Medical Marijuana

I'm really curious to hear about any experiences with Medical Marijuana. Has anyone tried it for their Fibro symptoms? Has it helped? I am in Texas where it is not yet approved, but am still curious about its efficacy. Please share any insight you may have. Thanks. And Gentle Hugs.

-Cassie Baxter @FightFibroNaturally

Hi Cassie

It is not approved here either. Their are some members here where it is approved they may be on shortly. If you go to the top right search and put in marijuana or medical marijuana you can see the past discussions

I think its kind of a mixed lot some say it helps and some say it doesnt since we are all different i think it depends on the bodys reaction

Their are probably other members with the same question thank you for posting


hi.. not legal in NY either. as the others said there is a lot of mixed opinions. as far as most treatments go , there is no one size fits all. Some people get relief from symptoms while others have symptoms that are exacerbated.. all the best. huggggggs

I tried the sativa. It didn't do a thing for the pain.It made me exercise and run around the house and then the pain got worse. I need to find where I can get the other kind, which is specific for pain: indica, and I'd like to try that.

Thanks for the insight NIR. Let me know if you do try the indica. I would love to hear how that works for you. :-)

Thank you everyone for the replies. I, too, have heard mixed results. I do think that it depends on the person and the type. My understanding is that there are several types available for medicinal purposes. Again, thanks for posting. Gentle hugs!

I know this is old but Im new and just came across it. The indica strains, and indica dominant hybrid strains do tend to help the most. I posted on another mmj post here that I’m happy to discuss my mmj experience and knowledge with anyone more privately. Well wishes to all.