What is your WORST Fibro symptom?

Of all the things this involves, I would have to say the muscle spasms are the worse! Yes, I take pharmaceutical grade cal/mag/d3, multis, potassium... and I still get them, and they are never confined to one area, the worst ones are the entire body ones, it will start usually in my foot, leg or side and just follow the leader. I always hope that I never get the bad ones when I have the grand kids, I don't want to frighten them!

I don’t know if mine are spasms exactly but its the burning shoulder pain. No matter how I sit or move or whatever it doesn’t get better. I also have one spot on my left thigh that is numb but itches all the numb. It makes me crazy!

Fatigue is my worst one. Muscle spasms run a close 2nd. When the lupus and arthritis join in the pain is the worst.

Crushing pain in my back and SI joint. I'm not sure of the cause of them, though (osteo?), but they are awful. I do think that the new pain in my neck/upper back is spasms, which is different than the bone grinding in my back.

I also have one spot on the back of my left calf that always feels like I just got out of a muscle spasm but the muscle is still all stiff and funky. It's felt that way since my last meal delivery route, and I think it got started there because I used to put more of my weight on that leg/spot because my other knee was so bad all last winter.

I think we should be allowed to have fibro targets that are shaped like our bodies but have the word "fibro pain" stamped on the bad areas, and then we could shoot them to kill them! I'm sorry but I would get a LOT of pleasure killing off my fibro in this manner!

I read that it's a nerve in your skin that causes the itching sensation, MrsK. And have you had the numb spot looked at by your doctor? If not, it sounds like you should.

You know what? That burning sensation that you have in your shoulder is what I get in my SI joint/left side. I'll bet they have the same cause!

Oh, I know Pet, my SI joints kill me, Rheum says that is my problem with riding in the car, but you're right, that's arthritis!

Xanaflex has helped to calm down the spasms, the Rheum forgot to give me a prescription last time, he wanted me only to take them at night, which I told my GP when I asked him to fill it, and he told to take it 3 x a day, that helps even more!

Fatigue is the worst. I get so so so so tired but I can't sleep. And then I get angry because I'm tired and I can't sleep, which likely makes my symtpoms worse. I also hate it when my skin hurts. EVERY touch hurts. It's hard to be in any kind of crowd or anything when you feel like thta.

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Everyday is different . Thank you who posted cold weather ....have been couching it also for 2 days under blankets Pain is so bad when the cold sets in ....not in one place all over ! So glad you are all here I need to post more ...have so many questions and sometimes just want to know I am not alone . night 2 am here : )

Fogs and confusion is the worst for me, I feel as though I'm in a bubble, I can see life going on around me but somehow I don't always feel part of it.

I used to be such a quick thinking, instant decision making type of person (I was a nurse) but now, I have to think hard, concentrate more and to come to a decision takes longer.

To read instructions or fill out forms etc, I have read and re-read all the time now!

Fogs get worse by mid-day when my batteries are starting to run low! Then pain kicks in.

I go for a nap for 1 - 2 hours at about 1pm, then I can carry on for the rest of the day but sometimes my fogs/confusion comes on again late evening, so the time I go to bed often varies.

But I hate this "bubble" feeling. It's like being a goldfish in a bowl, I can see out but the fuzziness stops me feeling part of it.

I've felt like this for 3 years now so I think I'm stuck with it.

Love Lucy xx

i think a better way to phrase this question is what relieves your worst symptom? ...that way we are focusing on a positive instead of looking at what makes us feel the worse. They say it is best to try and not dwell on negatives of your chronic diseases. Just a thought.

This is fibro so i say that all over aches BUT i have found that a hot epsom salt baths do work excellently to stop the pain while in the tub and up to good few long hours afterwards. Also TEN's unit has help excellently on fibro pain in that blocks signals getting to my brain...just must play around with where you place the tabs as well as vibration type.

Voltaren gel too!

Feeling like an alien in regards to the rest of the population!
When I’m awake, its the pain, and when I try to sleep, its the pain and the fact that my legs feel electrified.

I am new at this. I just read a few messages and I am stunned to learn that I am feeling things I had no name for. I did go through a time where every night my leg muscles would cramp. Very painful. I know take potassium in the morning and magnesium at night. I also realized that there are certain meds that cause this in me. My neck spasmed out on me on Monday. thank goodness for my chiropractor. He put stim on the area which relieved a lot of the pain. I also had a muscle give out on the back of my knee which sent me falling to the floor. so I feel that this is the way things are going to be. New experiences each and every day. Thanks for speaking about brain fog. Glad to know it's not just me. I have gone through breast Cancer, chemo and rotator cuff surgery in the last year and a half. So, this is just a nuisance to me and nothing else. Saturday I am performing with a Nationally acclaimed sweet Adelines Chorus. there is a lot of dance and movement with this group. I am going, pain and all, and am going to have a ball. Life is too short for me to sit around and allow this to take over my life.

Are you taking any muscle relaxers … I am on 10 mg three times a day. Plus B12. For me right now is the pain that runs from the elbow up across my shoulders and neck Dow to the other elbow…using lidocaine patches helps.

Definitely severe muscle fatigue (where you can't walk or even hold your head up) and extreme fatigue (where you just crash anywhere (even on the floor and fall asleep). Whether this is fibro only or something else like MS, has yet to be determined. I have tried energy conservation and pacing myself, but it doesn't always work.

The worst/debilitating physical pain is the pain that I get in shoulders and my back...I sit and the tears flow. I need analgesic (narcotic), heat application (usually a microwaved-rice filled sock) and a muscle relaxer.

However the low serotonin levels impede the cognitive function which made working impossible. The frustration is terrible. I worked in academia for the last years of my working life...you need comprehension of the things you read and the world around you...

hey sk, im hoping i can help y out a tich here since youve alaysbeen so supportive of me. First STOP taking the potassium script strength everyday, its very dangerous, believe me i know, i almost died from it. Granted mine was 1.8 which was very very low but the ICU dr and my regular dr told me to much potassium can do the same exact thing. Same symtoms and charlie horses and muscle spasms, light headedness, etc. So please be very careful becaus youve read my story and drs arent always right no matter how much we trust them. You are so good too all of us in here, let us get together and help you now. I will look up the vitamins page that i was given by the dieticans in icu amd message it to you. I am sorry i dont have a scanner but i wil do my best to find it for you. If you need anything, anything at all. please feel free to IM me and ill give you my email etc and try and help you with what i can and i will get right back you. Hugs, Whisper.

Teri, yes the fatigue is really bad, I too can fall asleep anywhere when it hits. My fog has gotten so bad most of the time that my husband has to follow me around the kitchen so I don’t burn the house down. I too had to give up my job…NOT by my choice they pretty much said leave on your own or be fired as I was unable to function because of the fog and anxiety. Now I am working on getting SSDI…don’t have my hearing till 1/8/14.

This would be hard for me to answer. On a day when the exhaustion is so bad I can hardly move, I swear the pains would be easier. But on the days when I hurt so bad I can feel my skin hurt from just my existence, on those days I would swear the pain was worse. I am currently trudging forward as I go through Tramadol withdrawal and lessening of my anxiety medicine withdrawal, feeling everything so intensely and every sound vibrating in my head.

Without a doubt the fatigue is the worst symptom for me.