Hi, I am new here and am troubled by the changes I am experiencing.
I have have been experiencing numbness on the whole left side of my body. It feels as if I had Novocain shots that are starting to wear off from head to toes. Plus I am having bad back and throat/neck spasms that affect my speech and coordination. It is terribly unnerving and I am embarrassed to go out.
Yes, I have mild spasms for years and sometimes my whole body will jump so bad that it will exhaust me. Spoke with one woman who thought she was having a seizure her's were so bad.
Welcome. I hate to suggest this but have you been tested for MS. My mother had MS and when she first started having symptoms one side of her body would go numb and she would have speech issues. She said it was like her tongue felt like it was swollen. It would last for about 15-30 minutes and it would go away. I pray this is not whats going on with you!
I do have muscle spasms but not that bad and if I have numbness its usually when I wake up.
My mother had MS as well and I seem to have many of the same symptoms she had. I did have an MRI a couple years ago, when my symptoms started getting more noticable. Perhaps it's time to be retested. The whole side numbness I was experiencing last 4 days, now I just have spotty numbness, but have had a whole week of sporadic muscle spasms.
Hi, I had an assessment with a physical therapist during the time I had the whole left side body numbness, I still had good strength and didn't show signs of any drooping or paralysis...the numbness on the whole ide lasted about 4 days...very unnerving.
Hi Saga. I also had numbness at times on the right side of my body but it went away. I still have a tingeling sensation in my legs, feet and arms at times.. This is one of those times. LOL My right foot and leg are feeling like they are falling asleep,but I have them propped up on a foot stool. I also have lower back pain so maybe that is it on me anyhow.
I don't think all of this is fibro related. There are illnesses that go along with fibro, at times, such as auto-immune illnesses. Have you been tested for any of them? Like MS? I hate to even mention the word but it does have symptoms very much like you describe. However, that doesn't mean that you have it, as fibro mimics a lot of the auto-immune illnesses. Hopefully you'll get an answer to this, but if i were you, I'd get those tests done, just to be sure.
Ah, I see you've explored this avenue before. As you say, it's probably time to look again, especially as MS runs in your family. Your balance issues plus spasms affecting your speech also sound like they might be MS-related. Or not. Some people with fibro get auto-immune symptoms but don't develop the illness itself.
Do you have anyone at home to go to the doctor with? I would think having another set of hands, especially when your balance is off would be a good idea. Plus for moral support.