Not sure

Hi , I havent been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia , I have an app to see my Doctor in a few days , I don't quite understand what it all means but I have been desperately looking for a reason of all my pain .I had a bad car accident just before my 15th birthday and have thought for all these years that was the reason for all the pain and as I have ruptured discs and bulging discs in my back,But I was told any surgery there was more risk of doing more damage than good ... the last specialist i went to see said 50 % of the population has back problems ...I couldn't understand why my pain was so bad I couldnt work any more and the guilt I have felt for so many years not being able to help with the financial end of relationships if 50 % of people have the same thing ....Headaches are the norm for me as are waking up and feeling like someone has beat me with a baseball bat , I have been suffering from depression for quite a while now , I have IBS , can't concentrate , dry mouth dry eyes , I am so very tired all the time so very tired ...I barely go out anymore as I am just too uncomfortable in my own skin ....I have lived with chronic pain for over 30 years , feeling so much guilt , the doctors have made me feel like I was a hypochondriac or something but I kept going to specialist after specialist looking for a reason ......You all may think I am a nut for hoping I have this disease but I just want an answer ......

Hi Tammy,

I don't think it is unreasonable to want answers. I wasn't happy with the diagnosis when I received it, but I was relieved to know what was going on with my body. I'm sorry past medical providers have made you feel that way, that isn't right at all. It sounds like you have been dealing with this for a long time. My thoughts go out to you. I was diagnosed in 2010, so my road is just beginning, even though it feels like I have had this for many, many years. The daily struggles are the most difficult with the pain and fatigue. Sometimes it's a battle of the mind and body to decide which is worse, the pain or the fatigue. Does anything work for you to help with the pain? Hot baths? Cold packs? I have found that a steady round of Chiropractic, medications to manage pain and massage are sometimes helpful for me. I also understand the financial piece. I have no choice but to work because our household depends on it, but it is definitely a struggle.

Sending well wishes your way,


HI Tammy, it is completely understandable to want to know what is wrong, to have a diagnosis. It is really important to find doctors and medical professionals who are understanding and treat you with respect. A lot of members here had many years of doctors appointments before being diagnosed. I am sending positive thoughts your way and please keep us updated. Hugs!

I know this disorder can be a tricky one to diagnose. I myself, went many years misdiagnosed with other things before the doctor thought to test me for fibro. Perhaps, suggesting it could not hurt. Maybe your doctor will look into checking you for all the symptoms. Keep an open mind as to what the doctor has to say about it because it may or may not be this. Whatever it is, I hope you find answers to give yourself piece of mind. I know how stressful not knowing can be.

Thank you for your kind words and positive thoughts , I saw my Doctor today and after going over everything she does think I have it , she also wants to check into my having Chronic fatigue ... I havent been seeing her for all that long but she is wonderful and patient and never tells you that we can only discus one issue at a time , which the other doctors I have seen have all done .... maybe thats why I wasn't diagnosed years ago ....

Hello Tammy,

My heart went out to you, as I read your history and all the things you have gone through. So glad to hear you have a positive diagnosis now, from a very understanding doctor - that is key! Do not feel guilt, you did not ask for this. Now you know you have it, hopefully you will get the meds that will help you, and you will learn to live with it, like everyone on here does.

Take care, Anne

Hi Tammy,

Welcome. We are here to help. If you need anything, just give a shout.

Take care and gentle hugs to you


Thank you , looking forward to getting to know everyone ..

AnneV said:

Hello Tammy,

My heart went out to you, as I read your history and all the things you have gone through. So glad to hear you have a positive diagnosis now, from a very understanding doctor - that is key! Do not feel guilt, you did not ask for this. Now you know you have it, hopefully you will get the meds that will help you, and you will learn to live with it, like everyone on here does.

Take care, Anne