My aching back!

Not sure if I sprained it, if the Enbrel has stopped working completely, if the arthritis is progressing rapidly... It could be all of the above. The costochondritis and the tailbone are very bad right now. To top all this off, or perhaps this started it all off, while in the attic with a roof line like an A-frame, I raised right up into a low rafter, banging the top front of my head. I was having trouble getting up, so I really had to muster some strength and was not only pushing my body up, but forward. That alone could have wrenched the lower back and ribs. It is very difficult to sit right now!

So this is 'where I have been', flat on my back. I don't see the Rheumatologist until the end of the month, and see the Internist just after. Have thought about the Chiropractor, just not sure I could withstand an adjustment yet.

Just wanted you all to know what was going on, that I had not abandoned the group. I hope all of you are well, and the new year is a good one.

Thanks for all of my messages, I'll try to get to them when I can!

Love to all,


Oh no Sk, I sure hope you feel better soon... Wish we lived closer so I could help you out, Get better soon... Gentle hugs, Robin

Thank you, Robin. I'm so glad you had such a great trip, you deserved it!

Oh no, SK, that sucks! I am sorry that you are going through this. What the heck are you doing in the attic anyway? And you fuss at me for doing too much. LOL. You mentioned the enbrel maybe not working- I thought you were switching to humira. Regardless, I hope that you get some relief soon and get to feeling better. You need to rest up and save your strength for your next big dinner party! Hugs, MB


I've missed you a bunch. I wish your absence was due to good things rather than a terrible flare.

I'm wondering if banging your head on the rafters is acting just like your car accident on your body? I hope not! I sure hope it's just a bad strain in your ribs and back. Judging by the method you had to use to get up, I'd guess that you could strain them pretty badly.

I honestly wish I could be closer so I could accompany you to your doctor visits, etc. You've been such a great mentor, I wish I could give you something back.

Hoping that resting flat on your back will return you to your prior place of "health." Please DO take it easy for once. Maybe a good rest will help your body; you had to have been exhausted from the Christmas preparations.

Stay in touch, please!

Gentle hugs,


I'm feeling a little better today, but have sat long enough, my tailbone is killing me. Gotta realize I have stenosis in my tailbone, meaning it is closing up, curling up, stopping blood flow, crushing nerves. God only knows what I'll have to go through with that someday! Then there's the costochondritis in the ribs, like they're all cracked or broken! That pain was recently mistaken as angina! UGH!!

The Dr will make the decision about the Enbrel/Humira on the 28th of this month.

I was putting glasses and dishes away in the attic, my husband built me shelves for them up there, but it's packed to the rafters and it's shaped like an a frame in that area, so you really have to mind your head, and I forgot, coming up! I swear I wasn't doing any remodeling work up there, MB! ha!

I'm thinking these Christmas decorations are going to be around for a while longer to enjoy!

Ah, just enjoy the decorations. They will get put up when they get put up. Take it easy and feel better! Hugs, MB

Hi SK - so sorry about you hurting your head. We, with Fibro, certainly don't need to have any more accidents. I do seem to be a little accident prone lately. My feet go one way and I want to go another way! LOL I should get the gold medal for tripping though. I used to love wearing high more. I imagine I would break my foot or hip if I tripped over those kind of shoes. It doesn't surprised me if you may have lower back and rib pain. Our bodies, I think, are extremely fragile to any bump, lump or cut. Being flat on my back seems to occur more often than not. Thank God, I am an avid reader! I go through books like you wouldn't believe. It also takes me away from my pain or depression. My tailbone often hurts too and I have to put a pillow or something soft under me in order to sit down. Please get well and know that I am thinking of you!! Laurie

Hi SK , wow I miss you !! I was just about to send you a message when I saw this post, sounds like you are not having fun ! That Costochondritis is so PAINFUL !!! I have had it twice… And yikes … Talk about misery, have you talked to your primary, maybe a steroid dose pack could help… But ultimately rest and not using ur arms or back muscles … Well ya that means you can’t do a thing, ugh … I always thought I would love to be able to just rest and do nothing, but it doesn’t count if your in pain. All the good Christmas movies are off, maybe a good book, guess you could watch those property brothers … Lol. :slight_smile:
If your poor behind gets to sore, maybe u can cut an egg crate into a donut ( shape ) to sit on… Just a thought.
Don’t try and put anything away that will only make those ribs & chest hurt like heck, take your time, I was enjoying my tree every night and after putting it away, ( I’m hurting like crazy) I thought gee I should have just enjoyed it another few weeks, by then though, i would have been still cleaning up pine needles in July …lol
I know it takes time for that to heal, so please take it easy !
Talk soon, stay warm
Hugs & blessings

Thanks dee, a little better today, but I've reached the end of sitting! I've been lying flat mostly, watching the tube, glad I have HBO and Showtime! Time to hit either the couch or the bed again! Hope you are well! I think of you and Petunia everytime I see those property brothers! ha!