Muscle Spasms / Pain

Mom52, I just wanted to see how you are doing? Have you made an appointment with your physician? Also I wanted to mention you please be sure you discuss the addition of any of supplements mentioned here with your physician. It’s important to remember even though they are natural, doesn’t necessarily mean they are safe.

Hope things are looking better for you!



The exact same things started happening to me several weeks ago. The addition of calcium and magnesium help somewhat. I have not yet found a way to eliminate the spasms. I never knew the bottom of my foot would spasm! Pain pills and muscle relaxers don't seem to help, at all.

I am feeling better the muscle spasm are gone. I still have numbness in my foot. It’s weird! On parts of it, feels like my foot has been asleep and is waking up. Been that way since spasms have started… I haven’t called my dr yet because I have been feeling better. I didn’t want to try everything at once so I did the hot baths with Epsom and started eating more potassium. That seemed to do the trick for the spasms. Not sure about the numbness, just glad spasm are gone.
Hugs to all,
Mom 52

I hurt in different places everyday or I will hurt in one or two spots for several days and wake up and be totally ok in that area and hurting in another. Fibromyalgia is the strangest most ridiculous disease ever. You are not alone. Confusion abounds!

Lilly, I have experienced a lot of what you have. Every time something new happens, it catches me off guard. Then, I'm in a panic. You would think by now, that I would know to question whether it was Fibro. or not, but I'm totally clueless. I have been dealing with bad chest pain that normally is located in the center of my chest, occassionally it goes under my arm and around to my shoulder area. With it I experienced fatigue and shortness of breath. This lead to me being hospitalized twice this year. Recently, I have been experiencing the muscle spasm and leg weakness. It never crossed my mind that it could be Fibro. My shoulders hurt, my legs kill me and my chest makes me feel as if, I'm having a heart attack. Sometimes, the bottom of my feet hurt. IS ANYONE ELSE EXPERIENCING SOME OF THE SAME SYMPTOMS, esp. the chest pain?

Lilly said:

I hurt in different places everyday or I will hurt in one or two spots for several days and wake up and be totally ok in that area and hurting in another. Fibromyalgia is the strangest most ridiculous disease ever. You are not alone. Confusion abounds!

I have these same issues! I get muscle spasms that move around my body- sometimes they will even stay in one spot for a month and go off a few times a day. My pain also moves around my body. My pain areas are mainly in my arms and chest. Im sorry you are going through this.

I feel the exact same pain! i have been looking for someone that also has this pain! My fibro pain moves around my body but I find it mainly in my chest, or at least that is where is concerns and bothers me the most at. I have gone to the doctor 5 times just for my chest pain alone and each time they tell me it is nothing and prob just part of the fibro. I also get the on and off spasms. I know your post was from 2015 so hopefully you find this. How are you feeling now? What do you do about your pain? Thanks

Hi, I’m brand new here. My pain level forced me to reach out for support. I’m glad I found this site. I’m 41. Married, mom of 2. I’m on disability, but still work a few hours a week. Diagnosis: Fibro, chronic migraine disorder, bipolar nos.
To when I woke up, I couldn’t sit up or walk. I had to slide to floor and crawl. It took 20 minutes to get my body to stand.:disappointed: does anyone else’s body “lock up” while you are sleeping? I’ve been up for 6 hours, took pain killers and using heat, and it still hurts to move. I’m feeling very discouraged.

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Ok, made me feel

If the original writer reads this, or anyone looking for help with muscle spasms, here’s what worked for me: add dark chocolate, milk cheese or yogurt, and almonds to your diet. Basically, make sure you get enough calcium and magnesium, lack of can lead to spasms and cramps. And the chocolate, dairy, almond thing isn’t too hard to take if you can eat them! Once the spasms get better, then gently stretch however works best for you. And hang in there- it can get better, it really can. Best wishes to you all from DJ

Thanks, I will try that.