Pain and doctors

So this year has been totally focused in on my pain. I’ve now tried everything that everyone has recommended except for Ketamine (which will be later next year due to insurance).
I’m on LDN which reduces effects of opioids however that leaves me with no option to have a break and numb the body somehow… my codeine was my emergency when I couldn’t cope. Seeing as this was taken away… any advice on begging doctors for medication they don’t want you on?
I’m young and I shouldn’t be on any pain medication or so says any doctor who meets me. Help? I need some sort of solution no matter how short term it is :frowning: I need the pain to go away!!

Hey Rosellas,
I notice you’re in The ACT, Im in SA. Here in Oz (because of the opiate crisis in the U.S) just recently the G.P.'s have come down super hard on ALL opiates. Within the last month or so I have had an almighty battle. I can fully understand their caution, but for those of us who have a genuine need, it’s damn near inhumane. If they have other options, then what are they, let’s try them ( I’ve already exhausted their options), So now what??

Initially I was told it was a Medicare issue, so I contacted Medicare (Ain’t that a convoluted process?). And yes, they do question the prescribers, but only when there 25+scripts/6months for opiates. I never use that sort of quantity. I ‘only’ use them when I NEED them. If I use them all the time, when I have a genuine need, they don’t work. WHY would I use them as lollies? (They taste bloody awful :smile: )

Then I was told it was a PBS issue, so I contacted PBS. If the dr prescribes them and obtains the relevant authorities, then they have no issue. One of the G.P’s at the surgery wants me to go back through all of the 'Fun’n’Games of the Pain Clinic again. I’ve been there, done that and I am NOT re-inventing that wheel again. So I’m back to seeing my specialist again and the $$$ that costs. GGRRrrrrrrrrr.

Have you seen a a rheumatologist at all? As a specialist with ‘some’ knowledge in regard to fibro (well, more than most GP’s anyway) a rheumy could be an option. They maybe able to prescribe themselves or write a letter to your GP. Then there is the ‘Pain Clinic’ option too if you haven’t already been down that path.

Sometimes I do question GP’s knowledge of pain and their ‘…the book says…’ attitude. I’m not in your damn book, but that doesn’t make my pain any less real. Dealing with the dr’s can be 1/2 the battle for anybody with a rare condition.

Best of luck
Merl from the Modsupport Team


Hi Rosellas - sorry to hear you’re not managing well. :frowning: :grimacing:
As you’ve probably gathered more than enough from my blog & all my posts: docs & pain meds just harmed me, but alternatives helped after looking/trying around hard enough (expert physio for pains, rare supps for The Ache, energy etc., sleep; for both: symptom tracking & trigger hunting, so preventing & alleviating instead of suppressing).
Here in Germany it was a pain practice with specific pain docs (anaesthesiologists) who had least problems supplying me with amitriptyline, tilidine & supported MMJ. The sfx made me stop. The rheums and rheum/fibro-clinic I went to don’t do hard meds, but some do. If that’s all you’re after I’d’ve thought changing docs/specialists several times would help (like Merl sez…).

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the problem with both brain injury and FMS is opiods are contraindicatedbecause of neuroplastic changes in the peripheral and central nervous system that lead to sensitization of pronociceptive pathways. the result (and it can happen very quickly but is inevitable is Opioid-induced hyperalgesia (OIH). There are many proposed mechanisms for OIH, 5 mechanisms involving the central glutaminergic system, spinal dynorphins, descending facilitation, genetic mechanisms, and decreased reuptake and enhanced nociceptive response have been described as the important mechanisms. Of these, the central glutaminergic system is considered the most common possibility. Another is the hypothesis that N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors in OIH include activation, inhibition of the glutamate transporter system, facilitation of calcium regulated intracellular protein kinase C, and cross talk of neural mechanisms of pain and tolerance. It takes a long time to get back to “normal” not that things were “normal” to begin with. The whole thing, overly simplified, is really just a broken nervous system. Opiods/Opiates simply break it more. Understanding of this is one of the reasons LDN has worked for many and is now an approved treatment for FMS.


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