Just Fibro Fatigue?

For several weeks I have had no energy. My arms and legs feel so heavy. My primary doctor did some blood work last week and although I haven't went back for my follow up, the nurse called and told me that blood work was good. (I was hoping for low iron or something simple). Now I am worried that it is just the fibro moving to a whole new level.

Also a new symptom is the pins and needles feeling in my toes and fingers. I've had a little of this in the past, but the past month it is unbearable.

Has anyone had a sudden drop in energy that just wouldn't bounce back?


Hi Kel,

I agree with Lovett, it might be a good idea to ask about seeing a Neurologist. I have pins and needles, more like electrical shocks, basically everywhere but started in my hands and feet and I was diagnosed with Neuropathy. Some of the Fibro meds such as Gabapentin are sometimes used to treat this as well. It IS hard to tell what is Fibro and what might be something else so checking with your doctor is always a good idea. Re fatigue, I take vitamin B12 (with my doctor's knowledge) and it seems to help, along with the Gabapentin (clears my head more). Also, have you had a change in your sleep pattern / quality? That sometimes effects me, when I have a decrease with sleep. Hugs, I hope things get better soon.

Hi Kel

yes, but i have a severe case of chronic fatigue immune dysfunction syndrome as well as all the other stuff. I agree with lovett and Auburnms suggestion to see a neurologist. and checking your meds that could add fatigue. wish you all the best HUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGS
