Lost in a thick fog

I feel so lost all the time. This fog wont let up. I can't deal with conflict or hard things. I haven't work in over a year now. I can only do basic things most of the time. People talking too much or too long put me in a frenzy. Loud noises or strong smells bother me. I don't drive much unless I have to. My brain feels like mush. I'm shutting myself off from the outside more and more. Sometimes it feel like everything goes white and I cant see, but I am still seeing. Just feels like I cant. Been waiting on my appointment with the neuro Dr for weeks now. My Dr office is still trying to get me in. Then I will have to wait a few months on top of that. No relief in sight. The fibro pains are at a minimum most of the time. Still not sleeping well. The Dr office gave me Namenda to take to see if it will help my brain, but I don't want to do anything that will mess up the neuro Dr making a diagnosis or giving me help, besides Namenda is for Alzheimers and my MRI didn't show that to the MRI dr. Just want to cry but I know that doesn't change anything so why bother. I think I will just go back to bed today.

Hello Debra!

Sorry to hear thingS with Fibro aren’t going well. I’m new with my diagnosis but can relate to the frustration and not being able to manage the symptoms and feeling total loss of control. For what little this can help you, relaxation and meditation exercises have help me a lot. I’m also trying alternative methods such as Quiropractic, brain excersices (basically Tetris kind of games) and lots of reading and education.

There are days I feel I will go crazy…but then realize I’m more than this condition! Please know you are not alone! Positive vibes your way!!


Hang in there. I am sorry you are having to wait to get the appointment.

I understand this completely.. I was recently diagnosed and on a daily basis I want to be alone because of me being unable to cope with my teens horseplaying, or talking loud. Noises yep.. can not stand it and feel like I will explode at any minute.. Just recently, I have not been driving alone. For the most part, a family member will take me or ride with me.. I found this support group and feel blessed that I can talk with others that are going through the same stuff. New to this site :)


I know what you mean when you say you can't deal with conflict or things that seem hard either. And I understand when you say people who talk too much or too long put you in a frenzy. I shut them out when I can't listen to them for even 1 more second! I find that these are stressors for me and when I get stressed my pain level shoots right up there to a 10 and higher.

I am sorry for the other issues you are having as well. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. If you ever need to talk I'm here for you. Please remember you are not alone.

Jackie S

Thank you for your responses and support. Its nice not to be alone. I started the Namenda a few days ago. Hope it will help. Its all I can do till I get an appointment with the neuro Dr. The office has called several times and still have not got a time for me. Looks like it could be months. I have to keep things simple. My head feels so full and my focus is terrible. Just trying to hang in there. What else can ya do. Thanks again for your support

I can relate to this. My fibro fog get's so bad sometimes, it's depressing. It's enough to make anyone want to go crazy. The other day, I was at a new student orientation at the college I'm attending this fall semester. I didn't expect to be divided into groups and participate in activities, but that's exactly what happened. And while that's cool and all, for someone with severe fibro fog issues, it is pretty embarrassing. I got put on the spot and felt like an idiot. I hate it when stuff like that happens.

People just don't understand. My kids will joke at it trying to lighten the mood, but sometimes that backfires and I get tearful and depressed. If anyone talks about negative things or just being negative I go into hypermode in my brain and feel like running away. I required peace and quiet and simple things right now. Still no call of a set date for my neuro appt. I am so disappointed. Not sure what I hope will happen with the Dr visit though. Guess I don't want to think about that. Sorry for your fibro fog. Hope things will be great at school for you

Dearest Debra, I so relate to Almost every thing that you describe here and it makes me so sad I fight and fight to be normal

I just wanted to let you know I am appreciate you writting and explaining your life as I just can't get my brain and fingers to

cooperate the Constant Brain Fog Flares, headaches and not being able to stay focused frustrates me and makes it so difficult to put my feelings on paper but I am not going to give up I'll keep pushing forward and reaching out and being grateful with the half full glass as best as I can .. Hope your day isn't too bad!! Gentle Hugs Bobbye