JayCS’s Fibro Blog

I am too :smiley:

But wouldn’t small ones help against feeling alone?

Yep - that’s it, it’s all in the Brian :smiley:

After a claim I read, I’ve found studies (from Sep18 in ‘Pain Medicine’) suggesting that Brain Fog is actually ADHD. (They claim that 45% of fibromites have ADHD…!) Upon studying them closely I disagree, and the studies themselves admit that they didn’t have ADHD-experts checking (e.g. if the ADHD was present as a child / before the FMS). So I think they just have the shared symptoms of inattentiveness and perhaps restlessness. But that would still mean it might help to treat these the same way: with a dopamine-agonist like pramipexole or with methylphenidate. (In case you’re not drugged enough already… :-() Muscle tension and stress may be further shared symptoms… ADHD: tokens for concentration / motivation, relaxing… Nothing new, huh?
Did/does ADHD really fit?!

Day 6, Saturday, Week 1 of working 40%… Success :smiley: - CoV-contact :scream_cat:

OK - This week has proven that I can manage to stay at work again. But I will have to always keep on my toes. Hadn’t realized that yet, altho I’ve been doing it at night - but not at daytime.

I added quite a bit to my cryo-post last night: Heat & Cold therapy - 6+1 types (Cryotherapy)
I riskily stayed up till 12 for the first time in months, but made sure I slept 8h+.

My wife had contact to a colleague who has turned out yesterday to have CoV. The only thing they did right was talk less than 15 minutes… Got some fairly sharp talking to do, because one of her bosses (a doc!!) is not at all co-operative, supplying no testing, because she’s scared of losing money if they have to close… :money_with_wings: :moneybag: :money_mouth_face: :arrow_forward: :angry:

Feeling a bit chilly today after the first cold shower plus hot water bottle, the heating’s not working enough. So had to do 20 mins. housework, regardless of pain. OK not regardless, mixing some different kinds of movement.

Smalll surprise: My middle back right of the spine cramped: With arnica cream (Traumeel) :white_check_mark:. even stretching (only a bit on the left).

12:00 6th table tennis game with short breaks was a bit too much, so :arrow_forward: cold showering at last… :white_check_mark: still a bit nauseous. :arrow_forward: Breath-holding exercise. 3pm Still…
so :arrow_forward: keep under the sweet spot or at least stop as soon as I notice it’s too much, which today was right at the beginning of the sixth game. Nosestrip 3-5pm was a nice extra, but the ill-Ache is pretty high (3/4) in legs, arms, even fingers. So my feeling in the past was right just to rest, not to try to do something about it. But I should not try going over the sweet spot. Everything else is OK, but in table tennis it seems to be a fine line. Maybe hard to feel in the fun of the moment.
6pm Slow walk was OK, but the ill-Ache is still 4/5.
Maybe going to bed late has contributed, but the length of table tennis has got to stay my focus now. On Day 21, Nov 15, JayCS’s Fibro Blog, I overdid it and the double remedy helped, just the showering.
8:30 Ache 5, :arrow_forward: cold washing arms & thighs :white_check_mark: a bit better, 2/3. Still tired & stiff, just about managed back exercises…

Day 7, Sunday, Week 1 of working 40%

Sleep :smiley: :smiley: Just very stiff, despite back exercises first thing. :warning:
Elbow stabs, starting yesterday :arrow_forward: arnica cream.
IBSD after leaving off probiotics :white_check_mark:
Back cramps after arnica cream yesterday :white_check_mark:
How’s my blood pressure/pulse nowadays? :arrow_forward: measure all day? Starting at 120/70 + 55 :smiley: 130/80 after strain :slight_smile: 140/90 after a cold wash 130/80 15’ later, till 9pm, 115/65 + 60 9:45. (not taken blood pressure pills today, wife not amused… :face_with_raised_eyebrow: - yeah, I know. :slight_smile: - can’t help playing games…

Now this is interesting: I played 4 games of table tennis, stooping, no breaks, no problems. OK, it was very cold and we stopped 10’ to talk to a friend. But: no problems. Now 2 hours later, the Ache is coming on more and more, altho I haven’t done anything strainy after. Thinking back it was the same yesterday, I’d written 2/3 first, but changed it to 3/4 - probably wrongly - after it’d become 4/5. So for a start :soon: cold shower & praps breath-hold. And as from tomorrow do that before the Ache starts. Cold shower helped immediately :white_check_mark:
Ache & stiffness started again a bit after a fairly short but fairly active walk, but OK 3/4 :soon: cold wash :white_check_mark: for a while, but then still 2/3.

LOL, then let’s just blame Brian (whoever that is)! I must have had Super Duper Brian Fog on that day!
I hadn’t heard that almost half of all fibromites have ADHD. That opens up another whole can of wroms (Yes - I did that on purpose this time).

I hope your wife stays well - Why wouldn’t they supply testing for CoV? That is odd. Anyway, I do hope that all goes well with her heath, job & work staying open.


But remember I’d prefer to say that fibro-fog only looks like the inattentiveness of ADHD. All the same, trying similiar treetment is weare the wroms ciome inn…
Still no symptoms. Why no testing?: Money makes the world go round… in a short-sighted way. Sensibly of course, you’d think finding out quickly who’s got CoV and getting them out of the way would *save money. Hard for many money-people to think long-term… Mammon makes people nervous. We’re hoping the health office has the time to kick them - hard.

Day 8, Monday (Day 1 of Week 2 of 40% of Working)

Darn cold. Darn stiff. Connected? Better when warmer in the evening.
Sleep: :slight_smile: 9h, could have needed more. Harder getting up. Go to bed earlier earlier earlier. cold shower at 4am :white_check_mark:
Work: Ice cold, but half-kilt and gloves :slight_smile:. Body-cortisol helped against stiffness. :soon: breath.:white_check_mark:
Activities: Acupressure :smiley: Table tennis 4 non-stop relaxed games.

Marigold on everything on the skin :white_check_mark:, Traumeel on everything under it. :white_check_mark: Spasms :white_check_mark: Yoga :white_check_mark: IBSD better.
Breath-holding: 10’ sort of (shorter, cos of shuffle-running to get a train earlier back) :smiley:
Nosestrip: 4h :smiley:
Lying down: 15’ Legs up: 15’ Arms up: 8’ :smiley: (Stiff)

LOL - You win! :rofl:

Day 9, Tuesday (Day 2 of Week 2 of 40% Work)

Sleep: :slight_smile: 9h+, still could have needed more. Got to bed earlier. Sore throat. :arrow_forward: Hot Water Bottle, forgot.
Using essential oil (isn’t aggravating stomach) as well long-sleeve/3rd duvet for clotted nose :white_check_mark: No cold shower, despite some unrest, cos treatment-day: should’ve tried warm. Upper and middle back.
Work: :smiley: outside. Mostly with mask, still OK :smiley:
Activities: Dentist - nothing after! Too damp & dark for table tennis anyway. Just sitting talking n stuff. :smiley:

Essential oil for clotted nose :white_check_mark:
Breath-holding: Nope. Well I needed it tho, :arrow_forward: I did it a bit while eating, which worked a bit :white_check_mark:
Nosestrip: None. Lying down: An hour at the dentist’s. Legs up/Arms up: Hardly. Just lazy.
Dentist’s new idea: :arrow_forward: Dry mouth gel instead of drinking soy milk at night.

Day 10, Wednesday (Day 3 of Week 2 of 40% Work)

Sleep: :slight_smile: 9h, boss-bug-thoughts :arrow_forward: cold shower :arrow_forward: Hot Water Bottle :white_check_mark:
Work: 4.5h :smiley: Without nosestrip, but 3’ breath before, then 11’ cold wash & breath & arms & legs up :white_check_mark::white_check_mark::white_check_mark::white_check_mark:
Activities: table tennis 4 games non-stop, no problem, but :arrow_forward: stopped there :white_check_mark:
I kind of feel normal today! How strange! :smiley:
5:30 But suddenly I feel dead-tired and my wife says I look reaaally knackered. Even stranger!
6 Finished raw song ideas for singing/production lesson, fun, teach likes it. 8 Dead-tired. Sleep… :tired_face: :sleeping_bed:
Why?: Sleep and/or work just seemed OK.

:arrow_forward: Get dry mouth gel at night.
A***-burn again: More than 2 mouths full of fennel… :boom:
Yesterday CoV-quick check at the dentist’s was negative. :smiley:
Read today: Gurgling against CoV (saltwater, idiodine or essential oils in alcohol) is being officially propogated here as a household remedy by hospital-hygiene-boss :arrow_forward: Marigold essence :white_check_mark: :smiley:

Day 11, Thursday (Day 4 of Week 2 of 40% Work)

Sleep: :slight_smile: early. 2am Yukky body-feeling. Hated/hurt going in, cos dead-tired :arrow_forward: cold shower, but helped :white_check_mark: Slept 9h30, but still dead-tired.
Work: Forced myself up to get the earlier train, cos they’re often late at the moment, forced myself thru 2h of work with a lot of loud talking.
Pains/Treatment: Did everything: breath-holding & cold arms before, in between and after, acupressure was great, but after, it went on, so
Activities: I called off table tennis today and did NOTHING except mailing and posting, lying down resting.

Maybe there isn’t a cause I can find out, but my successes come from never assuming this, but looking for patterns instead, until I haven’t a clue. My acupressurist keeps on about weather changes and the moon and atmospheric stuff, maybe to stop me thinking too much. But that’s my asset, my strength. I can always give up later. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

In this case the clues are: :one: Going to bed at 12 Friday night :two: Playing too much table tennis on Saturday :three: More stiffness since Sunday :four: Ache starting up more on Sunday :five: Harder getting up, dead-tired since Monday. :six: Quick CoV-Test & dental cleaning on Tuesday. :seven: Boss-bugging Tuesday night. :eight: Feeling strangely normal on Wednesday, :nine: talking very long at work, :ten: then later suddenly dead-tired again, :bangbang: edit :one::one: due to very late train back on Thursday I had the choice between no lunch till 3 or cycling very quickly to get food and to therapy, I did the latter - and it worked out & was fun, but I extremely overdid it.
I’ve got better with table tennis and sleep, boss-bugging was only a bit, doesn’t feel as if those were the problems. I was thinking the tooth cleaning was the problem, but it doesn’t look like it in context. #1, 2, 6, 7, 9, 11 are aggravators and #3, 4, 5, 8 & 10 are consequences. The biggest unusual consequences is tiredness, the biggest, unusual and first aggravator after a very good and disciplined week is going to bed much later. But can sleeping later (but not less) really have such a big effect? Knowing my body: possibly.
Reason for staying up late was feeling strangely normal, like #8 on Wednesday. The other big new thing of course is the first week of working more, again feeling a bit normal. Hybris… My extreme self-discipline was used up by Friday. And I didn’t know what’d happen sleeping 2-3 hours later. Altho I do know that it’s usually better to go to bed 9:30 instead of 10.
Also it seems some of the pain comes a few hours or praps days later?
Singing yesterday at 6 was also too late, should’ve :arrow_forward: postponed or cancelled it, especially cos it made me want to get my new song idea prepared enough for it, so double whammy. And maybe even lying down zooming for an hour is a strain. After all I’m hungry for my teacher to say it’s a good song, however much I pretend I don’t care. (But it was rewarding him saying that this time and worth the effort & pains.) (My wife cried when she heard it, after saying she likes it, she said it sounds sad and is it another fibro-song?: Well, yes, spose so… O.o)
So :arrow_forward: Even more careful with all activities, plus especially bed time. :sleeping_bed:
:bangbang: Edit: And in case of late trains from work to therapy :arrow_forward: take nuts and other food to work with me.

:arrow_forward: No fennel, no pain. :smiley:

JSC, I’m sorry you woke up feeling yukky (btw, is that a wrod?)
Hope you had a good day, despite the yukkiness.
I’ve had a sore throat, sinus congestion, headache…Hoping it is just allergies, but idk. It is a yukky day here - the sky is dropping yukky rain - Bella has yukky eye boogers - My salad had yukky blue cheese in it - and my cold water became yukky and warm. Oh, and lots of yukky emails wanting me to spend yukky dollars because it is yukky Cyber week. I kind of like my new yukky wrod! :upside_down_face:

LOL - I’m not sure if yukky is true wrod, just plain dumbo, or a JayCreaShion… All both. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
Yucky is yuckier, but yukky is yukkier (= frustrateder :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:), both have their pros and cons…

One "yucky" 's stuck in my head:

A German family emigrated to Canada was visiting us in the UK and a 10yo kid was lying in - I think - my bed, I (5 years older?) was going to sleep somewhere else, and he cried “I hate it here, it’s a yucky place!” I tried to calm him, thinking: I know, I know, sorry, I want to get out of here, too…" That’s a sunny childhood for ya… :sun_with_face: His phrase helped me find a bit of humour in otherwise :cloud_with_rain: Big Yukkiness.

Hope yours and Bella’s H/ENT-yuk-problems get better :soon:.

YOWZIE! My head is spinning now! :scream: :exploding_head: :crazy_face:
Who knew they had an exploding head emoji? That’s kind of gross and YUKKY!

:laughing: Oh, I feel I’ve been using the exploding head quite regularly, haven’t got that much head left at the mo, it’ll have to grow again… explains a lot… You may have thought just by looking it’s a lop-sided red halo, but no… :rofl:

idk, JSC - It looked like a weird red hat until I read the description. I won’t be using it again. Now stop making fun of my bad eyesight already! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: And work on growing your brian/haed back! LOL

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Day 12, Friday (Day 5 of Week 3 Working 40%)

Sleep :smiley: :white_check_mark: Reset? Some burning joints (arnica?) and back (from lazying around :arrow_forward: yoga), plus both thighs (the right one was acupressured yesterday…) Managed not to cold shower yet, bc of therapy.
First doc, work later, breath-holding with legs/arms up 2x7’, cold arm wash 2x.
Not enough, still Ache 6 of 7. Won’t manage table tennis for the 2nd time in a row: Is this the beginning of the end of work?
:arrow_forward: Cold shower now, at 2pm, can’t wait any longer and the cryo & acupressure hasn’t helped this time.

The acupressurist asked if it were really the case that her treatment had backfired once or twice. Looked it up, it was on Day 26, the last work day of doing 20%, exercises that made me nauseous for a few hours, but on Day 25 I’d been at the dentists. :tooth: That could mean not only that I can’t count that treatment & week, but also that I can’t count this treatment & week either. I’d think that’d be no different if I weren’t working, it’s not the work, it’s the pain stress for my body at/after the dentists? My wife I asked if I didn’t want more pain relief there, but I know pretty sure from a few times where it didn’t hurt due to the injections, it’s not the pain I feel, it’s the injury my body gets, regardless of the apparent pain. (BTW I used to be the guy who never wanted injections…)

OK, going thru 20%, Weeks 1-4, I can see that
A) Week 1 & 4 were the toughest, both after dentist: Day 3 :soon: Problems to Day 8 except Day 7 and Day 25 :soon: Day 29=1 when acupressure helped.
B) The only other bad days were overdoing table tennis Day 18 :soon: Day 19 and 21 :soon: 22, and acupressure did then not help on 19 & 23.
And in Week 5, I overdid table tennis on Day 6, plus in Week 6 on Day 2 (=9) dentist altho I don’t seem to have recovered from table tennis yet. Is it the stooping, the non-stop playing and/or playing more than 4 games? The problem with table tennis has become that I don’t feel the Ache immediately any more. Perhaps I have to go back to square one here until I’ve found out if that makes a difference “in the medium run”… Can’t do much about the dentist… Acupressurist says try putting the appt. before therapy, but that doesn’t seem to work much??
Oh yes, not to forget: My wife said I overdid it on Day 3 (Week 5) staying at granddaughter’s for 3 hours, too.

OK, writing/seeing this puts me back into active mode. Hope it works:
5pm 20’’+40’’ cold shower :white_check_mark:
7pm cold shower 2 20’’ after zooming 1h+ :white_check_mark: :arrow_right_hook: Itchy skin: :arrow_forward: looking once again for a lotion my skin can tolerate nowadays… (Upper ri arm, lower back, thighs, face, in that order, was fairly OK, but took some time, bit by bit, to get all irritation down. Or is it sensible to do the whole body? And was the problem showering twice inside of 3 hours?)

Back cramp again during (3rd) back exercise :arrow_forward: Arnica cream, repeat: :white_check_mark:

Day 13, Saturday (Day 6 of Week 2 Working 40%)

I didn’t like the day numbering going thru my résumé, added a running total. Whoopsadaisy: Week 2, not 3.
Sleep :smiley: :smiley: - fairly long, and happy, energy, not stiff, no Ache! - despite looking into the comments (after blog-noting the itchy places) and seeing Maj.In.Supr.Spec. Bella of the LwFC has allowed me to write a song which my BrIAn immediately started with, so I had to do some recording and then a 3rd cold showering… :upside_down_face:
Energy! :boom: Keep it important! Me Room Flat Mac: Work Play.

Dancing O.o

2 squirrels playing on the leaf-barren cherry and hazel in front of our balcony… :slight_smile:
Oh dear, Cyber-Week & my singing teacher’ve plugged new sounds to buy and now looking for 'em for I’m dancing to progressive house and my heart is going up in the sky. Oh dear, keep it down, caaarefullll! :boom: Stooooop :x: Whew, frolicking paused. Tab’s still open tho, temptation. Oh dear, wrong wrod/trigger: Heaven 17, Brothers in Arms remix now… :boom: Frolic acid again… Where’s my limits… is anything hurting? Don’t know, don’t care… :partying_face: :man_dancing: When I came out of my room, my wife grinned and said our orange piglet Stuey wasn’t very pleased about Temptation, and she’s not sure what the neighbours thought thru all the open windows, but I obviously knew that song’s a smasher … :star_struck: (she didn’t know this brilliant remix from 1992 nor that the original is deliberately based on the Lord’s Prayer…)

OK 4x table tennis plus supermarket was too much: Ache! :arrow_forward: Cold shower, lotion on calves, breath-holding :white_check_mark: Ache down, but Stiff.
Cutting our piglets’ claws, the darkbrown harlequiny Harley suddenly struggled after he’d taken it easy: Ouch, blood, :drop_of_blood: OK after a few minutes, thankfully. That’s always been hard for me to hold 'em, but with fibro I could scream :scream:. :arrow_forward: Cold shower. :white_check_mark:
An evening (British/pre-)Christmas service (Carols & Lessons) with for me slightly uneasy social situations (people from work) - beautiful atmosphere, great readers & singers, but I wanted to leave quickly after.
A few hours later I can’t really say I’m Achy or exhausted or fatigued, just incredibly weary, energy’s gone.
Not sure if I can do anything about it, but at least I want to try :arrow_forward: cold showering again… Lotion on elbows… 2 minutes of pretend head banging… ah… another moment of normality. A few years ago Mother’s Finest came to our town and I and a woman next to me went totally berzerk for 90 mins, exploded :boom: with energy, they thanked us :pray:. Deep breath… Too much nostalgia for one day praps… :cry:.
Cold shower refreshed :white_check_mark: but didn’t fill me up with/return energy like it usually does.

Yoga on the toilet has stopped the pain there 3x today… :white_check_mark: Wasn’t that unsuccessful before??
Bit of pain in both hands: :arrow_forward: hand exercises and the cold shower :white_check_mark:

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You crack me up, JCS!!! Bella’s name has grown exponentially and appears to be quite majestic indeed. :upside_down_face: She is also impressed with your abbreviation abilities and happy that you are writing a song in her honor. She says you are now back on a first name basis (a fickle girl, indeed!). :dog:

PS: You must be on frolic acid - Careful, don’t injure yourself!

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JSC, do you really have a piglet named Stuey?! Will you post a pic?? Please?? :question:

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