG#2 2xEleu 2xMgGly PEA Rut = 22 - vB5 = 21.
D0=2 Ell, Fev/MSM#2, Gi, + (DAO?)
D=15 2vB2#3 "2"vB3#3 vB5#3 3xvC#2 3xCr#3 Ga#5 Gi#3 Ol#2 Pin#2 TMG#3 Fev/MSM#2
25th: -vB5#3: so only 14/
E=4 Ell, Qc#4, Ro#2, Rs#2. Fev/MSM#3
B12 4-monthly, D3 Saturdays.


‘Research’ today: No.
Lessons in self-care #559 My wife “knows better”, but I thought I calculated well how I overdid it.
Reasons to be cheerful #597 Playing was very fulfilling.

Click for links to jab side effects, foods, blog references, e.g. abbreviations, & guideline for symptom tracking & trigger hunting

2023-01-30, Monday - Energy 10% after music yesterday.

Sleep 90% / Feeling 80%-ish / nausea 0%, fog 10%

New Habits: Click for details of those I'm still working on. Last change 14th: deleted B-supps & earlier antihistamine & leg stretches and turned daylight lamp & back exercises & teeth into reminders, leaving (reduced) 4: bed, ACT, stretches & cold food out.

:ambulance: Bed 23:30-8:30/9:00. (:x:)
:ambulance: Note thoughts and emotions (ACT) (:white_check_mark:)
:ambulance: More leg stretches. (:white_check_mark:)
:ambulance: Cold foods out of fridge 2h earlier than eating. (:white_check_mark:)

Today's FM symptoms unchanged from WPI 11 & SSS 10, except....: headache off and on the last days, but can't remember which, so I'll say today, so +1 (click for details)

Today’s symptoms sorted by the ACR 2016 criteria

Widespread pain, WPI = 11 of 19 areas: limb-Ache 8 (10-20%, stiff 10%) + spine-pain 3 (10%), shoulder-girdles/hips 0 chest / abdomen / jaw 0
Symptom severity, SSS = severity 9 of 12: Fatigue 3 (90%), insomnia 3 (10%), fog 2 (10%), headache 1 (40%), GI 1 (10%), depression 0

Triggers & resulting Symptoms

JAB#3 (on Nov 7th) causing MCAS / histamine problems, esp. energy narrowed to (10-)15-20%. 26th: Tongue & muscles better again, but pain & fatigue. 25th: Burning tongue after evening olives. Sore buttock (& leg) muscles like after the jabs since 23rd. 22nd: no tongue, try more pecans, praps with DAO before? Lips still very white.

JAB#3 (on Nov 7th) → MCAS / histamine since end of Dec: 15-20% energy for under 45’, then white lips & pale face. But if I keep strain down to ‘half speed’ (70%) I can push on thru for hours - with a few breaks and lots of task-switching. Not that much specifically histaminey problems since end of Dec, occasionally sinuses and nausea, no more ill ache. Usually white lips & face 30%, and some sliding instead of walking indoors 10%, bit more cold intolerance 30% (long johns 24/7, 2 thick duvets at night). From Jan on, bit warmer (5-12° C), I’ve swapped long johns for a 2nd pair of pyjama trousers at night and when I’m pretty active at daytime sometimes no long johns, but when out slow cycling/walking. And don’t need hot water bottles any more, whether I can manage a cold shower (usually) or not.
Development summarized: Down: Nov 17th - Dec 1st, worst 17th-18th, best 20th & 29th. Up: Dec 2nd-6th, Down 7th-8th, Up: 9th-14th, best 13th-14th: Winning easily 4:0, and slow energy for 4h! Down: 15th-21st 7 days, Up 22nd to 24th winning roughly 3:1, Unsure: 25th-31st: TT 2:2 or no play possible: 25th 2:2(?), (26th 0), 27th: 2:2, (28th 0 - ordered supps, not cellar), Down: 1st-2nd, 4th. Up: 3rd, 5th. Both: 6th-11th - sinuses, tongue, lips, runny, DAO helping. Cold: 12th. 13th: GI: HP supps? 14th: B3-Flushing up!? 15th: Runny nose, 16th-21st & 25th-26th…: Tongue off and on. 23rd-25th: Sore buttock (& leg) muscles like after the jabs since 23rd. 26th: Cold, pain & fatigue, energy from 18% to 10% since 19th. Triggers tooth cleaning and moving out. 27th: Bad. 28th: Bad to better. 29th: OK, considering. 30th: No burning after 200g baked beans, but a bit, later, after then another 50g, short colon sting praps from the tomatoes, no stronger urge from them tho.

Treatments: Antihistamine, and extra GABA from Nov 29th. Stopping the antihistamine at the turn of the year quickly caused sleep problems.

SLEEP (click for details): 7h21, up 3x (19'), all deep ✅ ➔ Feeling 80% well, Ache 1 of 7 ✅, getting up: 80%/2 ✅. Nostrils 15% stuffy 20% of the night.

A3 teeth? cold shower? p0? Sleep 0:56- Why not 21:00? 3rd # is LBU
Memos: Lower Back: short exercises, twist-stretched, yoga & hanging. massager.
2:25 7’ 80%/1/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep teeth cream
(nostril/s5% nauseous% stomach5% sinuses% headache% sore throat% stools firm?)
4:00 8’ 80%/1/15% p0 st1 sip fw4’ deep air A4
(nostril/s15% nauseous% stomach15% sinuses% headache% sore throat% stools firm?)
6:45 4’ 80%/1/15% p0 st1 sip fw4’ deep air A5 cream
(nostril/s15% nauseous% stomach25% sinuses% headache% sore throat5% stools firm?)
-8:40 8:45 B1-4 ‘ in sun, 80%/1/15% p0 deep
(nostril/s10% nauseous% stomach35% sinuses% headache% sore throat5% stools firm?)
Sum: 8h40-1h-(7+8+4=)19 = 7h40-19 = 7h21, up 3x (19’), all deep

ACTIVITIES (aim: 40% energy)ACHE: 80%/1 ➔ TT 4:0 (picking up 1 ball) ➔ 80%/3 (:x:), lots of rest, 2 shops in 30’, 1h phone call ➔ 80%/2 :white_check_mark:
ACTIONSPAINS :white_check_mark:: except GI (:white_check_mark:), esophagus: better :white_check_mark:, pee pain: 0xp1-2: better :white_check_mark:, lower back unrest :white_check_mark:, finger tips: worse again :x:. Lips bleeding :x:, improving :white_check_mark:.

Click for details on Touch, Covid, Weather, last seizures Jan 14th & 15th, last esophagus block Jan 8th, last jaw pain Jan 10th. Well I spose since then 1-2x/d.

Touch: :white_check_mark: Covid: :white_check_mark: Weather: Indoors :white_check_mark: Outdoors :white_check_mark:. Daylight lamp regularly on.
Last focal seizures: Jan 15th 10:40 (from a pee urge, only 2nd “wave”). Jan 14th 23:58 (no trigger, praps missing out on .6g GABA Friday). Jan 5th (after being scolded for being hyper). Dec 11th: 1x. Nov 21st: 2x.
Last esophagus blocks: Jan 19th: Sometimes do use massager a while to make sure. Jan 17th: I can take my B supps and then go to bed again atm. Jan 8th: Block after evening supps, maybe from twisting. Jan 7th: Testing if twisting before, while & after pills & food increases esophagus blocks Jan 6th: Slight blocks. Jan 5th: Medium block in evening. About 5x small blocks from pills around end of the year. Dec (20th, 15th) 11th (9th,) 1st, Nov 30th 2x, 29th 2x, (28th,) 24th, 22nd, 20th. Powder blocks in funnel if it’s too much in one go…
Jaw: Hardly & seldom pain since Nov. A bit more in Jan. Jan 6th: Slightly psychosomatic from memory of a painful time. Jan 10th: A bit after tooth cleaning. After: regularly a little bit, 1-2x/d.


Click for details on bloods (Dec 9th), practitioner ideas (last on Dec 20th), acupuncture (last on Dec 22nd). Last started masterwort (warily) and Hexacyl on Jan 6th - low & slow. 13th: Unsure if the stomach problems are from those two, so stop-start to see. 16th: again feel 2x2 drops is too much, stomach problems. 17th: 2x1 drop, 2x OK, praps a bit. 19th: 1-2x1 drop each again apparently too much (nausea). 30th: Lost appetite from all this new stuff in the last few days, so have stopped chlorella, fungi and some of the protein powder.

Bloods at cardio Dec 9th: Homocysteine a bit high, continue B3 and B2, phosphate not that bad. Leukocytes low! CK, muscular, too high, praps fibro?
Alternative health practitioner (“Heilpraktiker”) on Dec 6th+20th: Jan 6th: Started masterwort & Hexacyl, lower than recommended (2x1 drop each), adding 1/d. 9th: Further research after reply to take manganese and vit. E. 13th: Unsure if the stomach problems are from those 2, so stop-start to see. 16th: again feel 2x2 drops is too much, stomach problems. 17th: 2x1 drop, 2x OK, praps a bit. 19th: 1-2x1 drop each again apparently too much. 25th I don’t feel like taking “her” powders at the moment (fungi & chlorella don’t taste good, roasted pumpkin seeds sometimes yes), lost some fun in eating, need to reclaim that. 26th: nauseous after masterwort. 27th-29th OK after 1x1 drop of masterwort.
Chinese Acupuncturist - Session #32 on Nov 4th., after 14 days :white_check_mark: “Energy still pretty stable at 20%, despite jab-nausea…”, now it’s down from that so often that I tried #33 22nd Dec. Wasn’t worth it: No improvement, sleep too short.

SELF-PHYSIO (click for details): 90'

white_check_mark: airing 5x2’, cold shower 1x(10’), cream/oil fc/ey/hd/ft 8x1’, teeth 2x2’, HWB 1x3’, breath exercises 5x1’, Y. Nidra 0’, massage gun 0x3’, daylight lamp/sun 6x5’, plantar/calf stretch 2x1’, acupressure 0x1’, palpate 0’, belly 2’, back 10’, !!aloe vera 0x1’, twist-stretch 2x1’, yoga/stretching 2x1’, hang 2x1’. hunchback-pillow 0’.
Combine: next?
:x: wart x1. neck 1+ x1’, RR: 0, neck 2 0x1’, workout 7’, horse stance 1’, balance roll standing 5’, breath-hold 12’, jolt-jump 1’, marionette-hang 1’, shaking dance 1’, bent leg fall 1’.

Supps Jan 8th (48 supps): Supp costs: 466€/m (8th) + 16€/m for empty capsules = 482€/m: Jan 29th: psyllium again hurting, so stopping that. Masterwort/Imperatoria 1 drop per day seems to be OK now, so trying 1 of Hexacyl again. Jan 11th: Still to get her MSM, manganese, E as tocotrienol and my silymarin again. Yet to try: Creatine? ATP again, encapsulated, for phosphate?? Click for details on the lists, with dosing batches by times and tubs.

ZERO now: Arg, alpha-GPC 1x150mg, fisetin: 0x196mg, huperzia A, mumijo, NAC 1*.5g, NADH, Ribose, Serrapeptase, Zinc, P5P (= vit. B6) 0x27mg (high).

REGULAR as of Jan 8th (48 supps): (R-)ALA .2g, aloe vera juice 50+ml/d, apigenin 1x50mg, vit. B2 6x600mg, vit. B3/Nia 6x0.6=3.6g, vit. B5/Panto: 3x.5g vit. B12 (methyl-C) 1x5mg/4m s.c., AND B12 1x0.2mg (all 3 good types) WITH vit. B9/5-MTHF 1x0.4mg, vit. C 2x3x.5g, L-carnitine (Cr) 8x0.6g, copper (Cu) 1x2mg, vit. D3 20.000 IE = 500mcg, WITH vit. K2 (MK7) 200mcg, DAO before meals, EGCg 1x(50%, incl. L-theanine?).5g, ellagic Acid (Ell) 2x.2g (+43mg vit. C), eleuthero (eleu) 2x4,5mg, feverfew (fev) 3x.4g WITH 3x.2g MSM, GABA (Ga): 4x0.3g+2x.6g=2.4g, ginkgo (Gi) 3x168mg, (L-)glutamin (gltm, glu): 2x0.6g, glutathione (gltt) 1x250mg, honokiol (Hon) (2%)x2x.4g=16mg, luteolin 1x.2g, magnesium glycinate (mag gly) 2x50mg, mag malate (mag mal) 0x45mg, mag threonate (mag threo) 2x50g, monkfruit 0.1g, myo-inositol 1x1g/1!d, olive leaf extract (oli) 2x.75, Ω3 1x5mg, passiflora (Pf) 3x.35g, Levagen±PEA 1x0.3g, pine bark (pin) 2x.5g, PQQ 1, psyllium (Ps), CoQ10 (Q10)(ubn) 1x.1g, quercetin (Qc) 4x.5g, resveratrol (Rs) (50%) 2x.4g, rhodiola (Ro) 2x.35g, rutin (ru): 1x522. SAM-e (Sa) 2x.1g, Selenium 1x.2mg, Silymarin (Sil) (80%) 1x.5g (+83mg L-cholin), (L-)theanine (The) 1x.2g (+.15g polyphenols) (next 2x0.1mg), TMG: 6x0.6=3.6g (as much as B3). Plus rupatadine/Rupafin 1x/d since jab#3 Nov. Plus practitioners recommendations: #1) masterwort / Imperatoria ostruthium, #2) Hexacyl (Sulphur D4, Lycopodium Ø, Berberis Ø), #3) add Steirocall comp. (for “arthrosis” & bones) (& umckaloabo). Not at all sure about any of these, after 3 weeks of Hexacyl, #4 bitter herbs when Hexacyl bottle is finished, #5 more B5 now, #6 “glutathione activator” → upping MSM, selenium, and have asked if manganese and vit. E are important. #7 Pro Mucosa: added Hericium, can’t increase glutamine, asked back about ficin and biotin, #8 Chlorella, #9 B9 as 5-MTHF for homocysteine.

What-when-details: Updated Jan 8th.
“16:00” preparing pills
“18:15” A1 PF#1, 2x threo., Lut, Qc#1.
5’ “empty time” = to see if I need worry time.
“18:30” myo-inositol + teeth
“19:30” A2=12+1 2xvB2#1 2xvB3 vB5#1 2Cr#1, PF#2, Cu, .3gGABA CoQ10 (oil) &! Se, 2xTMG#1. Meal: 1PQQ, 5ml Ω3 & Hon#1. monkfruit.
Meal 20: ’ +xylitol. Back exercises. Soak seeds. aloe.
“20:30” pre-A3 agigenin 1h before bedtime + teeth
“20:30” chamomile
“21:00” A3 PF#3 0.3gGABA & .6glu & Qc#2 Hon#2 + 1 Rupafin or A2
“0:00” psyllium / medicinal clay if a sleep break is 2h before & after other supps.
“2:00” A4 300mg GABA + teeth
“4:00” +0.25 GABA
B=11/ ’ in sun/lamp “07:00” ALA, Ro#1, Qc#3 Rs#1 2xSAM-e EGCg + Fev/MSM#1 + Sily +2The.
Back exercises.
Soak Soak pumpkin seeds & almonds.
Meal ’ in sun/lamp. aloe.
’ in sun/lamp C=23/ with meal: 2xB2#2 2xvB3#2 vB5#2 3xvC#1 3xCr#2 .6GABA#4, gink#1, Oli#1 pine bark#1 2xTMG#2 2xEleu 2gly PEA Rutin = 23. (vit.D3 1/wk)
“11:00” D1(0) + Teeth (+2h/) Ellag#1, Fev/MSM#2, gi#2.
“14:00” 0 Meal ’ in sun +aloe
“14:15” D=15/ ’ in sun vB2#3 "2"vB3#3 vB5#3 3xvC#2 3Cr#3, .6GABA#5, gink#3 Oli#2, pine#2, TMG#3
“16:00” preparing pills: 5x to encapsulate.
E “17:00” (“meal/acids+2h”) Ellag#2, Fev/MSM#3 Qc#4, Ro#2, Rs#2.
A1 “18:00”
Eat + aloe + PQQ+Ω3 if not earlier.
A2 + apigenin & heating down
(B12 s.c.: 2022-11-04, 2022-04-10, 2022-01-10: B12 5mg methylcobalamin s.c.)

The day's supp-compartments (8', plus 10' making capsules), Jan 8th

Pf: A1+A2+A3, vB2: 2A,2C,2D. vB3: 2A,2C,2D. vB5: A,C,D. vC:0A+3C+3D 8Cr: 2A+3C+3D, Ell: D0+E. Fev/MSM: B,D0. Ga 4-5x: a2,a3,a4,C,D, Gi: C,D0,D Glutathione: B. Hon:A2.A3. Oliv: C,D. pine: C,D. Qc: A1.A3.B.E Ro:B,D Rs:B,D SINGLE: A1: 0xMgMal, luteolin. 2MgThreo. myo-inositol (15’ before meal 1x/(2)d) A2: Cu (separate from P5P etc.!)+0P5+1xQ10 (->ubiquinone <150mg/d! atm ubiquinol), 1xSe. (A2:Ω/Pq:meal, A3: apigenin) A3: Glutamin (0c1), B (or C): ALA, EGCg, 2xeleu, , Ru, 2 Sa, Sily, 2Th, C: 2 Gly, PEA, DAO before risky meals? monkfruit usually evenings, aloe vera. D3 saturdays. (A2:0Se, up soon)
TALLIES Jan 9th: correct?
A1=6+1 Pf#1 Qc1#1, Lut, 2 MgThreo, + myo-inositol + (DAO?)
A2=16 2vB2#1 "2"xvB3, vB5#1, 2xCr#1, Cu, Pf#2, Ga#1, Hon#1, Q10, Se, 2TMG#1 + Rup. = 16
+Ω3/PQQ/aloe +monkfruit +apigenin 16(+5) -1 vB5 = 15.
A3=5 Pf#3, Ga#1, Gltm, Hon#2, Qc#3
A4=1 Ga, A5=1 Ga#2. A6 = 1-2 psyllium.
B=11 ALA, EGCg, Fev/MSM#1, Glutt, Qc#3, Ro#1, Rs#2, 2xSa, 2Th, Sily (DAO?) = 11/
C=22 2vB2#2 "2"xvB3#2 vB5#2 3xvC#1 3xCr#2 Ga#4 Gi#2 Ol#1 Pin#1 TMG#2 2xEleu 2xMgGly PEA Rut = 22 - vB5 = 21.
D0=2 Ell, Fev/MSM#2, Gi, + (DAO?)
D=15 2vB2#3 "2"vB3#3 vB5#3 3xvC#2 3xCr#3 Ga#5 Gi#3 Ol#2 Pin#2 TMG#3 Fev/MSM#2
25th: -vB5#3: so only 14/
E=4 Ell, Qc#4, Ro#2, Rs#2. Fev/MSM#3
B12 4-monthly, D3 Saturdays.


‘Research’ today: No.
Lessons in self-care #560 Keeping it down today after yesterday’s music, recovering pretty well.
Reasons to be cheerful #598 Back on track. (But not exactly jumping around gleefully…)

Click for links to jab side effects, foods, blog references, e.g. abbreviations, & guideline for symptom tracking & trigger hunting

2023-01-31, Tuesday - Energy 13% - depressed for a change… Miss our balcony magpie, Jacob, who’d lost half his tail, so like the one on this photo, and so couldn’t fly particularly well. RIP (probably…) :crying_cat_face: Maybe that’s another reason why I haven’t much appetite atm. And: Sold something on eBay for the first time, sent it, now nervous, hope they don’t cheat me - quite a bit of stress, which is dangerous, dunno if it’s worth it, bit of an exciting adventure tho.


Sleep 90% / Feeling 80%-ish / nausea 0-10%, fog 10%

New Habits: Click for details of those I'm still working on. Last change 14th: deleted B-supps & earlier antihistamine & leg stretches and turned daylight lamp & back exercises & teeth into reminders, leaving (reduced) 4: bed, ACT, stretches & cold food out.

:ambulance: Bed 23:30-8:30/9:00. (:white_check_mark:)
:ambulance: Note thoughts and emotions (ACT) (:white_check_mark:)
:ambulance: More leg stretches. (:white_check_mark:)
:ambulance: Cold foods out of fridge 2h earlier than eating. (:white_check_mark:)

Today's FM symptoms unchanged from WPI 11 & SSS 9, except....: SSS +1 for a short bout of depression (30%), so doesn't really count as that, just don't want to fog it over (click for details)

Today’s symptoms sorted by the ACR 2016 criteria

Widespread pain, WPI = 11 of 19 areas: limb-Ache 8 (10%, stiff 10%) + spine-pain 3 (10%), shoulder-girdles/hips 0 chest / abdomen / jaw 0
Symptom severity, SSS = severity 9+1=10 of 12: Fatigue 3 (87%), insomnia 3 (10%), fog 2 (10%), headache 0 (0%), GI 1 (10%), depression 1 (40%)

Triggers & resulting Symptoms

JAB#3 (on Nov 7th) causing MCAS / histamine problems, esp. energy narrowed to (10-)15-20%. 26th: Tongue & muscles better again, but pain & fatigue. 25th: Burning tongue after evening olives. Sore buttock (& leg) muscles like after the jabs since 23rd. 22nd: no tongue, try more pecans, praps with DAO before? Lips still very white.

JAB#3 (on Nov 7th) → MCAS / histamine since end of Dec: 15-20% energy for under 45’, then white lips & pale face. But if I keep strain down to ‘half speed’ (70%) I can push on thru for hours - with a few breaks and lots of task-switching. Not that much specifically histaminey problems since end of Dec, occasionally sinuses and nausea, no more ill ache. Usually white lips & face 30%, and some sliding instead of walking indoors 10%, bit more cold intolerance 30% (long johns 24/7, 2 thick duvets at night). From Jan on, bit warmer (5-12° C), I’ve swapped long johns for a 2nd pair of pyjama trousers at night and when I’m pretty active at daytime sometimes no long johns, but when out slow cycling/walking. And don’t need hot water bottles any more, whether I can manage a cold shower (usually) or not.
Development summarized: Down: Nov 17th - Dec 1st, worst 17th-18th, best 20th & 29th. Up: Dec 2nd-6th, Down 7th-8th, Up: 9th-14th, best 13th-14th: Winning easily 4:0, and slow energy for 4h! Down: 15th-21st 7 days, Up 22nd to 24th winning roughly 3:1, Unsure: 25th-31st: TT 2:2 or no play possible: 25th 2:2(?), (26th 0), 27th: 2:2, (28th 0 - ordered supps, not cellar), Down: 1st-2nd, 4th. Up: 3rd, 5th. Both: 6th-11th - sinuses, tongue, lips, runny, DAO helping. Cold: 12th. 13th: GI: HP supps? 14th: B3-Flushing up!? 15th: Runny nose, 16th-21st & 25th-26th…: Tongue off and on. 23rd-25th: Sore buttock (& leg) muscles like after the jabs since 23rd. 26th: Cold, pain & fatigue, energy from 18% to 10% since 19th. Triggers tooth cleaning and moving out. 27th: Bad. 28th: Bad to better. 29th: OK, considering. 30th: No burning after 200g baked beans, but a bit, later, after then another 50g, short colon sting praps from the tomatoes, no stronger urge from them tho.

Treatments: Antihistamine, and extra GABA from Nov 29th. Stopping the antihistamine at the turn of the year quickly caused sleep problems.

SLEEP (click for details): 7h56, up 5x (37'), 7h30 deep ✅ ➔ Feeling 80% well, Ache 1 of 7 ✅, getting up: 80%/1 ✅. Nostrils 5% stuffy 100% of the night. Urge/excitement to get stuff done from 5/6 on, plus stomach burning.

A3 teeth cold shower p0 Sleep 0:30- Why not 21:00? 3rd # is LBU
Memos: Lower Back: short exercises, twist-stretched, yoga & hanging. massager.
1:30 7’ 80%/1/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep air A4 cream
(nostril/s5% nauseous% stomach% sinuses% headache% sore throat% stools firm?)
3:20 4’ 80%/1/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep air A5 cream
(nostril/s5% nauseous% stomach% sinuses% headache% sore throat10% stools firm?)
5:07 8’ 80%/1/15% 2xp0 st1 sip fw1’ deep air cream
(nostril/s5% nauseous% stomach20% sinuses% headache% sore throat10% stools firm?)
5:56 14’ 80%/1/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep 6 cream
(nostril/s5% nauseous% stomach20% sinuses% headache% sore throat10% stools firm?)
8:22 4’ 80%/1/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep cream
(nostril/s5% nauseous% stomach20% sinuses% headache% sore throat10% stools firm?)
-9:03 9:10 B1-4 5‘ in sun, 80%/1/15% p0 st1 sip doze cream
(nostril/s5% nauseous% stomach20% sinuses% headache% sore throat10% stools firm?)
Sum: 9h03-30-(7+4+8+14+4=)37 = 8h33-37 = 7h56, up 5x (37’), 7h30 deep

ACTIVITIES (aim: 40% energy)ACHE: ?80%/?2 ➔ TT 3:1 (picking up 0(1) balls) ➔ 80%/2 :white_check_mark:, quite a few small chores (yesterday too), longer phone in evening ➔ 80%/2 :white_check_mark:
ACTIONSPAINS :white_check_mark:: except GI :white_check_mark:, esophagus: better :white_check_mark:, pee pain: 0xp1-2: better :white_check_mark:, lower back unrest :white_check_mark:, finger tips: better now I’ve been moving stuff less :white_check_mark:. Lips chapped, improving :white_check_mark:.

Click for details on Touch, Covid, Weather, last seizures Jan 14th & 15th, last esophagus block Jan 8th, last jaw pain Jan 10th. Well I spose since then 1-2x/d.

Touch: :white_check_mark: Covid: :white_check_mark: Weather: Indoors :white_check_mark: Outdoors :white_check_mark:. Daylight lamp regularly on.
Last focal seizures: Jan 15th 10:40 (from a pee urge, only 2nd “wave”). Jan 14th 23:58 (no trigger, praps missing out on .6g GABA Friday). Jan 5th (after being scolded for being hyper). Dec 11th: 1x. Nov 21st: 2x.
Last esophagus blocks: Jan 19th: Sometimes do use massager a while to make sure. Jan 17th: I can take my B supps and then go to bed again atm. Jan 8th: Block after evening supps, maybe from twisting. Jan 7th: Testing if twisting before, while & after pills & food increases esophagus blocks Jan 6th: Slight blocks. Jan 5th: Medium block in evening. About 5x small blocks from pills around end of the year. Dec (20th, 15th) 11th (9th,) 1st, Nov 30th 2x, 29th 2x, (28th,) 24th, 22nd, 20th. Powder blocks in funnel if it’s too much in one go…
Jaw: Hardly & seldom pain since Nov. A bit more in Jan. Jan 6th: Slightly psychosomatic from memory of a painful time. Jan 10th: A bit after tooth cleaning. After: regularly a little bit, 1-2x/d.


Click for details on bloods (Dec 9th), practitioner ideas (last on Dec 20th), acupuncture (last on Dec 22nd). Last started masterwort (warily) and Hexacyl on Jan 6th - low & slow. 13th: Unsure if the stomach problems are from those two, so stop-start to see. 16th: again feel 2x2 drops is too much, stomach problems. 17th: 2x1 drop, 2x OK, praps a bit. 19th: 1-2x1 drop each again apparently too much (nausea).

Bloods at cardio Dec 9th: Homocysteine a bit high, continue B3 and B2, phosphate not that bad. Leukocytes low! CK, muscular, too high, praps fibro?
Alternative health practitioner (“Heilpraktiker”) on Dec 6th+20th: Jan 6th: Started masterwort & Hexacyl, lower than recommended (2x1 drop each), adding 1/d. 9th: Further research after reply to take manganese and vit. E. 13th: Unsure if the stomach problems are from those 2, so stop-start to see. 16th: again feel 2x2 drops is too much, stomach problems. 17th: 2x1 drop, 2x OK, praps a bit. 19th: 1-2x1 drop each again apparently too much. 25th I don’t feel like taking “her” powders at the moment (fungi & chlorella don’t taste good, roasted pumpkin seeds sometimes yes), lost some fun in eating, need to reclaim that. 26th: nauseous after masterwort. 27th-30th OK after masterwort.
Chinese Acupuncturist - Session #32 on Nov 4th., after 14 days :white_check_mark: “Energy still pretty stable at 20%, despite jab-nausea…”, now it’s down from that so often that I tried #33 22nd Dec. Wasn’t worth it: No improvement, sleep too short.

SELF-PHYSIO (click for details): 79'

white_check_mark: airing 4x2’, cold shower 1x(10’), cream/oil fc/ey/hd/ft 4x1’, teeth 2x2’, HWB 0x3’, breath exercises 5x1’, Y. Nidra 0’, massage gun 0x3’, daylight lamp/sun 6x5’, plantar/calf stretch 2x1’, acupressure 0x1’, palpate 0’, belly 1’, back 10’, !!aloe vera 0x1’, twist-stretch 2x1’, yoga/stretching 2x1’, hang 1x1’. hunchback-pillow 0’.
Combine: next?
:x: wart x1. neck 1+ x1’, RR: 0, neck 2 0x1’, workout 7’, horse stance 1’, balance roll standing 5’, breath-hold 12’, jolt-jump 1’, marionette-hang 1’, shaking dance 1’, bent leg fall 1’.

Supps Jan 8th (48 supps): Supp costs: 466€/m (8th) + 16€/m for empty capsules = 482€/m: Jan 29th: psyllium again hurting, so stopping that. Masterwort/Imperatoria 1 drop per day seems to be OK now, so trying 1 of Hexacyl again. Jan 11th: Still to get her MSM, manganese, E as tocotrienol and my silymarin again. Yet to try: Creatine? ATP again, encapsulated, for phosphate?? Click for details on the lists, with dosing batches by times and tubs.

ZERO now: Arg, alpha-GPC 1x150mg, fisetin: 0x196mg, huperzia A, mumijo, NAC 1*.5g, NADH, Ribose, Serrapeptase, Zinc, P5P (= vit. B6) 0x27mg (high).

REGULAR as of Jan 8th (48 supps): (R-)ALA .2g, aloe vera juice 50+ml/d, apigenin 1x50mg, vit. B2 6x600mg, vit. B3/Nia 6x0.6=3.6g, vit. B5/Panto: 3x.5g vit. B12 (methyl-C) 1x5mg/4m s.c., AND B12 1x0.2mg (all 3 good types) WITH vit. B9/5-MTHF 1x0.4mg, vit. C 2x3x.5g, L-carnitine (Cr) 8x0.6g, copper (Cu) 1x2mg, vit. D3 20.000 IE = 500mcg, WITH vit. K2 (MK7) 200mcg, DAO before meals, EGCg 1x(50%, incl. L-theanine?).5g, ellagic Acid (Ell) 2x.2g (+43mg vit. C), eleuthero (eleu) 2x4,5mg, feverfew (fev) 3x.4g WITH 3x.2g MSM, GABA (Ga): 4x0.3g+2x.6g=2.4g, ginkgo (Gi) 3x168mg, (L-)glutamin (gltm, glu): 2x0.6g, glutathione (gltt) 1x250mg, honokiol (Hon) (2%)x2x.4g=16mg, luteolin 1x.2g, magnesium glycinate (mag gly) 2x50mg, mag malate (mag mal) 0x45mg, mag threonate (mag threo) 2x50g, monkfruit 0.1g, myo-inositol 1x1g/1!d, olive leaf extract (oli) 2x.75, Ω3 1x5mg, passiflora (Pf) 3x.35g, Levagen±PEA 1x0.3g, pine bark (pin) 2x.5g, PQQ 1, psyllium (Ps), CoQ10 (Q10)(ubn) 1x.1g, quercetin (Qc) 4x.5g, resveratrol (Rs) (50%) 2x.4g, rhodiola (Ro) 2x.35g, rutin (ru): 1x522. SAM-e (Sa) 2x.1g, Selenium 1x.2mg, Silymarin (Sil) (80%) 1x.5g (+83mg L-cholin), (L-)theanine (The) 1x.2g (+.15g polyphenols) (next 2x0.1mg), TMG: 6x0.6=3.6g (as much as B3). Plus rupatadine/Rupafin 1x/d since jab#3 Nov. Plus practitioners recommendations: #1) masterwort / Imperatoria ostruthium, #2) Hexacyl (Sulphur D4, Lycopodium Ø, Berberis Ø), #3) add Steirocall comp. (for “arthrosis” & bones) (& umckaloabo). Not at all sure about any of these, after 3 weeks of Hexacyl, #4 bitter herbs when Hexacyl bottle is finished, #5 more B5 now, #6 “glutathione activator” → upping MSM, selenium, and have asked if manganese and vit. E are important. #7 Pro Mucosa: added Hericium, can’t increase glutamine, asked back about ficin and biotin, #8 Chlorella, #9 B9 as 5-MTHF for homocysteine.

What-when-details: Updated Jan 8th.
“16:00” preparing pills
“18:15” A1 PF#1, 2x threo., Lut, Qc#1.
5’ “empty time” = to see if I need worry time.
“18:30” myo-inositol + teeth
“19:30” A2=12+1 2xvB2#1 2xvB3 vB5#1 2Cr#1, PF#2, Cu, .3gGABA CoQ10 (oil) &! Se, 2xTMG#1. Meal: 1PQQ, 5ml Ω3 & Hon#1. monkfruit.
Meal 20: ’ +xylitol. Back exercises. Soak seeds. aloe.
“20:30” pre-A3 agigenin 1h before bedtime + teeth
“20:30” chamomile
“21:00” A3 PF#3 0.3gGABA & .6glu & Qc#2 Hon#2 + 1 Rupafin or A2
“0:00” psyllium / medicinal clay if a sleep break is 2h before & after other supps.
“2:00” A4 300mg GABA + teeth
“4:00” +0.25 GABA
B=11/ ’ in sun/lamp “07:00” ALA, Ro#1, Qc#3 Rs#1 2xSAM-e EGCg + Fev/MSM#1 + Sily +2The.
Back exercises.
Soak Soak pumpkin seeds & almonds.
Meal ’ in sun/lamp. aloe.
’ in sun/lamp C=23/ with meal: 2xB2#2 2xvB3#2 vB5#2 3xvC#1 3xCr#2 .6GABA#4, gink#1, Oli#1 pine bark#1 2xTMG#2 2xEleu 2gly PEA Rutin = 23. (vit.D3 1/wk)
“11:00” D1(0) + Teeth (+2h/) Ellag#1, Fev/MSM#2, gi#2.
“14:00” 0 Meal ’ in sun +aloe
“14:15” D=15/ ’ in sun vB2#3 "2"vB3#3 vB5#3 3xvC#2 3Cr#3, .6GABA#5, gink#3 Oli#2, pine#2, TMG#3
“16:00” preparing pills: 5x to encapsulate.
E “17:00” (“meal/acids+2h”) Ellag#2, Fev/MSM#3 Qc#4, Ro#2, Rs#2.
A1 “18:00”
Eat + aloe + PQQ+Ω3 if not earlier.
A2 + apigenin & heating down
(B12 s.c.: 2022-11-04, 2022-04-10, 2022-01-10: B12 5mg methylcobalamin s.c.)

The day's supp-compartments (8', plus 10' making capsules), Jan 8th

Pf: A1+A2+A3, vB2: 2A,2C,2D. vB3: 2A,2C,2D. vB5: A,C,D. vC:0A+3C+3D 8Cr: 2A+3C+3D, Ell: D0+E. Fev/MSM: B,D0. Ga 4-5x: a2,a3,a4,C,D, Gi: C,D0,D Glutathione: B. Hon:A2.A3. Oliv: C,D. pine: C,D. Qc: A1.A3.B.E Ro:B,D Rs:B,D SINGLE: A1: 0xMgMal, luteolin. 2MgThreo. myo-inositol (15’ before meal 1x/(2)d) A2: Cu (separate from P5P etc.!)+0P5+1xQ10 (->ubiquinone <150mg/d! atm ubiquinol), 1xSe. (A2:Ω/Pq:meal, A3: apigenin) A3: Glutamin (0c1), B (or C): ALA, EGCg, 2xeleu, , Ru, 2 Sa, Sily, 2Th, C: 2 Gly, PEA, DAO before risky meals? monkfruit usually evenings, aloe vera. D3 saturdays. (A2:0Se, up soon)
TALLIES Jan 9th: correct?
A1=6+1 Pf#1 Qc1#1, Lut, 2 MgThreo, + myo-inositol + (DAO?)
A2=16 2vB2#1 "2"xvB3, vB5#1, 2xCr#1, Cu, Pf#2, Ga#1, Hon#1, Q10, Se, 2TMG#1 + Rup. = 16
+Ω3/PQQ/aloe +monkfruit +apigenin 16(+5) -1 vB5 = 15.
A3=5 Pf#3, Ga#1, Gltm, Hon#2, Qc#3
A4=1 Ga, A5=1 Ga#2. A6 = 1-2 psyllium.
B=11 ALA, EGCg, Fev/MSM#1, Glutt, Qc#3, Ro#1, Rs#2, 2xSa, 2Th, Sily (DAO?) = 11/
C=22 2vB2#2 "2"xvB3#2 vB5#2 3xvC#1 3xCr#2 Ga#4 Gi#2 Ol#1 Pin#1 TMG#2 2xEleu 2xMgGly PEA Rut = 22 - vB5 = 21.
D0=2 Ell, Fev/MSM#2, Gi, + (DAO?)
D=15 2vB2#3 "2"vB3#3 vB5#3 3xvC#2 3xCr#3 Ga#5 Gi#3 Ol#2 Pin#2 TMG#3 Fev/MSM#2
25th: -vB5#3: so only 14/
E=4 Ell, Qc#4, Ro#2, Rs#2. Fev/MSM#3
B12 4-monthly, D3 Saturdays.


‘Research’ today: No.
Lessons in self-care #561 Sat out the the depressive hours and saw them fade… eating needs to get better, and prioritizing these entries and my “to do hub” again - when I’m up to it, not before!
Reasons to be cheerful #599 Quite a lot done after all…

Click for links to jab side effects, foods, blog references, e.g. abbreviations, & guideline for symptom tracking & trigger hunting

2023-02-01, Wednesday - Energy 14% - sliding on my new indoor all wool slippers is making all the plastic laminated floors very slippery… which I even slipped up on a few nights ago… :grimacing:. Glass cleaner helps for a while… :face_with_monocle: - Woke up excited by ideas to let all the many people look at the flat I’m moving out of online to save time. Doing that is/was pure stress at first, but getting used to it. Several finger tips are hurting like hell again, injury too.

Sleep 90% / Feeling 80%-ish / nausea 0%, fog 10%

New Habits: Click for details of those I'm still working on. Last change 14th: deleted B-supps & earlier antihistamine & leg stretches and turned daylight lamp & back exercises & teeth into reminders, leaving (reduced) 4: bed, ACT, stretches & cold food out.

:ambulance: Bed 23:30-8:30/9:00. :x:
:ambulance: Note thoughts and emotions (ACT) (:white_check_mark:)
:ambulance: More leg stretches. (:white_check_mark:)
:ambulance: Cold foods out of fridge 2h earlier than eating. :white_check_mark:

Today's FM symptoms unchanged from WPI 11 & SSS 9, except....: 0 (click for details)

Today’s symptoms sorted by the ACR 2016 criteria

Widespread pain, WPI = 11 of 19 areas: limb-Ache 8 (10-20%, stiff 10%) + spine-pain 3 (10%), shoulder-girdles/hips 0 chest / abdomen / jaw 0
Symptom severity, SSS = severity 9 of 12: Fatigue 3 (86%), insomnia 3 (10%), fog 2 (10%), headache 0 (0%), GI 1 (10%), depression 0

Triggers & resulting Symptoms

JAB#3 (on Nov 7th) causing MCAS / histamine problems, esp. energy narrowed to (10-)15-20%. 26th: Tongue & muscles better again, but pain & fatigue. 25th: Burning tongue after evening olives. Sore buttock (& leg) muscles like after the jabs since 23rd. 22nd: no tongue, try more pecans, praps with DAO before? Lips still very white.

JAB#3 (on Nov 7th) → MCAS / histamine since end of Dec: 15-20% energy for under 45’, then white lips & pale face. But if I keep strain down to ‘half speed’ (70%) I can push on thru for hours - with a few breaks and lots of task-switching. Not that much specifically histaminey problems since end of Dec, occasionally sinuses and nausea, no more ill ache. Usually white lips & face 30%, and some sliding instead of walking indoors 10%, bit more cold intolerance 30% (long johns 24/7, 2 thick duvets at night). From Jan on, bit warmer (5-12° C), I’ve swapped long johns for a 2nd pair of pyjama trousers at night and when I’m pretty active at daytime sometimes no long johns, but when out slow cycling/walking. And don’t need hot water bottles any more, whether I can manage a cold shower (usually) or not.
Development summarized: Down: Nov 17th - Dec 1st, worst 17th-18th, best 20th & 29th. Up: Dec 2nd-6th, Down 7th-8th, Up: 9th-14th, best 13th-14th: Winning easily 4:0, and slow energy for 4h! Down: 15th-21st 7 days, Up 22nd to 24th winning roughly 3:1, Unsure: 25th-31st: TT 2:2 or no play possible: 25th 2:2(?), (26th 0), 27th: 2:2, (28th 0 - ordered supps, not cellar), Down: 1st-2nd, 4th. Up: 3rd, 5th. Both: 6th-11th - sinuses, tongue, lips, runny, DAO helping. Cold: 12th. 13th: GI: HP supps? 14th: B3-Flushing up!? 15th: Runny nose, 16th-21st & 25th-26th…: Tongue off and on. 23rd-25th: Sore buttock (& leg) muscles like after the jabs since 23rd. 26th: Cold, pain & fatigue, energy from 18% to 10% since 19th. Triggers tooth cleaning and moving out. 27th: Bad. 28th: Bad to better. 29th: OK, considering. 30th: No burning after 200g baked beans, but a bit, later, after then another 50g, short colon sting praps from the tomatoes, no stronger urge from them tho. 31st: Still haven’t regained appetite. 1st: Still not, so put new drops away.

Treatments: Antihistamine, and extra GABA from Nov 29th. Stopping the antihistamine at the turn of the year quickly caused sleep problems.

SLEEP (click for details): 8h03, up 4x (16'), 7h deep ✅ ➔ Feeling 80% well, Ache 1 of 7 ✅, getting up: 80%/1 ✅. Nostrils 5% stuffy 100% of the night.

A3 A4 teeth cold shower p0? Sleep 1:35- Why not 21:00? 3rd # is LBU
Memos: Lower Back: short exercises, twist-stretched, yoga & hanging. massager.
2:50 4’ 80%/1/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep air A5 cream
(nostril/s5% nauseous% stomach5% sinuses% headache5% sore throat5% stools firm?)
3:35 4’ 80%/1/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep air cream
(nostril/s5% nauseous% stomach5% sinuses5% headache5% sore throat5% stools firm?)
5:45 4’ 80%/1/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep air cream
(nostril/s5% nauseous% stomach5% sinuses5% headache5% sore throat15% stools firm?)
7:25 4’ 80%/1/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep air cream gel
(nostril/s5% nauseous10% stomach15% sinuses15% headache5% sore throat15% stools firm?)
-8:54 B1-4 ‘ in sun, (nostril/s5% nauseous10% stomach15% sinuses15% headache5% sore throat15% stools firm/)
Sum: 8h54-1h35(4+4+4+4=)16’ = 8h19-16 = 8h03, up 4x (16’), 7h deep

ACTIVITIES (aim: 40% energy)ACHE: 80%/1 ➔ TT 3:1 (picking up 0 balls), online apartment viewing ➔ 80%/3-4 :x: the first time, but ➔ 80%/2 the 2nd: :white_check_mark:, then visited a sick neighbour for 30’ ➔ 80%/3 :x:.
ACTIONSPAINS :white_check_mark:: except GI :white_check_mark:, esophagus: better, but used the massager twice (:white_check_mark:), pee pain: 0xp1-2: better :white_check_mark:, lower back unrest :white_check_mark:, finger tips: hurt like hell :x: :x:. Lips chapped, improving :white_check_mark:.

Click for details on Touch, Covid, Weather, last seizures Jan 14th & 15th, last esophagus block Jan 8th, last jaw pain Jan 10th. Well I spose since then 1-2x/d.

Touch: :white_check_mark: Covid: :white_check_mark: Weather: Indoors :white_check_mark: Outdoors :white_check_mark:. Daylight lamp regularly on.
Last focal seizures: Jan 15th 10:40 (from a pee urge, only 2nd “wave”). Jan 14th 23:58 (no trigger, praps missing out on .6g GABA Friday). Jan 5th (after being scolded for being hyper). Dec 11th: 1x. Nov 21st: 2x.
Last esophagus blocks: Jan 19th: Sometimes do use massager a while to make sure. Jan 17th: I can take my B supps and then go to bed again atm. Jan 8th: Block after evening supps, maybe from twisting. Jan 7th: Testing if twisting before, while & after pills & food increases esophagus blocks Jan 6th: Slight blocks. Jan 5th: Medium block in evening. About 5x small blocks from pills around end of the year. Dec (20th, 15th) 11th (9th,) 1st, Nov 30th 2x, 29th 2x, (28th,) 24th, 22nd, 20th. Powder blocks in funnel if it’s too much in one go…
Jaw: Hardly & seldom pain since Nov. A bit more in Jan. Jan 6th: Slightly psychosomatic from memory of a painful time. Jan 10th: A bit after tooth cleaning. After: regularly a little bit, 1-2x/d.


Click for details on bloods (Dec 9th), practitioner ideas (last on Dec 20th), acupuncture (last on Dec 22nd). Last started masterwort (warily) and Hexacyl on Jan 6th - low & slow. 13th: Unsure if the stomach problems are from those two, so stop-start to see. 16th: again feel 2x2 drops is too much, stomach problems. 17th: 2x1 drop, 2x OK, praps a bit. 19th: 1-2x1 drop each again apparently too much (nausea).

Bloods at cardio Dec 9th: Homocysteine a bit high, continue B3 and B2, phosphate not that bad. Leukocytes low! CK, muscular, too high, praps fibro?
Alternative health practitioner (“Heilpraktiker”) on Dec 6th+20th: Jan 6th: Started masterwort & Hexacyl, lower than recommended (2x1 drop each), adding 1/d. 9th: Further research after reply to take manganese and vit. E. 13th: Unsure if the stomach problems are from those 2, so stop-start to see. 16th: again feel 2x2 drops is too much, stomach problems. 17th: 2x1 drop, 2x OK, praps a bit. 19th: 1-2x1 drop each again apparently too much. 25th I don’t feel like taking “her” powders at the moment (fungi & chlorella don’t taste good, roasted pumpkin seeds sometimes yes), lost some fun in eating, need to reclaim that. 26th: nauseous after masterwort. 27th-31st OK after masterwort. 1st: Still no appetite, so put new drops away.
Chinese Acupuncturist - Session #32 on Nov 4th., after 14 days :white_check_mark: “Energy still pretty stable at 20%, despite jab-nausea…”, now it’s down from that so often that I tried #33 22nd Dec. Wasn’t worth it: No improvement, sleep too short.

SELF-PHYSIO (click for details): 104'

white_check_mark: airing 5x2’, alternate shower (1)x(10’), cream/oil fc/ey/hd/ft 8x1’, teeth 2x2’, HWB 0x3’, breath exercises 5x1’, Y. Nidra 30’, massage gun 0x3’, daylight lamp/sun 4x5’, plantar/calf stretch 2x1’, acupressure 0x1’, palpate 0’, belly 0’, back 10’, !!aloe vera 0x1’, twist-stretch 2x1’, yoga/stretching 2x1’, hang 1x1’. hunchback-pillow 0’.
Combine: next?
:x: wart x1. neck 1+ x1’, RR: 0, neck 2 0x1’, workout 7’, horse stance 1’, balance roll standing 5’, breath-hold 12’, jolt-jump 1’, marionette-hang 1’, shaking dance 1’, bent leg fall 1’.

Supps Jan 8th (48 supps): Supp costs: 466€/m (8th) + 16€/m for empty capsules = 482€/m: Jan 29th: psyllium again hurting, so stopping that. Masterwort/Imperatoria 1 drop per day seems to be OK now, so trying 1 of Hexacyl again. Jan 11th: Still to get her MSM, manganese, E as tocotrienol and my silymarin again. Yet to try: Creatine? ATP again, encapsulated, for phosphate?? Click for details on the lists, with dosing batches by times and tubs.

ZERO now: Arg, alpha-GPC 1x150mg, fisetin: 0x196mg, huperzia A, mumijo, NAC 1*.5g, NADH, Ribose, Serrapeptase, Zinc, P5P (= vit. B6) 0x27mg (high).

REGULAR as of Jan 8th (48 supps): (R-)ALA .2g, aloe vera juice 50+ml/d, apigenin 1x50mg, vit. B2 6x600mg, vit. B3/Nia 6x0.6=3.6g, vit. B5/Panto: 3x.5g vit. B12 (methyl-C) 1x5mg/4m s.c., AND B12 1x0.2mg (all 3 good types) WITH vit. B9/5-MTHF 1x0.4mg, vit. C 2x3x.5g, L-carnitine (Cr) 8x0.6g, copper (Cu) 1x2mg, vit. D3 20.000 IE = 500mcg, WITH vit. K2 (MK7) 200mcg, DAO before meals, EGCg 1x(50%, incl. L-theanine?).5g, ellagic Acid (Ell) 2x.2g (+43mg vit. C), eleuthero (eleu) 2x4,5mg, feverfew (fev) 3x.4g WITH 3x.2g MSM, GABA (Ga): 4x0.3g+2x.6g=2.4g, ginkgo (Gi) 3x168mg, (L-)glutamin (gltm, glu): 2x0.6g, glutathione (gltt) 1x250mg, honokiol (Hon) (2%)x2x.4g=16mg, luteolin 1x.2g, magnesium glycinate (mag gly) 2x50mg, mag malate (mag mal) 0x45mg, mag threonate (mag threo) 2x50g, monkfruit 0.1g, myo-inositol 1x1g/1!d, olive leaf extract (oli) 2x.75, Ω3 1x5mg, passiflora (Pf) 3x.35g, Levagen±PEA 1x0.3g, pine bark (pin) 2x.5g, PQQ 1, psyllium (Ps), CoQ10 (Q10)(ubn) 1x.1g, quercetin (Qc) 4x.5g, resveratrol (Rs) (50%) 2x.4g, rhodiola (Ro) 2x.35g, rutin (ru): 1x522. SAM-e (Sa) 2x.1g, Selenium 1x.2mg, Silymarin (Sil) (80%) 1x.5g (+83mg L-cholin), (L-)theanine (The) 1x.2g (+.15g polyphenols) (next 2x0.1mg), TMG: 6x0.6=3.6g (as much as B3). Plus rupatadine/Rupafin 1x/d since jab#3 Nov. Plus practitioners recommendations: #1) masterwort / Imperatoria ostruthium, #2) Hexacyl (Sulphur D4, Lycopodium Ø, Berberis Ø), #3) add Steirocall comp. (for “arthrosis” & bones) (& umckaloabo). Not at all sure about any of these, after 3 weeks of Hexacyl, #4 bitter herbs when Hexacyl bottle is finished, #5 more B5 now, #6 “glutathione activator” → upping MSM, selenium, and have asked if manganese and vit. E are important. #7 Pro Mucosa: added Hericium, can’t increase glutamine, asked back about ficin and biotin, #8 Chlorella, #9 B9 as 5-MTHF for homocysteine.

What-when-details: Updated Jan 8th.
“16:00” preparing pills
“18:15” A1 PF#1, 2x threo., Lut, Qc#1.
5’ “empty time” = to see if I need worry time.
“18:30” myo-inositol + teeth
“19:30” A2=12+1 2xvB2#1 2xvB3 vB5#1 2Cr#1, PF#2, Cu, .3gGABA CoQ10 (oil) &! Se, 2xTMG#1. Meal: 1PQQ, 5ml Ω3 & Hon#1. monkfruit.
Meal 20: ’ +xylitol. Back exercises. Soak seeds. aloe.
“20:30” pre-A3 agigenin 1h before bedtime + teeth
“20:30” chamomile
“21:00” A3 PF#3 0.3gGABA & .6glu & Qc#2 Hon#2 + 1 Rupafin or A2
“0:00” psyllium / medicinal clay if a sleep break is 2h before & after other supps.
“2:00” A4 300mg GABA + teeth
“4:00” +0.25 GABA
B=11/ ’ in sun/lamp “07:00” ALA, Ro#1, Qc#3 Rs#1 2xSAM-e EGCg + Fev/MSM#1 + Sily +2The.
Back exercises.
Soak Soak pumpkin seeds & almonds.
Meal ’ in sun/lamp. aloe.
’ in sun/lamp C=23/ with meal: 2xB2#2 2xvB3#2 vB5#2 3xvC#1 3xCr#2 .6GABA#4, gink#1, Oli#1 pine bark#1 2xTMG#2 2xEleu 2gly PEA Rutin = 23. (vit.D3 1/wk)
“11:00” D1(0) + Teeth (+2h/) Ellag#1, Fev/MSM#2, gi#2.
“14:00” 0 Meal ’ in sun +aloe
“14:15” D=15/ ’ in sun vB2#3 "2"vB3#3 vB5#3 3xvC#2 3Cr#3, .6GABA#5, gink#3 Oli#2, pine#2, TMG#3
“16:00” preparing pills: 5x to encapsulate.
E “17:00” (“meal/acids+2h”) Ellag#2, Fev/MSM#3 Qc#4, Ro#2, Rs#2.
A1 “18:00”
Eat + aloe + PQQ+Ω3 if not earlier.
A2 + apigenin & heating down
(B12 s.c.: 2022-11-04, 2022-04-10, 2022-01-10: B12 5mg methylcobalamin s.c.)

The day's supp-compartments (8', plus 10' making capsules), Jan 8th

Pf: A1+A2+A3, vB2: 2A,2C,2D. vB3: 2A,2C,2D. vB5: A,C,D. vC:0A+3C+3D 8Cr: 2A+3C+3D, Ell: D0+E. Fev/MSM: B,D0. Ga 4-5x: a2,a3,a4,C,D, Gi: C,D0,D Glutathione: B. Hon:A2.A3. Oliv: C,D. pine: C,D. Qc: A1.A3.B.E Ro:B,D Rs:B,D SINGLE: A1: 0xMgMal, luteolin. 2MgThreo. myo-inositol (15’ before meal 1x/(2)d) A2: Cu (separate from P5P etc.!)+0P5+1xQ10 (->ubiquinone <150mg/d! atm ubiquinol), 1xSe. (A2:Ω/Pq:meal, A3: apigenin) A3: Glutamin (0c1), B (or C): ALA, EGCg, 2xeleu, , Ru, 2 Sa, Sily, 2Th, C: 2 Gly, PEA, DAO before risky meals? monkfruit usually evenings, aloe vera. D3 saturdays. (A2:0Se, up soon)
TALLIES Jan 9th: correct?
A1=6+1 Pf#1 Qc1#1, Lut, 2 MgThreo, + myo-inositol + (DAO?)
A2=16 2vB2#1 "2"xvB3, vB5#1, 2xCr#1, Cu, Pf#2, Ga#1, Hon#1, Q10, Se, 2TMG#1 + Rup. = 16
+Ω3/PQQ/aloe +monkfruit +apigenin 16(+5) -1 vB5 = 15.
A3=5 Pf#3, Ga#1, Gltm, Hon#2, Qc#3
A4=1 Ga, A5=1 Ga#2. A6 = 1-2 psyllium.
B=11 ALA, EGCg, Fev/MSM#1, Glutt, Qc#3, Ro#1, Rs#2, 2xSa, 2Th, Sily (DAO?) = 11/
C=22 2vB2#2 "2"xvB3#2 vB5#2 3xvC#1 3xCr#2 Ga#4 Gi#2 Ol#1 Pin#1 TMG#2 2xEleu 2xMgGly PEA Rut = 22 - vB5 = 21.
D0=2 Ell, Fev/MSM#2, Gi, + (DAO?)
D=15 2vB2#3 "2"vB3#3 vB5#3 3xvC#2 3xCr#3 Ga#5 Gi#3 Ol#2 Pin#2 TMG#3 Fev/MSM#2
25th: -vB5#3: so only 14/
E=4 Ell, Qc#4, Ro#2, Rs#2. Fev/MSM#3
B12 4-monthly, D3 Saturdays.


‘Research’ today: No.
Lessons in self-care #562 Keep forgetting to watch out for things and injure myself like my fingers… but at least I don’t bash myself for doing so.
Reasons to be cheerful #600 Things are getting lighter, integrating our stuff better, sorting is fun. My wife found a video of a woman who sorts things professionally in our paper and showed it to me, cos it reminded her of me…

Click for links to jab side effects, foods, blog references, e.g. abbreviations, & guideline for symptom tracking & trigger hunting

2023-02-02, Thursday - Energy 13%, despite not much or long activities, still haven’t got my schedules under control

Sleep 90% / Feeling 80%-ish / nausea 0%, fog 10%

New Habits: Click for details of those I'm still working on. Last change 14th: deleted B-supps & earlier antihistamine & leg stretches and turned daylight lamp & back exercises & teeth into reminders, leaving (reduced) 4: bed, ACT, stretches & cold food out.

:ambulance: Bed 23:30-8:30/9:00. :x:
:ambulance: Note thoughts and emotions (ACT) :x:
:ambulance: More leg stretches. (:white_check_mark:)
:ambulance: Cold foods out of fridge 2h earlier than eating. (:white_check_mark:)

Today's FM symptoms unchanged from WPI 11 & SSS 9, except....: 0 (click for details)

Today’s symptoms sorted by the ACR 2016 criteria

Widespread pain, WPI = 11 of 19 areas: limb-Ache 8 (10%, stiff 10%) + spine-pain 3 (10%), shoulder-girdles/hips 0 chest / abdomen / jaw 0
Symptom severity, SSS = severity 9 of 12: Fatigue 3 (80%), insomnia 3 (10%), fog 2 (10%), headache 0 (0%), GI 1 (10%), depression 0

Triggers & resulting Symptoms

JAB#3 (on Nov 7th) causing MCAS / histamine problems, esp. energy narrowed to (10-)15-20%, decreased to mostly 10-15% in January.

JAB#3 (on Nov 7th) → MCAS / histamine since end of Dec: 15-20% energy for under 45’, then white lips & pale face. But if I keep strain down to ‘half speed’ (70%) I can push on thru for hours - with a few breaks and lots of task-switching. Not that much specifically histaminey problems since end of Dec, occasionally sinuses and nausea, no more ill ache. Usually white lips & face 30%, and some sliding instead of walking indoors 10%, bit more cold intolerance 30% (long johns 24/7, 2 thick duvets at night). From Jan on, bit warmer (5-12° C), I’ve swapped long johns for a 2nd pair of pyjama trousers at night and when I’m pretty active at daytime sometimes no long johns, but when out slow cycling/walking. And don’t need hot water bottles any more, whether I can manage a cold shower (usually) or not.
Development summarized: Down: Nov 17th - Dec 1st, worst 17th-18th, best 20th & 29th. Up: Dec 2nd-6th, Down 7th-8th, Up: 9th-14th, best 13th-14th: Winning easily 4:0, and slow energy for 4h! Down: 15th-21st 7 days, Up 22nd to 24th winning roughly 3:1, Unsure: 25th-31st: TT 2:2 or no play possible: 25th 2:2(?), (26th 0), 27th: 2:2, (28th 0 - ordered supps, not cellar), Down: 1st-2nd, 4th. Up: 3rd, 5th. Both: 6th-11th - sinuses, tongue, lips, runny, DAO helping. Cold: 12th. 13th: GI: HP supps? 14th: B3-Flushing up!? 15th: Runny nose, 16th-21st & 25th-26th…: Tongue off and on. 23rd-25th: Sore buttock (& leg) muscles like after the jabs since 23rd. 26th: Cold, pain & fatigue, energy from 18% to 10% since 19th. Triggers tooth cleaning and moving out. 27th: Bad. 28th: Bad to better. 29th: OK, considering. 30th: No burning after 200g baked beans, but a bit, later, after then another 50g, short colon sting praps from the tomatoes, no stronger urge from them tho. 31st: Still haven’t regained appetite.

Treatments: Antihistamine, and extra GABA from Nov 29th. Stopping the antihistamine at the turn of the year quickly caused sleep problems.

SLEEP (click for details): 7h46, up x (21') ✅ ➔ Feeling 80% well, Ache 1 of 7 ✅, getting up: 80%/1 ✅. Nostrils 5-15% stuffy 100% of the night.

A3 A4 teeth0 shower0 p0 Sleep 1:00- Why not 21:00? 3rd # is LBU
Memos: Lower Back: short exercises, twist-stretched, yoga & hanging. massager.
3:25 6’ 80%/1/15% p0 st1 sip fw3’ deep air A5 cream
(nostril/s5% nauseous% stomach5% sinuses% headache% sore throat5%)
5:45 5’ 80%/1/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep cream
(nostril/s5% nauseous% stomach5% sinuses% headache% sore throat5%)
8:15 10’ 80%/1/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep cream
(nostril/s15% nauseous% stomach5% sinuses% headache% sore throat15%)
-9:05 9:10 B1-4 5‘ in sun, 80%/1/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ doze/YoNi cream
(nostril/s10% nauseous% stomach25% sinuses% headache% sore throat15% stools firm?)
Sum: 9h05-1h-(6+5+10=)21 = 8h05-21 = 7h46, up x (21’)

ACTIVITIES (aim: 40% energy)ACHE: 80%/2 ➔ too rainy for TT, lots of phoning etc. ➔ 80%/3 (:x:), watching The Chosen 1/3 with my wife a while no fun at all, bored & missed depth ➔ 80%/3 (:x:)
ACTIONSPAINS :white_check_mark:: except GI :white_check_mark:, but appetite (:x:), desophagus: difficult, lots of massager in time, but only discomfort no pain (:x:), pee pain: 0xp1-2: better :white_check_mark:, lower back unrest :white_check_mark:, finger tips: hurt!! :x:. Lips chapped (:white_check_mark:).

Click for details on Touch, Covid, Weather, last seizures Jan 14th & 15th, last esophagus block Jan 8th, last jaw pain Jan 10th. Well I spose since then 1-2x/d.

Touch: :white_check_mark: Covid: :white_check_mark: Weather: Indoors :white_check_mark: Outdoors :white_check_mark:. Daylight lamp regularly on.
Last focal seizures: Jan 15th 10:40 (from a pee urge, only 2nd “wave”). Jan 14th 23:58 (no trigger, praps missing out on .6g GABA Friday). Jan 5th (after being scolded for being hyper). Dec 11th: 1x. Nov 21st: 2x.
Last esophagus blocks: Jan 19th: Sometimes do use massager a while to make sure. Jan 17th: I can take my B supps and then go to bed again atm. Jan 8th: Block after evening supps, maybe from twisting. Jan 7th: Testing if twisting before, while & after pills & food increases esophagus blocks Jan 6th: Slight blocks. Jan 5th: Medium block in evening. About 5x small blocks from pills around end of the year. Dec (20th, 15th) 11th (9th,) 1st, Nov 30th 2x, 29th 2x, (28th,) 24th, 22nd, 20th. Powder blocks in funnel if it’s too much in one go…
Jaw: Hardly & seldom pain since Nov. A bit more in Jan. Jan 6th: Slightly psychosomatic from memory of a painful time. Jan 10th: A bit after tooth cleaning. After: regularly a little bit, 1-2x/d.


Click for details on bloods (Dec 9th), practitioner ideas (last on Dec 20th), acupuncture (last on Dec 22nd). Last started masterwort (warily) and Hexacyl on Jan 6th - low & slow. 13th: Unsure if the stomach problems are from those two, so stop-start to see. 16th: again feel 2x2 drops is too much, stomach problems. 17th: 2x1 drop, 2x OK, praps a bit. 19th: 1-2x1 drop each again apparently too much (nausea).

Bloods at cardio Dec 9th: Homocysteine a bit high, continue B3 and B2, phosphate not that bad. Leukocytes low! CK, muscular, too high, praps fibro?
Alternative health practitioner (“Heilpraktiker”) on Dec 6th+20th: Jan 6th: Started masterwort & Hexacyl, lower than recommended (2x1 drop each), adding 1/d. 9th: Further research after reply to take manganese and vit. E. 13th: Unsure if the stomach problems are from those 2, so stop-start to see. 16th: again feel 2x2 drops is too much, stomach problems. 17th: 2x1 drop, 2x OK, praps a bit. 19th: 1-2x1 drop each again apparently too much. 25th I don’t feel like taking “her” powders at the moment (fungi & chlorella don’t taste good, roasted pumpkin seeds sometimes yes), lost some fun in eating, need to reclaim that. 26th: nauseous after masterwort. 27th-31st OK after masterwort. 1st: Still no appetite, so put new drops away.
Chinese Acupuncturist - Session #32 on Nov 4th., after 14 days :white_check_mark: “Energy still pretty stable at 20%, despite jab-nausea…”, now it’s down from that so often that I tried #33 22nd Dec. Wasn’t worth it: No improvement, sleep too short.

SELF-PHYSIO (click for details): 82'

white_check_mark: airing 5x2’, cold shower 0x(10’), cream/oil fc/ey/hd/ft 10x1’, teeth 1x2’, HWB 0x3’, breath exercises 5x1’, Y. Nidra 0’, massage gun 5x3’, daylight lamp/sun 6x5’, plantar/calf stretch x1’, acupressure 0x1’, palpate 0’, belly 2’, back 10’, !!aloe vera 0x1’, twist-stretch x1’, yoga/stretching x1’, hang 2x1’. hunchback-pillow 0’.
Combine: next?
:x: wart x1. neck 1+ x1’, RR: 0, neck 2 0x1’, workout 7’, horse stance 1’, balance roll standing 5’, breath-hold 12’, jolt-jump 1’, marionette-hang 1’, shaking dance 1’, bent leg fall 1’.

Supps Jan 8th (48 supps): Supp costs: 466€/m (8th) + 16€/m for empty capsules = 482€/m: Jan 29th: psyllium again hurting, so stopping that. Masterwort/Imperatoria 1 drop per day seems to be OK now, so trying 1 of Hexacyl again. Jan 11th: Still to get her MSM, manganese, E as tocotrienol and my silymarin again. Yet to try: Creatine? ATP again, encapsulated, for phosphate?? Click for details on the lists, with dosing batches by times and tubs.

ZERO now: Arg, alpha-GPC 1x150mg, fisetin: 0x196mg, huperzia A, mumijo, NAC 1*.5g, NADH, psyllium (Ps), Ribose, Serrapeptase, Zinc, P5P (= vit. B6) 0x27mg (high).

REGULAR as of Jan 8th (48 supps): (R-)ALA .2g, aloe vera juice 50+ml/d, apigenin 1x50mg, vit. B2 6x600mg, vit. B3/Nia 6x0.6=3.6g, vit. B5/Panto: 3x.5g vit. B12 (methyl-C) 1x5mg/4m s.c., AND B12 1x0.2mg (all 3 good types) WITH vit. B9/5-MTHF 1x0.4mg, vit. C 2x3x.5g, L-carnitine (Cr) 8x0.6g, copper (Cu) 1x2mg, vit. D3 20.000 IE = 500mcg, WITH vit. K2 (MK7) 200mcg, DAO before meals, EGCg 1x(50%, incl. L-theanine?).5g, ellagic Acid (Ell) 2x.2g (+43mg vit. C), eleuthero (eleu) 2x4,5mg, feverfew (fev) 3x.4g WITH 3x.2g MSM, GABA (Ga): 4x0.3g+2x.6g=2.4g, ginkgo (Gi) 3x168mg, (L-)glutamin (gltm, glu): 2x0.6g, glutathione (gltt) 1x250mg, honokiol (Hon) (2%)x2x.4g=16mg, luteolin 1x.2g, magnesium glycinate (mag gly) 2x50mg, mag malate (mag mal) 0x45mg, mag threonate (mag threo) 2x50g, monkfruit 0.1g, myo-inositol 1x1g/1!d, olive leaf extract (oli) 2x.75, Ω3 1x5mg, passiflora (Pf) 3x.35g, Levagen±PEA 1x0.3g, pine bark (pin) 2x.5g, PQQ 1, CoQ10 (Q10)(ubn) 1x.1g, quercetin (Qc) 4x.5g, resveratrol (Rs) (50%) 2x.4g, rhodiola (Ro) 2x.35g, rutin (ru): 1x522. SAM-e (Sa) 2x.1g, Selenium 1x.2mg, Silymarin (Sil) (80%) 1x.5g (+83mg L-cholin), (L-)theanine (The) 1x.2g (+.15g polyphenols) (next 2x0.1mg), TMG: 6x0.6=3.6g (as much as B3). Plus rupatadine/Rupafin 1x/d since jab#3 Nov. Plus practitioners recommendations: #1) masterwort / Imperatoria ostruthium, #2) Hexacyl (Sulphur D4, Lycopodium Ø, Berberis Ø), #3) add Steirocall comp. (for “arthrosis” & bones) (& umckaloabo). Not at all sure about any of these, after 3 weeks of Hexacyl, #4 bitter herbs when Hexacyl bottle is finished, #5 more B5 now, #6 “glutathione activator” → upping MSM, selenium, and have asked if manganese and vit. E are important. #7 Pro Mucosa: added Hericium, can’t increase glutamine, asked back about ficin and biotin, #8 Chlorella, #9 B9 as 5-MTHF for homocysteine.

What-when-details: Updated Jan 8th.
“16:00” preparing pills
“18:15” A1 PF#1, 2x threo., Lut, Qc#1.
5’ “empty time” = to see if I need worry time.
“18:30” myo-inositol + teeth
“19:30” A2=12+1 2xvB2#1 2xvB3 vB5#1 2Cr#1, PF#2, Cu, .3gGABA CoQ10 (oil) &! Se, 2xTMG#1. Meal: 1PQQ, 5ml Ω3 & Hon#1. monkfruit.
Meal 20: ’ +xylitol. Back exercises. Soak seeds. aloe.
“20:30” pre-A3 agigenin 1h before bedtime + teeth
“20:30” chamomile
“21:00” A3 PF#3 0.3gGABA & .6glu & Qc#2 Hon#2 + 1 Rupafin or A2
“2:00” A4 300mg GABA + teeth
“4:00” +0.25 GABA
B=11/ ’ in sun/lamp “07:00” ALA, Ro#1, Qc#3 Rs#1 2xSAM-e EGCg + Fev/MSM#1 + Sily +2The.
Back exercises.
Soak Soak pumpkin seeds & almonds.
Meal ’ in sun/lamp. aloe.
’ in sun/lamp C=23/ with meal: 2xB2#2 2xvB3#2 vB5#2 3xvC#1 3xCr#2 .6GABA#4, gink#1, Oli#1 pine bark#1 2xTMG#2 2xEleu 2gly PEA Rutin = 23. (vit.D3 1/wk)
“11:00” D1(0) + Teeth (+2h/) Ellag#1, Fev/MSM#2, gi#2.
“14:00” 0 Meal ’ in sun +aloe
“14:15” D=15/ ’ in sun vB2#3 "2"vB3#3 vB5#3 3xvC#2 3Cr#3, .6GABA#5, gink#3 Oli#2, pine#2, TMG#3
“16:00” preparing pills: 5x to encapsulate.
E “17:00” (“meal/acids+2h”) Ellag#2, Fev/MSM#3 Qc#4, Ro#2, Rs#2.
A1 “18:00”
Eat + aloe + PQQ+Ω3 if not earlier.
A2 + apigenin & heating down
(B12 s.c.: 2022-11-04, 2022-04-10, 2022-01-10: B12 5mg methylcobalamin s.c.)

The day's supp-compartments (8', plus 10' making capsules), Jan 8th

Pf: A1+A2+A3, vB2: 2A,2C,2D. vB3: 2A,2C,2D. vB5: A,C,D. vC:0A+3C+3D 8Cr: 2A+3C+3D, Ell: D0+E. Fev/MSM: B,D0. Ga 4-5x: a2,a3,a4,C,D, Gi: C,D0,D Glutathione: B. Hon:A2.A3. Oliv: C,D. pine: C,D. Qc: A1.A3.B.E Ro:B,D Rs:B,D SINGLE: A1: 0xMgMal, luteolin. 2MgThreo. myo-inositol (15’ before meal 1x/(2)d) A2: Cu (separate from P5P etc.!)+0P5+1xQ10 (->ubiquinone <150mg/d! atm ubiquinol), 1xSe. (A2:Ω/Pq:meal, A3: apigenin) A3: Glutamin (0c1), B (or C): ALA, EGCg, 2xeleu, , Ru, 2 Sa, Sily, 2Th, C: 2 Gly, PEA, DAO before risky meals? monkfruit usually evenings, aloe vera. D3 saturdays. (A2:0Se, up soon)
TALLIES Jan 9th: correct?
A1=6+1 Pf#1 Qc1#1, Lut, 2 MgThreo, + myo-inositol + (DAO?)
A2=16 2vB2#1 "2"xvB3, vB5#1, 2xCr#1, Cu, Pf#2, Ga#1, Hon#1, Q10, Se, 2TMG#1 + Rup. = 16
+Ω3/PQQ/aloe +monkfruit +apigenin 16(+5) -1 vB5 = 15.
A3=5 Pf#3, Ga#1, Gltm, Hon#2, Qc#3
A4=1 Ga, A5=1 Ga#2
B=11 ALA, EGCg, Fev/MSM#1, Glutt, Qc#3, Ro#1, Rs#2, 2xSa, 2Th, Sily (DAO?) = 11/
C=22 2vB2#2 "2"xvB3#2 vB5#2 3xvC#1 3xCr#2 Ga#4 Gi#2 Ol#1 Pin#1 TMG#2 2xEleu 2xMgGly PEA Rut = 22 - vB5 = 21.
D0=2 Ell, Fev/MSM#2, Gi, + (DAO?)
D=15 2vB2#3 "2"vB3#3 vB5#3 3xvC#2 3xCr#3 Ga#5 Gi#3 Ol#2 Pin#2 TMG#3 Fev/MSM#2
25th: -vB5#3: so only 14/
E=4 Ell, Qc#4, Ro#2, Rs#2. Fev/MSM#3
B12 4-monthly, D3 Saturdays.


‘Research’ today: No.
Lessons in self-care #563 Stil need to increase self-care!!
Reasons to be cheerful #601 Wife and I enjoyed the very varied song of a jay in our enormous cherry tree for 15’, much like these, but louder, more varied, we had no idea they can be that verbose and mimic…

Click for links to jab side effects, foods, blog references, e.g. abbreviations, & guideline for symptom tracking & trigger hunting

2023-02-03, Friday - Energy 10% - if I weren’t always hopelessly optimistic, I’d think it’s all getting worse at the moment :smile_cat: :rofl: :joy:

Sleep 90% / Feeling 80-70%-ish / nausea 0%, fog 10%

New Habits: Click for details of those I'm still working on. Last change 14th: deleted B-supps & earlier antihistamine & leg stretches and turned daylight lamp & back exercises & teeth into reminders, leaving (reduced) 4: bed, ACT, stretches & cold food out.

:ambulance: Bed 23:30-8:30/9:00. (:x:)
:ambulance: Note thoughts and emotions (ACT) (:white_check_mark:)
:ambulance: More leg stretches. (:white_check_mark:)
:ambulance: Cold foods out of fridge 2h earlier than eating. (:white_check_mark:)

Today's FM symptoms unchanged from WPI 11 & SSS 9, except....: 0 (click for details)

Today’s symptoms sorted by the ACR 2016 criteria

Widespread pain, WPI = 11 of 19 areas: limb-Ache 8 (10%, stiff 10%) + spine-pain 3 (10%), shoulder-girdles/hips 0 chest / abdomen / jaw 0
Symptom severity, SSS = severity 9 of 12: Fatigue 3 (80%), insomnia 3 (10%), fog 2 (10%), headache 0 (0%), GI 1 (10%), depression 0

Triggers & resulting Symptoms

JAB#3 (on Nov 7th) causing MCAS / histamine problems, esp. energy narrowed to (10-)15-20%, decreased to mostly 10-15% in January. Feb 3rd: 10%. More problems with the cold/damp recently.

JAB#3 (on Nov 7th) → MCAS / histamine since end of Dec: 15-20% energy for under 45’, then white lips & pale face. But if I keep strain down to ‘half speed’ (70%) I can push on thru for hours - with a few breaks and lots of task-switching. Not that much specifically histaminey problems since end of Dec, occasionally sinuses and nausea, no more ill ache. Usually white lips & face 30%, and some sliding instead of walking indoors 10%, bit more cold intolerance 30% (long johns 24/7, 2 thick duvets at night). From Jan on, bit warmer (5-12° C), I’ve swapped long johns for a 2nd pair of pyjama trousers at night and when I’m pretty active at daytime sometimes no long johns, but when out slow cycling/walking. And don’t need hot water bottles any more, whether I can manage a cold shower (usually) or not.
Development summarized: Down: Nov 17th - Dec 1st, worst 17th-18th, best 20th & 29th. Up: Dec 2nd-6th, Down 7th-8th, Up: 9th-14th, best 13th-14th: Winning easily 4:0, and slow energy for 4h! Down: 15th-21st 7 days, Up 22nd to 24th winning roughly 3:1, Unsure: 25th-31st: TT 2:2 or no play possible: 25th 2:2(?), (26th 0), 27th: 2:2, (28th 0 - ordered supps, not cellar), Down: 1st-2nd, 4th. Up: 3rd, 5th. Both: 6th-11th - sinuses, tongue, lips, runny, DAO helping. Cold: 12th. 13th: GI: HP supps? 14th: B3-Flushing up!? 15th: Runny nose, 16th-21st & 25th-26th…: Tongue off and on. 23rd-25th: Sore buttock (& leg) muscles like after the jabs since 23rd. 26th: Cold, pain & fatigue, energy from 18% to 10% since 19th. Triggers tooth cleaning and moving out. 27th: Bad. 28th: Bad to better. 29th: OK, considering. 30th: No burning after 200g baked beans, but a bit, later, after then another 50g, short colon sting praps from the tomatoes, no stronger urge from them tho. 31st: Still haven’t regained appetite. Feb 3rd: 10%. More problems with the cold/damp recently.

Treatments: Antihistamine, and extra GABA from Nov 29th. Stopping the antihistamine at the turn of the year quickly caused sleep problems.

SLEEP (click for details): 8h08, up 4x (27'), 7h deep, rest YoNi ✅ ➔ Feeling 80% well, Ache 1 of 7 ✅, getting up: 80%/1 ✅. Nostrils 5% stuffy 100% of the night.

A3 teeth cold shower p0 Sleep 0:30- Why not 21:00? 3rd # is LBU
Memos: Lower Back: short exercises, twist-stretched, yoga & hanging. massager.
2:20 5’ 80%/1/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep air A4 cream
(nostril/s5% nauseous% stomach% sinuses5% headache% sore throat5%)
3:20 5’ 80%/1/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep air A5 cream
(nostril/s5% nauseous% stomach10% sinuses5% headache% sore throat5%)
5:10 10’ 80%/1/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep cream back ex. 3’
(nostril/s5% nauseous% stomach10% sinuses5% headache% sore throat5%)
6:55 7’ 80%/1/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep cream back ex. 3’ YoNi.
(nostril/s5% nauseous% stomach10% sinuses5% headache% sore throat5% stools firm?)
-9:05 B1-4 ‘ in sun, stools firm?
Sum: 9h05-30-(5+5+10+7=)27 = 8h35-27 = 8h08, up 4x (27’), 7h deep

ACTIVITIES (aim: 40% energy)ACHE: 70%/3 ➔ TT 1:1 (picking up 0 balls) ➔ 70%/4 :x:, taking fungal leaves off of the ivy ➔ 80%/3 :x:, online talking ➔ 70%/4 :x:
ACTIONSPAINS :white_check_mark:: except GI :white_check_mark:, but appetite bad, maybe getting better by going back to how I was liking to eat before the recent recommendations (:x:), esophagus: not easy (:white_check_mark:), pee pain: 0xp1-2: better :white_check_mark:, lower back unrest :white_check_mark:, finger tips: hurt 60%! 8x3’/d! :x:. Lips chapped (:white_check_mark:).

Click for details on Touch, Covid, Weather, last seizures Jan 14th & 15th, last esophagus block Jan 8th, last jaw pain Jan 10th. Well I spose since then 1-2x/d.

Touch: :white_check_mark: Covid: :white_check_mark: Weather: Indoors :white_check_mark: Outdoors :white_check_mark:. Daylight lamp regularly on.
Last focal seizures: Jan 15th 10:40 (from a pee urge, only 2nd “wave”). Jan 14th 23:58 (no trigger, praps missing out on .6g GABA Friday). Jan 5th (after being scolded for being hyper). Dec 11th: 1x. Nov 21st: 2x.
Last esophagus blocks: Jan 19th: Sometimes do use massager a while to make sure. Jan 17th: I can take my B supps and then go to bed again atm. Jan 8th: Block after evening supps, maybe from twisting. Jan 7th: Testing if twisting before, while & after pills & food increases esophagus blocks Jan 6th: Slight blocks. Jan 5th: Medium block in evening. About 5x small blocks from pills around end of the year. Dec (20th, 15th) 11th (9th,) 1st, Nov 30th 2x, 29th 2x, (28th,) 24th, 22nd, 20th. Powder blocks in funnel if it’s too much in one go…
Jaw: Hardly & seldom pain since Nov. A bit more in Jan. Jan 6th: Slightly psychosomatic from memory of a painful time. Jan 10th: A bit after tooth cleaning. After: regularly a little bit, 1-2x/d.


Click for details on bloods (Dec 9th), practitioner ideas (last on Dec 20th), acupuncture (last on Dec 22nd). Last started masterwort (warily) and Hexacyl on Jan 6th - low & slow. 13th: Unsure if the stomach problems are from those two, so stop-start to see. 16th: again feel 2x2 drops is too much, stomach problems. 17th: 2x1 drop, 2x OK, praps a bit. 19th: 1-2x1 drop each again apparently too much (nausea). Feb 3rd: Starting to eat/feel a bit better without the new practitioner's recommendations.

Bloods at cardio Dec 9th: Homocysteine a bit high, continue B3 and B2, phosphate not that bad. Leukocytes low! CK, muscular, too high, praps fibro?
Alternative health practitioner (“Heilpraktiker”) on Dec 6th+20th: Jan 6th: Started masterwort & Hexacyl, lower than recommended (2x1 drop each), adding 1/d. 9th: Further research after reply to take manganese and vit. E. 13th: Unsure if the stomach problems are from those 2, so stop-start to see. 16th: again feel 2x2 drops is too much, stomach problems. 17th: 2x1 drop, 2x OK, praps a bit. 19th: 1-2x1 drop each again apparently too much. 25th I don’t feel like taking “her” powders at the moment (fungi & chlorella don’t taste good, roasted pumpkin seeds sometimes yes), lost some fun in eating, need to reclaim that. 26th: nauseous after masterwort. 27th-31st OK after masterwort. 1st: Still no appetite, so put new drops away. Feb 3rd: Starting to eat/feel a bit better without the new practitioner’s recommendations.
Chinese Acupuncturist - Session #32 on Nov 4th., after 14 days :white_check_mark: “Energy still pretty stable at 20%, despite jab-nausea…”, now it’s down from that so often that I tried #33 22nd Dec. Wasn’t worth it: No improvement, sleep too short.

SELF-PHYSIO (click for details): 113'

white_check_mark: airing 4x2’, alternate shower (1)x(10’), cream/oil fc/ey/hd/ft 6x1’, teeth 2x2’, HWB 0x3’, breath exercises 2x1’, Y. Nidra 40’, massage gun 0x3’, daylight lamp/sun 6x5’, plantar/calf stretch 2x1’, acupressure 0x1’, palpate 0’, belly 1’, back 8’, !!aloe vera 0x1’, twist-stretch x1’, yoga/stretching x1’, hang 2x1’. hunchback-pillow 0’.
Combine: next?
:x: wart x1. neck 1+ x1’, RR: 0, neck 2 0x1’, workout 7’, horse stance 1’, balance roll standing 5’, breath-hold 12’, jolt-jump 1’, marionette-hang 1’, shaking dance 1’, bent leg fall 1’.

Supps Jan 8th (48 supps): Supp costs: 466€/m (8th) + 16€/m for empty capsules = 482€/m: Jan 29th: psyllium again hurting, so stopping that. Masterwort/Imperatoria 1 drop per day seems to be OK now, so trying 1 of Hexacyl again. Jan 11th: Still to get her MSM, manganese, E as tocotrienol and my silymarin again. Yet to try: Creatine? ATP again, encapsulated, for phosphate?? Click for details on the lists, with dosing batches by times and tubs.

ZERO now: Arg, alpha-GPC 1x150mg, fisetin: 0x196mg, huperzia A, mumijo, NAC 1*.5g, NADH, psyllium (Ps), Ribose, Serrapeptase, Zinc, P5P (= vit. B6) 0x27mg (high).

REGULAR as of Jan 8th (48 supps): (R-)ALA .2g, aloe vera juice 50+ml/d, apigenin 1x50mg, vit. B2 6x600mg, vit. B3/Nia 6x0.6=3.6g, vit. B5/Panto: 3x.5g vit. B12 (methyl-C) 1x5mg/4m s.c., AND B12 1x0.2mg (all 3 good types) WITH vit. B9/5-MTHF 1x0.4mg, vit. C 2x3x.5g, L-carnitine (Cr) 8x0.6g, copper (Cu) 1x2mg, vit. D3 20.000 IE = 500mcg, WITH vit. K2 (MK7) 200mcg, DAO before meals, EGCg 1x(50%, incl. L-theanine?).5g, ellagic Acid (Ell) 2x.2g (+43mg vit. C), eleuthero (eleu) 2x4,5mg, feverfew (fev) 3x.4g WITH 3x.2g MSM, GABA (Ga): 4x0.3g+2x.6g=2.4g, ginkgo (Gi) 3x168mg, (L-)glutamin (gltm, glu): 2x0.6g, glutathione (gltt) 1x250mg, honokiol (Hon) (2%)x2x.4g=16mg, luteolin 1x.2g, magnesium glycinate (mag gly) 2x50mg, mag malate (mag mal) 0x45mg, mag threonate (mag threo) 2x50g, monkfruit 0.1g, myo-inositol 1x1g/1!d, olive leaf extract (oli) 2x.75, Ω3 1x5mg, passiflora (Pf) 3x.35g, Levagen±PEA 1x0.3g, pine bark (pin) 2x.5g, PQQ 1, CoQ10 (Q10)(ubn) 1x.1g, quercetin (Qc) 4x.5g, resveratrol (Rs) (50%) 2x.4g, rhodiola (Ro) 2x.35g, rutin (ru): 1x522. SAM-e (Sa) 2x.1g, Selenium 1x.2mg, Silymarin (Sil) (80%) 1x.5g (+83mg L-cholin), (L-)theanine (The) 1x.2g (+.15g polyphenols) (next 2x0.1mg), TMG: 6x0.6=3.6g (as much as B3). Plus rupatadine/Rupafin 1x/d since jab#3 Nov. Plus practitioners recommendations: #1) masterwort / Imperatoria ostruthium, #2) Hexacyl (Sulphur D4, Lycopodium Ø, Berberis Ø), #3) add Steirocall comp. (for “arthrosis” & bones) (& umckaloabo). Not at all sure about any of these, after 3 weeks of Hexacyl, #4 bitter herbs when Hexacyl bottle is finished, #5 more B5 now, #6 “glutathione activator” → upping MSM, selenium, and have asked if manganese and vit. E are important. #7 Pro Mucosa: added Hericium, can’t increase glutamine, asked back about ficin and biotin, #8 Chlorella, #9 B9 as 5-MTHF for homocysteine.

What-when-details: Updated Jan 8th.
“16:00” preparing pills
“18:15” A1 PF#1, 2x threo., Lut, Qc#1.
5’ “empty time” = to see if I need worry time.
“18:30” myo-inositol + teeth
“19:30” A2=12+1 2xvB2#1 2xvB3 vB5#1 2Cr#1, PF#2, Cu, .3gGABA CoQ10 (oil) &! Se, 2xTMG#1. Meal: 1PQQ, 5ml Ω3 & Hon#1. monkfruit.
Meal 20: ’ +xylitol. Back exercises. Soak seeds. aloe.
“20:30” pre-A3 agigenin 1h before bedtime + teeth
“20:30” chamomile
“21:00” A3 PF#3 0.3gGABA & .6glu & Qc#2 Hon#2 + 1 Rupafin or A2
“2:00” A4 300mg GABA + teeth
“4:00” +0.25 GABA
B=11/ ’ in sun/lamp “07:00” ALA, Ro#1, Qc#3 Rs#1 2xSAM-e EGCg + Fev/MSM#1 + Sily +2The.
Back exercises.
Soak Soak pumpkin seeds & almonds.
Meal ’ in sun/lamp. aloe.
’ in sun/lamp C=23/ with meal: 2xB2#2 2xvB3#2 vB5#2 3xvC#1 3xCr#2 .6GABA#4, gink#1, Oli#1 pine bark#1 2xTMG#2 2xEleu 2gly PEA Rutin = 23. (vit.D3 1/wk)
“11:00” D1(0) + Teeth (+2h/) Ellag#1, Fev/MSM#2, gi#2.
“14:00” 0 Meal ’ in sun +aloe
“14:15” D=15/ ’ in sun vB2#3 "2"vB3#3 vB5#3 3xvC#2 3Cr#3, .6GABA#5, gink#3 Oli#2, pine#2, TMG#3
“16:00” preparing pills: 5x to encapsulate.
E “17:00” (“meal/acids+2h”) Ellag#2, Fev/MSM#3 Qc#4, Ro#2, Rs#2.
A1 “18:00”
Eat + aloe + PQQ+Ω3 if not earlier.
A2 + apigenin & heating down
(B12 s.c.: 2022-11-04, 2022-04-10, 2022-01-10: B12 5mg methylcobalamin s.c.)

The day's supp-compartments (8', plus 10' making capsules), Jan 8th

Pf: A1+A2+A3, vB2: 2A,2C,2D. vB3: 2A,2C,2D. vB5: A,C,D. vC:0A+3C+3D 8Cr: 2A+3C+3D, Ell: D0+E. Fev/MSM: B,D0. Ga 4-5x: a2,a3,a4,C,D, Gi: C,D0,D Glutathione: B. Hon:A2.A3. Oliv: C,D. pine: C,D. Qc: A1.A3.B.E Ro:B,D Rs:B,D SINGLE: A1: 0xMgMal, luteolin. 2MgThreo. myo-inositol (15’ before meal 1x/(2)d) A2: Cu (separate from P5P etc.!)+0P5+1xQ10 (->ubiquinone <150mg/d! atm ubiquinol), 1xSe. (A2:Ω/Pq:meal, A3: apigenin) A3: Glutamin (0c1), B (or C): ALA, EGCg, 2xeleu, , Ru, 2 Sa, Sily, 2Th, C: 2 Gly, PEA, DAO before risky meals? monkfruit usually evenings, aloe vera. D3 saturdays. (A2:0Se, up soon)
TALLIES Jan 9th: correct?
A1=6+1 Pf#1 Qc1#1, Lut, 2 MgThreo, + myo-inositol + (DAO?)
A2=16 2vB2#1 "2"xvB3, vB5#1, 2xCr#1, Cu, Pf#2, Ga#1, Hon#1, Q10, Se, 2TMG#1 + Rup. = 16
+Ω3/PQQ/aloe +monkfruit +apigenin 16(+5) -1 vB5 = 15.
A3=5 Pf#3, Ga#1, Gltm, Hon#2, Qc#3
A4=1 Ga, A5=1 Ga#2
B=11 ALA, EGCg, Fev/MSM#1, Glutt, Qc#3, Ro#1, Rs#2, 2xSa, 2Th, Sily (DAO?) = 11/
C=22 2vB2#2 "2"xvB3#2 vB5#2 3xvC#1 3xCr#2 Ga#4 Gi#2 Ol#1 Pin#1 TMG#2 2xEleu 2xMgGly PEA Rut = 22 - vB5 = 21.
D0=2 Ell, Fev/MSM#2, Gi, + (DAO?)
D=15 2vB2#3 "2"vB3#3 vB5#3 3xvC#2 3xCr#3 Ga#5 Gi#3 Ol#2 Pin#2 TMG#3 Fev/MSM#2
25th: -vB5#3: so only 14/
E=4 Ell, Qc#4, Ro#2, Rs#2. Fev/MSM#3
B12 4-monthly, D3 Saturdays.


‘Research’ today: No.
Lessons in self-care #564 Might be starting to improve… at last.
Reasons to be cheerful #602 Might be getting easier. Some good things happening amidst the trials, tribulations and decreasing energy.

Click for links to jab side effects, foods, blog references, e.g. abbreviations, & guideline for symptom tracking & trigger hunting

2023-02-04, Saturday - Energy 10% - is this the lowest point?!

Sleep 90% / Feeling 70%-ish / nausea 30-40% 2h after first meal, fog 20%, Ache 30-50-30%
Yesterday I wrote down I’ve been having problems with the cold/damp, but upon reflection that’s not true: I’m wary of the cold showers more cos my finger tips start hurting like heck a few minutes after I come out and need half an hour to calm down. But I don’t need hot water bottles at all at the moment!
When I scale my stiffness in my sleep breaks with st1 = stiffness of 10%, it’s my stiffness after 2-3 minutes. It’s more like 60% till that time, along with a bit of pain. Whilst nausea and stomach pain often increases during the break, at least until I douse it with almond milk.
My fog I usually scale as 10%, meaning what I sense when doing the little I do. If I tried to be at work it’d probably be >50%, but I don’t know for sure, cos it’s usually below the physical aspects, and I’ve adapted to keep them low.

New Habits: Click for details of those I'm still working on. Last change 14th: deleted B-supps & earlier antihistamine & leg stretches and turned daylight lamp & back exercises & teeth into reminders, leaving (reduced) 4: bed, ACT, stretches & cold food out.

:ambulance: Bed 23:30-8:30/9:00. (:x:)
:ambulance: Note thoughts and emotions (ACT) (:white_check_mark:)
:ambulance: More leg stretches. (:white_check_mark:)
:ambulance: Cold foods out of fridge 2h earlier than eating. (:white_check_mark:)

Today's FM symptoms unchanged from WPI 11 & SSS 9, except....: higher % Ache, fatigue, fog and nausea (click for details)

Today’s symptoms sorted by the ACR 2016 criteria

Widespread pain, WPI = 11 of 19 areas: limb-Ache 8 (20-50%, stiff 10%) + spine-pain 3 (15%), shoulder-girdles/hips 0 chest / abdomen / jaw 0
Symptom severity, SSS = severity 9 of 12: Fatigue 3 (90%), insomnia 3 (10%), fog 2 (20%), headache 0 (0%), GI 1 (10-40%), depression 0

Triggers & resulting Symptoms

JAB#3 (on Nov 7th) causing MCAS / histamine problems, esp. energy narrowed to (10-)15-20%, decreased to mostly 10-15% in January. Feb 3rd & 4th: 10% energy. Cold tolerance good, just not my fingertips.

JAB#3 (on Nov 7th) → MCAS / histamine since end of Dec: 15-20% energy for under 45’, then white lips & pale face. But if I keep strain down to ‘half speed’ (70%) I can push on thru for hours - with a few breaks and lots of task-switching. Not that much specifically histaminey problems since end of Dec, occasionally sinuses and nausea, no more ill ache. Usually white lips & face 30%, and some sliding instead of walking indoors 10%, bit more cold intolerance 30% (long johns 24/7, 2 thick duvets at night). From Jan on, bit warmer (5-12° C), I’ve swapped long johns for a 2nd pair of pyjama trousers at night and when I’m pretty active at daytime sometimes no long johns, but when out slow cycling/walking. And don’t need hot water bottles any more, whether I can manage a cold shower (usually) or not.
Development summarized: Down: Nov 17th - Dec 1st, worst 17th-18th, best 20th & 29th. Up: Dec 2nd-6th, Down 7th-8th, Up: 9th-14th, best 13th-14th: Winning easily 4:0, and slow energy for 4h! Down: 15th-21st 7 days, Up 22nd to 24th winning roughly 3:1, Unsure: 25th-31st: TT 2:2 or no play possible: 25th 2:2(?), (26th 0), 27th: 2:2, (28th 0 - ordered supps, not cellar), Down: 1st-2nd, 4th. Up: 3rd, 5th. Both: 6th-11th - sinuses, tongue, lips, runny, DAO helping. Cold: 12th. 13th: GI: HP supps? 14th: B3-Flushing up!? 15th: Runny nose, 16th-21st & 25th-26th…: Tongue off and on. 23rd-25th: Sore buttock (& leg) muscles like after the jabs since 23rd. 26th: Cold, pain & fatigue, energy from 18% to 10% since 19th. Triggers tooth cleaning and moving out. 27th: Bad. 28th: Bad to better. 29th: OK, considering. 30th: No burning after 200g baked beans, but a bit, later, after then another 50g, short colon sting praps from the tomatoes, no stronger urge from them tho. 31st: Still haven’t regained appetite. Feb 3rd & 4th: 10% energy. Cold tolerance good, just not my fingertips.

Treatments: Antihistamine, and extra GABA from Nov 29th. Stopping the antihistamine at the turn of the year quickly caused sleep problems.

SLEEP (click for details): 7h59, up 5x (56'), 7h deep, rest deep doze. ✅ ➔ Feeling 70-60% well, Ache 11 of 7 ✅, getting up: 70%/2 ✅. Nostrils 10% stuffy 50% of the night.

A3 teeth cold shower p0 Sleep 0:45- Why not 21:00? 3rd # is LBU
Memos: Lower Back: short exercises, twist-stretched, yoga & hanging. massager.
2:10 5’ 70%/1/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep air A4 cream
(nostril/s3% nauseous% stomach% sinuses% headache% sore throat5%)
3:40 10’ 70%/1/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep air A5 cream
(nostril/s3% nauseous% stomach% sinuses% headache% sore throat15%)
5:45 30’ 60%/1/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep air cream. Soy milk out of cellar to douse stomach. → Muesli, gastritol. What’s up? I was eating better yesterday.
(nostril/s10% nauseous40% stomach40% sinuses% headache% sore throat15%)
7:40 7’ 70%/1/15% p0 st1 sip fw2’ deep air cream teeth
(nostril/s10% nauseous20% stomach20% sinuses% headache% sore throat15%)
8:20 4’ 70%/1/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep doze air cream plugs
(nostril/s10% nauseous20% stomach20% sinuses% headache% sore throat10%)
-9:40 9:50 B1-4 5‘ in sun, p0 st1 deep doze cream plugs
(nostril/s5% nauseous10% stomach10% sinuses% headache% sore throat10%) stools firm?
Sum: 9h40-45-(5+10+30+7+4=)56 = 8h55-56 = 7h59, up 5x (56’), 7h deep, rest deep doze.

ACTIVITIES (aim: 40% energy)ACHE: 80%/2, housework ➔ 80%/2, no TT possible, shop 20’ ➔ 70%/ 5 :x:, rest ➔ 70-80%/2-3 :x:, but keeping still I can fake it being “80%/2 (:white_check_mark:)” :smile_cat:
ACTIONSPAINS :white_check_mark:: except GI :white_check_mark:, appetite increasing by going “back to the roots”, literally: back to raw uncut veggies and nuts, like I love most, eating very slowly, some apple sauce and yogurt and then dark yogurt to fill (:white_check_mark:), esophagus: not easy, but OK today (:white_check_mark:), pee pain: 0xp1-2: better :white_check_mark:, lower back unrest :white_check_mark:, finger tips: hurt!! :x:, improving (:white_check_mark:). Lips chapped (:white_check_mark:) - blood on them somehow the past 3 days.

Click for details on Touch, Covid, Weather, last seizures Jan 14th & 15th, last esophagus block Jan 8th, last jaw pain Jan 10th. Well I spose since then 1-2x/d. Feb 3rd: Better since not chewing less on that side, despite increased raw uncut veggies.

Touch: :white_check_mark: Covid: :white_check_mark: Weather: Indoors :white_check_mark: Outdoors :white_check_mark:. Daylight lamp regularly on.
Last focal seizures: Jan 15th 10:40 (from a pee urge, only 2nd “wave”). Jan 14th 23:58 (no trigger, praps missing out on .6g GABA Friday). Jan 5th (after being scolded for being hyper). Dec 11th: 1x. Nov 21st: 2x.
Last esophagus blocks: Jan 19th: Sometimes do use massager a while to make sure. Jan 17th: I can take my B supps and then go to bed again atm. Jan 8th: Block after evening supps, maybe from twisting. Jan 7th: Testing if twisting before, while & after pills & food increases esophagus blocks Jan 6th: Slight blocks. Jan 5th: Medium block in evening. About 5x small blocks from pills around end of the year. Dec (20th, 15th) 11th (9th,) 1st, Nov 30th 2x, 29th 2x, (28th,) 24th, 22nd, 20th. Powder blocks in funnel if it’s too much in one go…
Jaw: Hardly & seldom pain since Nov. A bit more in Jan. Jan 6th: Slightly psychosomatic from memory of a painful time. Jan 10th: A bit after tooth cleaning. After: regularly a little bit, 1-2x/d.


Click for details on bloods (Dec 9th), practitioner ideas (last on Dec 20th), acupuncture (last on Dec 22nd). Last started masterwort (warily) and Hexacyl on Jan 6th - low & slow. 13th: Unsure if the stomach problems are from those two, so stop-start to see. 16th: again feel 2x2 drops is too much, stomach problems. 17th: 2x1 drop, 2x OK, praps a bit. 19th: 1-2x1 drop each again apparently too much (nausea). Feb 3rd: Starting to eat/feel a bit better without the new practitioner's recommendations.

Bloods at cardio Dec 9th: Homocysteine a bit high, continue B3 and B2, phosphate not that bad. Leukocytes low! CK, muscular, too high, praps fibro?
Alternative health practitioner (“Heilpraktiker”) on Dec 6th+20th: Jan 6th: Started masterwort & Hexacyl, lower than recommended (2x1 drop each), adding 1/d. 9th: Further research after reply to take manganese and vit. E. 13th: Unsure if the stomach problems are from those 2, so stop-start to see. 16th: again feel 2x2 drops is too much, stomach problems. 17th: 2x1 drop, 2x OK, praps a bit. 19th: 1-2x1 drop each again apparently too much. 25th I don’t feel like taking “her” powders at the moment (fungi & chlorella don’t taste good, roasted pumpkin seeds sometimes yes), lost some fun in eating, need to reclaim that. 26th: nauseous after masterwort. 27th-31st OK after masterwort. Feb 1st: Still no appetite, so put new drops away. Feb 3rd: Starting to eat/feel a bit better without the new practitioner’s recommendations.
Chinese Acupuncturist - Session #32 on Nov 4th., after 14 days :white_check_mark: “Energy still pretty stable at 20%, despite jab-nausea…”, now it’s down from that so often that I tried #33 22nd Dec. Wasn’t worth it: No improvement, sleep too short.

SELF-PHYSIO (click for details): 75'

white_check_mark: airing 5x2’, cold shower 1x(10’), cream/oil fc/ey/hd/ft 8x1’, teeth 3x2’, HWB 0x3’, breath exercises 4x1’, Y. Nidra 0’, massage gun 0x3’, daylight lamp/sun 4x5’, plantar/calf stretch 2x1’, acupressure 0x1’, palpate 0’, belly 1’, back 10’, !!aloe vera 0x1’, twist-stretch 2x1’, yoga/stretching 2x1’, hang 2x1’. hunchback-pillow 0’.
Combine: next?
:x: wart x1. neck 1+ x1’, RR: 0, neck 2 0x1’, workout 7’, horse stance 1’, balance roll standing 5’, breath-hold 12’, jolt-jump 1’, marionette-hang 1’, shaking dance 1’, bent leg fall 1’.

Supps Jan 8th (48 supps): Supp costs: 466€/m (8th) + 16€/m for empty capsules = 482€/m: Jan 29th: psyllium again hurting, so stopping that. Masterwort/Imperatoria 1 drop per day seems to be OK now, so trying 1 of Hexacyl again. Jan 11th: Still to get her MSM, manganese, E as tocotrienol and my silymarin again. Yet to try: Creatine? ATP again, encapsulated, for phosphate?? Click for details on the lists, with dosing batches by times and tubs.

ZERO now: Arg, alpha-GPC 1x150mg, fisetin: 0x196mg, huperzia A, mumijo, NAC 1*.5g, NADH, psyllium (Ps), Ribose, Serrapeptase, Zinc, P5P (= vit. B6) 0x27mg (high).

REGULAR as of Jan 8th (48 supps): (R-)ALA .2g, aloe vera juice 50+ml/d, apigenin 1x50mg, vit. B2 6x600mg, vit. B3/Nia 6x0.6=3.6g, vit. B5/Panto: 3x.5g vit. B12 (methyl-C) 1x5mg/4m s.c., AND B12 1x0.2mg (all 3 good types) WITH vit. B9/5-MTHF 1x0.4mg, vit. C 2x3x.5g, L-carnitine (Cr) 8x0.6g, copper (Cu) 1x2mg, vit. D3 20.000 IE = 500mcg, WITH vit. K2 (MK7) 200mcg, DAO before meals, EGCg 1x(50%, incl. L-theanine?).5g, ellagic Acid (Ell) 2x.2g (+43mg vit. C), eleuthero (eleu) 2x4,5mg, feverfew (fev) 3x.4g WITH 3x.2g MSM, GABA (Ga): 4x0.3g+2x.6g=2.4g, ginkgo (Gi) 3x168mg, (L-)glutamin (gltm, glu): 2x0.6g, glutathione (gltt) 1x250mg, honokiol (Hon) (2%)x2x.4g=16mg, luteolin 1x.2g, magnesium glycinate (mag gly) 2x50mg, mag malate (mag mal) 0x45mg, mag threonate (mag threo) 2x50g, monkfruit 0.1g, myo-inositol 1x1g/1!d, olive leaf extract (oli) 2x.75, Ω3 1x5mg, passiflora (Pf) 3x.35g, Levagen±PEA 1x0.3g, pine bark (pin) 2x.5g, PQQ 1, CoQ10 (Q10)(ubn) 1x.1g, quercetin (Qc) 4x.5g, resveratrol (Rs) (50%) 2x.4g, rhodiola (Ro) 2x.35g, rutin (ru): 1x522. SAM-e (Sa) 2x.1g, Selenium 1x.2mg, Silymarin (Sil) (80%) 1x.5g (+83mg L-cholin), (L-)theanine (The) 1x.2g (+.15g polyphenols) (next 2x0.1mg), TMG: 6x0.6=3.6g (as much as B3). Plus rupatadine/Rupafin 1x/d since jab#3 Nov. Plus practitioners recommendations: #1) masterwort / Imperatoria ostruthium, #2) Hexacyl (Sulphur D4, Lycopodium Ø, Berberis Ø), #3) add Steirocall comp. (for “arthrosis” & bones) (& umckaloabo). Not at all sure about any of these, after 3 weeks of Hexacyl, #4 bitter herbs when Hexacyl bottle is finished, #5 more B5 now, #6 “glutathione activator” → upping MSM, selenium, and have asked if manganese and vit. E are important. #7 Pro Mucosa: added Hericium, can’t increase glutamine, asked back about ficin and biotin, #8 Chlorella, #9 B9 as 5-MTHF for homocysteine.

What-when-details: Updated Jan 8th.
“16:00” preparing pills
“18:15” A1 PF#1, 2x threo., Lut, Qc#1.
5’ “empty time” = to see if I need worry time.
“18:30” myo-inositol + teeth
“19:30” A2=12+1 2xvB2#1 2xvB3 vB5#1 2Cr#1, PF#2, Cu, .3gGABA CoQ10 (oil) &! Se, 2xTMG#1. Meal: 1PQQ, 5ml Ω3 & Hon#1. monkfruit.
Meal 20: ’ +xylitol. Back exercises. Soak seeds. aloe.
“20:30” pre-A3 agigenin 1h before bedtime + teeth
“20:30” chamomile
“21:00” A3 PF#3 0.3gGABA & .6glu & Qc#2 Hon#2 + 1 Rupafin or A2
“2:00” A4 300mg GABA + teeth
“4:00” +0.25 GABA
B=11/ ’ in sun/lamp “07:00” ALA, Ro#1, Qc#3 Rs#1 2xSAM-e EGCg + Fev/MSM#1 + Sily +2The.
Back exercises.
Soak Soak pumpkin seeds & almonds.
Meal ’ in sun/lamp. aloe.
’ in sun/lamp C=23/ with meal: 2xB2#2 2xvB3#2 vB5#2 3xvC#1 3xCr#2 .6GABA#4, gink#1, Oli#1 pine bark#1 2xTMG#2 2xEleu 2gly PEA Rutin = 23. (vit.D3 1/wk)
“11:00” D1(0) + Teeth (+2h/) Ellag#1, Fev/MSM#2, gi#2.
“14:00” 0 Meal ’ in sun +aloe
“14:15” D=15/ ’ in sun vB2#3 "2"vB3#3 vB5#3 3xvC#2 3Cr#3, .6GABA#5, gink#3 Oli#2, pine#2, TMG#3
“16:00” preparing pills: 5x to encapsulate.
E “17:00” (“meal/acids+2h”) Ellag#2, Fev/MSM#3 Qc#4, Ro#2, Rs#2.
A1 “18:00”
Eat + aloe + PQQ+Ω3 if not earlier.
A2 + apigenin & heating down
(B12 s.c.: 2022-11-04, 2022-04-10, 2022-01-10: B12 5mg methylcobalamin s.c.)

The day's supp-compartments (8', plus 10' making capsules), Jan 8th

Pf: A1+A2+A3, vB2: 2A,2C,2D. vB3: 2A,2C,2D. vB5: A,C,D. vC:0A+3C+3D 8Cr: 2A+3C+3D, Ell: D0+E. Fev/MSM: B,D0. Ga 4-5x: a2,a3,a4,C,D, Gi: C,D0,D Glutathione: B. Hon:A2.A3. Oliv: C,D. pine: C,D. Qc: A1.A3.B.E Ro:B,D Rs:B,D SINGLE: A1: 0xMgMal, luteolin. 2MgThreo. myo-inositol (15’ before meal 1x/(2)d) A2: Cu (separate from P5P etc.!)+0P5+1xQ10 (->ubiquinone <150mg/d! atm ubiquinol), 1xSe. (A2:Ω/Pq:meal, A3: apigenin) A3: Glutamin (0c1), B (or C): ALA, EGCg, 2xeleu, , Ru, 2 Sa, Sily, 2Th, C: 2 Gly, PEA, DAO before risky meals? monkfruit usually evenings, aloe vera. D3 saturdays. (A2:0Se, up soon)
TALLIES Jan 9th: correct?
A1=6+1 Pf#1 Qc1#1, Lut, 2 MgThreo, + myo-inositol + (DAO?)
A2=16 2vB2#1 "2"xvB3, vB5#1, 2xCr#1, Cu, Pf#2, Ga#1, Hon#1, Q10, Se, 2TMG#1 + Rup. = 16
+Ω3/PQQ/aloe +monkfruit +apigenin 16(+5) -1 vB5 = 15.
A3=5 Pf#3, Ga#1, Gltm, Hon#2, Qc#3
A4=1 Ga, A5=1 Ga#2
B=11 ALA, EGCg, Fev/MSM#1, Glutt, Qc#3, Ro#1, Rs#2, 2xSa, 2Th, Sily (DAO?) = 11/
C=22 2vB2#2 "2"xvB3#2 vB5#2 3xvC#1 3xCr#2 Ga#4 Gi#2 Ol#1 Pin#1 TMG#2 2xEleu 2xMgGly PEA Rut = 22 - vB5 = 21.
D0=2 Ell, Fev/MSM#2, Gi, + (DAO?)
D=15 2vB2#3 "2"vB3#3 vB5#3 3xvC#2 3xCr#3 Ga#5 Gi#3 Ol#2 Pin#2 TMG#3 Fev/MSM#2
25th: -vB5#3: so only 14/
E=4 Ell, Qc#4, Ro#2, Rs#2. Fev/MSM#3
B12 4-monthly, D3 Saturdays.


‘Research’ today: No.
Lessons in self-care #565 Pretty good today, not moving much, not even playing table tennis, not preparing music much for tomorrow - if it’s not enough, then I’ll have to cop out, a risk everyone has to live with me if they want me to try to play.
Reasons to be cheerful #603 Interesting day. Listening to my old music (which i seldom do, usually interested more in new stuff) to decide which of my LPs, tapes and CDs I want to sell, so…
Lessons in self-care #566 Need to make sure I don’t sell too much of things my heart may invisibly be hanging on to, done that before sometimes in my life. Seems I need to keep hold on my carefully edited radio tapes, a few LPs that are good to touch, and a few CDs. A small factor is also that streaming music is so un-ecological, however if I hardly listen to one single piece of music any more, then it’s better for someone else to acquire it that it will mean more to or who will use it more.

Click for links to jab side effects, foods, blog references, e.g. abbreviations, & guideline for symptom tracking & trigger hunting

2023-02-05, Sunday - Energy 10%, but adjusting let me do more than expected, even felt slightly more energy after it all.

Sleep 90% / Feeling 80-70%-ish / nausea 0-20%, fog 10-20%
“Day” started (or night ended) with a neighbour’s door bell and foot trampling, but I held against hearing it thru ear plugs using my toe/finger/brain tingling stim, so got got my sleep tally up to 8h using that for NSDR.
Then: I’d had no problems with the B-supps at 8, then an hour after getting up, C-supps went OK too, but seemed slightly caught in my esophagus, despite taking great care to gulp them all down. Naively thought a break of another 10 minutes should be enough, without massager, but the first spoonful of muesli caused a first seemingly slight block that the massager etc. couldn’t dissolve even after 10-15’, resulting in puking not only that spoonful, but a few of the precious supps into mouth, then rushed to the toilet, and some of the rest came up too. But at least I’m getting a nicotinic acid flush, so some of them are working all the same… not being buffered by my breakfast, which I’m now only managing to eat at 12:30 :grimacing: At least no problems eating now! As if nothing had happened! But the sweat is still around my eyes, my face white.
Rest of the day pretty knackered, but to be able to practice & make music I rested a lot and felt quite OK after the gig, let’s see how it is tomorrow tho, before I count it as successful self-care!
Successes: :trophy: Well OK: it was well-calculated!

New Habits: Click for details of those I'm still working on. Last change 14th: deleted B-supps & earlier antihistamine & leg stretches and turned daylight lamp & back exercises & teeth into reminders, leaving (reduced) 4: bed, ACT, stretches & cold food out.

:ambulance: Bed 23:30-8:30/9:00. (:x:)
:ambulance: Note thoughts and emotions (ACT) (:white_check_mark:)
:ambulance: More leg stretches. (:white_check_mark:)
:ambulance: Cold foods out of fridge 2h earlier than eating. (:white_check_mark:)

Today's FM symptoms unchanged from WPI 11 & SSS 9, except....: 0, except esophagus... (click for details)

Today’s symptoms sorted by the ACR 2016 criteria

Widespread pain, WPI = 11 of 19 areas: limb-Ache 8 (10-30%, stiff 10%) + spine-pain 3 (10%), shoulder-girdles/hips 0 chest / abdomen / jaw 0
Symptom severity, SSS = severity 9 of 12: Fatigue 3 (90%), insomnia 3 (10%), fog 2 (10%), headache 0 (0%), GI 1 (10%), depression 0

Triggers & resulting Symptoms

JAB#3 (on Nov 7th) causing MCAS / histamine problems, esp. energy narrowed to (10-)15-20%, decreased to mostly 10-15% in January. Feb 3rd & 4th: 10% energy. Cold tolerance good, just not my fingertips.

JAB#3 (on Nov 7th) → MCAS / histamine since end of Dec: 15-20% energy for under 45’, then white lips & pale face. But if I keep strain down to ‘half speed’ (70%) I can push on thru for hours - with a few breaks and lots of task-switching. Not that much specifically histaminey problems since end of Dec, occasionally sinuses and nausea, no more ill ache. Usually white lips & face 30%, and some sliding instead of walking indoors 10%, bit more cold intolerance 30% (long johns 24/7, 2 thick duvets at night). From Jan on, bit warmer (5-12° C), I’ve swapped long johns for a 2nd pair of pyjama trousers at night and when I’m pretty active at daytime sometimes no long johns, but when out slow cycling/walking. And don’t need hot water bottles any more, whether I can manage a cold shower (usually) or not.
Development summarized: Down: Nov 17th - Dec 1st, worst 17th-18th, best 20th & 29th. Up: Dec 2nd-6th, Down 7th-8th, Up: 9th-14th, best 13th-14th: Winning easily 4:0, and slow energy for 4h! Down: 15th-21st 7 days, Up 22nd to 24th winning roughly 3:1, Unsure: 25th-31st: TT 2:2 or no play possible: 25th 2:2(?), (26th 0), 27th: 2:2, (28th 0 - ordered supps, not cellar), Down: 1st-2nd, 4th. Up: 3rd, 5th. Both: 6th-11th - sinuses, tongue, lips, runny, DAO helping. Cold: 12th. 13th: GI: HP supps? 14th: B3-Flushing up!? 15th: Runny nose, 16th-21st & 25th-26th…: Tongue off and on. 23rd-25th: Sore buttock (& leg) muscles like after the jabs since 23rd. 26th: Cold, pain & fatigue, energy from 18% to 10% since 19th. Triggers tooth cleaning and moving out. 27th: Bad. 28th: Bad to better. 29th: OK, considering. 30th: No burning after 200g baked beans, but a bit, later, after then another 50g, short colon sting praps from the tomatoes, no stronger urge from them tho. 31st: Still haven’t regained appetite. Feb 3rd & 4th: 10% energy. Cold tolerance good, just not my fingertips.

Treatments: Antihistamine, and extra GABA from Nov 29th. Stopping the antihistamine at the turn of the year quickly caused sleep problems.

SLEEP (click for details): 8h01, up 3x (47') ✅ ➔ Feeling 80% well, Ache 1 of 7 ✅, getting up: 80%/1 ✅. Nostrils 5-10% stuffy 20% of the night.

A3 A4 teeth cold shower p0 Sleep 0:50- Why not 21:00? 3rd # is LBU
2:05 25’ 80%/1/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep air A5 cream 6
(nostril/s% nauseous% stomach% sinuses% headache% sore throat%)
4:35 15’ 80%/1/15% p0 st1 sip fw7’ deep air cream
(nostril/s% nauseous% stomach10% sinuses% hseadache% sore throat5%)
8:20 7’ 80%/1/15% p0 st1 sip fw2’ deep air cream (door bell) B plugs, but lots of foot trampling above
(nostril/s5% nauseous% stomach20% sinuses% hseadache% sore throat25%)
-9:48 B1-4 ‘ in sun, 80%/1/15% p0 st1 sip fw2’ deep doze cream
(nostril/s10% nauseous% stomach20% sinuses% headache% sore throat15%)
Sum: 9h48-1h-(25+15+7=)47 = 8h48-47 = 8h01, up 3x (47’)

ACTIVITIES (aim: 40% energy)ACHE: 80%/2 ➔ TT 0, wasn’t up to it today either, resting a lot, but still ➔ 70-80%/3 :x:, practicing alone and together using as little energy as possible (e.g. playing cajon while lying on my belly :bangbang:) ➔ 80%/3-4 :x:, but from then resting and only short stints in the gig (service) ➔ 80%/2 :white_check_mark:, altho I was feeling cortisoley-feverish, it didn’t hit.
ACTIONSPAINS :white_check_mark:: except GI :white_check_mark:, but appetite bad (:x:), esophagus: not easy: bad block from C-supps at 11 :x:, pee pain: 0xp1-2: better :white_check_mark:, lower back unrest :white_check_mark:, finger tips: hurt!! (:x:) - but OK considering cajon & piano playing (carefully most of the time). Lips chapped, praps a bit better, despite forgetting to cream in the daytime (:white_check_mark:).

Click for details on Touch, Covid, Weather, last seizures Jan 14th & 15th, last esophagus block Feb 5th, last jaw pain Jan 10th. Well I spose since then 1-2x/d.

Touch: :white_check_mark: Covid: :white_check_mark: Weather: Indoors :white_check_mark: Outdoors :white_check_mark:. Daylight lamp regularly on.
Last focal seizures: Jan 15th 10:40 (from a pee urge, only 2nd “wave”). Jan 14th 23:58 (no trigger, praps missing out on .6g GABA Friday). Jan 5th (after being scolded for being hyper). Dec 11th: 1x. Nov 21st: 2x.
Last esophagus blocks: Feb 5th: From C-supps. Jan 19th: Sometimes do use massager a while to make sure. Jan 17th: I can take my B supps and then go to bed again atm. Jan 8th: Block after evening supps, maybe from twisting. Jan 7th: Testing if twisting before, while & after pills & food increases esophagus blocks Jan 6th: Slight blocks. Jan 5th: Medium block in evening. About 5x small blocks from pills around end of the year. Dec (20th, 15th) 11th (9th,) 1st, Nov 30th 2x, 29th 2x, (28th,) 24th, 22nd, 20th. Powder blocks in funnel if it’s too much in one go…
Jaw: Hardly & seldom pain since Nov. A bit more in Jan. Jan 6th: Slightly psychosomatic from memory of a painful time. Jan 10th: A bit after tooth cleaning. After: regularly a little bit, 1-2x/d.


Click for details on bloods (Dec 9th), practitioner ideas (last on Dec 20th), acupuncture (last on Dec 22nd). Last started masterwort (warily) and Hexacyl on Jan 6th - low & slow. 13th: Unsure if the stomach problems are from those two, so stop-start to see. 16th: again feel 2x2 drops is too much, stomach problems. 17th: 2x1 drop, 2x OK, praps a bit. 19th: 1-2x1 drop each again apparently too much (nausea). Feb 3rd: Starting to eat/feel a bit better without the new practitioner's recommendations.

Bloods at cardio Dec 9th: Homocysteine a bit high, continue B3 and B2, phosphate not that bad. Leukocytes low! CK, muscular, too high, praps fibro?
Alternative health practitioner (“Heilpraktiker”) on Dec 6th+20th: Jan 6th: Started masterwort & Hexacyl, lower than recommended (2x1 drop each), adding 1/d. 9th: Further research after reply to take manganese and vit. E. 13th: Unsure if the stomach problems are from those 2, so stop-start to see. 16th: again feel 2x2 drops is too much, stomach problems. 17th: 2x1 drop, 2x OK, praps a bit. 19th: 1-2x1 drop each again apparently too much. 25th I don’t feel like taking “her” powders at the moment (fungi & chlorella don’t taste good, roasted pumpkin seeds sometimes yes), lost some fun in eating, need to reclaim that. 26th: nauseous after masterwort. 27th-31st OK after masterwort. Feb 1st: Still no appetite, so put new drops away. Feb 3rd: Starting to eat/feel a bit better without the new practitioner’s recommendations.
Chinese Acupuncturist - Session #32 on Nov 4th., after 14 days :white_check_mark: “Energy still pretty stable at 20%, despite jab-nausea…”, now it’s down from that so often that I tried #33 22nd Dec. Wasn’t worth it: No improvement, sleep too short.

SELF-PHYSIO (click for details): 114', at least 40' of toe tingling NSDR. Wart type things (tiny & white) under my right foot need treating, e.g. with tea tree oil, whilst I can move my hunchback-pillow out of focus.

white_check_mark: airing 5x2’, cold shower 1x(10’), cream/oil fc/ey/hd/ft 8x1’, teeth 2x2’, HWB 0x3’, breath exercises 3x1’, Y. Nidra ?40’, massage gun 0x3’, daylight lamp/sun 4x5’, plantar/calf stretch 2x1’, acupressure 0x1’, palpate 0’, belly 3’, back 10’, !!aloe vera 0x1’, twist-stretch 2x1’, yoga/stretching 2x1’, hang 0x1’. wart x1.
Combine: next?
:x: hunchback-pillow 0’, neck 1+ x1’, RR: 0, neck 2 0x1’, workout 7’, horse stance 1’, balance roll standing 5’, breath-hold 12’, jolt-jump 1’, marionette-hang 1’, shaking dance 1’, bent leg fall 1’.

Supps Jan 8th (48 supps): Supp costs: 466€/m (8th) + 16€/m for empty capsules = 482€/m: Jan 29th: psyllium again hurting, so stopping that. Masterwort/Imperatoria 1 drop per day seems to be OK now, so trying 1 of Hexacyl again. Jan 11th: Still to get her MSM, manganese, E as tocotrienol and my silymarin again. Yet to try: Creatine? ATP again, encapsulated, for phosphate?? Click for details on the lists, with dosing batches by times and tubs.

ZERO now: Arg, alpha-GPC 1x150mg, fisetin: 0x196mg, huperzia A, mumijo, NAC 1*.5g, NADH, psyllium (Ps), Ribose, Serrapeptase, Zinc, P5P (= vit. B6) 0x27mg (high).

REGULAR as of Jan 8th (48 supps): (R-)ALA .2g, aloe vera juice 50+ml/d, apigenin 1x50mg, vit. B2 6x600mg, vit. B3/Nia 6x0.6=3.6g, vit. B5/Panto: 3x.5g vit. B12 (methyl-C) 1x5mg/4m s.c., AND B12 1x0.2mg (all 3 good types) WITH vit. B9/5-MTHF 1x0.4mg, vit. C 2x3x.5g, L-carnitine (Cr) 8x0.6g, copper (Cu) 1x2mg, vit. D3 20.000 IE = 500mcg, WITH vit. K2 (MK7) 200mcg, DAO before meals, EGCg 1x(50%, incl. L-theanine?).5g, ellagic Acid (Ell) 2x.2g (+43mg vit. C), eleuthero (eleu) 2x4,5mg, feverfew (fev) 3x.4g WITH 3x.2g MSM, GABA (Ga): 4x0.3g+2x.6g=2.4g, ginkgo (Gi) 3x168mg, (L-)glutamin (gltm, glu): 2x0.6g, glutathione (gltt) 1x250mg, honokiol (Hon) (2%)x2x.4g=16mg, luteolin 1x.2g, magnesium glycinate (mag gly) 2x50mg, mag malate (mag mal) 0x45mg, mag threonate (mag threo) 2x50g, monkfruit 0.1g, myo-inositol 1x1g/1!d, olive leaf extract (oli) 2x.75, Ω3 1x5mg, passiflora (Pf) 3x.35g, Levagen±PEA 1x0.3g, pine bark (pin) 2x.5g, PQQ 1, CoQ10 (Q10)(ubn) 1x.1g, quercetin (Qc) 4x.5g, resveratrol (Rs) (50%) 2x.4g, rhodiola (Ro) 2x.35g, rutin (ru): 1x522. SAM-e (Sa) 2x.1g, Selenium 1x.2mg, Silymarin (Sil) (80%) 1x.5g (+83mg L-cholin), (L-)theanine (The) 1x.2g (+.15g polyphenols) (next 2x0.1mg), TMG: 6x0.6=3.6g (as much as B3). Plus rupatadine/Rupafin 1x/d since jab#3 Nov. Plus practitioners recommendations: #1) masterwort / Imperatoria ostruthium, #2) Hexacyl (Sulphur D4, Lycopodium Ø, Berberis Ø), #3) add Steirocall comp. (for “arthrosis” & bones) (& umckaloabo). Not at all sure about any of these, after 3 weeks of Hexacyl, #4 bitter herbs when Hexacyl bottle is finished, #5 more B5 now, #6 “glutathione activator” → upping MSM, selenium, and have asked if manganese and vit. E are important. #7 Pro Mucosa: added Hericium, can’t increase glutamine, asked back about ficin and biotin, #8 Chlorella, #9 B9 as 5-MTHF for homocysteine.

What-when-details: Updated Jan 8th.
“16:00” preparing pills
“18:15” A1 PF#1, 2x threo., Lut, Qc#1.
5’ “empty time” = to see if I need worry time.
“18:30” myo-inositol + teeth
“19:30” A2=12+1 2xvB2#1 2xvB3 vB5#1 2Cr#1, PF#2, Cu, .3gGABA CoQ10 (oil) &! Se, 2xTMG#1. Meal: 1PQQ, 5ml Ω3 & Hon#1. monkfruit.
Meal 20: ’ +xylitol. Back exercises. Soak seeds. aloe.
“20:30” pre-A3 agigenin 1h before bedtime + teeth
“20:30” chamomile
“21:00” A3 PF#3 0.3gGABA & .6glu & Qc#2 Hon#2 + 1 Rupafin or A2
“2:00” A4 300mg GABA + teeth
“4:00” +0.25 GABA
B=11/ ’ in sun/lamp “07:00” ALA, Ro#1, Qc#3 Rs#1 2xSAM-e EGCg + Fev/MSM#1 + Sily +2The.
Back exercises.
Soak Soak pumpkin seeds & almonds.
Meal ’ in sun/lamp. aloe.
’ in sun/lamp C=23/ with meal: 2xB2#2 2xvB3#2 vB5#2 3xvC#1 3xCr#2 .6GABA#4, gink#1, Oli#1 pine bark#1 2xTMG#2 2xEleu 2gly PEA Rutin = 23. (vit.D3 1/wk)
“11:00” D1(0) + Teeth (+2h/) Ellag#1, Fev/MSM#2, gi#2.
“14:00” 0 Meal ’ in sun +aloe
“14:15” D=15/ ’ in sun vB2#3 "2"vB3#3 vB5#3 3xvC#2 3Cr#3, .6GABA#5, gink#3 Oli#2, pine#2, TMG#3
“16:00” preparing pills: 5x to encapsulate.
E “17:00” (“meal/acids+2h”) Ellag#2, Fev/MSM#3 Qc#4, Ro#2, Rs#2.
A1 “18:00”
Eat + aloe + PQQ+Ω3 if not earlier.
A2 + apigenin & heating down
(B12 s.c.: 2022-11-04, 2022-04-10, 2022-01-10: B12 5mg methylcobalamin s.c.)

The day's supp-compartments (8', plus 10' making capsules), Jan 8th

Pf: A1+A2+A3, vB2: 2A,2C,2D. vB3: 2A,2C,2D. vB5: A,C,D. vC:0A+3C+3D 8Cr: 2A+3C+3D, Ell: D0+E. Fev/MSM: B,D0. Ga 4-5x: a2,a3,a4,C,D, Gi: C,D0,D Glutathione: B. Hon:A2.A3. Oliv: C,D. pine: C,D. Qc: A1.A3.B.E Ro:B,D Rs:B,D SINGLE: A1: 0xMgMal, luteolin. 2MgThreo. myo-inositol (15’ before meal 1x/(2)d) A2: Cu (separate from P5P etc.!)+0P5+1xQ10 (->ubiquinone <150mg/d! atm ubiquinol), 1xSe. (A2:Ω/Pq:meal, A3: apigenin) A3: Glutamin (0c1), B (or C): ALA, EGCg, 2xeleu, , Ru, 2 Sa, Sily, 2Th, C: 2 Gly, PEA, DAO before risky meals? monkfruit usually evenings, aloe vera. D3 saturdays. (A2:0Se, up soon)
TALLIES Jan 9th: correct?
A1=6+1 Pf#1 Qc1#1, Lut, 2 MgThreo, + myo-inositol + (DAO?)
A2=16 2vB2#1 "2"xvB3, vB5#1, 2xCr#1, Cu, Pf#2, Ga#1, Hon#1, Q10, Se, 2TMG#1 + Rup. = 16
+Ω3/PQQ/aloe +monkfruit +apigenin 16(+5) -1 vB5 = 15.
A3=5 Pf#3, Ga#1, Gltm, Hon#2, Qc#3
A4=1 Ga, A5=1 Ga#2
B=11 ALA, EGCg, Fev/MSM#1, Glutt, Qc#3, Ro#1, Rs#2, 2xSa, 2Th, Sily (DAO?) = 11/
C=22 2vB2#2 "2"xvB3#2 vB5#2 3xvC#1 3xCr#2 Ga#4 Gi#2 Ol#1 Pin#1 TMG#2 2xEleu 2xMgGly PEA Rut = 22 - vB5 = 21.
D0=2 Ell, Fev/MSM#2, Gi, + (DAO?)
D=15 2vB2#3 "2"vB3#3 vB5#3 3xvC#2 3xCr#3 Ga#5 Gi#3 Ol#2 Pin#2 TMG#3 Fev/MSM#2
25th: -vB5#3: so only 14/
E=4 Ell, Qc#4, Ro#2, Rs#2. Fev/MSM#3
B12 4-monthly, D3 Saturdays.


Making my bed just now, I realized that my now so effective sleep also means I hardly need my kyphosis cushion and actually any other sleep aids any more, showing that the 3rd jab plus antihistamine seems to have reversed some of the fibro symptoms, if not the main ones like fatigue and Ache!

‘Research’ today: No.
Lessons in self-care #567 It paid to do music but keeping my energy use very low.
Reasons to be cheerful #604 Music felt really good.
Reasons to be cheerful #605 Also going thru my record collection to be sure I can sell almost everything was fun, finished now, next CDs or MCs.

Click for links to jab side effects, foods, blog references, e.g. abbreviations, & guideline for symptom tracking & trigger hunting

2023-02-06, Monday - Energy 10% (max…)

Sleep 90% / Feeling 80-70%-ish / nausea 0% (3h after meal 10%), fog 10%
Moving I haven’t got any nausea, but feeling feverish sometimes.

New Habits: Click for details of those I'm still working on. Last change 14th: deleted B-supps & earlier antihistamine & leg stretches and turned daylight lamp & back exercises & teeth into reminders, leaving (reduced) 4: bed, ACT, stretches & cold food out.

:ambulance: Bed 23:30-8:30/9:00. (:x:) - better, but
:ambulance: Note thoughts and emotions (ACT) :x:/(:white_check_mark:)
:ambulance: More leg stretches. (:white_check_mark:)
:ambulance: Cold foods out of fridge 2h earlier than eating. (:white_check_mark:)

Today's FM symptoms unchanged from WPI 11 & SSS 9, except....: 0 (click for details)

Today’s symptoms sorted by the ACR 2016 criteria

Widespread pain, WPI = 11 of 19 areas: limb-Ache 8 (10%, stiff 10%) + spine-pain 3 (10%), shoulder-girdles/hips 0 chest / abdomen / jaw 0
Symptom severity, SSS = severity 9 of 12: Fatigue 3 (90%), insomnia 3 (10%), fog 2 (10%), headache 0 (0%), GI 1 (10%), depression 0

Triggers & resulting Symptoms

JAB#3 (on Nov 7th) causing MCAS / histamine problems, esp. energy narrowed to (10-)15-20%, decreased to mostly 10-15% in January. Feb 3rd & 4th: 10% energy. Cold tolerance good, just not my fingertips.

JAB#3 (on Nov 7th) → MCAS / histamine since end of Dec: 15-20% energy for under 45’, then white lips & pale face. But if I keep strain down to ‘half speed’ (70%) I can push on thru for hours - with a few breaks and lots of task-switching. Not that much specifically histaminey problems since end of Dec, occasionally sinuses and nausea, no more ill ache. Usually white lips & face 30%, and some sliding instead of walking indoors 10%, bit more cold intolerance 30% (long johns 24/7, 2 thick duvets at night). From Jan on, bit warmer (5-12° C), I’ve swapped long johns for a 2nd pair of pyjama trousers at night and when I’m pretty active at daytime sometimes no long johns, but when out slow cycling/walking. And don’t need hot water bottles any more, whether I can manage a cold shower (usually) or not.
Development summarized: Down: Nov 17th - Dec 1st, worst 17th-18th, best 20th & 29th. Up: Dec 2nd-6th, Down 7th-8th, Up: 9th-14th, best 13th-14th: Winning easily 4:0, and slow energy for 4h! Down: 15th-21st 7 days, Up 22nd to 24th winning roughly 3:1, Unsure: 25th-31st: TT 2:2 or no play possible: 25th 2:2(?), (26th 0), 27th: 2:2, (28th 0 - ordered supps, not cellar), Down: 1st-2nd, 4th. Up: 3rd, 5th. Both: 6th-11th - sinuses, tongue, lips, runny, DAO helping. Cold: 12th. 13th: GI: HP supps? 14th: B3-Flushing up!? 15th: Runny nose, 16th-21st & 25th-26th…: Tongue off and on. 23rd-25th: Sore buttock (& leg) muscles like after the jabs since 23rd. 26th: Cold, pain & fatigue, energy from 18% to 10% since 19th. Triggers tooth cleaning and moving out. 27th: Bad. 28th: Bad to better. 29th: OK, considering. 30th: No burning after 200g baked beans, but a bit, later, after then another 50g, short colon sting praps from the tomatoes, no stronger urge from them tho. 31st: Still haven’t regained appetite. Feb 3rd & 4th: 10% energy. Cold tolerance good, just not my fingertips.

Treatments: Antihistamine, and extra GABA from Nov 29th. Stopping the antihistamine at the turn of the year quickly caused sleep problems.

SLEEP (click for details): 8h01, up 4x (24'), 7h deep ✅ ➔ Feeling 70-80% well, Ache 1 of 7 ✅, getting up: 80%/1 ✅. Nostrils 5 (25)% stuffy 100(20)% of the night.

A3 teeth0 cold shower p0 Sleep 0:25- Why not 21:00? 3rd # is LBU
Memos: Lower Back: short exercises, twist-stretched, yoga & hanging. massager.
1:20 10’ 70%/1/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep A4 cream teeth
(nostril/s5% nauseous% stomach% sinuses% headache% sore throat%)
2:45 5’ 70%/1/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep air cream
(nostril/s5% nauseous% stomach5% sinuses% headache% sore throat%)
4:50 4’ 80%/1/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep air cream
(nostril/s5% nauseous5% stomach5% sinuses% headache% sore throat%)
7:30 5’ 70%/1/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep air cream
(nostril25% nauseous10% stomach10% sinuses% headache% sore throat10% stools firm?)
-8:50 B1-4 ‘ in sun, stools firm?
Sum: 8h50-25-(10+5+4+5=)24 = 8h25-24 = 8h01, up 4x (24’), 7h deep

ACTIVITIES (aim: 40% energy)ACHE: 80%/2 ➔ TT 1:1 (picking up 0 balls) ➔ 80%2, but preferred to keep it to that :white_check_mark:, slow gardening, lots of rest ➔ 80%/2 :white_check_mark:
ACTIONSPAINS :white_check_mark:: except GI :white_check_mark:, but appetite bad (:x:), esophagus: not easy, but keeping a close watch on it, using my massager often just in case, making sure there is not the least chance of a supp block (:white_check_mark:), pee pain: 0xp1-2: good :white_check_mark:, lower back unrest :white_check_mark:, finger tips: hurt a bit, but better (:x:). Lips chapped, but better (:white_check_mark:).

Click for details on Touch, Covid, Weather, last seizures Jan 14th & 15th, last esophagus block Feb 5th, last jaw pain praps Jan 30th.

Touch: :white_check_mark: Covid: :white_check_mark: Weather: Indoors :white_check_mark: Outdoors :white_check_mark:. Daylight lamp regularly on.
Last focal seizures: Jan 15th 10:40 (from a pee urge, only 2nd “wave”). Jan 14th 23:58 (no trigger, praps missing out on .6g GABA Friday). Jan 5th (after being scolded for being hyper). Dec 11th: 1x. Nov 21st: 2x.
Last esophagus blocks: Feb 5th: From C-supps. Jan 19th: Sometimes do use massager a while to make sure. Jan 17th: I can take my B supps and then go to bed again atm. Jan 8th: Block after evening supps, maybe from twisting. Jan 7th: Testing if twisting before, while & after pills & food increases esophagus blocks Jan 6th: Slight blocks. Jan 5th: Medium block in evening. About 5x small blocks from pills around end of the year. Dec (20th, 15th) 11th (9th,) 1st, Nov 30th 2x, 29th 2x, (28th,) 24th, 22nd, 20th. Powder blocks in funnel if it’s too much in one go…
Jaw: Hardly & seldom pain since Nov. A bit more in Jan. Jan 6th: Slightly psychosomatic from memory of a painful time. Jan 10th: A bit after tooth cleaning. After: regularly a little bit, 1-2x/d. Better since improving tooth care again and giving that side of the jaw a rest from chewing for a few days from Feb on.


Click for details on bloods (Dec 9th), practitioner ideas (last on Dec 20th), acupuncture (last on Dec 22nd). Last started masterwort (warily) and Hexacyl on Jan 6th - low & slow. 13th: Unsure if the stomach problems are from those two, so stop-start to see. 16th: again feel 2x2 drops is too much, stomach problems. 17th: 2x1 drop, 2x OK, praps a bit. 19th: 1-2x1 drop each again apparently too much (nausea). Feb 3rd: Starting to eat/feel a bit better without the new practitioner's recommendations.

Bloods at cardio Dec 9th: Homocysteine a bit high, continue B3 and B2, phosphate not that bad. Leukocytes low! CK, muscular, too high, praps fibro?
Alternative health practitioner (“Heilpraktiker”) on Dec 6th+20th: Jan 6th: Started masterwort & Hexacyl, lower than recommended (2x1 drop each), adding 1/d. 9th: Further research after reply to take manganese and vit. E. 13th: Unsure if the stomach problems are from those 2, so stop-start to see. 16th: again feel 2x2 drops is too much, stomach problems. 17th: 2x1 drop, 2x OK, praps a bit. 19th: 1-2x1 drop each again apparently too much. 25th I don’t feel like taking “her” powders at the moment (fungi & chlorella don’t taste good, roasted pumpkin seeds sometimes yes), lost some fun in eating, need to reclaim that. 26th: nauseous after masterwort. 27th-31st OK after masterwort. Feb 1st: Still no appetite, so put new drops away. Feb 3rd: Starting to eat/feel a bit better without the new practitioner’s recommendations.
Chinese Acupuncturist - Session #32 on Nov 4th., after 14 days :white_check_mark: “Energy still pretty stable at 20%, despite jab-nausea…”, now it’s down from that so often that I tried #33 22nd Dec. Wasn’t worth it: No improvement, sleep too short.

SELF-PHYSIO (click for details): 101'

white_check_mark: airing 4x2’, cold shower 1x(10’), cream/oil fc/ey/hd/ft 6x1’, teeth 3x2’, HWB 0x3’, breath exercises 5x1’, Y. Nidra 10’, massage gun 2x3’, daylight lamp/sun 6x5’, plantar/calf stretch 2x1’, acupressure 0x1’, palpate 0’, belly 3’, back 10’, !!aloe vera 0x1’, twist-stretch 1x1’, yoga/stretching 1x1’, hang 1x1’. wart 2x1.
Combine: next?
:x: hunchback-pillow 0’. neck 1+ x1’, RR: 0, neck 2 0x1’, workout 7’, horse stance 1’, balance roll standing 5’, breath-hold 12’, jolt-jump 1’, marionette-hang 1’, shaking dance 1’, bent leg fall 1’.

Supps Jan 8th (48 supps): Supp costs: 466€/m (8th) + 16€/m for empty capsules = 482€/m: Jan 29th: psyllium again hurting, so stopping that. Masterwort/Imperatoria 1 drop per day seems to be OK now, so trying 1 of Hexacyl again. Jan 11th: Still to get her MSM, manganese, E as tocotrienol and my silymarin again. Yet to try: Creatine? ATP again, encapsulated, for phosphate?? Click for details on the lists, with dosing batches by times and tubs.

ZERO now: Arg, alpha-GPC 1x150mg, fisetin: 0x196mg, huperzia A, mumijo, NAC 1*.5g, NADH, psyllium (Ps), Ribose, Serrapeptase, Zinc, P5P (= vit. B6) 0x27mg (high).

REGULAR as of Jan 8th (48 supps): (R-)ALA .2g, aloe vera juice 50+ml/d, apigenin 1x50mg, vit. B2 6x600mg, vit. B3/Nia 6x0.6=3.6g, vit. B5/Panto: 3x.5g vit. B12 (methyl-C) 1x5mg/4m s.c., AND B12 1x0.2mg (all 3 good types) WITH vit. B9/5-MTHF 1x0.4mg, vit. C 2x3x.5g, L-carnitine (Cr) 8x0.6g, copper (Cu) 1x2mg, vit. D3 20.000 IE = 500mcg, WITH vit. K2 (MK7) 200mcg, DAO before meals, EGCg 1x(50%, incl. L-theanine?).5g, ellagic Acid (Ell) 2x.2g (+43mg vit. C), eleuthero (eleu) 2x4,5mg, feverfew (fev) 3x.4g WITH 3x.2g MSM, GABA (Ga): 4x0.3g+2x.6g=2.4g, ginkgo (Gi) 3x168mg, (L-)glutamin (gltm, glu): 2x0.6g, glutathione (gltt) 1x250mg, honokiol (Hon) (2%)x2x.4g=16mg, luteolin 1x.2g, magnesium glycinate (mag gly) 2x50mg, mag malate (mag mal) 0x45mg, mag threonate (mag threo) 2x50g, monkfruit 0.1g, myo-inositol 1x1g/1!d, olive leaf extract (oli) 2x.75, Ω3 1x5mg, passiflora (Pf) 3x.35g, Levagen±PEA 1x0.3g, pine bark (pin) 2x.5g, PQQ 1, CoQ10 (Q10)(ubn) 1x.1g, quercetin (Qc) 4x.5g, resveratrol (Rs) (50%) 2x.4g, rhodiola (Ro) 2x.35g, rutin (ru): 1x522. SAM-e (Sa) 2x.1g, Selenium 1x.2mg, Silymarin (Sil) (80%) 1x.5g (+83mg L-cholin), (L-)theanine (The) 1x.2g (+.15g polyphenols) (next 2x0.1mg), TMG: 6x0.6=3.6g (as much as B3). Plus rupatadine/Rupafin 1x/d since jab#3 Nov. Plus practitioners recommendations: #1) masterwort / Imperatoria ostruthium, #2) Hexacyl (Sulphur D4, Lycopodium Ø, Berberis Ø), #3) add Steirocall comp. (for “arthrosis” & bones) (& umckaloabo). Not at all sure about any of these, after 3 weeks of Hexacyl, #4 bitter herbs when Hexacyl bottle is finished, #5 more B5 now, #6 “glutathione activator” → upping MSM, selenium, and have asked if manganese and vit. E are important. #7 Pro Mucosa: added Hericium, can’t increase glutamine, asked back about ficin and biotin, #8 Chlorella, #9 B9 as 5-MTHF for homocysteine.

What-when-details: Updated Jan 8th.
“16:00” preparing pills
“18:15” A1 PF#1, 2x threo., Lut, Qc#1.
5’ “empty time” = to see if I need worry time.
“18:30” myo-inositol + teeth
“19:30” A2=12+1 2xvB2#1 2xvB3 vB5#1 2Cr#1, PF#2, Cu, .3gGABA CoQ10 (oil) &! Se, 2xTMG#1. Meal: 1PQQ, 5ml Ω3 & Hon#1. monkfruit.
Meal 20: ’ +xylitol. Back exercises. Soak seeds. aloe.
“20:30” pre-A3 agigenin 1h before bedtime + teeth
“20:30” chamomile
“21:00” A3 PF#3 0.3gGABA & .6glu & Qc#2 Hon#2 + 1 Rupafin or A2
“2:00” A4 300mg GABA + teeth
“4:00” +0.25 GABA
B=11/ ’ in sun/lamp “07:00” ALA, Ro#1, Qc#3 Rs#1 2xSAM-e EGCg + Fev/MSM#1 + Sily +2The.
Back exercises.
Soak Soak pumpkin seeds & almonds.
Meal ’ in sun/lamp. aloe.
’ in sun/lamp C=23/ with meal: 2xB2#2 2xvB3#2 vB5#2 3xvC#1 3xCr#2 .6GABA#4, gink#1, Oli#1 pine bark#1 2xTMG#2 2xEleu 2gly PEA Rutin = 23. (vit.D3 1/wk)
“11:00” D1(0) + Teeth (+2h/) Ellag#1, Fev/MSM#2, gi#2.
“14:00” 0 Meal ’ in sun +aloe
“14:15” D=15/ ’ in sun vB2#3 "2"vB3#3 vB5#3 3xvC#2 3Cr#3, .6GABA#5, gink#3 Oli#2, pine#2, TMG#3
“16:00” preparing pills: 5x to encapsulate.
E “17:00” (“meal/acids+2h”) Ellag#2, Fev/MSM#3 Qc#4, Ro#2, Rs#2.
A1 “18:00”
Eat + aloe + PQQ+Ω3 if not earlier.
A2 + apigenin & heating down
(B12 s.c.: 2022-11-04, 2022-04-10, 2022-01-10: B12 5mg methylcobalamin s.c.)

The day's supp-compartments (8', plus 10' making capsules), Jan 8th

Pf: A1+A2+A3, vB2: 2A,2C,2D. vB3: 2A,2C,2D. vB5: A,C,D. vC:0A+3C+3D 8Cr: 2A+3C+3D, Ell: D0+E. Fev/MSM: B,D0. Ga 4-5x: a2,a3,a4,C,D, Gi: C,D0,D Glutathione: B. Hon:A2.A3. Oliv: C,D. pine: C,D. Qc: A1.A3.B.E Ro:B,D Rs:B,D SINGLE: A1: 0xMgMal, luteolin. 2MgThreo. myo-inositol (15’ before meal 1x/(2)d) A2: Cu (separate from P5P etc.!)+0P5+1xQ10 (->ubiquinone <150mg/d! atm ubiquinol), 1xSe. (A2:Ω/Pq:meal, A3: apigenin) A3: Glutamin (0c1), B (or C): ALA, EGCg, 2xeleu, , Ru, 2 Sa, Sily, 2Th, C: 2 Gly, PEA, DAO before risky meals? monkfruit usually evenings, aloe vera. D3 saturdays. (A2:0Se, up soon)
TALLIES Jan 9th: correct?
A1=6+1 Pf#1 Qc1#1, Lut, 2 MgThreo, + myo-inositol + (DAO?)
A2=16 2vB2#1 "2"xvB3, vB5#1, 2xCr#1, Cu, Pf#2, Ga#1, Hon#1, Q10, Se, 2TMG#1 + Rup. = 16
+Ω3/PQQ/aloe +monkfruit +apigenin 16(+5) -1 vB5 = 15.
A3=5 Pf#3, Ga#1, Gltm, Hon#2, Qc#3
A4=1 Ga, A5=1 Ga#2
B=11 ALA, EGCg, Fev/MSM#1, Glutt, Qc#3, Ro#1, Rs#2, 2xSa, 2Th, Sily (DAO?) = 11/
C=22 2vB2#2 "2"xvB3#2 vB5#2 3xvC#1 3xCr#2 Ga#4 Gi#2 Ol#1 Pin#1 TMG#2 2xEleu 2xMgGly PEA Rut = 22 - vB5 = 21.
D0=2 Ell, Fev/MSM#2, Gi, + (DAO?)
D=15 2vB2#3 "2"vB3#3 vB5#3 3xvC#2 3xCr#3 Ga#5 Gi#3 Ol#2 Pin#2 TMG#3 Fev/MSM#2
25th: -vB5#3: so only 14/
E=4 Ell, Qc#4, Ro#2, Rs#2. Fev/MSM#3
B12 4-monthly, D3 Saturdays.


‘Research’ today: Looked up my favourite gua sha video for dry eyes and was surprised it’s not on this blog yet, can’t even find it on this forum at all, so here goes:
Firstly being sure about the diagnosis is of course important, knowing it is or is not Sjögren’s Syndrome isn’t that important, and seeing it as part of a sicca syndrome is just a name, you’d still have to treat the symptom, but knowing eyelid mites (morning itching) are or aren’t the cause is very helpful of course…
Gua sha will only be used gently, not the scarring type of course! Wasn’t easy to find it again, but my favourite video is one by a Chinese woman speaking German - the automatic subtitles do help, altho “wrinkles” are changed to “rides” when I just tried it… (I usually quickly find good videos for all kinds of videos, but strangely not for this topic.)
Dry Eye Exercises:
a) warm with cupped hands, warmed by rubbing against each other, several times; If you click on this and b), it’ll take you to each position in the video, but it’s nice to watch it all, I find, she’s so cute… :smiley: Selbstbehandlung für trockene Augen - YouTube
b) Gua Sha using a jar lid. Selbstbehandlung für trockene Augen - YouTube
c) massage upper lids & lower eyelids (US video) How to do Eyelid Massage and Meibomian Gland Expression for Dry Eyes and Eyelid Stye - YouTube
d) Above TCM video goes on to show 3 acupressure points, something I ignored when I first found this video, but self-applied acupressure has been such an help - in an astonishing way, that I’d take this very seriously.
d) Fresh air(?)
e) Looking into the distance regularly!
(A good short video about 3 different causes of dry eyes, incl. mites, is this from a German TV programme Trockene Augen: Was hilft gegen das Jucken und Brennen? | Visite | NDR - YouTube, where you can again turn an English automatic translation on.)

Lessons in self-care #568 Resting, getting stuff done, above all: no pressure!
Reasons to be cheerful #606 No backlash from masking music yesterday!

Click for links to jab side effects, foods, blog references, e.g. abbreviations, & guideline for symptom tracking & trigger hunting

2023-02-07, Tuesday - Energy 8%

Sleep 90% / Feeling 80%-ish / nausea 0-20%, fog 10%
Successes: :trophy: :zap: Starting to wonder whether 4x250mg glutathione is something essential I’d been doing before I went to the practitioner, looked it up and it’s something I’d always thought essential for MCAS as well as energy…

New Habits: Click for details of those I'm still working on. Last change 14th: deleted B-supps & earlier antihistamine & leg stretches and turned daylight lamp & back exercises & teeth into reminders, leaving (reduced) 4: bed, ACT, stretches & cold food out.

:ambulance: Bed 23:30-8:30/9:00. (:x:/:white_check_mark:)
:ambulance: Note thoughts and emotions (ACT) :x:/(:white_check_mark:)
:ambulance: More leg stretches. (:white_check_mark:)
:ambulance: Cold foods out of fridge 2h earlier than eating. (:white_check_mark:)

Today's FM symptoms unchanged from WPI 11 & SSS 9, except....: 0 (click for details)

Today’s symptoms sorted by the ACR 2016 criteria

Widespread pain, WPI = 11 of 19 areas: limb-Ache 8 (10-30%, stiff 10%) + spine-pain 3 (10%), shoulder-girdles/hips 0 chest / abdomen / jaw 0
Symptom severity, SSS = severity 9 of 12: Fatigue 3 (92%), insomnia 3 (10%), fog 2 (10%), headache 0 (0%), GI 1 (10%), depression 0

Triggers & resulting Symptoms

JAB#3 (on Nov 7th) causing MCAS / histamine problems, esp. energy narrowed to (10-)15-20%, decreased to mostly 10-15% in January. Feb 3rd & 4th: 10% energy. Cold tolerance good, just not my fingertips.

JAB#3 (on Nov 7th) → MCAS / histamine since end of Dec: 15-20% energy for under 45’, then white lips & pale face. But if I keep strain down to ‘half speed’ (70%) I can push on thru for hours - with a few breaks and lots of task-switching. Not that much specifically histaminey problems since end of Dec, occasionally sinuses and nausea, no more ill ache. Usually white lips & face 30%, and some sliding instead of walking indoors 10%, bit more cold intolerance 30% (long johns 24/7, 2 thick duvets at night). From Jan on, bit warmer (5-12° C), I’ve swapped long johns for a 2nd pair of pyjama trousers at night and when I’m pretty active at daytime sometimes no long johns, but when out slow cycling/walking. And don’t need hot water bottles any more, whether I can manage a cold shower (usually) or not.
Development summarized: Down: Nov 17th - Dec 1st, worst 17th-18th, best 20th & 29th. Up: Dec 2nd-6th, Down 7th-8th, Up: 9th-14th, best 13th-14th: Winning easily 4:0, and slow energy for 4h! Down: 15th-21st 7 days, Up 22nd to 24th winning roughly 3:1, Unsure: 25th-31st: TT 2:2 or no play possible: 25th 2:2(?), (26th 0), 27th: 2:2, (28th 0 - ordered supps, not cellar), Down: 1st-2nd, 4th. Up: 3rd, 5th. Both: 6th-11th - sinuses, tongue, lips, runny, DAO helping. Cold: 12th. 13th: GI: HP supps? 14th: B3-Flushing up!? 15th: Runny nose, 16th-21st & 25th-26th…: Tongue off and on. 23rd-25th: Sore buttock (& leg) muscles like after the jabs since 23rd. 26th: Cold, pain & fatigue, energy from 18% to 10% since 19th. Triggers tooth cleaning and moving out. 27th: Bad. 28th: Bad to better. 29th: OK, considering. 30th: No burning after 200g baked beans, but a bit, later, after then another 50g, short colon sting praps from the tomatoes, no stronger urge from them tho. 31st: Still haven’t regained appetite. Feb 3rd & 4th: 10% energy. Cold tolerance good, just not my fingertips.

Treatments: Antihistamine, and extra GABA from Nov 29th. Stopping the antihistamine at the turn of the year quickly caused sleep problems.

SLEEP (click for details): 7h20, up 3x (15'), plus 27' doze = 7h47 ✅ ➔ Feeling 80% well, Ache 1 of 7 ✅, getting up: 80%/1 ✅. Nostrils 10% stuffy 40% of the night.

A3 teeth/ cold shower0 p0 Sleep 1:13- Why not 21:00? 3rd # is LBU
Memos: Lower Back: short exercises, twist-stretched, yoga & hanging. massager.
2:15 3’ 80%/1/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep air A4 cream
(nostril/s% nauseous% stomach% sinuses% headache% sore throat%)
3:41 9’ 80%/1/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep air A5 work
(nostril/s5% nauseous% stomach% sinuses% headache% sore throat20%)
6:05 3’ 80%/1/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep air cream
(nostril/s10% nauseous% stomach% sinuses% headache% sore throat20%)
-8:48 80%/1/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep air cream B
(nostril/s10% nauseous% stomach% sinuses% headache% sore throat10%)
+9:08-9:35 doze stools firm?
Sum: 8h48-1h13-(3+9+3=)15’ = 7h35-15 =7h20, up 3x (15’), plus 27’ doze = 7h47

ACTIVITIES (aim: 40% energy)ACHE: 80%/3 :x: ➔ TT 1:1 (picking up 0 balls) ➔ 80%/3 :x:, resting ➔ 80%/3 :x:
ACTIONSPAINS :white_check_mark:: except GI :white_check_mark:, appetite better from going back to pure veggies (:white_check_mark:), esophagus: careful does it (:white_check_mark:), pee pain: 0xp1-2: better :white_check_mark:, lower back unrest :white_check_mark:, finger tips: slowly better! (:white_check_mark:). Lips better (:white_check_mark:).

Click for details on Touch, Covid, Weather, last seizures Jan 14th & 15th, last esophagus block Feb 5th, last jaw pain praps Jan 30th.

Touch: :white_check_mark: Covid: :white_check_mark: Weather: Indoors :white_check_mark: Outdoors :white_check_mark:. Daylight lamp regularly on.
Last focal seizures: Jan 15th 10:40 (from a pee urge, only 2nd “wave”). Jan 14th 23:58 (no trigger, praps missing out on .6g GABA Friday). Jan 5th (after being scolded for being hyper). Dec 11th: 1x. Nov 21st: 2x.
Last esophagus blocks: Feb 5th: From C-supps. Jan 19th: Sometimes do use massager a while to make sure. Jan 17th: I can take my B supps and then go to bed again atm. Jan 8th: Block after evening supps, maybe from twisting. Jan 7th: Testing if twisting before, while & after pills & food increases esophagus blocks Jan 6th: Slight blocks. Jan 5th: Medium block in evening. About 5x small blocks from pills around end of the year. Dec (20th, 15th) 11th (9th,) 1st, Nov 30th 2x, 29th 2x, (28th,) 24th, 22nd, 20th. Powder blocks in funnel if it’s too much in one go…
Jaw: Hardly & seldom pain since Nov. A bit more in Jan. Jan 6th: Slightly psychosomatic from memory of a painful time. Jan 10th: A bit after tooth cleaning. After: regularly a little bit, 1-2x/d. Better since improving tooth care again and giving that side of the jaw a rest from chewing for a few days from Feb on.


Click for details on bloods (Dec 9th), practitioner ideas (last on Dec 20th), acupuncture (last on Dec 22nd). Last started masterwort (warily) and Hexacyl on Jan 6th - low & slow. 13th: Unsure if the stomach problems are from those two, so stop-start to see. 16th: again feel 2x2 drops is too much, stomach problems. 17th: 2x1 drop, 2x OK, praps a bit. 19th: 1-2x1 drop each again apparently too much (nausea). Feb 3rd: Starting to eat/feel a bit better without the new practitioner's recommendations.

Bloods at cardio Dec 9th: Homocysteine a bit high, continue B3 and B2, phosphate not that bad. Leukocytes low! CK, muscular, too high, praps fibro?
Alternative health practitioner (“Heilpraktiker”) on Dec 6th+20th: Jan 6th: Started masterwort & Hexacyl, lower than recommended (2x1 drop each), adding 1/d. 9th: Further research after reply to take manganese and vit. E. 13th: Unsure if the stomach problems are from those 2, so stop-start to see. 16th: again feel 2x2 drops is too much, stomach problems. 17th: 2x1 drop, 2x OK, praps a bit. 19th: 1-2x1 drop each again apparently too much. 25th I don’t feel like taking “her” powders at the moment (fungi & chlorella don’t taste good, roasted pumpkin seeds sometimes yes), lost some fun in eating, need to reclaim that. 26th: nauseous after masterwort. 27th-31st OK after masterwort. Feb 1st: Still no appetite, so put new drops away. Feb 3rd: Starting to eat/feel a bit better without the new practitioner’s recommendations.
Chinese Acupuncturist - Session #32 on Nov 4th., after 14 days :white_check_mark: “Energy still pretty stable at 20%, despite jab-nausea…”, now it’s down from that so often that I tried #33 22nd Dec. Wasn’t worth it: No improvement, sleep too short.

SELF-PHYSIO (click for details): 50'

white_check_mark: airing 4x2’, cold shower 0x(10’), cream/oil fc/ey/hd/ft 5x1’, teeth 2x2’, HWB 0x3’, breath exercises 5x1’, Y. Nidra 0’, massage gun 0x3’, daylight lamp/sun 2x5’, plantar/calf stretch 1x1’, acupressure 0x1’, palpate 0’, belly 3’, back 10’, !!aloe vera 0x1’, twist-stretch 2x1’, yoga/stretching 1x1’, hang 1x1’. wart x1.
Combine: next?
:x: hunchback-pillow 0’. neck 1+ x1’, RR: 0, neck 2 0x1’, workout 7’, horse stance 1’, balance roll standing 5’, breath-hold 12’, jolt-jump 1’, marionette-hang 1’, shaking dance 1’, bent leg fall 1’.

Supps Jan 8th (48 supps): Supp costs: 466€/m (8th) + 16€/m for empty capsules = 482€/m: Jan 29th: psyllium again hurting, so stopping that. Masterwort/Imperatoria 1 drop per day seems to be OK now, so trying 1 of Hexacyl again. Jan 11th: Still to get her MSM, manganese, E as tocotrienol and my silymarin again. Yet to try: Creatine? ATP again, encapsulated, for phosphate?? Click for details on the lists, with dosing batches by times and tubs.

ZERO now: Arg, alpha-GPC 1x150mg, fisetin: 0x196mg, huperzia A, mumijo, NAC 1*.5g, NADH, psyllium (Ps), Ribose, Serrapeptase, Zinc, P5P (= vit. B6) 0x27mg (high).

REGULAR as of Jan 8th (48 supps): (R-)ALA .2g, aloe vera juice 50+ml/d, apigenin 1x50mg, vit. B2 6x600mg, vit. B3/Nia 6x0.6=3.6g, vit. B5/Panto: 3x.5g vit. B12 (methyl-C) 1x5mg/4m s.c., AND B12 1x0.2mg (all 3 good types) WITH vit. B9/5-MTHF 1x0.4mg, vit. C 2x3x.5g, L-carnitine (Cr) 8x0.6g, copper (Cu) 1x2mg, vit. D3 20.000 IE = 500mcg, WITH vit. K2 (MK7) 200mcg, DAO before meals, EGCg 1x(50%, incl. L-theanine?).5g, ellagic Acid (Ell) 2x.2g (+43mg vit. C), eleuthero (eleu) 2x4,5mg, feverfew (fev) 3x.4g WITH 3x.2g MSM, GABA (Ga): 4x0.3g+2x.6g=2.4g, ginkgo (Gi) 3x168mg, (L-)glutamin (gltm, glu): 2x0.6g, glutathione (gltt) 1x250mg, honokiol (Hon) (2%)x2x.4g=16mg, luteolin 1x.2g, magnesium glycinate (mag gly) 2x50mg, mag malate (mag mal) 0x45mg, mag threonate (mag threo) 2x50g, monkfruit 0.1g, myo-inositol 1x1g/1!d, olive leaf extract (oli) 2x.75, Ω3 1x5mg, passiflora (Pf) 3x.35g, Levagen±PEA 1x0.3g, pine bark (pin) 2x.5g, PQQ 1, CoQ10 (Q10)(ubn) 1x.1g, quercetin (Qc) 4x.5g, resveratrol (Rs) (50%) 2x.4g, rhodiola (Ro) 2x.35g, rutin (ru): 1x522. SAM-e (Sa) 2x.1g, Selenium 1x.2mg, Silymarin (Sil) (80%) 1x.5g (+83mg L-cholin), (L-)theanine (The) 1x.2g (+.15g polyphenols) (next 2x0.1mg), TMG: 6x0.6=3.6g (as much as B3). Plus rupatadine/Rupafin 1x/d since jab#3 Nov. Plus practitioners recommendations: #1) masterwort / Imperatoria ostruthium, #2) Hexacyl (Sulphur D4, Lycopodium Ø, Berberis Ø), #3) add Steirocall comp. (for “arthrosis” & bones) (& umckaloabo). Not at all sure about any of these, after 3 weeks of Hexacyl, #4 bitter herbs when Hexacyl bottle is finished, #5 more B5 now, #6 “glutathione activator” → upping MSM, selenium, and have asked if manganese and vit. E are important. #7 Pro Mucosa: added Hericium, can’t increase glutamine, asked back about ficin and biotin, #8 Chlorella, #9 B9 as 5-MTHF for homocysteine.

What-when-details: Updated Jan 8th.
“16:00” preparing pills
“18:15” A1 PF#1, 2x threo., Lut, Qc#1.
5’ “empty time” = to see if I need worry time.
“18:30” myo-inositol + teeth
“19:30” A2=12+1 2xvB2#1 2xvB3 vB5#1 2Cr#1, PF#2, Cu, .3gGABA CoQ10 (oil) &! Se, 2xTMG#1. Meal: 1PQQ, 5ml Ω3 & Hon#1. monkfruit.
Meal 20: ’ +xylitol. Back exercises. Soak seeds. aloe.
“20:30” pre-A3 agigenin 1h before bedtime + teeth
“20:30” chamomile
“21:00” A3 PF#3 0.3gGABA & .6glu & Qc#2 Hon#2 + 1 Rupafin or A2
“2:00” A4 300mg GABA + teeth
“4:00” +0.25 GABA
B=11/ ’ in sun/lamp “07:00” ALA, Ro#1, Qc#3 Rs#1 2xSAM-e EGCg + Fev/MSM#1 + Sily +2The.
Back exercises.
Soak Soak pumpkin seeds & almonds.
Meal ’ in sun/lamp. aloe.
’ in sun/lamp C=23/ with meal: 2xB2#2 2xvB3#2 vB5#2 3xvC#1 3xCr#2 .6GABA#4, gink#1, Oli#1 pine bark#1 2xTMG#2 2xEleu 2gly PEA Rutin = 23. (vit.D3 1/wk)
“11:00” D1(0) + Teeth (+2h/) Ellag#1, Fev/MSM#2, gi#2.
“14:00” 0 Meal ’ in sun +aloe
“14:15” D=15/ ’ in sun vB2#3 "2"vB3#3 vB5#3 3xvC#2 3Cr#3, .6GABA#5, gink#3 Oli#2, pine#2, TMG#3
“16:00” preparing pills: 5x to encapsulate.
E “17:00” (“meal/acids+2h”) Ellag#2, Fev/MSM#3 Qc#4, Ro#2, Rs#2.
A1 “18:00”
Eat + aloe + PQQ+Ω3 if not earlier.
A2 + apigenin & heating down
(B12 s.c.: 2022-11-04, 2022-04-10, 2022-01-10: B12 5mg methylcobalamin s.c.)

The day's supp-compartments (8', plus 10' making capsules), Jan 8th

Pf: A1+A2+A3, vB2: 2A,2C,2D. vB3: 2A,2C,2D. vB5: A,C,D. vC:0A+3C+3D 8Cr: 2A+3C+3D, Ell: D0+E. Fev/MSM: B,D0. Ga 4-5x: a2,a3,a4,C,D, Gi: C,D0,D Glutathione: B. Hon:A2.A3. Oliv: C,D. pine: C,D. Qc: A1.A3.B.E Ro:B,D Rs:B,D SINGLE: A1: 0xMgMal, luteolin. 2MgThreo. myo-inositol (15’ before meal 1x/(2)d) A2: Cu (separate from P5P etc.!)+0P5+1xQ10 (->ubiquinone <150mg/d! atm ubiquinol), 1xSe. (A2:Ω/Pq:meal, A3: apigenin) A3: Glutamin (0c1), B (or C): ALA, EGCg, 2xeleu, , Ru, 2 Sa, Sily, 2Th, C: 2 Gly, PEA, DAO before risky meals? monkfruit usually evenings, aloe vera. D3 saturdays. (A2:0Se, up soon)
TALLIES Jan 9th: correct?
A1=6+1 Pf#1 Qc1#1, Lut, 2 MgThreo, + myo-inositol + (DAO?)
A2=16 2vB2#1 "2"xvB3, vB5#1, 2xCr#1, Cu, Pf#2, Ga#1, Hon#1, Q10, Se, 2TMG#1 + Rup. = 16
+Ω3/PQQ/aloe +monkfruit +apigenin 16(+5) -1 vB5 = 15.
A3=5 Pf#3, Ga#1, Gltm, Hon#2, Qc#3
A4=1 Ga, A5=1 Ga#2
B=11 ALA, EGCg, Fev/MSM#1, Glutt, Qc#3, Ro#1, Rs#2, 2xSa, 2Th, Sily (DAO?) = 11/
C=22 2vB2#2 "2"xvB3#2 vB5#2 3xvC#1 3xCr#2 Ga#4 Gi#2 Ol#1 Pin#1 TMG#2 2xEleu 2xMgGly PEA Rut = 22 - vB5 = 21.
D0=2 Ell, Fev/MSM#2, Gi, + (DAO?)
D=15 2vB2#3 "2"vB3#3 vB5#3 3xvC#2 3xCr#3 Ga#5 Gi#3 Ol#2 Pin#2 TMG#3 Fev/MSM#2
25th: -vB5#3: so only 14/
E=4 Ell, Qc#4, Ro#2, Rs#2. Fev/MSM#3
B12 4-monthly, D3 Saturdays.


‘Research’ today: No.
Lessons in self-care #569 Energy down even further, need to get this beat.
Reasons to be cheerful #607 Better in the evening…

Click for links to jab side effects, foods, blog references, e.g. abbreviations, & guideline for symptom tracking & trigger hunting

2023-02-08, Wednesday - Energy 10%

Sleep 90% / Feeling 80%-ish / nausea 0%, fog 10%

New Habits: Click for details of those I'm still working on. Last change 14th: deleted B-supps & earlier antihistamine & leg stretches and turned daylight lamp & back exercises & teeth into reminders, leaving (reduced) 4: bed, ACT, stretches & cold food out.

:ambulance: Bed 23:30-8:30/9:00. (:x:)
:ambulance: Note thoughts and emotions (ACT) (:white_check_mark:)
:ambulance: More leg stretches. (:white_check_mark:)
:ambulance: Cold foods out of fridge 2h earlier than eating. (:white_check_mark:)

Today's FM symptoms unchanged from WPI 11 & SSS 9, except....: 0 (click for details)

Today’s symptoms sorted by the ACR 2016 criteria

Widespread pain, WPI = 11 of 19 areas: limb-Ache 8 (10-50%, stiff 10%) + spine-pain 3 (10%), shoulder-girdles/hips 0 chest / abdomen / jaw 0
Symptom severity, SSS = severity 9 of 12: Fatigue 3 (90%), insomnia 3 (10%), fog 2 (10%), headache 0 (0%), GI 1 (10%), depression 0

Triggers & resulting Symptoms

JAB#3 (on Nov 7th) causing MCAS / histamine problems, esp. energy narrowed to (10-)15-20%, decreased to mostly 10-15% in January. Feb 3rd & 4th: 10% energy. Cold tolerance good, just not my fingertips.

JAB#3 (on Nov 7th) → MCAS / histamine since end of Dec: 15-20% energy for under 45’, then white lips & pale face. But if I keep strain down to ‘half speed’ (70%) I can push on thru for hours - with a few breaks and lots of task-switching. Not that much specifically histaminey problems since end of Dec, occasionally sinuses and nausea, no more ill ache. Usually white lips & face 30%, and some sliding instead of walking indoors 10%, bit more cold intolerance 30% (long johns 24/7, 2 thick duvets at night). From Jan on, bit warmer (5-12° C), I’ve swapped long johns for a 2nd pair of pyjama trousers at night and when I’m pretty active at daytime sometimes no long johns, but when out slow cycling/walking. And don’t need hot water bottles any more, whether I can manage a cold shower (usually) or not.
Development summarized: Down: Nov 17th - Dec 1st, worst 17th-18th, best 20th & 29th. Up: Dec 2nd-6th, Down 7th-8th, Up: 9th-14th, best 13th-14th: Winning easily 4:0, and slow energy for 4h! Down: 15th-21st 7 days, Up 22nd to 24th winning roughly 3:1, Unsure: 25th-31st: TT 2:2 or no play possible: 25th 2:2(?), (26th 0), 27th: 2:2, (28th 0 - ordered supps, not cellar), Down: 1st-2nd, 4th. Up: 3rd, 5th. Both: 6th-11th - sinuses, tongue, lips, runny, DAO helping. Cold: 12th. 13th: GI: HP supps? 14th: B3-Flushing up!? 15th: Runny nose, 16th-21st & 25th-26th…: Tongue off and on. 23rd-25th: Sore buttock (& leg) muscles like after the jabs since 23rd. 26th: Cold, pain & fatigue, energy from 18% to 10% since 19th. Triggers tooth cleaning and moving out. 27th: Bad. 28th: Bad to better. 29th: OK, considering. 30th: No burning after 200g baked beans, but a bit, later, after then another 50g, short colon sting praps from the tomatoes, no stronger urge from them tho. 31st: Still haven’t regained appetite. Feb 3rd & 4th: 10% energy. Cold tolerance good, just not my fingertips. 8th: Bit of tongue after red beans, but OK.

Treatments: Antihistamine, and extra GABA from Nov 29th. Stopping the antihistamine at the turn of the year quickly caused sleep problems.

SLEEP (click for details): 8h45-24 = 8h21, up 5x (24') ✅ ➔ Feeling 70-80% well, Ache 1 of 7 ✅, getting up: 80%/1 ✅. Nostrils 5(-10)% stuffy 100% of the night.

A3 teeth cold shower/ p0 Sleep 0:25- Why not 21:00? 3rd # is LBU
Memos: Lower Back: short exercises, twist-stretched, yoga & hanging. massager.
1:25 5’ 70%/1/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep air A4 cream
(nostril/s5% nauseous% stomach% sinuses% headache% sore throat%)
2:40 4’ 70%/1/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep air A5 cream
(nostril/s5% nauseous% stomach% sinuses% headache% sore throat%)
3:50 4’ 70%/1/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep air cream
(nostril/s5% nauseous% stomach% sinuses% headache% sore throat5%)
6:00 4’ 70%/1/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep air cream
(nostril/s15% nauseous% stomach% sinuses5% headache5% sore throat10%)
8:33 7’ 80%/1/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep air cream B
(nostril/s10% nauseous% stomach5% sinuses5% headache5% sore throat10%)
-9:10? 8:35 B1-4 ‘ in sun, stools firm?
Sum: 9h10-25-(5+4+4+4+7=)24 = 8h45-24 = 8h21, up 5x (24’)

ACTIVITIES (aim: 40% energy)ACHE: 80%/2, 20’ hoovering slowly ➔ 70%/3-4 :x: ➔ TT 2:0 (picking up 0 balls) ➔ 80%/5 :x:, rest then 30’ flat viewing ➔ 80%/4 :x:
ACTIONSPAINS :white_check_mark:: except GI :white_check_mark:, appetite better from going back to pure veggies (:white_check_mark:), esophagus: careful does it (:white_check_mark:), pee pain: 0xp1-2: better :white_check_mark:, lower back unrest :white_check_mark:, finger tips: slowly better! (:white_check_mark:). Lips better (:white_check_mark:).

Click for details on Touch, Covid, Weather, last seizures Jan 14th & 15th, last esophagus block Feb 5th, last jaw pain praps Jan 30th.

Touch: :white_check_mark: Covid: :white_check_mark: Weather: Indoors :white_check_mark: Outdoors :white_check_mark:. Daylight lamp regularly on.
Last focal seizures: Jan 15th 10:40 (from a pee urge, only 2nd “wave”). Jan 14th 23:58 (no trigger, praps missing out on .6g GABA Friday). Jan 5th (after being scolded for being hyper). Dec 11th: 1x. Nov 21st: 2x.
Last esophagus blocks: Feb 5th: From C-supps. Jan 19th: Sometimes do use massager a while to make sure. Jan 17th: I can take my B supps and then go to bed again atm. Jan 8th: Block after evening supps, maybe from twisting. Jan 7th: Testing if twisting before, while & after pills & food increases esophagus blocks Jan 6th: Slight blocks. Jan 5th: Medium block in evening. About 5x small blocks from pills around end of the year. Dec (20th, 15th) 11th (9th,) 1st, Nov 30th 2x, 29th 2x, (28th,) 24th, 22nd, 20th. Powder blocks in funnel if it’s too much in one go…
Jaw: Hardly & seldom pain since Nov. A bit more in Jan. Jan 6th: Slightly psychosomatic from memory of a painful time. Jan 10th: A bit after tooth cleaning. After: regularly a little bit, 1-2x/d. Better since improving tooth care again and giving that side of the jaw a rest from chewing for a few days from Feb on.


Click for details on bloods (Dec 9th), practitioner ideas (last on Dec 20th), acupuncture (last on Dec 22nd). Last started masterwort (warily) and Hexacyl on Jan 6th - low & slow. 13th: Unsure if the stomach problems are from those two, so stop-start to see. 16th: again feel 2x2 drops is too much, stomach problems. 17th: 2x1 drop, 2x OK, praps a bit. 19th: 1-2x1 drop each again apparently too much (nausea). Feb 3rd: Starting to eat/feel a bit better without the new practitioner's recommendations.

Bloods at cardio Dec 9th: Homocysteine a bit high, continue B3 and B2, phosphate not that bad. Leukocytes low! CK, muscular, too high, praps fibro?
Alternative health practitioner (“Heilpraktiker”) on Dec 6th+20th: Jan 6th: Started masterwort & Hexacyl, lower than recommended (2x1 drop each), adding 1/d. 9th: Further research after reply to take manganese and vit. E. 13th: Unsure if the stomach problems are from those 2, so stop-start to see. 16th: again feel 2x2 drops is too much, stomach problems. 17th: 2x1 drop, 2x OK, praps a bit. 19th: 1-2x1 drop each again apparently too much. 25th I don’t feel like taking “her” powders at the moment (fungi & chlorella don’t taste good, roasted pumpkin seeds sometimes yes), lost some fun in eating, need to reclaim that. 26th: nauseous after masterwort. 27th-31st OK after masterwort. Feb 1st: Still no appetite, so put new drops away. Feb 3rd: Starting to eat/feel a bit better without the new practitioner’s recommendations.
Chinese Acupuncturist - Session #32 on Nov 4th., after 14 days :white_check_mark: “Energy still pretty stable at 20%, despite jab-nausea…”, now it’s down from that so often that I tried #33 22nd Dec. Wasn’t worth it: No improvement, sleep too short.

SELF-PHYSIO (click for details): 62'

white_check_mark: airing 5x2’, cold shower 1x(10’), cream/oil fc/ey/hd/ft 5x1’, teeth 2x2’, HWB 0x3’, breath exercises 3x1’, Y. Nidra 0’, massage gun 0x3’, daylight lamp/sun 2x5’, plantar/calf stretch x1’, acupressure 0x1’, palpate 0’, belly 3’, back 10’, !!aloe vera 0x1’, twist-stretch 2x1’, yoga/stretching 2x1’, hang 1x1’. wart 2x1.
Combine: next?
:x: hunchback-pillow 0’. neck 1+ x1’, RR: 0, neck 2 0x1’, workout 7’, horse stance 1’, balance roll standing 5’, breath-hold 12’, jolt-jump 1’, marionette-hang 1’, shaking dance 1’, bent leg fall 1’.

Supps Jan 8th (48 supps): Supp costs: 466€/m (8th) + 16€/m for empty capsules = 482€/m: Jan 29th: psyllium again hurting, so stopping that. Masterwort/Imperatoria 1 drop per day seems to be OK now, so trying 1 of Hexacyl again. Jan 11th: Still to get her MSM, manganese, E as tocotrienol and my silymarin again. Yet to try: Creatine? ATP again, encapsulated, for phosphate?? Click for details on the lists, with dosing batches by times and tubs.

ZERO now: Arg, alpha-GPC 1x150mg, fisetin: 0x196mg, huperzia A, mumijo, NAC 1*.5g, NADH, psyllium (Ps), Ribose, Serrapeptase, Zinc, P5P (= vit. B6) 0x27mg (high).

REGULAR as of Jan 8th (48 supps): (R-)ALA .2g, aloe vera juice 50+ml/d, apigenin 1x50mg, vit. B2 6x600mg, vit. B3/Nia 6x0.6=3.6g, vit. B5/Panto: 3x.5g vit. B12 (methyl-C) 1x5mg/4m s.c., AND B12 1x0.2mg (all 3 good types) WITH vit. B9/5-MTHF 1x0.4mg, vit. C 2x3x.5g, L-carnitine (Cr) 8x0.6g, copper (Cu) 1x2mg, vit. D3 20.000 IE = 500mcg, WITH vit. K2 (MK7) 200mcg, DAO before meals, EGCg 1x(50%, incl. L-theanine?).5g, ellagic Acid (Ell) 2x.2g (+43mg vit. C), eleuthero (eleu) 2x4,5mg, feverfew (fev) 3x.4g WITH 3x.2g MSM, GABA (Ga): 4x0.3g+2x.6g=2.4g, ginkgo (Gi) 3x168mg, (L-)glutamin (gltm, glu): 2x0.6g, glutathione (gltt) 1x250mg, honokiol (Hon) (2%)x2x.4g=16mg, luteolin 1x.2g, magnesium glycinate (mag gly) 2x50mg, mag malate (mag mal) 0x45mg, mag threonate (mag threo) 2x50g, monkfruit 0.1g, myo-inositol 1x1g/1!d, olive leaf extract (oli) 2x.75, Ω3 1x5mg, passiflora (Pf) 3x.35g, Levagen±PEA 1x0.3g, pine bark (pin) 2x.5g, PQQ 1, CoQ10 (Q10)(ubn) 1x.1g, quercetin (Qc) 4x.5g, resveratrol (Rs) (50%) 2x.4g, rhodiola (Ro) 2x.35g, rutin (ru): 1x522. SAM-e (Sa) 2x.1g, Selenium 1x.2mg, Silymarin (Sil) (80%) 1x.5g (+83mg L-cholin), (L-)theanine (The) 1x.2g (+.15g polyphenols) (next 2x0.1mg), TMG: 6x0.6=3.6g (as much as B3). Plus rupatadine/Rupafin 1x/d since jab#3 Nov. Plus practitioners recommendations: #1) masterwort / Imperatoria ostruthium, #2) Hexacyl (Sulphur D4, Lycopodium Ø, Berberis Ø), #3) add Steirocall comp. (for “arthrosis” & bones) (& umckaloabo). Not at all sure about any of these, after 3 weeks of Hexacyl, #4 bitter herbs when Hexacyl bottle is finished, #5 more B5 now, #6 “glutathione activator” → upping MSM, selenium, and have asked if manganese and vit. E are important. #7 Pro Mucosa: added Hericium, can’t increase glutamine, asked back about ficin and biotin, #8 Chlorella, #9 B9 as 5-MTHF for homocysteine.

What-when-details: Updated Jan 8th.
“16:00” preparing pills
“18:15” A1 PF#1, 2x threo., Lut, Qc#1.
5’ “empty time” = to see if I need worry time.
“18:30” myo-inositol + teeth
“19:30” A2=12+1 2xvB2#1 2xvB3 vB5#1 2Cr#1, PF#2, Cu, .3gGABA CoQ10 (oil) &! Se, 2xTMG#1. Meal: 1PQQ, 5ml Ω3 & Hon#1. monkfruit.
Meal 20: ’ +xylitol. Back exercises. Soak seeds. aloe.
“20:30” pre-A3 agigenin 1h before bedtime + teeth
“20:30” chamomile
“21:00” A3 PF#3 0.3gGABA & .6glu & Qc#2 Hon#2 + 1 Rupafin or A2
“2:00” A4 300mg GABA + teeth
“4:00” +0.25 GABA
B=11/ ’ in sun/lamp “07:00” ALA, Ro#1, Qc#3 Rs#1 2xSAM-e EGCg + Fev/MSM#1 + Sily +2The.
Back exercises.
Soak Soak pumpkin seeds & almonds.
Meal ’ in sun/lamp. aloe.
’ in sun/lamp C=23/ with meal: 2xB2#2 2xvB3#2 vB5#2 3xvC#1 3xCr#2 .6GABA#4, gink#1, Oli#1 pine bark#1 2xTMG#2 2xEleu 2gly PEA Rutin = 23. (vit.D3 1/wk)
“11:00” D1(0) + Teeth (+2h/) Ellag#1, Fev/MSM#2, gi#2.
“14:00” 0 Meal ’ in sun +aloe
“14:15” D=15/ ’ in sun vB2#3 "2"vB3#3 vB5#3 3xvC#2 3Cr#3, .6GABA#5, gink#3 Oli#2, pine#2, TMG#3
“16:00” preparing pills: 5x to encapsulate.
E “17:00” (“meal/acids+2h”) Ellag#2, Fev/MSM#3 Qc#4, Ro#2, Rs#2.
A1 “18:00”
Eat + aloe + PQQ+Ω3 if not earlier.
A2 + apigenin & heating down
(B12 s.c.: 2022-11-04, 2022-04-10, 2022-01-10: B12 5mg methylcobalamin s.c.)

The day's supp-compartments (8', plus 10' making capsules), Jan 8th

Pf: A1+A2+A3, vB2: 2A,2C,2D. vB3: 2A,2C,2D. vB5: A,C,D. vC:0A+3C+3D 8Cr: 2A+3C+3D, Ell: D0+E. Fev/MSM: B,D0. Ga 4-5x: a2,a3,a4,C,D, Gi: C,D0,D Glutathione: B. Hon:A2.A3. Oliv: C,D. pine: C,D. Qc: A1.A3.B.E Ro:B,D Rs:B,D SINGLE: A1: 0xMgMal, luteolin. 2MgThreo. myo-inositol (15’ before meal 1x/(2)d) A2: Cu (separate from P5P etc.!)+0P5+1xQ10 (->ubiquinone <150mg/d! atm ubiquinol), 1xSe. (A2:Ω/Pq:meal, A3: apigenin) A3: Glutamin (0c1), B (or C): ALA, EGCg, 2xeleu, , Ru, 2 Sa, Sily, 2Th, C: 2 Gly, PEA, DAO before risky meals? monkfruit usually evenings, aloe vera. D3 saturdays. (A2:0Se, up soon)
TALLIES Jan 9th: correct?
A1=6+1 Pf#1 Qc1#1, Lut, 2 MgThreo, + myo-inositol + (DAO?)
A2=16 2vB2#1 "2"xvB3, vB5#1, 2xCr#1, Cu, Pf#2, Ga#1, Hon#1, Q10, Se, 2TMG#1 + Rup. = 16
+Ω3/PQQ/aloe +monkfruit +apigenin 16(+5) -1 vB5 = 15.
A3=5 Pf#3, Ga#1, Gltm, Hon#2, Qc#3
A4=1 Ga, A5=1 Ga#2
B=11 ALA, EGCg, Fev/MSM#1, Glutt, Qc#3, Ro#1, Rs#2, 2xSa, 2Th, Sily (DAO?) = 11/
C=22 2vB2#2 "2"xvB3#2 vB5#2 3xvC#1 3xCr#2 Ga#4 Gi#2 Ol#1 Pin#1 TMG#2 2xEleu 2xMgGly PEA Rut = 22 - vB5 = 21.
D0=2 Ell, Fev/MSM#2, Gi, + (DAO?)
D=15 2vB2#3 "2"vB3#3 vB5#3 3xvC#2 3xCr#3 Ga#5 Gi#3 Ol#2 Pin#2 TMG#3 Fev/MSM#2
25th: -vB5#3: so only 14/
E=4 Ell, Qc#4, Ro#2, Rs#2. Fev/MSM#3
B12 4-monthly, D3 Saturdays.


‘Research’ today: No.
Lessons in self-care #570 Did a bit too much in the evening, but that was calculated.
Reasons to be cheerful #608 Getting on, successes, feel I might be getting better soon, but earlier sleep would probably help more and faster…

Click for links to jab side effects, foods, blog references, e.g. abbreviations, & guideline for symptom tracking & trigger hunting

2023-02-09, Thursday - Energy 10%

Sleep 90% / Feeling 80%-ish / nausea 0%, fog 10%

New Habits: Click for details of those I'm still working on. Last change 14th: deleted B-supps & earlier antihistamine & leg stretches and turned daylight lamp & back exercises & teeth into reminders, leaving (reduced) 4: bed, ACT, stretches & cold food out.

:ambulance: Bed 23:30-8:30/9:00. (:x:)
:ambulance: Note thoughts and emotions (ACT) :x:/(:white_check_mark:)
:ambulance: More leg stretches. (:white_check_mark:)
:ambulance: Cold foods out of fridge 2h earlier than eating. (:white_check_mark:)

Today's FM symptoms unchanged from WPI 11 & SSS 9, except....: 0 (click for details)

Today’s symptoms sorted by the ACR 2016 criteria

Widespread pain, WPI = 11 of 19 areas: limb-Ache 8 (10-30%, stiff 10%) + spine-pain 3 (10%), shoulder-girdles/hips 0 chest / abdomen / jaw 0
Symptom severity, SSS = severity 9 of 12: Fatigue 3 (90%), insomnia 3 (10%), fog 2 (10%), headache 0 (0%), GI 1 (10%), depression 0

Triggers & resulting Symptoms

JAB#3 (on Nov 7th) causing MCAS / histamine problems, esp. energy narrowed to (10-)15-20%, decreased to mostly 10-15% in January. Feb 3rd & 4th: 10% energy. Cold tolerance good, just not my fingertips.

JAB#3 (on Nov 7th) → MCAS / histamine since end of Dec: 15-20% energy for under 45’, then white lips & pale face. But if I keep strain down to ‘half speed’ (70%) I can push on thru for hours - with a few breaks and lots of task-switching. Not that much specifically histaminey problems since end of Dec, occasionally sinuses and nausea, no more ill ache. Usually white lips & face 30%, and some sliding instead of walking indoors 10%, bit more cold intolerance 30% (long johns 24/7, 2 thick duvets at night). From Jan on, bit warmer (5-12° C), I’ve swapped long johns for a 2nd pair of pyjama trousers at night and when I’m pretty active at daytime sometimes no long johns, but when out slow cycling/walking. And don’t need hot water bottles any more, whether I can manage a cold shower (usually) or not.
Development summarized: Down: Nov 17th - Dec 1st, worst 17th-18th, best 20th & 29th. Up: Dec 2nd-6th, Down 7th-8th, Up: 9th-14th, best 13th-14th: Winning easily 4:0, and slow energy for 4h! Down: 15th-21st 7 days, Up 22nd to 24th winning roughly 3:1, Unsure: 25th-31st: TT 2:2 or no play possible: 25th 2:2(?), (26th 0), 27th: 2:2, (28th 0 - ordered supps, not cellar), Down: 1st-2nd, 4th. Up: 3rd, 5th. Both: 6th-11th - sinuses, tongue, lips, runny, DAO helping. Cold: 12th. 13th: GI: HP supps? 14th: B3-Flushing up!? 15th: Runny nose, 16th-21st & 25th-26th…: Tongue off and on. 23rd-25th: Sore buttock (& leg) muscles like after the jabs since 23rd. 26th: Cold, pain & fatigue, energy from 18% to 10% since 19th. Triggers tooth cleaning and moving out. 27th: Bad. 28th: Bad to better. 29th: OK, considering. 30th: No burning after 200g baked beans, but a bit, later, after then another 50g, short colon sting praps from the tomatoes, no stronger urge from them tho. 31st: Still haven’t regained appetite. Feb 3rd & 4th: 10% energy. Cold tolerance good, just not my fingertips. 8th: Bit of tongue after red beans, but OK.

Treatments: Antihistamine, and extra GABA from Nov 29th. Stopping the antihistamine at the turn of the year quickly caused sleep problems.

SLEEP (click for details): 7h41, up 5x (43'), 7h deep, +1h A'sYoNi ✅ ➔ Feeling 80% well, Ache 1 of 7 ✅, getting up: 70%/3 ❌. Nostrils 20% stuffy 20% of the night.

A3 teeth cold shower p0 Sleep 0:50- Why not 21:00? 3rd # is LBU
Memos: Lower Back: short exercises, twist-stretched, yoga & hanging. massager.
1:50 4’ 90%/1/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep air A4 cream
(nostril/s5% nauseous% stomach% sinuses% headache% sore throat%)
2:30 4’ 80%/1/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep air A5 cream
(nostril/s5% nauseous% stomach% sinuses5% headache% sore throat5%)
3:20 3’ 80%/1/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep air cream
(nostril/s5% nauseous% stomach% sinuses5% headache% sore throat5%)
4:40 3’ 80%/1/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep air cream
(nostril/s5% nauseous% stomach% sinuses5% headache% sore throat5%)
6:32 7’ 80%/1/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep air B cream
(nostril/s5% nauseous% stomach% sinuses5% headache% sore throat5%)
7:26 22’ 80%/1/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ doze ->A’sYoNi
(nostril/s20% nauseous% stomach% sinuses5% headache% sore throat5%)
-9:14 6:35 B1-4 0‘ in sun, DON’T EAT, BLOOD AT 9!
Sum: 9h14-50-(4+4+3+3+7+22=)43 = 8h24-43 = 7h41, up 5x (43’), 7h deep, +1h A’sYoNi

ACTIVITIES (aim: 40% energy)ACHE: 70-80%/2 :x: ➔ TT 0, cos needed some energy for directing people to de-clutter for 90’, before that a similar effect from 30’ online meeting ➔ 80%/3-4 :x:
ACTIONSPAINS :white_check_mark:: except GI :white_check_mark:, appetite better from going back to pure veggies (:white_check_mark:), esophagus: careful does it (:white_check_mark:), pee pain: 0xp1-2: better :white_check_mark:, lower back unrest :white_check_mark:, finger tips: slowly better! (:white_check_mark:). Lips better (:white_check_mark:).

Click for details on Touch, Covid, Weather, last seizures Jan 14th & 15th, last esophagus block Feb 5th, last jaw pain praps Jan 30th.

Touch: :white_check_mark: Covid: :white_check_mark: Weather: Indoors :white_check_mark: Outdoors :white_check_mark:. Daylight lamp regularly on.
Last focal seizures: Jan 15th 10:40 (from a pee urge, only 2nd “wave”). Jan 14th 23:58 (no trigger, praps missing out on .6g GABA Friday). Jan 5th (after being scolded for being hyper). Dec 11th: 1x. Nov 21st: 2x.
Last esophagus blocks: Feb 5th: From C-supps. Jan 19th: Sometimes do use massager a while to make sure. Jan 17th: I can take my B supps and then go to bed again atm. Jan 8th: Block after evening supps, maybe from twisting. Jan 7th: Testing if twisting before, while & after pills & food increases esophagus blocks Jan 6th: Slight blocks. Jan 5th: Medium block in evening. About 5x small blocks from pills around end of the year. Dec (20th, 15th) 11th (9th,) 1st, Nov 30th 2x, 29th 2x, (28th,) 24th, 22nd, 20th. Powder blocks in funnel if it’s too much in one go…
Jaw: Hardly & seldom pain since Nov. A bit more in Jan. Jan 6th: Slightly psychosomatic from memory of a painful time. Jan 10th: A bit after tooth cleaning. After: regularly a little bit, 1-2x/d. Better since improving tooth care again and giving that side of the jaw a rest from chewing for a few days from Feb on.


Click for details on bloods (Dec 9th, now Feb 9th: keen on results), practitioner ideas (last on Dec 20th), acupuncture (last on Dec 22nd). Last started masterwort (warily) and Hexacyl on Jan 6th - low & slow. 13th: Unsure if the stomach problems are from those two, so stop-start to see. 16th: again feel 2x2 drops is too much, stomach problems. 17th: 2x1 drop, 2x OK, praps a bit. 19th: 1-2x1 drop each again apparently too much (nausea). Feb 3rd: Starting to eat/feel a bit better after stopping the new practitioner's recommendations.

Bloods at cardio Dec 9th: Homocysteine a bit high, continue B3 and B2, phosphate not that bad. Leukocytes low! CK, muscular, too high, praps fibro?
Alternative health practitioner (“Heilpraktiker”) on Dec 6th+20th: Jan 6th: Started masterwort & Hexacyl, lower than recommended (2x1 drop each), adding 1/d. 9th: Further research after reply to take manganese and vit. E. 13th: Unsure if the stomach problems are from those 2, so stop-start to see. 16th: again feel 2x2 drops is too much, stomach problems. 17th: 2x1 drop, 2x OK, praps a bit. 19th: 1-2x1 drop each again apparently too much. 25th I don’t feel like taking “her” powders at the moment (fungi & chlorella don’t taste good, roasted pumpkin seeds sometimes yes), lost some fun in eating, need to reclaim that. 26th: nauseous after masterwort. 27th-31st OK after masterwort. Feb 1st: Still no appetite, so put new drops away. Feb 3rd: Starting to eat/feel a bit better without the new practitioner’s recommendations.
Chinese Acupuncturist - Session #32 on Nov 4th., after 14 days :white_check_mark: “Energy still pretty stable at 20%, despite jab-nausea…”, now it’s down from that so often that I tried #33 22nd Dec. Wasn’t worth it: No improvement, sleep too short.

SELF-PHYSIO (click for details): 100'

white_check_mark: airing 5x2’, cold shower 1x(10’), cream/oil fc/ey/hd/ft 6x1’, teeth 2x2’, HWB 1x3’, breath exercises 5x1’, Y. Nidra 30’, massage gun 0x3’, daylight lamp/sun 2x5’, plantar/calf stretch 2x1’, acupressure 0x1’, palpate 0’, belly 3’, back 10’, !!aloe vera 0x1’, twist-stretch 2x1’, yoga/stretching x1’, hang 2x1’. wart 3x1.
Combine: next?
:x: hunchback-pillow 0’. neck 1+ x1’, RR: 0, neck 2 0x1’, workout 7’, horse stance 1’, balance roll standing 5’, breath-hold 12’, jolt-jump 1’, marionette-hang 1’, shaking dance 1’, bent leg fall 1’.

Supps Jan 8th (48 supps): Supp costs: 466€/m (8th) + 16€/m for empty capsules = 482€/m: Jan 11th: Still to get MSM, manganese, E as tocotrienol and my silymarin again. Yet to try: Creatine? ATP again, encapsulated, for phosphate?? Click for details on the lists, with dosing batches by times and tubs.

ZERO now: Arg, alpha-GPC 1x150mg, fisetin: 0x196mg, huperzia A, mumijo, NAC 1*.5g, NADH, psyllium (Ps), Ribose, Serrapeptase, Zinc, P5P (= vit. B6) 0x27mg (high).

REGULAR as of Jan 8th (48 supps): (R-)ALA .2g, aloe vera juice 50+ml/d, apigenin 1x50mg, vit. B2 6x600mg, vit. B3/Nia 6x0.6=3.6g, vit. B5/Panto: 3x.5g vit. B12 (methyl-C) 1x5mg/4m s.c., AND B12 1x0.2mg (all 3 good types) WITH vit. B9/5-MTHF 1x0.4mg, vit. C 2x3x.5g, L-carnitine (Cr) 8x0.6g, copper (Cu) 1x2mg, vit. D3 20.000 IE = 500mcg, WITH vit. K2 (MK7) 200mcg, DAO before meals, EGCg 1x(50%, incl. L-theanine?).5g, ellagic Acid (Ell) 2x.2g (+43mg vit. C), eleuthero (eleu) 2x4,5mg, feverfew (fev) 3x.4g WITH 3x.2g MSM, GABA (Ga): 4x0.3g+2x.6g=2.4g, ginkgo (Gi) 3x168mg, (L-)glutamin (gltm, glu): 2x0.6g, glutathione (gltt) 1x250mg, honokiol (Hon) (2%)x2x.4g=16mg, luteolin 1x.2g, magnesium glycinate (mag gly) 2x50mg, mag malate (mag mal) 0x45mg, mag threonate (mag threo) 2x50g, monkfruit 0.1g, myo-inositol 1x1g/1!d, olive leaf extract (oli) 2x.75, Ω3 1x5mg, passiflora (Pf) 3x.35g, Levagen±PEA 1x0.3g, pine bark (pin) 2x.5g, PQQ 1, CoQ10 (Q10)(ubn) 1x.1g, quercetin (Qc) 4x.5g, resveratrol (Rs) (50%) 2x.4g, rhodiola (Ro) 2x.35g, rutin (ru): 1x522. SAM-e (Sa) 2x.1g, Selenium 1x.2mg, Silymarin (Sil) (80%) 1x.5g (+83mg L-cholin), (L-)theanine (The) 1x.2g (+.15g polyphenols) (next 2x0.1mg), TMG: 6x0.6=3.6g (as much as B3). Plus rupatadine/Rupafin 1x/d since jab#3 Nov. Plus practitioners recommendations: #1) masterwort / Imperatoria ostruthium, #2) Hexacyl (Sulphur D4, Lycopodium Ø, Berberis Ø), #3) add Steirocall comp. (for “arthrosis” & bones) (& umckaloabo). Not at all sure about any of these, after 3 weeks of Hexacyl, #4 bitter herbs when Hexacyl bottle is finished, #5 more B5 now, #6 “glutathione activator” → upping MSM, selenium, and have asked if manganese and vit. E are important. #7 Pro Mucosa: added Hericium, can’t increase glutamine, asked back about ficin and biotin, #8 Chlorella, #9 B9 as 5-MTHF for homocysteine.

What-when-details: Updated Jan 8th.
“16:00” preparing pills
“18:15” A1 PF#1, 2x threo., Lut, Qc#1.
5’ “empty time” = to see if I need worry time.
“18:30” myo-inositol + teeth
“19:30” A2=12+1 2xvB2#1 2xvB3 vB5#1 2Cr#1, PF#2, Cu, .3gGABA CoQ10 (oil) &! Se, 2xTMG#1. Meal: 1PQQ, 5ml Ω3 & Hon#1. monkfruit.
Meal 20: ’ +xylitol. Back exercises. Soak seeds. aloe.
“20:30” pre-A3 agigenin 1h before bedtime + teeth
“20:30” chamomile
“21:00” A3 PF#3 0.3gGABA & .6glu & Qc#2 Hon#2 + 1 Rupafin or A2
“2:00” A4 300mg GABA + teeth
“4:00” +0.25 GABA
B=11/ ’ in sun/lamp “07:00” ALA, Ro#1, Qc#3 Rs#1 2xSAM-e EGCg + Fev/MSM#1 + Sily +2The.
Back exercises.
Soak Soak pumpkin seeds & almonds.
Meal ’ in sun/lamp. aloe.
’ in sun/lamp C=23/ with meal: 2xB2#2 2xvB3#2 vB5#2 3xvC#1 3xCr#2 .6GABA#4, gink#1, Oli#1 pine bark#1 2xTMG#2 2xEleu 2gly PEA Rutin = 23. (vit.D3 1/wk)
“11:00” D1(0) + Teeth (+2h/) Ellag#1, Fev/MSM#2, gi#2.
“14:00” 0 Meal ’ in sun +aloe
“14:15” D=15/ ’ in sun vB2#3 "2"vB3#3 vB5#3 3xvC#2 3Cr#3, .6GABA#5, gink#3 Oli#2, pine#2, TMG#3
“16:00” preparing pills: 5x to encapsulate.
E “17:00” (“meal/acids+2h”) Ellag#2, Fev/MSM#3 Qc#4, Ro#2, Rs#2.
A1 “18:00”
Eat + aloe + PQQ+Ω3 if not earlier.
A2 + apigenin & heating down
(B12 s.c.: 2022-11-04, 2022-04-10, 2022-01-10: B12 5mg methylcobalamin s.c.)

The day's supp-compartments (8', plus 10' making capsules), Jan 8th

Pf: A1+A2+A3, vB2: 2A,2C,2D. vB3: 2A,2C,2D. vB5: A,C,D. vC:0A+3C+3D 8Cr: 2A+3C+3D, Ell: D0+E. Fev/MSM: B,D0. Ga 4-5x: a2,a3,a4,C,D, Gi: C,D0,D Glutathione: B. Hon:A2.A3. Oliv: C,D. pine: C,D. Qc: A1.A3.B.E Ro:B,D Rs:B,D SINGLE: A1: 0xMgMal, luteolin. 2MgThreo. myo-inositol (15’ before meal 1x/(2)d) A2: Cu (separate from P5P etc.!)+0P5+1xQ10 (->ubiquinone <150mg/d! atm ubiquinol), 1xSe. (A2:Ω/Pq:meal, A3: apigenin) A3: Glutamin (0c1), B (or C): ALA, EGCg, 2xeleu, , Ru, 2 Sa, Sily, 2Th, C: 2 Gly, PEA, DAO before risky meals? monkfruit usually evenings, aloe vera. D3 saturdays. (A2:0Se, up soon)
TALLIES Jan 9th: correct?
A1=6+1 Pf#1 Qc1#1, Lut, 2 MgThreo, + myo-inositol + (DAO?)
A2=16 2vB2#1 "2"xvB3, vB5#1, 2xCr#1, Cu, Pf#2, Ga#1, Hon#1, Q10, Se, 2TMG#1 + Rup. = 16
+Ω3/PQQ/aloe +monkfruit +apigenin 16(+5) -1 vB5 = 15.
A3=5 Pf#3, Ga#1, Gltm, Hon#2, Qc#3
A4=1 Ga, A5=1 Ga#2
B=11 ALA, EGCg, Fev/MSM#1, Glutt, Qc#3, Ro#1, Rs#2, 2xSa, 2Th, Sily (DAO?) = 11/
C=22 2vB2#2 "2"xvB3#2 vB5#2 3xvC#1 3xCr#2 Ga#4 Gi#2 Ol#1 Pin#1 TMG#2 2xEleu 2xMgGly PEA Rut = 22 - vB5 = 21.
D0=2 Ell, Fev/MSM#2, Gi, + (DAO?)
D=15 2vB2#3 "2"vB3#3 vB5#3 3xvC#2 3xCr#3 Ga#5 Gi#3 Ol#2 Pin#2 TMG#3 Fev/MSM#2
25th: -vB5#3: so only 14/
E=4 Ell, Qc#4, Ro#2, Rs#2. Fev/MSM#3
B12 4-monthly, D3 Saturdays.


‘Research’ today: No.
Lessons in self-care #571 Refraining from table tennis was good. Should keep forum stuff down.
Reasons to be cheerful #609 Now at last got the other flat cleared out, except things to sell.

Click for links to jab side effects, foods, blog references, e.g. abbreviations, & guideline for symptom tracking & trigger hunting

2023-02-10, Friday - Energy 10% - well, I can move a little, even if no TT.

Sleep 90% / Feeling 70-80%-ish / nausea 0%, fog 10%

New Habits: Click for details of those I'm still working on. Last change 14th: deleted B-supps & earlier antihistamine & leg stretches and turned daylight lamp & back exercises & teeth into reminders, leaving (reduced) 4: bed, ACT, stretches & cold food out.

:ambulance: Bed 23:30-8:30/9:00. (:x:)
:ambulance: Note thoughts and emotions (ACT) :x:
:ambulance: More leg stretches. (:white_check_mark:)
:ambulance: Cold foods out of fridge 2h earlier than eating. (:white_check_mark:)

Today's FM symptoms unchanged from WPI 11 & SSS 9, except....: 0 (click for details)

Today’s symptoms sorted by the ACR 2016 criteria

Widespread pain, WPI = 11 of 19 areas: limb-Ache 8 (10%, stiff 10%) + spine-pain 3 (10%), shoulder-girdles/hips 0 chest / abdomen / jaw 0
Symptom severity, SSS = severity 9 of 12: Fatigue 3 (90%), insomnia 3 (10%), fog 2 (10%), headache 0 (0%), GI 1 (10%), depression 0

Triggers & resulting Symptoms

JAB#3 (on Nov 7th) causing MCAS / histamine problems, esp. energy narrowed to (10-)15-20%, decreased to mostly 10-15% in January. Feb 3rd & 4th: 10% energy. Cold tolerance good, just not my fingertips.

JAB#3 (on Nov 7th) → MCAS / histamine since end of Dec: 15-20% energy for under 45’, then white lips & pale face. But if I keep strain down to ‘half speed’ (70%) I can push on thru for hours - with a few breaks and lots of task-switching. Not that much specifically histaminey problems since end of Dec, occasionally sinuses and nausea, no more ill ache. Usually white lips & face 30%, and some sliding instead of walking indoors 10%, bit more cold intolerance 30% (long johns 24/7, 2 thick duvets at night). From Jan on, bit warmer (5-12° C), I’ve swapped long johns for a 2nd pair of pyjama trousers at night and when I’m pretty active at daytime sometimes no long johns, but when out slow cycling/walking. And don’t need hot water bottles any more, whether I can manage a cold shower (usually) or not.
Development summarized: Down: Nov 17th - Dec 1st, worst 17th-18th, best 20th & 29th. Up: Dec 2nd-6th, Down 7th-8th, Up: 9th-14th, best 13th-14th: Winning easily 4:0, and slow energy for 4h! Down: 15th-21st 7 days, Up 22nd to 24th winning roughly 3:1, Unsure: 25th-31st: TT 2:2 or no play possible: 25th 2:2(?), (26th 0), 27th: 2:2, (28th 0 - ordered supps, not cellar), Down: 1st-2nd, 4th. Up: 3rd, 5th. Both: 6th-11th - sinuses, tongue, lips, runny, DAO helping. Cold: 12th. 13th: GI: HP supps? 14th: B3-Flushing up!? 15th: Runny nose, 16th-21st & 25th-26th…: Tongue off and on. 23rd-25th: Sore buttock (& leg) muscles like after the jabs since 23rd. 26th: Cold, pain & fatigue, energy from 18% to 10% since 19th. Triggers tooth cleaning and moving out. 27th: Bad. 28th: Bad to better. 29th: OK, considering. 30th: No burning after 200g baked beans, but a bit, later, after then another 50g, short colon sting praps from the tomatoes, no stronger urge from them tho. 31st: Still haven’t regained appetite. Feb 3rd & 4th: 10% energy. Cold tolerance good, just not my fingertips. 8th: Bit of tongue after red beans, but OK.

Treatments: Antihistamine, and extra GABA from Nov 29th. Stopping the antihistamine at the turn of the year quickly caused sleep problems.

SLEEP (click for details): 8h27, up 5x (18'), 1h Yoga Nidra cos of worrying our bulky trash might not be gone ✅ ➔ Feeling 80% well, Ache 1 of 7 ✅, getting up: 80%/1 ✅. Nostrils 5% stuffy 100% of the night.

A3 teeth? cold shower? p0? Sleep 0:29- Why not 21:00? 3rd # is LBU
Memos: Lower Back: short exercises, twist-stretched, yoga & hanging. massager.
1:20 6’ 80%/1/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep air A4 cream
(nostril/s5% nauseous% stomach% sinuses% headache% sore throat%)
1:40 3’ 80%/1/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep air cream
(nostril/s5% nauseous% stomach% sinuses% headache% sore throat%)
3:30 3’ 80%/1/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep air A5 cream
(nostril/s5% nauseous% stomach% sinuses% headache% sore throat%)
7:30 3’ 80%/1/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep air cream
(nostril/s5% nauseous% stomach% sinuses10% headache% sore throat%)
7:57 3’ 80%/1/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep /doze air cream → A’sYoNi (fear our bulky trash isn’t going to be fully taken by the council, what work that’d be…)
(nostril/s5% nauseous% stomach% sinuses10% headache% sore throat%)
-9:14 B1-4 ‘ in sun, 80%/1/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep doze
(nostril/s5% nauseous% stomach% sinuses10% headache% sore throat%)
Idea: Do Cafe del Mar without the first note!
Sum: 9h14-29-(6+3+3+3+3=)18 = 8h45-18 = 8h27, up 5x (18’)

ACTIVITIES (aim: 40% energy)ACHE: 70%/2 ➔ TT 0, not much at all, even writing was stressful, bit of slow gardening and moving stuff ➔ 80%/2-3 :x:
ACTIONSPAINS :white_check_mark:: except GI :white_check_mark:, appetite better from going back to pure veggies, trying something cooked this evening wasn’t exciting at all (:white_check_mark:), esophagus: careful does it (:white_check_mark:), pee pain: 0xp1-2: better :white_check_mark:, lower back unrest :white_check_mark:, finger tips: slowly better! (:white_check_mark:). Lips better (:white_check_mark:).

Click for details on Touch, Covid, Weather, last seizures Jan 14th & 15th, last esophagus block Feb 5th, last jaw pain praps Jan 30th.

Touch: :white_check_mark: Covid: :white_check_mark: Weather: Indoors :white_check_mark: Outdoors :white_check_mark:. Daylight lamp regularly on.
Last focal seizures: Jan 15th 10:40 (from a pee urge, only 2nd “wave”). Jan 14th 23:58 (no trigger, praps missing out on .6g GABA Friday). Jan 5th (after being scolded for being hyper). Dec 11th: 1x. Nov 21st: 2x.
Last esophagus blocks: Feb 5th: From C-supps. Jan 19th: Sometimes do use massager a while to make sure. Jan 17th: I can take my B supps and then go to bed again atm. Jan 8th: Block after evening supps, maybe from twisting. Jan 7th: Testing if twisting before, while & after pills & food increases esophagus blocks Jan 6th: Slight blocks. Jan 5th: Medium block in evening. About 5x small blocks from pills around end of the year. Dec (20th, 15th) 11th (9th,) 1st, Nov 30th 2x, 29th 2x, (28th,) 24th, 22nd, 20th. Powder blocks in funnel if it’s too much in one go…
Jaw: Hardly & seldom pain since Nov. A bit more in Jan. Jan 6th: Slightly psychosomatic from memory of a painful time. Jan 10th: A bit after tooth cleaning. After: regularly a little bit, 1-2x/d. Better since improving tooth care again and giving that side of the jaw a rest from chewing for a few days from Feb on.


Click for details on bloods (Dec 9th, now Feb 9th: keen on results), practitioner ideas (last on Dec 20th), acupuncture (last on Dec 22nd). Last started masterwort (warily) and Hexacyl on Jan 6th - low & slow. 13th: Unsure if the stomach problems are from those two, so stop-start to see. 16th: again feel 2x2 drops is too much, stomach problems. 17th: 2x1 drop, 2x OK, praps a bit. 19th: 1-2x1 drop each again apparently too much (nausea). Feb 3rd: Starting to eat/feel a bit better after stopping the new practitioner's recommendations.

Bloods at cardio Dec 9th: Homocysteine a bit high, continue B3 and B2, phosphate not that bad. Leukocytes low! CK, muscular, too high, praps fibro?
Alternative health practitioner (“Heilpraktiker”) on Dec 6th+20th: Jan 6th: Started masterwort & Hexacyl, lower than recommended (2x1 drop each), adding 1/d. 9th: Further research after reply to take manganese and vit. E. 13th: Unsure if the stomach problems are from those 2, so stop-start to see. 16th: again feel 2x2 drops is too much, stomach problems. 17th: 2x1 drop, 2x OK, praps a bit. 19th: 1-2x1 drop each again apparently too much. 25th I don’t feel like taking “her” powders at the moment (fungi & chlorella don’t taste good, roasted pumpkin seeds sometimes yes), lost some fun in eating, need to reclaim that. 26th: nauseous after masterwort. 27th-31st OK after masterwort. Feb 1st: Still no appetite, so put new drops away. Feb 3rd: Starting to eat/feel a bit better without the new practitioner’s recommendations.
Chinese Acupuncturist - Session #32 on Nov 4th., after 14 days :white_check_mark: “Energy still pretty stable at 20%, despite jab-nausea…”, now it’s down from that so often that I tried #33 22nd Dec. Wasn’t worth it: No improvement, sleep too short.

SELF-PHYSIO (click for details): 111'

white_check_mark: airing 5x2’, cold shower 1x(10’), cream/oil fc/ey/hd/ft 6x1’, teeth 2x2’, HWB 0x3’, breath exercises 5x1’, Y. Nidra 40’, massage gun 0x3’, daylight lamp/sun 2x5’, plantar/calf stretch 10x1’, acupressure 0x1’, palpate 0’, belly 1’, back 10’, !!aloe vera 0x1’, twist-stretch 2x1’, yoga/stretching 1x1’, hang 2x1’. wart x1.
Combine: next?
:x: hunchback-pillow 0’. neck 1+ x1’, RR: 0, neck 2 0x1’, workout 7’, horse stance 1’, balance roll standing 5’, breath-hold 12’, jolt-jump 1’, marionette-hang 1’, shaking dance 1’, bent leg fall 1’.

Supps Jan 8th (48 supps): Supp costs: 466€/m (8th) + 16€/m for empty capsules = 482€/m: Jan 11th: Still to get MSM, manganese, E as tocotrienol and my silymarin again. Yet to try: Creatine? ATP again, encapsulated, for phosphate?? Click for details on the lists, with dosing batches by times and tubs.

ZERO now: Arg, alpha-GPC 1x150mg, fisetin: 0x196mg, huperzia A, mumijo, NAC 1*.5g, NADH, psyllium (Ps), Ribose, Serrapeptase, Zinc, P5P (= vit. B6) 0x27mg (high).

REGULAR as of Jan 8th (48 supps): (R-)ALA .2g, aloe vera juice 50+ml/d, apigenin 1x50mg, vit. B2 6x600mg, vit. B3/Nia 6x0.6=3.6g, vit. B5/Panto: 3x.5g vit. B12 (methyl-C) 1x5mg/4m s.c., AND B12 1x0.2mg (all 3 good types) WITH vit. B9/5-MTHF 1x0.4mg, vit. C 2x3x.5g, L-carnitine (Cr) 8x0.6g, copper (Cu) 1x2mg, vit. D3 20.000 IE = 500mcg, WITH vit. K2 (MK7) 200mcg, DAO before meals, EGCg 1x(50%, incl. L-theanine?).5g, ellagic Acid (Ell) 2x.2g (+43mg vit. C), eleuthero (eleu) 2x4,5mg, feverfew (fev) 3x.4g WITH 3x.2g MSM, GABA (Ga): 4x0.3g+2x.6g=2.4g, ginkgo (Gi) 3x168mg, (L-)glutamin (gltm, glu): 2x0.6g, glutathione (gltt) 1x250mg, honokiol (Hon) (2%)x2x.4g=16mg, luteolin 1x.2g, magnesium glycinate (mag gly) 2x50mg, mag malate (mag mal) 0x45mg, mag threonate (mag threo) 2x50g, monkfruit 0.1g, myo-inositol 1x1g/1!d, olive leaf extract (oli) 2x.75, Ω3 1x5mg, passiflora (Pf) 3x.35g, Levagen±PEA 1x0.3g, pine bark (pin) 2x.5g, PQQ 1, CoQ10 (Q10)(ubn) 1x.1g, quercetin (Qc) 4x.5g, resveratrol (Rs) (50%) 2x.4g, rhodiola (Ro) 2x.35g, rutin (ru): 1x522. SAM-e (Sa) 2x.1g, Selenium 1x.2mg, Silymarin (Sil) (80%) 1x.5g (+83mg L-cholin), (L-)theanine (The) 1x.2g (+.15g polyphenols) (next 2x0.1mg), TMG: 6x0.6=3.6g (as much as B3). Plus rupatadine/Rupafin 1x/d since jab#3 Nov. Plus practitioners recommendations: #1) masterwort / Imperatoria ostruthium, #2) Hexacyl (Sulphur D4, Lycopodium Ø, Berberis Ø), #3) add Steirocall comp. (for “arthrosis” & bones) (& umckaloabo). Not at all sure about any of these, after 3 weeks of Hexacyl, #4 bitter herbs when Hexacyl bottle is finished, #5 more B5 now, #6 “glutathione activator” → upping MSM, selenium, and have asked if manganese and vit. E are important. #7 Pro Mucosa: added Hericium, can’t increase glutamine, asked back about ficin and biotin, #8 Chlorella, #9 B9 as 5-MTHF for homocysteine.

What-when-details: Updated Jan 8th.
“16:00” preparing pills
“18:15” A1 PF#1, 2x threo., Lut, Qc#1.
5’ “empty time” = to see if I need worry time.
“18:30” myo-inositol + teeth
“19:30” A2=12+1 2xvB2#1 2xvB3 vB5#1 2Cr#1, PF#2, Cu, .3gGABA CoQ10 (oil) &! Se, 2xTMG#1. Meal: 1PQQ, 5ml Ω3 & Hon#1. monkfruit.
Meal 20: ’ +xylitol. Back exercises. Soak seeds. aloe.
“20:30” pre-A3 agigenin 1h before bedtime + teeth
“20:30” chamomile
“21:00” A3 PF#3 0.3gGABA & .6glu & Qc#2 Hon#2 + 1 Rupafin or A2
“2:00” A4 300mg GABA + teeth
“4:00” +0.25 GABA
B=11/ ’ in sun/lamp “07:00” ALA, Ro#1, Qc#3 Rs#1 2xSAM-e EGCg + Fev/MSM#1 + Sily +2The.
Back exercises.
Soak Soak pumpkin seeds & almonds.
Meal ’ in sun/lamp. aloe.
’ in sun/lamp C=23/ with meal: 2xB2#2 2xvB3#2 vB5#2 3xvC#1 3xCr#2 .6GABA#4, gink#1, Oli#1 pine bark#1 2xTMG#2 2xEleu 2gly PEA Rutin = 23. (vit.D3 1/wk)
“11:00” D1(0) + Teeth (+2h/) Ellag#1, Fev/MSM#2, gi#2.
“14:00” 0 Meal ’ in sun +aloe
“14:15” D=15/ ’ in sun vB2#3 "2"vB3#3 vB5#3 3xvC#2 3Cr#3, .6GABA#5, gink#3 Oli#2, pine#2, TMG#3
“16:00” preparing pills: 5x to encapsulate.
E “17:00” (“meal/acids+2h”) Ellag#2, Fev/MSM#3 Qc#4, Ro#2, Rs#2.
A1 “18:00”
Eat + aloe + PQQ+Ω3 if not earlier.
A2 + apigenin & heating down
(B12 s.c.: 2022-11-04, 2022-04-10, 2022-01-10: B12 5mg methylcobalamin s.c.)

The day's supp-compartments (8', plus 10' making capsules), Jan 8th

Pf: A1+A2+A3, vB2: 2A,2C,2D. vB3: 2A,2C,2D. vB5: A,C,D. vC:0A+3C+3D 8Cr: 2A+3C+3D, Ell: D0+E. Fev/MSM: B,D0. Ga 4-5x: a2,a3,a4,C,D, Gi: C,D0,D Glutathione: B. Hon:A2.A3. Oliv: C,D. pine: C,D. Qc: A1.A3.B.E Ro:B,D Rs:B,D SINGLE: A1: 0xMgMal, luteolin. 2MgThreo. myo-inositol (15’ before meal 1x/(2)d) A2: Cu (separate from P5P etc.!)+0P5+1xQ10 (->ubiquinone <150mg/d! atm ubiquinol), 1xSe. (A2:Ω/Pq:meal, A3: apigenin) A3: Glutamin (0c1), B (or C): ALA, EGCg, 2xeleu, , Ru, 2 Sa, Sily, 2Th, C: 2 Gly, PEA, DAO before risky meals? monkfruit usually evenings, aloe vera. D3 saturdays. (A2:0Se, up soon)
TALLIES Jan 9th: correct?
A1=6+1 Pf#1 Qc1#1, Lut, 2 MgThreo, + myo-inositol + (DAO?)
A2=16 2vB2#1 "2"xvB3, vB5#1, 2xCr#1, Cu, Pf#2, Ga#1, Hon#1, Q10, Se, 2TMG#1 + Rup. = 16
+Ω3/PQQ/aloe +monkfruit +apigenin 16(+5) -1 vB5 = 15.
A3=5 Pf#3, Ga#1, Gltm, Hon#2, Qc#3
A4=1 Ga, A5=1 Ga#2
B=11 ALA, EGCg, Fev/MSM#1, Glutt, Qc#3, Ro#1, Rs#2, 2xSa, 2Th, Sily (DAO?) = 11/
C=22 2vB2#2 "2"xvB3#2 vB5#2 3xvC#1 3xCr#2 Ga#4 Gi#2 Ol#1 Pin#1 TMG#2 2xEleu 2xMgGly PEA Rut = 22 - vB5 = 21.
D0=2 Ell, Fev/MSM#2, Gi, + (DAO?)
D=15 2vB2#3 "2"vB3#3 vB5#3 3xvC#2 3xCr#3 Ga#5 Gi#3 Ol#2 Pin#2 TMG#3 Fev/MSM#2
25th: -vB5#3: so only 14/
E=4 Ell, Qc#4, Ro#2, Rs#2. Fev/MSM#3
B12 4-monthly, D3 Saturdays.


Sleep ist still very effective. Still should be going to be earlier.
My pain and other discomfort is probably quite a bit higher than I am “saying”.
What I can easily say at the moment is that additionally to exhaustion, which I can override, my body feels sore and feverish most of the time, which is a really bad sign.
Been thinking about thyroid and other bloods today, need to get back to my GP after a longer break.
‘Research’ today: No.
Lessons in self-care #572 Resting is important now.
Reasons to be cheerful #610 Found beautiful peaceful remixes of Energy 52’s Café del Mar by Michael Woods and Madonna’s Nothing Else Matters (Sartori, also her album version) on my old tapes from 2007 which I’m listening thru to sell them soon.

Click for links to jab side effects, foods, blog references, e.g. abbreviations, & guideline for symptom tracking & trigger hunting

2023-02-11, Saturday - Energy 10%

Sleep 90% / Feeling 80%-ish / nausea 0%, fog 10%
Learnt: :student: thyroid maybe only means getting a doc to prescribe T4, praps T3, if they can be convinced that the low levels some functional docs deem important are necessary. Need to ask GP about my Dec bloods, esp. thyroid, praps also iron.

New Habits: Click for details of those I'm still working on. Last change 14th: deleted B-supps & earlier antihistamine & leg stretches and turned daylight lamp & back exercises & teeth into reminders, leaving (reduced) 4: bed, ACT, stretches & cold food out.

:ambulance: Bed 23:30-8:30/9:00. (:x:)
:ambulance: Note thoughts and emotions (ACT) :x:
:ambulance: More leg stretches. :white_check_mark:
:ambulance: Cold foods out of fridge 2h earlier than eating. :white_check_mark:

Today's FM symptoms unchanged from WPI 11 & SSS 9, except....: SSS +1 = 10 = headaches regularly in the evenings in the last few weeks (click for details)

Today’s symptoms sorted by the ACR 2016 criteria

Widespread pain, WPI = 11 of 19 areas: limb-Ache 8 (10%, stiff 10%) + spine-pain 3 (10%), shoulder-girdles/hips 0 chest / abdomen / jaw 0
Symptom severity, SSS = severity 9 of 12: Fatigue 3 (80%), insomnia 3 (10%), fog 2 (?10%), headache 1 (10%), GI 1 (10%), depression 0

Triggers & resulting Symptoms

JAB#3 (on Nov 7th) causing MCAS / histamine problems, esp. energy narrowed to (10-)15-20%, decreased to mostly 10-15% in January. Feb 3rd & 4th: 10% energy. Cold tolerance good, just not my fingertips.

JAB#3 (on Nov 7th) → MCAS / histamine since end of Dec: 15-20% energy for under 45’, then white lips & pale face. But if I keep strain down to ‘half speed’ (70%) I can push on thru for hours - with a few breaks and lots of task-switching. Not that much specifically histaminey problems since end of Dec, occasionally sinuses and nausea, no more ill ache. Usually white lips & face 30%, and some sliding instead of walking indoors 10%, bit more cold intolerance 30% (long johns 24/7, 2 thick duvets at night). From Jan on, bit warmer (5-12° C), I’ve swapped long johns for a 2nd pair of pyjama trousers at night and when I’m pretty active at daytime sometimes no long johns, but when out slow cycling/walking. And don’t need hot water bottles any more, whether I can manage a cold shower (usually) or not.
Development summarized: Down: Nov 17th - Dec 1st, worst 17th-18th, best 20th & 29th. Up: Dec 2nd-6th, Down 7th-8th, Up: 9th-14th, best 13th-14th: Winning easily 4:0, and slow energy for 4h! Down: 15th-21st 7 days, Up 22nd to 24th winning roughly 3:1, Unsure: 25th-31st: TT 2:2 or no play possible: 25th 2:2(?), (26th 0), 27th: 2:2, (28th 0 - ordered supps, not cellar), Down: 1st-2nd, 4th. Up: 3rd, 5th. Both: 6th-11th - sinuses, tongue, lips, runny, DAO helping. Cold: 12th. 13th: GI: HP supps? 14th: B3-Flushing up!? 15th: Runny nose, 16th-21st & 25th-26th…: Tongue off and on. 23rd-25th: Sore buttock (& leg) muscles like after the jabs since 23rd. 26th: Cold, pain & fatigue, energy from 18% to 10% since 19th. Triggers tooth cleaning and moving out. 27th: Bad. 28th: Bad to better. 29th: OK, considering. 30th: No burning after 200g baked beans, but a bit, later, after then another 50g, short colon sting praps from the tomatoes, no stronger urge from them tho. 31st: Still haven’t regained appetite. Feb 3rd & 4th: 10% energy. Cold tolerance good, just not my fingertips. 8th: Bit of tongue after red beans, but OK.

Treatments: Antihistamine, and extra GABA from Nov 29th. Stopping the antihistamine at the turn of the year quickly caused sleep problems.

SLEEP (click for details): 10h25, up x (77') ✅ - let's see if that makes a difference to the state I'm in ➔ Feeling 80% well, Ache 1 of 7 ✅, getting up: 80%/1 ✅. Nostrils 10% stuffy 20% of the night.

A3? teeth? cold shower? p0? Sleep 0:45- Why not 21:00? 3rd # is LBU
Memos: Lower Back: short exercises, twist-stretched, yoga & hanging. massager.
1:45 4’ 80%/1/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep air A4 cream
(nostril/s% nauseous% stomach% sinuses% headache% sore throat%)
2:47 4’ 70%/3/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep air A5 cream
(nostril/s% nauseous% stomach% sinuses% headache% sore throat% stools firm?)
5:18 4’ 80%/2/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep air cream
(nostril/s% nauseous% stomach% sinuses% headache% sore throat% stools firm?)
6:50 6’ 80%/3/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep air cream
(nostril/s10% nauseous5% stomach5% sinuses1ß% headache10% sore throat5% stools firm?)
7:45 57’ 80%/3/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep air cream
(nostril/s10% nauseous5% stomach5% sinuses1ß% headache10% sore throat5% stools firm?)
-11:27 B1-4 ‘ in sun, 70%/3/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep air cream
(nostril/s% nauseous% stomach% sinuses% headache% sore throat% stools firm?)
Sum: 11h27-45-(4+4+4+8+57=)77 = 10h42-1h17 = 10h25, up x (77’)

ACTIVITIES (aim: 40% energy)ACHE: 80%/2 ➔ TT 0, still being careful, just a bit in the garden, and getting straw for the guinea pigs with our cycles ➔ 80%/2 :white_check_mark:
ACTIONSPAINS :white_check_mark:: except GI :white_check_mark:, appetite better from going back to pure veggies (:white_check_mark:), esophagus: careful does it (:white_check_mark:), pee pain: 0xp1-2: better :white_check_mark:, lower back unrest :white_check_mark:, finger tips: slowly better! (:white_check_mark:). Lips better (:white_check_mark:).

Click for details on Touch, Covid, Weather, last seizures Jan 14th & 15th, last esophagus block Feb 5th, last jaw pain praps Jan 30th.

Touch: :white_check_mark: Covid: :white_check_mark: Weather: Indoors :white_check_mark: Outdoors :white_check_mark:. Daylight lamp regularly on.
Last focal seizures: Jan 15th 10:40 (from a pee urge, only 2nd “wave”). Jan 14th 23:58 (no trigger, praps missing out on .6g GABA Friday). Jan 5th (after being scolded for being hyper). Dec 11th: 1x. Nov 21st: 2x.
Last esophagus blocks: Feb 5th: From C-supps. Jan 19th: Sometimes do use massager a while to make sure. Jan 17th: I can take my B supps and then go to bed again atm. Jan 8th: Block after evening supps, maybe from twisting. Jan 7th: Testing if twisting before, while & after pills & food increases esophagus blocks Jan 6th: Slight blocks. Jan 5th: Medium block in evening. About 5x small blocks from pills around end of the year. Dec (20th, 15th) 11th (9th,) 1st, Nov 30th 2x, 29th 2x, (28th,) 24th, 22nd, 20th. Powder blocks in funnel if it’s too much in one go…
Jaw: Hardly & seldom pain since Nov. A bit more in Jan. Jan 6th: Slightly psychosomatic from memory of a painful time. Jan 10th: A bit after tooth cleaning. After: regularly a little bit, 1-2x/d. Better since improving tooth care again and giving that side of the jaw a rest from chewing for a few days from Feb on.


Click for details on bloods (Dec 9th, now Feb 9th: keen on results), practitioner ideas (last on Dec 20th), acupuncture (last on Dec 22nd). Last started masterwort (warily) and Hexacyl on Jan 6th - low & slow. 13th: Unsure if the stomach problems are from those two, so stop-start to see. 16th: again feel 2x2 drops is too much, stomach problems. 17th: 2x1 drop, 2x OK, praps a bit. 19th: 1-2x1 drop each again apparently too much (nausea). Feb 3rd: Starting to eat/feel a bit better after stopping the new practitioner's recommendations.

Bloods at cardio Dec 9th: Homocysteine a bit high, continue B3 and B2, phosphate not that bad. Leukocytes low! CK, muscular, too high, praps fibro?
Alternative health practitioner (“Heilpraktiker”) on Dec 6th+20th: Jan 6th: Started masterwort & Hexacyl, lower than recommended (2x1 drop each), adding 1/d. 9th: Further research after reply to take manganese and vit. E. 13th: Unsure if the stomach problems are from those 2, so stop-start to see. 16th: again feel 2x2 drops is too much, stomach problems. 17th: 2x1 drop, 2x OK, praps a bit. 19th: 1-2x1 drop each again apparently too much. 25th I don’t feel like taking “her” powders at the moment (fungi & chlorella don’t taste good, roasted pumpkin seeds sometimes yes), lost some fun in eating, need to reclaim that. 26th: nauseous after masterwort. 27th-31st OK after masterwort. Feb 1st: Still no appetite, so put new drops away. Feb 3rd: Starting to eat/feel a bit better without the new practitioner’s recommendations.
Chinese Acupuncturist - Session #32 on Nov 4th., after 14 days :white_check_mark: “Energy still pretty stable at 20%, despite jab-nausea…”, now it’s down from that so often that I tried #33 22nd Dec. Wasn’t worth it: No improvement, sleep too short.

SELF-PHYSIO (click for details): 101'

white_check_mark: airing 5x2’, cold shower 1x(10’), cream/oil fc/ey/hd/ft 6x1’, teeth 1x2’, HWB 0x3’, breath exercises 5x1’, Y. Nidra 40’, massage gun 2x3’, daylight lamp/sun 0x5’, plantar/calf stretch 5x1’, acupressure 0x1’, palpate 0’, belly 2’, back 10’, !!aloe vera 0x1’, twist-stretch 2x1’, yoga/stretching 1x1’, hang 2x1’. wart x1.
Combine: next?
:x: hunchback-pillow 0’. neck 1+ x1’, RR: 0, neck 2 0x1’, workout 7’, horse stance 1’, balance roll standing 5’, breath-hold 12’, jolt-jump 1’, marionette-hang 1’, shaking dance 1’, bent leg fall 1’.

Supps Jan 8th (48 supps): Supp costs: 466€/m (8th) + 16€/m for empty capsules = 482€/m: Jan 11th: Still to get MSM, manganese, E as tocotrienol and my silymarin again. Yet to try: Creatine? ATP again, encapsulated, for phosphate?? Click for details on the lists, with dosing batches by times and tubs.

ZERO now: Arg, alpha-GPC 1x150mg, fisetin: 0x196mg, huperzia A, mumijo, NAC 1*.5g, NADH, psyllium (Ps), Ribose, Serrapeptase, Zinc, P5P (= vit. B6) 0x27mg (high).

REGULAR as of Jan 8th (48 supps): (R-)ALA .2g, aloe vera juice 50+ml/d, apigenin 1x50mg, vit. B2 6x600mg, vit. B3/Nia 6x0.6=3.6g, vit. B5/Panto: 3x.5g vit. B12 (methyl-C) 1x5mg/4m s.c., AND B12 1x0.2mg (all 3 good types) WITH vit. B9/5-MTHF 1x0.4mg, vit. C 2x3x.5g, L-carnitine (Cr) 8x0.6g, copper (Cu) 1x2mg, vit. D3 20.000 IE = 500mcg, WITH vit. K2 (MK7) 200mcg, DAO before meals, EGCg 1x(50%, incl. L-theanine?).5g, ellagic Acid (Ell) 2x.2g (+43mg vit. C), eleuthero (eleu) 2x4,5mg, feverfew (fev) 3x.4g WITH 3x.2g MSM, GABA (Ga): 4x0.3g+2x.6g=2.4g, ginkgo (Gi) 3x168mg, (L-)glutamin (gltm, glu): 2x0.6g, glutathione (gltt) 1x250mg, honokiol (Hon) (2%)x2x.4g=16mg, luteolin 1x.2g, magnesium glycinate (mag gly) 2x50mg, mag malate (mag mal) 0x45mg, mag threonate (mag threo) 2x50g, monkfruit 0.1g, myo-inositol 1x1g/1!d, olive leaf extract (oli) 2x.75, Ω3 1x5mg, passiflora (Pf) 3x.35g, Levagen±PEA 1x0.3g, pine bark (pin) 2x.5g, PQQ 1, CoQ10 (Q10)(ubn) 1x.1g, quercetin (Qc) 4x.5g, resveratrol (Rs) (50%) 2x.4g, rhodiola (Ro) 2x.35g, rutin (ru): 1x522. SAM-e (Sa) 2x.1g, Selenium 1x.2mg, Silymarin (Sil) (80%) 1x.5g (+83mg L-cholin), (L-)theanine (The) 1x.2g (+.15g polyphenols) (next 2x0.1mg), TMG: 6x0.6=3.6g (as much as B3). Plus rupatadine/Rupafin 1x/d since jab#3 Nov. Plus practitioners recommendations: #1) masterwort / Imperatoria ostruthium, #2) Hexacyl (Sulphur D4, Lycopodium Ø, Berberis Ø), #3) add Steirocall comp. (for “arthrosis” & bones) (& umckaloabo). Not at all sure about any of these, after 3 weeks of Hexacyl, #4 bitter herbs when Hexacyl bottle is finished, #5 more B5 now, #6 “glutathione activator” → upping MSM, selenium, and have asked if manganese and vit. E are important. #7 Pro Mucosa: added Hericium, can’t increase glutamine, asked back about ficin and biotin, #8 Chlorella, #9 B9 as 5-MTHF for homocysteine.

What-when-details: Updated Jan 8th.
“16:00” preparing pills
“18:15” A1 PF#1, 2x threo., Lut, Qc#1.
5’ “empty time” = to see if I need worry time.
“18:30” myo-inositol + teeth
“19:30” A2=12+1 2xvB2#1 2xvB3 vB5#1 2Cr#1, PF#2, Cu, .3gGABA CoQ10 (oil) &! Se, 2xTMG#1. Meal: 1PQQ, 5ml Ω3 & Hon#1. monkfruit.
Meal 20: ’ +xylitol. Back exercises. Soak seeds. aloe.
“20:30” pre-A3 agigenin 1h before bedtime + teeth
“20:30” chamomile
“21:00” A3 PF#3 0.3gGABA & .6glu & Qc#2 Hon#2 + 1 Rupafin or A2
“2:00” A4 300mg GABA + teeth
“4:00” +0.25 GABA
B=11/ ’ in sun/lamp “07:00” ALA, Ro#1, Qc#3 Rs#1 2xSAM-e EGCg + Fev/MSM#1 + Sily +2The.
Back exercises.
Soak Soak pumpkin seeds & almonds.
Meal ’ in sun/lamp. aloe.
’ in sun/lamp C=23/ with meal: 2xB2#2 2xvB3#2 vB5#2 3xvC#1 3xCr#2 .6GABA#4, gink#1, Oli#1 pine bark#1 2xTMG#2 2xEleu 2gly PEA Rutin = 23. (vit.D3 1/wk)
“11:00” D1(0) + Teeth (+2h/) Ellag#1, Fev/MSM#2, gi#2.
“14:00” 0 Meal ’ in sun +aloe
“14:15” D=15/ ’ in sun vB2#3 "2"vB3#3 vB5#3 3xvC#2 3Cr#3, .6GABA#5, gink#3 Oli#2, pine#2, TMG#3
“16:00” preparing pills: 5x to encapsulate.
E “17:00” (“meal/acids+2h”) Ellag#2, Fev/MSM#3 Qc#4, Ro#2, Rs#2.
A1 “18:00”
Eat + aloe + PQQ+Ω3 if not earlier.
A2 + apigenin & heating down
(B12 s.c.: 2022-11-04, 2022-04-10, 2022-01-10: B12 5mg methylcobalamin s.c.)

The day's supp-compartments (8', plus 10' making capsules), Jan 8th

Pf: A1+A2+A3, vB2: 2A,2C,2D. vB3: 2A,2C,2D. vB5: A,C,D. vC:0A+3C+3D 8Cr: 2A+3C+3D, Ell: D0+E. Fev/MSM: B,D0. Ga 4-5x: a2,a3,a4,C,D, Gi: C,D0,D Glutathione: B. Hon:A2.A3. Oliv: C,D. pine: C,D. Qc: A1.A3.B.E Ro:B,D Rs:B,D SINGLE: A1: 0xMgMal, luteolin. 2MgThreo. myo-inositol (15’ before meal 1x/(2)d) A2: Cu (separate from P5P etc.!)+0P5+1xQ10 (->ubiquinone <150mg/d! atm ubiquinol), 1xSe. (A2:Ω/Pq:meal, A3: apigenin) A3: Glutamin (0c1), B (or C): ALA, EGCg, 2xeleu, , Ru, 2 Sa, Sily, 2Th, C: 2 Gly, PEA, DAO before risky meals? monkfruit usually evenings, aloe vera. D3 saturdays. (A2:0Se, up soon)
TALLIES Jan 9th: correct?
A1=6+1 Pf#1 Qc1#1, Lut, 2 MgThreo, + myo-inositol + (DAO?)
A2=16 2vB2#1 "2"xvB3, vB5#1, 2xCr#1, Cu, Pf#2, Ga#1, Hon#1, Q10, Se, 2TMG#1 + Rup. = 16
+Ω3/PQQ/aloe +monkfruit +apigenin 16(+5) -1 vB5 = 15.
A3=5 Pf#3, Ga#1, Gltm, Hon#2, Qc#3
A4=1 Ga, A5=1 Ga#2
B=11 ALA, EGCg, Fev/MSM#1, Glutt, Qc#3, Ro#1, Rs#2, 2xSa, 2Th, Sily (DAO?) = 11/
C=22 2vB2#2 "2"xvB3#2 vB5#2 3xvC#1 3xCr#2 Ga#4 Gi#2 Ol#1 Pin#1 TMG#2 2xEleu 2xMgGly PEA Rut = 22 - vB5 = 21.
D0=2 Ell, Fev/MSM#2, Gi, + (DAO?)
D=15 2vB2#3 "2"vB3#3 vB5#3 3xvC#2 3xCr#3 Ga#5 Gi#3 Ol#2 Pin#2 TMG#3 Fev/MSM#2
25th: -vB5#3: so only 14/
E=4 Ell, Qc#4, Ro#2, Rs#2. Fev/MSM#3
B12 4-monthly, D3 Saturdays.


‘Research’ today: No, bit about thyroid.
Lessons in self-care #573 Made sure to do hardly anything.
Reasons to be cheerful #611 Unspectacular day, but music and garden was praps best.

Click for links to jab side effects, foods, blog references, e.g. abbreviations, & guideline for symptom tracking & trigger hunting

2023-02-12, Sunday - Energy 10%

Sleep 90% / Feeling 80%-ish / nausea 0%, fog 10%
Keeping actions slow and safe allowed me to get thru rehearsal and music…

New Habits: Click for details of those I'm still working on. Last change 14th: deleted B-supps & earlier antihistamine & leg stretches and turned daylight lamp & back exercises & teeth into reminders, leaving (reduced) 4: bed, ACT, stretches & cold food out.

:ambulance: Bed 23:30-8:30/9:00. :x:
:ambulance: Note thoughts and emotions (ACT) :x:
:ambulance: More leg stretches. (:white_check_mark:)
:ambulance: Cold foods out of fridge 2h earlier than eating. (:white_check_mark:)

Today's FM symptoms unchanged from WPI 11 & SSS 9, except....: SSS +1 = 10 = headache at night (click for details)

Today’s symptoms sorted by the ACR 2016 criteria

Widespread pain, WPI = 11 of 19 areas: limb-Ache 8 (10%, stiff 10%) + spine-pain 3 (10%), shoulder-girdles/hips 0 chest / abdomen / jaw 0
Symptom severity, SSS = severity 9 of 12: Fatigue 3 (10%), insomnia 3 (10%), fog 2 (10%), headache 0 (0%), GI 1 (10%), depression 0

Triggers & resulting Symptoms

JAB#3 (on Nov 7th) causing MCAS / histamine problems, esp. energy narrowed to (10-)15-20%, decreased to mostly 10-15% in January. From Feb 3rd on: 10% energy. Cold tolerance good, just not my fingertips. Feb 12th 6:00: Stronger histamine-y symptoms and stomach pang.

JAB#3 (on Nov 7th) → MCAS / histamine since end of Dec: 15-20% energy for under 45’, then white lips & pale face. But if I keep strain down to ‘half speed’ (70%) I can push on thru for hours - with a few breaks and lots of task-switching. Not that much specifically histaminey problems since end of Dec, occasionally sinuses and nausea, no more ill ache. Usually white lips & face 30%, and some sliding instead of walking indoors 10%, bit more cold intolerance 30% (long johns 24/7, 2 thick duvets at night). From Jan on, bit warmer (5-12° C), I’ve swapped long johns for a 2nd pair of pyjama trousers at night and when I’m pretty active at daytime sometimes no long johns, but when out slow cycling/walking. And don’t need hot water bottles any more, whether I can manage a cold shower (usually) or not.
Development summarized: Down: Nov 17th - Dec 1st, worst 17th-18th, best 20th & 29th. Up: Dec 2nd-6th, Down 7th-8th, Up: 9th-14th, best 13th-14th: Winning easily 4:0, and slow energy for 4h! Down: 15th-21st 7 days, Up 22nd to 24th winning roughly 3:1, Unsure: 25th-31st: TT 2:2 or no play possible: 25th 2:2(?), (26th 0), 27th: 2:2, (28th 0 - ordered supps, not cellar), Down: 1st-2nd, 4th. Up: 3rd, 5th. Both: 6th-11th - sinuses, tongue, lips, runny, DAO helping. Cold: 12th. 13th: GI: HP supps? 14th: B3-Flushing up!? 15th: Runny nose, 16th-21st & 25th-26th…: Tongue off and on. 23rd-25th: Sore buttock (& leg) muscles like after the jabs since 23rd. 26th: Cold, pain & fatigue, energy from 18% to 10% since 19th. Triggers tooth cleaning and moving out. 27th: Bad. 28th: Bad to better. 29th: OK, considering. 30th: No burning after 200g baked beans, but a bit, later, after then another 50g, short colon sting praps from the tomatoes, no stronger urge from them tho. 31st: Still haven’t regained appetite. Feb 3rd on: 10% energy. Cold tolerance good, just not my fingertips. 8th: Bit of tongue after red beans, but OK. Feb 12th 6:00: Stronger histamine-y symptoms and stomach pang.

Treatments: Antihistamine, and extra GABA from Nov 29th. Stopping the antihistamine at the turn of the year quickly caused sleep problems.

SLEEP (click for details): 7h13, up 6x (61'), 6h deep, rest NSDR ✅ ➔ Feeling ?80% well, Ache 1? of 7 ✅, getting up: ?80%/1 ✅. Nostrils ?20% stuffy ?20% of the night. Stomach pang like after psyllium etc. at 6, praps HWB. Left calf worse and worse thru the night, again after using the massager on it, not a good idea. My wife thought it might get better after getting worse, but not doing so.

A3 A4 teeth cold shower p0 Sleep 1:30- Why not 21:00? 3rd # is LBU
Memos: Lower Back: short exercises, twist-stretched, yoga & hanging. massager.
2:30 4’ 80%/1/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep air A5 cream
(nostril/s5% nauseous% stomach10% sinuses% headache% sore throat%)
3:15 4’ 80%/1/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep air cream
(nostril/s5% nauseous% stomach5% sinuses% headache% sore throat%)
5:00 4’ 80%/1/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep air cream
(nostril/s5% nauseous% stomach5% sinuses10% headache5% sore throat10%)
Dreaming of needing to accompany the wedding of Japanese people most of the night, praps inspired by videos around Madonna’s Nothing Else Matters.
6:10 14’ 80%/1/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep air cream HWB
(nostril/s5% nauseous% stomach70% sinuses10% headache5% sore throat20%)
8:10 25’ 80%/1/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep air 6 A’sYoNi (GABA?)
(nostril/s5% nauseous% stomach40% sinuses30% headache10% sore throat20%)
Now after being annoyed about our landlord, dreaming of not being up to playing the organ at an earlier church of mine any more due to fibro/MCAS.
9:01 10’ 80%/1/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ deep air cream A’sYoNi (GABA?) B
(nostril/s5% nauseous% stomach60% sinuses20% headache10% sore throat15%)
Now after being annoyed about our landlord, dreaming of not being up to playing the organ at an earlier church of mine any more due to fibro/MCAS.
5’ 90%/1/15% p0 st1 sip fw1’ cough deep air A4 plugs cream gel HWB#
(nostril/s% nauseous% stomach% sinuses% headache% sore throat% stools firm?)
-9:44 B1-4 ‘ in sun, stools firm?
Sum: 9h44-1h30-(4+4+4+14+25+10=)61 = 8h14-1h01 = 7h13, up 6x (61’), 6h deep, rest NSDR

ACTIVITIES (aim: 40% energy)ACHE: 80%/2 ➔ TT 0, de-cluttering stuff, rehearsal & music ➔ 80%/3 :x:
ACTIONSPAINS :white_check_mark:: except GI :white_check_mark:, appetite better from going back to pure veggies (:white_check_mark:), esophagus: careful does it (:white_check_mark:), pee pain: 0xp1-2: better :white_check_mark:, lower back unrest :white_check_mark:, finger tips: slowly better! (:white_check_mark:). Lips better (:white_check_mark:).

Click for details on Touch, Covid, Weather, last seizures Jan 14th & 15th, last esophagus block Feb 5th, last jaw pain praps Jan 30th.

Touch: :white_check_mark: Covid: :white_check_mark: Weather: Indoors :white_check_mark: Outdoors :white_check_mark:. Daylight lamp regularly on.
Last focal seizures: Jan 15th 10:40 (from a pee urge, only 2nd “wave”). Jan 14th 23:58 (no trigger, praps missing out on .6g GABA Friday). Jan 5th (after being scolded for being hyper). Dec 11th: 1x. Nov 21st: 2x.
Last esophagus blocks: Feb 5th: From C-supps. Jan 19th: Sometimes do use massager a while to make sure. Jan 17th: I can take my B supps and then go to bed again atm. Jan 8th: Block after evening supps, maybe from twisting. Jan 7th: Testing if twisting before, while & after pills & food increases esophagus blocks Jan 6th: Slight blocks. Jan 5th: Medium block in evening. About 5x small blocks from pills around end of the year. Dec (20th, 15th) 11th (9th,) 1st, Nov 30th 2x, 29th 2x, (28th,) 24th, 22nd, 20th. Powder blocks in funnel if it’s too much in one go…
Jaw: Hardly & seldom pain since Nov. A bit more in Jan. Jan 6th: Slightly psychosomatic from memory of a painful time. Jan 10th: A bit after tooth cleaning. After: regularly a little bit, 1-2x/d. Better since improving tooth care again and giving that side of the jaw a rest from chewing for a few days from Feb on.


Click for details on bloods (Dec 9th, now Feb 9th: keen on results), practitioner ideas (last on Dec 20th), acupuncture (last on Dec 22nd). Last started masterwort (warily) and Hexacyl on Jan 6th - low & slow. 13th: Unsure if the stomach problems are from those two, so stop-start to see. 16th: again feel 2x2 drops is too much, stomach problems. 17th: 2x1 drop, 2x OK, praps a bit. 19th: 1-2x1 drop each again apparently too much (nausea). Feb 3rd: Starting to eat/feel a bit better after stopping the new practitioner's recommendations.

Bloods at cardio Dec 9th: Homocysteine a bit high, continue B3 and B2, phosphate not that bad. Leukocytes low! CK, muscular, too high, praps fibro?
Alternative health practitioner (“Heilpraktiker”) on Dec 6th+20th: Jan 6th: Started masterwort & Hexacyl, lower than recommended (2x1 drop each), adding 1/d. 9th: Further research after reply to take manganese and vit. E. 13th: Unsure if the stomach problems are from those 2, so stop-start to see. 16th: again feel 2x2 drops is too much, stomach problems. 17th: 2x1 drop, 2x OK, praps a bit. 19th: 1-2x1 drop each again apparently too much. 25th I don’t feel like taking “her” powders at the moment (fungi & chlorella don’t taste good, roasted pumpkin seeds sometimes yes), lost some fun in eating, need to reclaim that. 26th: nauseous after masterwort. 27th-31st OK after masterwort. Feb 1st: Still no appetite, so put new drops away. Feb 3rd: Starting to eat/feel a bit better without the new practitioner’s recommendations.
Chinese Acupuncturist - Session #32 on Nov 4th., after 14 days :white_check_mark: “Energy still pretty stable at 20%, despite jab-nausea…”, now it’s down from that so often that I tried #33 22nd Dec. Wasn’t worth it: No improvement, sleep too short.

SELF-PHYSIO (click for details): 84'

white_check_mark: airing 5x2’, cold shower 1x(10’), cream/oil fc/ey/hd/ft 6x1’, teeth 2x2’, HWB 1x3’, breath exercises 5x1’, Y. Nidra 20’, massage gun 0x3’, daylight lamp/sun 0x5’, plantar/calf stretch 5x1’, acupressure 0x1’, palpate 0’, belly 3’, back 10’, !!aloe vera 0x1’, twist-stretch 2x1’, yoga/stretching 1x1’, hang 2x1’. wart 2x1.
Combine: next?
:x: hunchback-pillow 0’. neck 1+ x1’, RR: 0, neck 2 0x1’, workout 7’, horse stance 1’, balance roll standing 5’, breath-hold 12’, jolt-jump 1’, marionette-hang 1’, shaking dance 1’, bent leg fall 1’.

Supps Jan 8th (48 supps): Supp costs: 466€/m (8th) + 16€/m for empty capsules = 482€/m: Jan 11th: Still to get MSM, manganese, E as tocotrienol and my silymarin again. Yet to try: Creatine? ATP again, encapsulated, for phosphate?? Click for details on the lists, with dosing batches by times and tubs.

ZERO now: Arg, alpha-GPC 1x150mg, fisetin: 0x196mg, huperzia A, mumijo, NAC 1*.5g, NADH, psyllium (Ps), Ribose, Serrapeptase, Zinc, P5P (= vit. B6) 0x27mg (high).

REGULAR as of Jan 8th (48 supps): (R-)ALA .2g, aloe vera juice 50+ml/d, apigenin 1x50mg, vit. B2 6x600mg, vit. B3/Nia 6x0.6=3.6g, vit. B5/Panto: 3x.5g vit. B12 (methyl-C) 1x5mg/4m s.c., AND B12 1x0.2mg (all 3 good types) WITH vit. B9/5-MTHF 1x0.4mg, vit. C 2x3x.5g, L-carnitine (Cr) 8x0.6g, copper (Cu) 1x2mg, vit. D3 20.000 IE = 500mcg, WITH vit. K2 (MK7) 200mcg, DAO before meals, EGCg 1x(50%, incl. L-theanine?).5g, ellagic Acid (Ell) 2x.2g (+43mg vit. C), eleuthero (eleu) 2x4,5mg, feverfew (fev) 3x.4g WITH 3x.2g MSM, GABA (Ga): 4x0.3g+2x.6g=2.4g, ginkgo (Gi) 3x168mg, (L-)glutamin (gltm, glu): 2x0.6g, glutathione (gltt) 1x250mg, honokiol (Hon) (2%)x2x.4g=16mg, luteolin 1x.2g, magnesium glycinate (mag gly) 2x50mg, mag malate (mag mal) 0x45mg, mag threonate (mag threo) 2x50g, monkfruit 0.1g, myo-inositol 1x1g/1!d, olive leaf extract (oli) 2x.75, Ω3 1x5mg, passiflora (Pf) 3x.35g, Levagen±PEA 1x0.3g, pine bark (pin) 2x.5g, PQQ 1, CoQ10 (Q10)(ubn) 1x.1g, quercetin (Qc) 4x.5g, resveratrol (Rs) (50%) 2x.4g, rhodiola (Ro) 2x.35g, rutin (ru): 1x522. SAM-e (Sa) 2x.1g, Selenium 1x.2mg, Silymarin (Sil) (80%) 1x.5g (+83mg L-cholin), (L-)theanine (The) 1x.2g (+.15g polyphenols) (next 2x0.1mg), TMG: 6x0.6=3.6g (as much as B3). Plus rupatadine/Rupafin 1x/d since jab#3 Nov. Plus practitioners recommendations: #1) masterwort / Imperatoria ostruthium, #2) Hexacyl (Sulphur D4, Lycopodium Ø, Berberis Ø), #3) add Steirocall comp. (for “arthrosis” & bones) (& umckaloabo). Not at all sure about any of these, after 3 weeks of Hexacyl, #4 bitter herbs when Hexacyl bottle is finished, #5 more B5 now, #6 “glutathione activator” → upping MSM, selenium, and have asked if manganese and vit. E are important. #7 Pro Mucosa: added Hericium, can’t increase glutamine, asked back about ficin and biotin, #8 Chlorella, #9 B9 as 5-MTHF for homocysteine.

What-when-details: Updated Jan 8th.
“16:00” preparing pills
“18:15” A1 PF#1, 2x threo., Lut, Qc#1.
5’ “empty time” = to see if I need worry time.
“18:30” myo-inositol + teeth
“19:30” A2=12+1 2xvB2#1 2xvB3 vB5#1 2Cr#1, PF#2, Cu, .3gGABA CoQ10 (oil) &! Se, 2xTMG#1. Meal: 1PQQ, 5ml Ω3 & Hon#1. monkfruit.
Meal 20: ’ +xylitol. Back exercises. Soak seeds. aloe.
“20:30” pre-A3 agigenin 1h before bedtime + teeth
“20:30” chamomile
“21:00” A3 PF#3 0.3gGABA & .6glu & Qc#2 Hon#2 + 1 Rupafin or A2
“2:00” A4 300mg GABA + teeth
“4:00” +0.25 GABA
B=11/ ’ in sun/lamp “07:00” ALA, Ro#1, Qc#3 Rs#1 2xSAM-e EGCg + Fev/MSM#1 + Sily +2The.
Back exercises.
Soak Soak pumpkin seeds & almonds.
Meal ’ in sun/lamp. aloe.
’ in sun/lamp C=23/ with meal: 2xB2#2 2xvB3#2 vB5#2 3xvC#1 3xCr#2 .6GABA#4, gink#1, Oli#1 pine bark#1 2xTMG#2 2xEleu 2gly PEA Rutin = 23. (vit.D3 1/wk)
“11:00” D1(0) + Teeth (+2h/) Ellag#1, Fev/MSM#2, gi#2.
“14:00” 0 Meal ’ in sun +aloe
“14:15” D=15/ ’ in sun vB2#3 "2"vB3#3 vB5#3 3xvC#2 3Cr#3, .6GABA#5, gink#3 Oli#2, pine#2, TMG#3
“16:00” preparing pills: 5x to encapsulate.
E “17:00” (“meal/acids+2h”) Ellag#2, Fev/MSM#3 Qc#4, Ro#2, Rs#2.
A1 “18:00”
Eat + aloe + PQQ+Ω3 if not earlier.
A2 + apigenin & heating down
(B12 s.c.: 2022-11-04, 2022-04-10, 2022-01-10: B12 5mg methylcobalamin s.c.)

The day's supp-compartments (8', plus 10' making capsules), Jan 8th

Pf: A1+A2+A3, vB2: 2A,2C,2D. vB3: 2A,2C,2D. vB5: A,C,D. vC:0A+3C+3D 8Cr: 2A+3C+3D, Ell: D0+E. Fev/MSM: B,D0. Ga 4-5x: a2,a3,a4,C,D, Gi: C,D0,D Glutathione: B. Hon:A2.A3. Oliv: C,D. pine: C,D. Qc: A1.A3.B.E Ro:B,D Rs:B,D SINGLE: A1: 0xMgMal, luteolin. 2MgThreo. myo-inositol (15’ before meal 1x/(2)d) A2: Cu (separate from P5P etc.!)+0P5+1xQ10 (->ubiquinone <150mg/d! atm ubiquinol), 1xSe. (A2:Ω/Pq:meal, A3: apigenin) A3: Glutamin (0c1), B (or C): ALA, EGCg, 2xeleu, , Ru, 2 Sa, Sily, 2Th, C: 2 Gly, PEA, DAO before risky meals? monkfruit usually evenings, aloe vera. D3 saturdays. (A2:0Se, up soon)
TALLIES Jan 9th: correct?
A1=6+1 Pf#1 Qc1#1, Lut, 2 MgThreo, + myo-inositol + (DAO?)
A2=16 2vB2#1 "2"xvB3, vB5#1, 2xCr#1, Cu, Pf#2, Ga#1, Hon#1, Q10, Se, 2TMG#1 + Rup. = 16
+Ω3/PQQ/aloe +monkfruit +apigenin 16(+5) -1 vB5 = 15.
A3=5 Pf#3, Ga#1, Gltm, Hon#2, Qc#3
A4=1 Ga, A5=1 Ga#2
B=11 ALA, EGCg, Fev/MSM#1, Glutt, Qc#3, Ro#1, Rs#2, 2xSa, 2Th, Sily (DAO?) = 11/
C=22 2vB2#2 "2"xvB3#2 vB5#2 3xvC#1 3xCr#2 Ga#4 Gi#2 Ol#1 Pin#1 TMG#2 2xEleu 2xMgGly PEA Rut = 22 - vB5 = 21.
D0=2 Ell, Fev/MSM#2, Gi, + (DAO?)
D=15 2vB2#3 "2"vB3#3 vB5#3 3xvC#2 3xCr#3 Ga#5 Gi#3 Ol#2 Pin#2 TMG#3 Fev/MSM#2
25th: -vB5#3: so only 14/
E=4 Ell, Qc#4, Ro#2, Rs#2. Fev/MSM#3
B12 4-monthly, D3 Saturdays.


‘Research’ today: No.
Lessons in self-care #574 Good how I manouvred this day curbing all actions to push thru without backlash.
Reasons to be cheerful #612 Robin loudly singing at 6 comforts the stomach pain.
Reasons to be cheerful #613 More gardening is run and rewarding: Pruning.
Reasons to be cheerful #614 Music without rehearsal or stress worked wonderfully.

Click for links to jab side effects, foods, blog references, e.g. abbreviations, & guideline for symptom tracking & trigger hunting