One bad day after another

My life has become one disappointment after another. After almost 2 years of having my meds filled at the local CVS the pharmacist has decided he doesn’t want to fill my rx any more. I dont get it…my doctor has called several times…my insurance company has called many times all explaining the necessity of my meds and the hazards of stopping cold…he doesnt care and none of the pharmacies within 25 miles of me either cary the quantity I need or also refuse to fill my rx.
Whats this world coming to when a pharmacist can over ride a doctor and an insurance company.
I am filled with ANXIETY, FEAR, DEPRESSION, and my whole body is killing me. Top it off my Fiance wants me to leave because she cant watch me suffer anymore…and I have no place to go…and the temp is 0 degrees F. This sucks. Im still fighting though. AAARRRGGGHHHH

Thanks for your support and comments. It means a lot. Th RX’s I am having trouble with having filled are my Narcotic pain meds. I have been in pain management for 2 1/2 years now. Im adopted so I have no family history. I have been fighting with physical anomalies for years which adds to my anxieties.
I to may be homeless soon waiting on govt assistance. My family (GF and her kids) are starting to treat me like crap because they know right now I have no $$ and no where to go…
I am truly scared…for probably the first time in my life.

I’m so sorry !!! We are here for you :slight_smile: I dont understand why they won’t fill scripts ? Can your dr send the scripts to a pharmacy out of the area ?? Like a different county ? Obviously this pharmacist has spread some Nasty rumor to other stores and you have to out smart them !!! Take the script to the next town over , or go to your county hospital for help… Just a thought

Hang in there, your not alone in this because we are here to help how ever we can … Even if its sending you a cyber hug !!!

Give your fiancé time … It is hard to watch a loved one suffer… , but if she is a fiancé that means she loves you and just focus on that :slight_smile:

Sending big hugs & blessings

dee B

I don't understand what is the to why will the pharmacies not fill your prescriptions? From what you said it appears that your insurance company will cover the cost, so why are they telling you that they will not fill them? It just doesn't make sense.

Hopefully by now you have been able to get things straightened out. I sincerely hope so.

Please keep us updated. We are concerned. Although we cannot solve your problem we still care very much about your plight.

Gentle hugs


I had CVS refuse to fill one of my prescriptions, but it was for Gabapentin. I was getting it in the 100 mg capsules and it took a lot of them for my script. I was told the manufacturer refused to supply that store with those any longer cause it was costing them too much (I had a prescription discount with them for it). I had to go to another CVS to get a partial refill of my script and then find another source.

I also had them give me problems over giving me a discount on pain meds when they ARE suppose to. I called CVS's customer service number, discussed it with them and got it straightened out. Then, after months of no problems, one night I encountered a pharmacist who was having a very bad day. I was called everything but a white women (LOL) by both the pharmacist and the clerk. I really hate being treated as though I'm just a drug seeking maniac. Again, I called CVS about this and took my prescription to Sam's Club pharmacy. Since I have a business membership there (I use to do in-store demos--I was the lady handing out samples LOLOL), I automatically get a 40% discount on meds of any kind. And that's not up to their discretion like so many other prescription discount programs. I also bought the PLUS part of the membership. They treat me like royalty there. I don't know if a regular membership gets discounts of any kind on meds, but you could look into it.

I'm so very sorry for your problems {{{{{{{qball}}}}} I hope it works out for you soon!

Once again…I thank you all for your feed back. One of my doctors is awesome. He called pharmacies on his own time and has it set up that I wont go without meds.
Of course that relieved a ton of stress until omy GF comes home… argues and yells about everything with me (I helped with it to). Anyway she has been trying to get me to find a new home. now that I have no money because I put every penny I have towards the family and now habw NO income and I am sick she tells me to get out. It’s 2dgrs here and in rhe mountains. I sont jave any friends to help me shortly in NE PA. I guess I take the food with the bad.

What a relief to finally hear from you! We have been very worried about you. As you said, We have to learn to take the good with the bad. You are fortunate to have found a caring doctor who would phone the Pharmacies concerning your medication and assuring you that your medications won't be denied.

Thank you for updating us.

Please continue to stay in touch with us here so that we know how things are or what has changed. At least you know that you have support here.