JayCS’s Fibro Blog

Day 23 - Tuesday - survived the night well

I thought I wasn’t going to sleep well cos of feeling bashed and then bashing myself for forgetting the dentist and getting 2 focal seizures in the process. Despite my wife reminding me of Grace and Forgiveness and you AM defending me from myself … But Thanks - I went to bed a bit earlier and managed over 8h. Kept Remembering and diverting to less stressful things, used the 3rd blanket off and on for nose, warmth and pressure, as well as poking leg out for a bit of cold. Didn’t feel the need for a cold shower, but cold wrist-washing helped.
Missing appts: :arrow_forward: Set mobile-alarms for all appts. :arrow_forward: #1: pda, not my whim
(You know me well, AM, I was quick-task-switching answering mails without any other thoughts when I came home from table tennis, altho not many of them were pressing…)
Apparently forgot evening exercises :arrow_forward: set alarms (laptop & mobile) until it’s in my head.
Work went fairly well, talked without nosestrips for 4x20mins.
Cryo & Acupressure 90’ was very relaxing, not sure if there were any new miracles today…
She tried for cold feet, bladder, tonsils and breath/lungs. Hmm… :woman_mage:
(My wife doesn’t really like the thought of this being TCM, but has decided to just bless her for what she’s doing… :face_with_hand_over_mouth:)
But table tennis 5 games, relaxed with only 2 short breaks and no remedy necessary was pretty good, I think… No regrets or remedies later either. Night back exercises. Dentist is Thursday, Thursday, Thursday… :face_with_monocle:

Thanks!! Dead right! It’s also fun, teaching me self-care, self-efficacy, self-confidence. Ha! :sunglasses:

:smiling_imp: And … what about things drastic like my jaw ache on both sides which I thought was fibro-associated trigeminus and turned out to be root inflammations… only found out because I turn over each stone again and again… treble-quadruple-checking each symptom till I’ve got it…

You are so right about that, JCS! I have found that my jaw pain is due, not only to TMJ, but to bruxism, and I must wear a mouth guard at night to keep it under control (And to keep from cracking my teeth - a big problem for me). Also, the bruxism could be the partial cause of my tinnitus.
There is already a very long list of conditions that often go hand in hand with FMS (such as arthritis, IBS, anxiety, depression, etc…), but several of the conditions I have aren’t even on that list! (Which I feel must be the same for you.) Bravo on listening to your body better than anyone I know! :star_struck:

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Day 24 Wednesday

Sjögren’s-lip biopsy: Grade 2 = neither fish nor fowl, no further explanations or specifications. :arrow_forward: Rheum necessary. Don’t know if I should go on a Sjögren’s forum too? Not ready for that as yet.

“Grade of disability” = 50, :wheelchair: LOL. I’d got the card yesterday. Today they quashed the request to get 70. 50 saves me 4.5 hours of work per week, 70 would save me an additional 1.5 hours of work a week if I ever get to work full-time, half of that if half. Which are a drop in the bucket. That’s the only reason I’m doing it. Doesn’t save me much money. I’ll have to file a complaint to a social court if I still want to try to get 70. I was represented by an attorney from the trade union, who only talked to me on the phone once. She also didn’t take up my 2 main arguments (esp. my list of 20 limitations), without explaining that to me. Of course I am not disabled. I can do a lot of things. I’m just living life a lot slower. But I am. I can’t do a lot of things for long. And I’m not choosing to do them slower, I’m just trying to make the best of it. Which is easier for me than for my wife. It disables her more than me, I sometimes think.

Day 25 Thursday
Slept well. Managed to dispel 4 disturbing thoughts (incl. the letters) with a less disturbing one. :white_check_mark:
Nosestrip at work. :white_check_mark: (10’ before and 10’ after)
Achy after - videoing with sister (a bit, altho it’s balm for my soul), - singing, - dentist. Singing was better for breath, saved a breathing exercise :white_check_mark:, but Ache got worse. Singing lesson after that I did lying down :white_check_mark: After dentist and in between I rested, but even only 1x1 round of breathing helped :white_check_mark:

Hi, JCS.
Sjogren’s seems like it would be miserable to live with. And, seeing that other immune disorders can come with it, it is wise to see a rheumatologist. For several years, they classified my arthritis as “rheumatory,” although I did not have the R factor present in my blood tests. My inflammation was super high at times. They put me on Imuran, which I found out later, some doctors find to be too strong and damaging to the body, as there are alternative medications deemed to be safer. Long story short, my inflammation finally went down, and STAYED down! I’ve been off of the immunosuppressant for years now. Sadly, my arthritis continues to worsen, however.
I’ve had one of the handicap cards for my car for several years. When my Sciatica flares, it is a life saver! Good luck on your decision to pursue having the grade upped!

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Day 26 - Friday, 4th & last week of 20% work

Good sleep, despite a few creative thoughts and breaks.
Heard the blinds opposite go up slowly. :smirk_cat:
Clotted nose: :arrow_forward: heating on and :arrow_forward: long-sleeved top over: :white_check_mark: :white_check_mark: For daytime oxygen too!?
:soon: 10am I do seem to have more energy up to now.
Idea to use my sofa bed more to lounge around.
Arms weak & feverish :arrow_forward: Cold water over them: :white_check_mark: plus :arrow_forward: legs up, arms up & short nosestrip.
Next week I have to work 1h/d, but 3h on Thursday…! That’ll be interesting… :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :arrow_forward: Artificial breaks…
3:00 Nauseous after cryo & acupressure, because she started showing me turning exercises for the lower back, but they got on my transverse muscles as they always do and as I told her.
Table tennis is gonna be interesting :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_vomiting: OK I lost 3 of 4 games (no breaks!), but not my lunch. Plan :white_check_mark:
:arrow_forward: I’ll only try her exercises very carefully, when the nausea has gone.

Someone just wrote to me “With a little skill, you will also be able to manage your exertion as well as the ‘little things’ that were weighing you down.” I know it’s meant nicely and of course he has no idea of chronic pain. But it has made me think about where I will have to draw the line. And I answered “But I cannot maintain this level for a much longer time, unless my therapist succeeds in working one fundamental miracle…”
Interesting I’ve written that - is that really the bottom line of these first 4 weeks at 20% or am I just plain knackered cos it’s Friday?.. :pleading_face:
OK, I’m changing it: I am not sure if I can maintain…
Tried to rest now for over two hours, I thought that’d be enough - but the Ache’s going on and I think I’ve gotten cold, so I’m not sure if a cold shower is right now, preferring heat. Praps the acupressure backfired?..
8:30 Dared to cold shower all the same … :cowboy_hat_face: stumbled a bit… :man_in_manual_wheelchair: But nice ‘n’ warm now… playing our daily card game with my wife. Better; need to sleep, but not looking forward to it… and…
Work’s come up in the middle of the night. :roll_eyes: Try again…
Thought I’d have high blood pressure & pulse: Nope - 103/58, 52! Interesting.
:soon: Thoughts & noises. :arrow_forward: OK: Cold shower is now the only way out, a 20’’ thought flush. 3h later: :white_check_mark: !
Clotted nose: Again a bit more heat plus an occasional short cold ?flush :white_check_mark:

Is this the same “supplement guru” that wrote the upsetting words last time? You’re right - He has no clue… :crazy_face:

Nah, a relative - this week is good for clueless bashing me, it seems… :pleading_face:

Oh my goodness…relatives can be the WORST. Especially sister-in-laws who think they have exactly what you have and live a “normal” life…Need I say more??? I have found that it is no use talking to them about it. :neutral_face:

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Day 27 - Saturday, time to cuddle in, settle down, rest & praps think how I’m doing & where I’m going

First - making amends:

  1. I thought I’d lost a day, but had just counted wrong, set that right now, I hope.
  2. The supplement-guru is a doc whom my acquaintance, ‘Harry’, is following. This doc is just as limited and even more self-glorifying than Harry. I’m not saying they are wrong, the supp-regime is well thought up. So it was OK for me to spend quite a bit of money on it.
  3. Bella, bella, bella! The beautiful. The gorgeous. Like Sady Ann one of our forum-mascots… Can she forgive me?.. Ah, no, I’ll take this one over to the other thread… 2 hours later :white_check_mark:

12 Aching all morning, laughing & fooling around helped to distract tho. Grey outside. Table tennis?! :crazy_face: Best breathe first: 2x1 was a good help, table tennis 4-games-no-breaks was a good laugh in drizzle with everything wet, the ball was swooping like it was learning to fly.
But after it the Ache is coming back fully, 5/6 of 7.

OK: Where am I on Day 27 of working at 20%, 2 days before going up to 40%?
Did I manage 20% well, am I full of zip, raring to go up to 40%, no problem, sky’s the limit? Ehm, no.
At the moment I’m feeling so bad that I shouldn’t make a decision based only on this.
But it might be a better time to start calculating what makes sense than if I were feeling good.

The basics: As long as I’m trying and progressing, I’ll be getting full pay, more than enough, putting it aside.
If I could manage working 40%, then that’d be 50% work, +10% for being “severely disabled”, on disability it’d be +25%=75% pay. The most effective solution: 40% work for 75% pay! If I could.
If I don’t manage it up to 40%, I’m out and will get 50% disability pay. Less than these 40=50% is not allowed. Which is still just about enough, I don’t need much money, I have no car, don’t like going on holiday and my hobbies don’t cost much. And I could always work extra or for free if I wanted/needed to. Others in my job work 50% and get paid 50%, just because this job is otherwise too hard for them. And in the first five years I can apply to try working again.

I don’t want to work if that means overdoing it, making it flare up, “too much” - but how much is too much? (Why are you working altho it flares up?..if you are…)
And is it really the work which is causing the flares? And what about work is it?
Seeing as tho I don’t need to work, it should be giving me more than it’s taking.
It’s not giving me much. It’s OK, but I didn’t miss it and at the moment I’m getting used to it and it’s nice seeing everybody, but I don’t need it much inside. But I do like it a bit. I used to say I’d made it in to my dream job. But at the moment it’s not that.

Day 1 OK
Day 2 OK
Day 3 work tough; plus dentist
Day 4 Ache 6/7 from work, tt3.
Day 5 weary
Day 6 depressed
Day 7 Sunday good

Week 1: too tough.

Day 8 Ache 7, later 5/6 & seizures
Day 9 fresher, bit feverish
Day 10 quite good
Day 11 Success
Day 12 Weak but happy, Acu-success
Day 13 Acu-success
Day 14 Good, self-care

Week 2: Monday too hard, Tuesday & Friday just about OK.

Day 15 Good, but torso-Ache
Day 16 Energy
Day 17 Energy, posture
Day 18 Ache / ill 5 bc of work
Day 19 Work Ache 4 bc of work, later 5 despite therapy
Day 20 OK
Day 21 Overdoing it deliberately: Shower OK.

Week 3: Thursday & Friday too hard.

Day 22 Weary, cold wrists. Bashed.
Day 23 OK. Therapy did nothing.
Day 24 Not sure. Stirring.
Day 25 Achy after work, zoom, singing, dentist: too much.
Day 26 work ok, after therapy nauseous, then achy
Day 27 Ache 6…

Week 4: too tough, Monday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.

So: Week 1 was without nosestrips. 2 & 3 were OK. But 4 should’ve been an improvement.
Stress? That was more this week, feeling bashed by several people… Sleep worse than I thought? But no, I don’t think it was that much.
Initial worsening after Treatment? (has happened 1 or 2x) - that would mean tomorrow and next week should be brilliant? :partying_face: :sunny:
If not… :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain:
(Oops, “overediting” stopped me for 9 hours!)

Ache5/7 till the afternoon. 1h housework OK, but the limit, Ache5.
Then my anus started worsening :arrow_upper_right: praps from fruit salad (bits of orange?) yesterday. :arrow_double_up: cost me 3 h of sleep first, neither 3 lotions, nor cold, nor heat helped, nor distraction/self-hypnosis etc. :arrow_forward: cold showering, out of desparation, after having to cry out 3x :white_check_mark: :bangbang: Rest of the night OK: Right knee, left elbow :arrow_forward: arnica cream (Traumeel), cold water, hot water bottle. Elbow :white_check_mark: Knee: Continuing.

Day 28 - Sunday - still thinking. "Only OK"

9am: Ache seems better, despite the night, at least before strain.

Bad days of these 4 working weeks: 4; 1; 2; 4 = 11 of 28, almost 40%! And going up not down. And 8 further days which weren’t more than OK, meaning not-good. Which are 19/28 days = 68% not good. And none can be excempted as an exception: I will always have dentist stuff, bc of sicca: 2 more appts in Dec. I will always have to cope with people thinking they can bash me. I refuse to go down on singing or table tennis, I need them for my heart and soul. And I did manage table tennis 4+ every day but one. Singing was a challenge, but I think I can adapt there a bit more (always lie down when zoom-talking).
And how many days not feeling unwell? None. Last time I had that was when the cryo was helping more in the summer.
And what difference does work make, how many days would have been bad or not-good without work? Almost all not-good days were caused by work. But sleep might have been worse without work. Acupressure has vitally helped dry mouth, sleep, energy and heat balance.
I can’t compare to the week(s) before that easily, because the stage-fright might have made it a bit worse. But it wasn’t all easy before either, of course.
It does also depend on whether the acupressure will work any more wonders. I don’t think I can find anything essentially more else myself and there’s no other treatment down the pipeline.
Not quite true: Whilst I’m using cold water and quick breathing or breath-holding several times a day now, I’m still not doing the complete cold showering and 3 rounds of breathing exercise several times a day, not ever in combination, not as prevention, just as intervention, and even that not often enough. Not that I’m sure it’ll help, I just haven’t tried it enough, altho it always helps a little.
So what’s the plan?
3 cold showers, 2-3 breathing exercises every 24h. Starting :soon: = now.
Of course: Watching as ever. 3 cold showers might be too much for my skin, so best short first.
Cold shower #1: 1am, #2 5pm (40’’+20’’).
Breathing exercise #1: 5:30pm
I now feel good & fit, with more energy, despite Ache, stiffness, feverishness, feeling ill.
Poses the old question: How far can I ignore this ill feeling without it getting worse…?
Haven’t been lying down enough today: Haven’t been at work either! :arrow_forward: Do so.
What if it was the treatment on Friday that made this week(end) flare up more?

Got to know another female fellow cold showerist after the service this morning. Long showers tho. Have to ask her next week if she does the Wim Hof breath-holding exercise too.

Day 1 of working 40% - Monday - ‘ill’ till acupressure

Cold showers: 1) 2:40am 20’’,
Breath-holding exercise: 1) 10am 11’ 2) 6:40pm 7’
Nosestrip: 10:15-12:15
Lying down: 10am 20’ 11:30 10’ 5pm 20’ 6pm 20’ 6:40 7’
Legs up: 11:30 10’ 6:40 7’
Arms up: 11:30 5’

Focus on work-energy for 1 month. Reduce every bit of work I can, no work-extras any more, I need all I have. Just keep on as long as I can. If need be, try to prolong the 40% into Jan. Because once I’m out, I’m out for 6+ months. So if need be, also reduce everything outside of work for one month, too, praps even table tennis and singing :frowning: :grimacing: :exploding_head: :worried: :astonished: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :angry: :rage: :tired_face: :weary: :disappointed: :persevere: :confounded: :sob: :anguished: :pleading_face:

Cryo+Acupressure was great, as long as it lasted and for a time after, still pretty good 4h later.
She said: no, keep table tennis and singing, as self-caring as I can.
And cold showering best not today, to not spoil the acupressure…

This is interesting thought, JCS. I don’t believe it is just the “work” that exacerbates the symptoms of FMS. I think it is everything that goes along with the “work.” Getting ready for work, stressing over how late I will be (due to fibro slowing me down), dealing with the pup before work, driving to work in traffic (Good news - The stressed caused by all of this is gone, in my case, since I’m working from home), however, there is some depression from being here alone all day (except for Bella the Magnificent -LOL). Then…stress caused by clients, co-workers, deadlines, unending data entry, etc…, etc…, all make my FMS worse. I do, however, enjoy my job for the most part - I hate that we use a computer program that seems to make everything take longer…(but that’s a whole different conversation).
My hubby has said that he will support my decision when I feel that my body can’t do it any more, but he fears that I will just “give up.” He doesn’t quite understand that I “give up” on the weekends because my body needs to recharge and desperately needs the rest. Or, maybe he’s starting to understand - He tries. Anyway, your post did help me to analyze my own “working” issues…TY :blue_heart:

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Day 2 of working 40% - Tuesday

Sleep was OK, better earlier: :soon: eat earlier. :white_check_mark:. :arrow_forward: Focus 21:30.
Feverish from work :arrow_forward: Focus in acupressure. But fun.
Activities OK: Table tennis 4 games, further song-recording (singing standing up, but listening to it and talking about improvements in the singing lesson all lying down), housework in piecemeal.

:arrow_forward: Focus further on more of what is helping:
Cold showers: Better none till :one: 23pm :white_check_mark:. Wrists: :six:x, :arrow_forward: washing thighs: :two:x (good!)
Breath-holding exercise: :one: 12:15 9’ (sitting in train: better :arrow_forward: download video for offline) :two: 6pm 11’
Nosestrip at work: Mainly outside, unneccessary then, but 1-3pm = 2h
Lying down: :one: 9am 10’ :two: 1pm 20’ :three: 2-3pm 1h :four: 6pm 10’ :five: … = 1h40
Legs up: 9am 10’ 2pm 10’ = 30’
Arms up: 10’

Cryotherapy & Acupressure success monitor:
:white_check_mark: mouthdryness; sleep; heat, leg strength better; plus now breath.
:arrow_forward: Feverishness, Ache, arm strength, exhaustibility, full strength…

AM, thanks for sharing your analysis! :slight_smile:

How many minutes or hours can you work before the FMS flares? What symptom(s) do you usually notice first? And how do you manage to continue working all the same?

How do you cope with video conferences? Do they help the depression, but stress the anxiety?

On a similar note you once said going to the grocery store causes it to flare too - what is it there? For me, grocery stores used to be a strong social phobia issue. I still prefer to keep it short (>30’) and frequent. Possible because we live between two (organic supermarkets) which each takes 5’ by bike or foot - luxury compared to American distances, I bet. :slight_smile:

And btw: I’m happy to hear you’ve only been talking about Her Undisputed Majesty, Bella, and being alone - sounds as if the daughter & dog-problem is “solved”? :slight_smile: - probably by her going back into her dependency…? :frowning:

You are SO smart & intuitive, JSC! (but, don’t let it go to your head - LOL) Yes, daughter (& her dog) is back with boyfriend, who swears “this time” (what - the 4th time?) he will change - He will actually get help to change. Who knows? I told myself that I would step back from this emotionally charged situation, and I will. I will be supportive when daughter needs it, but she must fight her own battles and make her own decisions.
Grocery store issues - I’m not a fast shopper and have foot problems, so, the next day after shopping, it hurts to walk and that pain seems to set off the FMS more. Plus, it is extra energy put out that day that my body didn’t have left (if that makes any sense). Thankfully, hubby does bulk of grocery shopping and I can order other items we are low on, online.
As far as, how long I can work before I flare, idk. Usually, if I’m working 8 hr days, by Thursday, my r. hand is hurting (I keep a brace on that wrist/arm when I type) and by Friday the hand is pretty fried. Since my pain never goes below a 2 (on a scale of 1 to 10), it is difficult to know what to call a “flare.” A bad flare for me would be a day that my body says “Do NOT get out of this bed,” and I’m hurting from head to toe (rating a 6+ on the same scale). Then, if a working day, I WILL get out of bed and take my meds, doing my best to carry on through the work day (obviously slower than usual).
How do I work, all the same? Without my meds, it would not be possible. Also, the epidural injections & nerve blocks, that I get occasionally, help to quiet my body. So, my heart goes out to others on this site whose bodies won’t tolerate medication. My pain management doctor seems amazed that I continue to work full time.
I don’t usually have to deal with video conferences, thankfully! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Day 3 of working 40% - Wednesday

Sleep: OK, but nervous/tense. :arrow_forward: Try for bed at 21pm.
Work (new stuff today): happy but… *
Activities: Table tennis 4 OK. Granddaughter, incl. cycling 45’: Achy.

Focus on helping:
Cold showers: :one: 4am. Wrists: :one: :two: 10:50 :three: 12:30
Breath-holding exercise: :one: 10:50 11’ :two: 1pm 11’ (great!)
Nosestrip at work: 9:30-1pm = 3.5h
Lying down: :one: 10:50 10’ :two: 1pm 11’ :three: 5:45- :four: :five: … =
Legs up: 10:50 10’ 1pm 11’, 5:45
Arms up: 10:50 8’ 1pm 8’.

(Cryotherapy & Acupressure success monitor:
:white_check_mark: mouthdryness; sleep; heat, leg strength better; plus now breath better.
:arrow_forward: Feverishness, Ache (even waking up), arm strength, exhaustability, rest strength…)

Inspired by our work-symptom analysis/thoughts:
Directly after about 40’ of work (talking a lot today, inside), I am happy/relieved, but feverish and shaking little, the Ache is starting 3/4 after 15’: :arrow_forward: cold wrists & breath-holding 11’ helped. Ache/stiff 3/4 of 7 again at 1pm: cold shower.

6:40 Pain in tissue under chin - had that quite often a few months ago. Now I think: :arrow_forward: eat/drink. :white_check_mark: Bed 9:30 almost :white_check_mark: :wink:

Hi, JCS.
It sounds like your body is still having trouble adjusting to working again (although, I can tell that you enjoy what you do and, also, interacting with others). That’s understandable. I wish I could say it gets easier, but, maybe it is more like you become accustom to it, and that gives you the ability to deal better with it over time. But, since every day is different, depending on the severity of FMS/arthritis/anxiety issues (for me), each day has its own challenges. On top of that, other factors, such as a sudden change in the weather, can play a nasty part in the “Let’s make it through the work day” game… And, on top of that, if you’re under the weather with allergies, a cold virus, headache or stomach problems, etc., the day can be pretty much impossible to get through. It is good that you’re taking work in small doses & building up to what your body will tolerate. Hang in there! Just like “normal” folks, each day will have its own tests, roadblocks, demands…But, for those of us with FMS, can we bear for the scales to be tipped that extra little bit?
If you have intuited from this post that I’m having an “off” day, you’re right. Very tired. At least it is a short work week, here in the U.S., with a “mostly” low key holiday ahead… :slightly_smiling_face:

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Day 4 of working 40% - Thursday: work treble whammy :bangbang: :bangbang:

Sleep: surprisingly very good! :arrow_forward: Trying for 9pm ending in 9:30pm was good, 9h net.
Work: 3h :exclamation: happy :exclamation: but… : Feverish & achy :arrow_forward: 1.5h therapy: cryo & acupr :white_check_mark:
Activities: Table tennis 4x nonstop, but very relaxed. Cleaning 20’. Granddaughter & son 1h30 :bangbang:

Cold: :one: shower 7:30am :two: 1pm cryo :three: wrists: 9:25 :four: 11:30 :five: 4pm :six: 7pm :seven: thighs 21:40
Breath-holding exercise: :one: 8:35 11’ :two: 9:20 11’ :three: 10:20 7’ :four: 11:20 11’ = 40’ (great!)
Nosestrip at work: 8:30-10am = 1.5h (:arrow_forward: Have 1+ in reserve…)
Lying down: :one: 9:25 11’ :two: 11:20 5’ :three: 1:15-2:45 1.5h :four: 5:45 5’ :five: 6:30 30’ :six: … = 2:15
Legs up: :one: 8:05 5’ :two: 9:25 10’ :three: 11:20 5’ :four: 12:00 10’ :five: 5:45 5’ = 30’
(btw: Legs up 5’ ‘while’ working with people, too :scream_cat: - that’s freedom!)
Arms up: :one: 9:25 8’ :two: 11:20 5’ :three: 12:00 3’ :four: 1pm 8’ :five: 5:45 2’ = 25’

(Cryotherapy & Acupressure success monitor:
:white_check_mark: mouth dryness; sleep; heat, leg strength better; breath better.
:arrow_forward: Feverishness, Ache (even waking up), arm strength, exhaustability, rest strength…)

After all this a bit feverish and shaky, Ache 2-3 :arrow_forward: cold wrists :white_check_mark: , :arrow_forward: cold thighs :white_check_mark:

Day 5, Friday - first week of working 40%: “Do It Now”:bangbang: Success story :bangbang:

Sleep: :slight_smile: 9h = full length, but superficial due to good ideas. :crazy_face: :white_check_mark:
Being up 50’ made up for no back ex. before sleep…: Lucky, not clever… :arrow_forward: Earlier, 8:30pm!
Work: :slight_smile: 1h with new nosestrip (transparent, for dry skin), one in reserve. :white_check_mark:
Activities: Table tennis 6 games with breaks :white_check_mark: :arrow_forward: torso! Cleaning 20’ :white_check_mark: Singing 30’ :white_check_mark:
:arrow_forward: Drink more, earlier (calves a bit at night) :white_check_mark:

Measures (Zero tolerance: Doing everything as soon as possible):

Yesterday I put in the :one: :two:…-numbers for extrinsic motivation - Smileys today.

Cold: No shower yet. Wrists: 10:40 :slight_smile: , 11:10 :slight_smile: , 12:25 :slight_smile: . Thighs: 10:40 directly after work :smiley: :arrow_forward: torso…
Breath-holding exercise immediately after work: 10:50 11’ :smiley:
Nosestrip at work: 9:00-11:00 2h :smiley_cat: (nosestrips just feel great every time I use them :slight_smile: )
Lying down: 2:30 :slight_smile: Legs up: 30’ :slight_smile: Arms up: 12’ :slight_smile:

(Cryotherapy & Acupressure success monitor:
:white_check_mark: mouth dryness; sleep; heat, leg strength better; breath better. :smiley_cat:
:arrow_forward: Feverishness, Ache, arm strength, exhaustability, rest strength…)*
Cold feet: :arrow_forward: Kneading top of ear (inside) :x:, so: pat/beat thighs outside, top to knees :white_check_mark:?

Why zero tolerance/“Do It Now” just for night pains :interrobang: :fast_forward: Same during and after work :bangbang: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Forgot: to cold wash my torso after table tennis. :arrow_forward:
Middle back, despite 20’ back yoga: :arrow_forward: Even more back exercises.

Spasms in middle back, right of the spine, for months now when exercising or stretching: :arrow_forward: Arnica cream.
Probiotic bacteria have been making my IBSD worse for a month despite psillium: :arrow_forward: Leave them.