Missing my Poppy (grandfather)

Last nite my grandfather passed on his way to hospice. He passed in the ambulance I thought I was prepared but I couldn’t ever prepare myself for this kinda pain! Im stressed out so my body is giving me fits:( keep me in your prayers please thank you!

I'm so sorry for your loss, Amberlyn. You are right ... you cannot prepare for something like this. I thought I was prepared when my mother passed (she had been sick a very long time). And, I wasn't prepared at all. It's been four or five years now that she has been gone, and the pain in my heart has lessened somewhat. There is really nothing I can say to make you feel better, although I wish there was. All I can say is ... time heals wounds. Corny saying, but it is true. Stay strong, keep the memories, be patient, and say prayers. I will pray for you also.

Thanks so much

Hi Amberlyn,

I'm so sorry about the loss of your Poppy. Loving someone deeply is such a wonderful thing but when they're gone, oh it can be dreadful to feel the loss! How to explain to yourself that they are not coming back? We take for granted in our lives that the people we love will be there for us but sooner or later that changes. And it's so, so hard to accept.

Your Poppy was so blessed to have had you as a granddaughter, as your love for him shows. You gave him a better life with your love. Having the love of a child or grandchild makes things much easier to bear. You know there is someone walking through life with you, offering their hand when you need it. Your Poppy may be gone now but he always had the knowledge that you were there. What better of a gift can you ever give someone?

Pain takes time to heal. There's no set length of time it takes to move beyond the pain and into good memories, you just have to take it at your own pace. Right now, your pain is because of your deep love for your Poppy, so it's normal to feel all of that grief. Go ahead and feel it, Amberlyn. But try to make things easier for yourself in other ways to accommodate for the fibro. Instant dinners, if possible, for instance.

I wish I had the right words for your loss...other than I'm sorry for your loss. Please take good care of yourself right now. Your Poppy would definitely want that for you.



Thank you so much for your words! It means a lot

Amberlyn,I know the hurt lost my sister in nov of 2012, there is know way we can prepared this,just try to be kind to yourself

Thank u oh I’m sorry to hear that

Amberlyn, I am so sorry for your loss, I don’t think we can ever be prepared to loose someone we love. Your grief and pain will be hard because you loved him. The loss of a loved one causes us tremendous stress and we know how stress reacts with fibro !
I have been through it, twice in the last year in a half, first my dad, then my brother… It’s still hard, you have to take care of yourself even more so now than ever.
I will for sure pray for you to have the strength to Handle the pain both physical and emotional and you deal with the loss of your grandpa. I’m so very sorry ! It is an awful pain !
Hugs & blessings

Thank you its hard but im trying to stay strong its doing a number on my body

Hi Amberlyn, Just wanted you to know you are in my thoughts and prayers. So sorry for your loss, always cherish the good memories you have. Gentle hugs to you and your family, xoxo Robin

I am new to this group, but I feel for you and I am so sorry for your loss. I have suffered the loss of both parents and my brother, and it is hard! Please keep in mind that the pain will lessen over time. Please try to take some extra time for you - bubble baths, naps, rest, etc...

Thanks i’ll do that because stressin my self out ill try to give myself extra me time

Oh Sweetie,

I'm so very sorry! As much as we think we're prepared, we never are. For the loss, or the stress it puts on our bodies. Please remember to take care of yourself.

You're in my prayers.

Renie ♥

Thanks so much

I'm sorry for your loss and my heart and prayers go out to you. just please remember to take care of yourself. I know at this time it is hard to think of yourself, but I believe he would want you to take care of yourself. I will be praying for you.