I just moved to the Greenville, SC area.
Need a GP Doctor that is good with fibromyalgia patients.
I had a decent Dr. Where I lived, but he really didn’t have a lot of
Knowledge in this area. And it seems over the last few years, regardless of what they say, this FM has progressed. Need someone that will work with me and help me cope the best I can.
Hi Melody! First of all good luck on your move and new quest to find a doc. I can suggest going to the fibromyalgia network website and they have referrals in every state. They will send you a list i’m. In Az or I could help a lot more!! I have an amazing doctor! And it took 25 years to find the right one! They’re. Referral list is from patient feedback so they have good experiences they put the doc on the list. The site is www.commenters.com or you can call 800-■■■■■■■■ they will send you a list pretty fast no charge good luck! Hopefully This helps! Blessings! Barbara. (Kittycat6)
sorry… the site is fibromyalgia network.com