
I was going to write about how much I've done and how much I still have to do and how tired I am and how much pain I'm in... but I think this about says it.

I don't know how much longer my body will hold out... or how much longer my mind will.

moe, i am just sending you HUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGS. thats all i can say now


I totally understand that you are struggling with the daily struggles. It is exhausting and you feel beat down by fibro by life and by your body.

You have been so kind to me when I came here and I am here for you in return. Even family and friends who support us do not understand our daily struggles and how hard we are trying to push to get things done and when the fog comes it's even worse.

Though I do not know you personally, I am feeling for you, Farida

Hi Moe, I am sorry it is rough right now. That is one of the things that is hard for me, when my emotions go all over the place. For example, today I found myself at pretty much every which way with emotions, from happy to sad to very angry to very grateful, etc. Plays havoc on the mind sometimes. . . but you are SUPER STRONG and you will make it through. HUGS!

Hi more,
I understand how you are feeling the same much of the time lately. My body hurts and my mind well let’s just say its a battle. I’m greatful for the good days and take the bad one day at a time. Sometimes I have to take them one minute at a time. But I always try to find something positive in my life. And it gives strength. Sending warm hugs your way. Kelli.

Oh I'm so sorry Moe....it is such a difficult place to be.....be strong....!