Medical weed?

have anyone tried medical weed fo pain mangement? a doctor that i seen this morning asked have i tried it because there was nothing that he could give me because ive tried everything, so if any one has tried it does it help or hurt fibromyalgia? thankx in advance for your relpys,, and HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!

I personally haven’t gotten a medical marijuana card but have thought about it. I have heard that it helps with a lot of people who suffer from pain. There are many strands that will help with different things. The people at the dispenseries are very knowledgeable and would pick what is right for you. I would definatly try it and see how it works for you! If you do, let me know what you think! : ) Lisa

I have tried weed, and different strains do different things. I've nver found it helped much with my pain, but it's great for anxiety.

WORD OF CAUTION THOUGH: If you are on Lyrica DO NOT SMOKE WEED. I didn't know that the two interacted and had a little weed at a party of a friend, because then I can get through a party without freaking out. I had just started lyrica, and I had a VERY bad "trip" off of it which was scary as hell and left me feeling awful for days. I ended up researching it, and people who like to hallucinate apparently like to order Lyrica from Canada and do weed for the "extreme psychedelic effects". Let's just say as long as I'm on lyrica, I am staying FAR away from the green stuff!

Unfortunately, I live in Indiana. No medical weed here! :frowning: I almost wish there were, I think I’d rather be on that than all the opiates and narcotics I’m on.

When I lived in Michigan I used Med Weed. I have to say it was very helpful. I also used some tincture of it with honey that really helped the relaxing of the muscles. I am pro weed!!!! But with all meds it doesn't work for all.

My doc would not write a script for it and said she's seen too many people in her practice who have problems from it. She also claimed there's nothing showing any pain relief help from pot. But you know what? If you can legally access it, why not give it a shot, if you know it won't interfere with anything you're currently taking? Really, there's only one way to find out if it works or not. And since it's legal in your state...

Oooooh, now that's a scary interaction. Are you okay now? It sounds like the hallucinations were extreme and took quite a while to get rid of their "memories." SO glad you mentioned this possibility...everyone should be aware of it, as many of us are on Lyrica.

Hi Pynkmynk. I live in a medical weed state. My son uses it for crohn's disease and it helps him. I have a friend who has lyme's and she uses it. I have tried it, and it does help with relaxation. Didn't help with pain for me. I did use it with Lyrica and had no problem. It's a big step for me to go get the medical marijuana card. I'm afraid I would become addicted to it very quickly. I was a teen in the 70's and my friends and I used it quite heavily. It was very hard for me to quit or even reduce. Use it cautiously. I know it's green, but it's still medicates and can cause problems too.

There’s always Marinol for those who are not in legal states. Just saying

It helps the pain, and helps you sleep. Good luck, hugs Charlie

It's not addictive in the same way tobacco is. It might be habit forming, but there is no withdrawel. Much safer than percs, etc. I think if it helps you should use it, hugs Charlie.

I have a few friends who swear by it. I am not too sure since as I remember it was a sleepfest for me. I am very much enjoying the entertaining show Weeds...

A lot of clinics will not do medical weed and prescription meds together.