Over it!

Hi all, Wednesday morning I woke up and my neck, back and shoulders felt really sore and stiff, By Thursday I was in agony spent all morning in hospital my neck was that stiff and sore I could barely turn my head left and right, dr gave me a double dose of morpheine then after I left the hospital I couldn’t keep anything down was vommiting up even a sip of water. Have any of you had trouble with your neck going really stiff? Has anyone got any ideas how to get rid of the stiffness still very sore and stiff this morning can’t drive like this. Any ideas would be helpful

Hi Mel , I’m so sorry to here you have gone through this, the best thing is rest, an anti- inflammatory, I use a heating pad ( but they say ice is better) at least the first 24 hrs, the salon pas pads help, and for me I see a chiropractor. You prob should follow up with your primary dr., a muscle relaxer has helped me in the past with a bad twisted hurting neck.
Hugs & blessings

I'm so sorry you're having this much pain. Yes, I agree that ice is a good help. And also--although this is probably the last thing you want to hear!--very gentle exercise. Don't do anything that hurts, but try to find some exercises you can do daily. It will help, even if only a little, I promise.


I use a heating pad a lot through the day and usually before bed. I also used to wake with stiff neck quite often but I bought an awesome pillow that over time has really helped. It’s called My Pillow. They have a website and you may have seen infomercials on it. It’s pricey but worth it! I also agree with seeing a chiropractor. I also see a massage therapist at my chiropractor. Between the two I don’t have near as much pain/stiffness in my neck and back as I used to.

I have increased magnesium which is a natural muscle relaxer and I use heating pad and go to the chiro once in a while.

Here's info on mag


I am also waiting to see if my pain is on the decline with mag.

That’s the story of my life. Sorry you are in so much pain. I do yoga as much.as I can. Maybe twice a week. It has really helped. Massage is a great idea. Good luck.

Peppermint oil is my go to treatment now. I used to use Salonspas. I also use a heating pad. Good luck.

Morphine side effects can include vomiting. I use alternately 20min heat and 20 min. ice. Having a Physical Therapist teach you stretching exercises for the neck and do them everyday will sometimes help. I have been in the hospital twice with this neck problem and finally had to have injections in my neck from a pain specialist and it hasn't come back in several years, but I continue doing my neck stretching at least three times a week.

I am sorry you are in so much pain.


I don't know but I'm sorry that you've got such awful awful pain in your neck. Neck pain hurts more than almost any other kind of pain, I feel. I hope that some of the excellent suggestions given to you by others help to diminish the stiffness and pain some. I don't know how you keep from going crazy with it, since you can't even drive with it. I hope you find that "something" to help your neck.

There is a supplement called Slow-Mag I have been taking it and it seems to help. I have lavender scented Epsom salts the smell is heavenly, I think I got it at Krogers.

Isn’t it funny how different things are soothing to different people?

I understand how you feel. I started with a painful stiff neck and shoulders about 2 months ago. I can't find a comfortable position--and the pain wakes me up. Went to GP and she said I just have to live with it. I went to the Chiropractor and he said I had some arthritis from compound fracture I had on neck and by shoulders (which I didn't know about.) I have gone for 2 treatments. I can move it a little better but still quite stiff and painful. Going to continue going and hope it gets better.

Hi Mel,

First I am so sorry that the ER did not have the good sense to administer Phenergan, to keep you from getting sick from such a dose of morphine! I take it 30-60 minutes before taking Morphine, and it keeps me from getting sick from it. Should you be using this in the future, please ask for a prescription of this along with it. Or if you end up in the same situation at the ER tell them about this and ask for Phenergan in addition to the morphine! Here is info on it by it's generic name, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Promethazine.

My Rheumatologist prescribes Valium for me to take at night as a muscle relaxant, and it also helps me to sleep, I can take it either 2 hours before or after morphine.

You may want to visit your Chiropractor for a neck adjustment, it may be out of alignment, also think about your pillow, you may need to change it, and most Chiropractors sell some great pillows!

Hope this helps, and I hope you can get some good, lasting relief!

Love and hugs,


YES! massage machines have helped ...or have partner rub Voltaren gel(need rx for it) in that area...let it sit than run a massage machine. I am sure even a real massage where all they worked on was that area. Part can be because your pelvic is out.

For years my shoulder and neck hurt off and on extremely bad. I got cort shots by rheum...and help a little. Than a friend at work who had similar problem told me about this great PT. I did not believe her since i had tried pt about 4 times already none of them helped. This guy works on professional sports people and he fixed it! It did take a few months and i had to practice exercises .and it does go back off and on....like once in every 5 years. But now he can get it back within few visits and i know what to do.

Another is HOT bath with half cup of epsom salts, 1/4 cup of baking soday...use bath bubbles...bubbles keep the water hot longer. I also put squirt of dish soap in and one of baby oil. Soap helps bath not get so drity..just wipe it with paper towel and looks great. Oil helps keep skin from drying out too much.

Read and soak for as long as you need...i mean a good hour. It won't cure it but you will not hurt while in the bath and it does help for good hour or two after wards.

You can use those microwave heating pads...my husband loves that on his sore neck and shoulder muscles. But you should have shoulder looked at and see if it is your should joint, like rotor cuff might be bad and you need surgery. Like right now, my left shoulder is in so much pain i cannot lift it up very high at all....i cannot turn my head to drive in reverse since that shoulder hurts so bad! Now it has spread down to elbow and all way to my fingers. I get that due to me holding it weird from pain...arthritis has acted up in elbow, wrists and fingers. fat sausage fingers now! lol!

So really make sure it is not nothing else going on. Tens Units have been known to help this area since above your waist. Your doctor often can give them to you...if you must buy...Sportsman Guide or Sierra Traders use to carry them at about $50 where normally about $100. My mom used it on her back. Small unit and you place electrode patches in right area to block pain from going up to your brain...so you do not feel it. My mom used it for years...had heart by pass surgery lost few lbs and has not needed it since!

There is pain specialists of course too...and they would know about Tens, which massage units help you the best/ of heat or ice would work better. Ice goes deeper and last longer...so i put snow in bag and been using it as well to numb the pain.

You really need to know what is actually causing it first...if just fibro. I still ask about PT...OH a long time friend her husband is acupuncturist and he has been having great success with this kind of problems for fibro patients he told me.! He lives over 4 hours and sadly did not know any local around me but said to call and ask if they have worked a lot on fibro patients...he said sadly, many might say yes just for business...like many health care workers....he said ask how many and references...kind of get feel he said if they are being honest or not.

I also found using electric blanket at night helps keep it lose while sleeping. So hope all these ideas help you even small amount....but really get it checked out. IF it is like rotor or something else..cort shot will really help...or just fibro it might help if it hurts in shoulder joint area.

I seriously know how bad it hurts...even just with fibro it is very nasty ....so i hope some of the ideas you get do help.

I hope you do find it is not anything serious too....good luck sorry so long.

Thanks to all of you, my neck is feeling a lot better.