Hello, everyone! I am a 69-year-old single female. I have Fibromyalgia, Clinical Depression, an Anxiety Disorder and High Blood Pressure. I am being treated by 3 different doctors: an Internist, a Psychiatrist and a Rheumatologist. I am getting conflicting advice from them, and none of them seems to be able to know what to do with someone who has both Fibromyalgia and Clinical Depression. For pain I take Ibuprofen, Ultram/Tramadol, Hydrocodone and Magnesium. For anxiety I take Klonopin/Clonazepam. For sleeplessness I take Ambien/Zolpidem. For High Blood Pressure I take Amlodipine. The anti-depressant I am currently on is Effexor/Venlafaxine. If I take as much pain medication as I need to be 50-75% pain free and able to function, then I get too drowsy to function.. So I am forced to choose between being in such bad pain that I cannot function or being 50-75% pain free but too drowsy to function. My Rheumatologist, who has been my main source of treatment for my Fibromyalgia since I was diagnosed in 2003, is not helping me much. I need to find a new doctor in the Nashville, TN area who is good at treating Fibromyalgia. Does anybody know of one?
hi cottonblossom, welcome to the group. we are also in the chatroom at times so hope you can join us there too. If you need to change one of those doctors i hope you can. it would be good to be on the same page. best of luck .hugggggs
Thanks, Susie! I will join you in the chatroom when I figure out how to use it...hopefully soon.
Welcome to the group, I’m glad you’re here!
Hello cottonblossom
Thanks for introducing yourself to us. I hope that you can soon find a doctor in your area.
Gentle hugs
Thanks, Rachel!
Thanks, Justamom 72! I appreciate the welcome!