Pain Management?

Hi Robin. I think it depends on if they can find the exact spot to put the epidural in. I had them in my back and the shots never helped. Docs claimed it was very difficult to find the right spot. And I'm not sure if epidurals help with fibro pain or not, Robin. Someone on here told me they don't help. I know they didn't help me and I had quite a few of them done.

But hey, it couldn't hurt to try them, could it? Nothing ventured, nothing gained. And maybe if they helped your aunt, they'd work on you.

I have had it done and I might be an exception but I was in terrible pain for 3 weeks after the procedure. Of course, I was still doing my job, which consisted of lifting some heavy packages, so that might have made things worse. Just do be aware that the pain docs don't always warn you of the after effects. In my case, they were severe.

Robin, does your aunt have fibro? Maybe she has spine issues instead. I have heard of these injections for spine issues. The pain of fibro actually is centralized in the brain, short circuiting signals to various nerves in the body, rather than originating in the spine. Would be interesting to know if it has worked for fibro pain.

Exactly, Petunia Girl. With radio eblation, if you don’t hit the exact spot, you have wasted your time. My bro says when they do it is he’ll, but well worth it in the long run.

Good luck.

Thank you Becca, Gentle hugs coming your way, Robin

Thanks Nancy, it sure does sound like what my Aunt may have gotten was for her back and not fibro. Gentle hugs, Robin

Hi Littlejld, I sure wish there was a shot to. Thank you for the info, Gentle hugs, Robin

Nana7, Thank you for the info, I am feeling like this is something not for me, lol. Gentle hugs, Robin

Ariestlt, Thank you for the info. I think I will be passing lol. Gentle hugs, Robin

Hi Shirley, Thanks for the info, I do appreciate it. Gentle hugs, Robin

Thank you so much Lisa, Gentle hugs, Robin

Hi Shelia, She told my mom she has fibro but after reading some of these I called Mom and asked if she has back trouble as well. We aren't for sure but it sure makes me think so. Hope all is well with you, xoxo Robin

Hi Petunia, I am gathering they doesn't help Fibro. I am really thinking it;s for those with back problems. Gentle hugs to you, Robin

Hi Dee, We are lucky to have you and a few other nurses on here. After reading a few of the first replies I called my mom and asked if my aunt had back problems, she isn't sure but from the info I am getting it sure sounds like it. I have gotten steroid shots in some of my trigger points and sometimes it relieves the pain for a week or so or maybe just lightens the pain. I truely wish there was a shot for all of us... Thanks Dee, Gentle hugs, Robin

Hey MBP, I see only my PC and a Rhuemy. As of now my main 2 pills are tramadol and cymbalta. I will talk to them at my next appt tho. It just seems like my doctors just think its ok to be in pain :(. and don't want to put me on anything else. Thanks for the info, Gentle hugs your way, Robin

hi robin ~ i had a physiatrist give me some years ago, and they were ineffective. i get cortisone injections too, but they are for bursitis and spinal stenosis....would not be appropriate for fibro either.

i was busy and missed the discussion on being alone with this illness. i AM alone and struggling with activities of daily living. it really worries me. i did a fair amount of cooking today, and now i am down in bed on the heating pad. my fibro has really worsened over the years.

i finally got to my PT, but the exercises put me in pain....they are for strengthening as my body is terribly weak. we just keep on keeping on. i'm typing with laptop on my tummy...please excuse errors. ( :

i have to work a little and then rest, work and rest...any little thing exhausts me. i have been moving into a brand new home which i love, but most has been done for me by others. thank God this is such a wonderful town and church community or i'd be lost.

hugs everyone, annie

I have had epidural shots, and they only made my pain worse. I don't know if it helps some, but it definitely didn't help me.

Ive had it done once and it gave pain relief somewhat for a couple weeks. As far as cost for me and I just dont like a needle going into my spine. Ive been taking regular pain medication and other treatment which seems to give decent relief.

I would say no, they do not “help” the Fibro - but it does reduce the pain in my low back and hips. If you go in knowing its not a cure, but something to help relieve the pain for some time (varies with everyone) and your doctor thinks this could help ease that particular area of your body - then I recommend it. Just like everyone reacts to meds different, they do do with injections or RFA’s. I would never get any type of injection to the spine, back or facet joint with out the doctor doing it under X-ray. You want them to see where they are injecting the medicine. Trigger point injections are injections in the muscles, so they can be done in a doctors office. My back was injured in a car accident and I had surgery years ago - this is keeping me from another surgery. Does my Fibro aggravate it? It may - it does seem like a lot of us have spine issues. I’m at the point with doctors, medications, methods to help the pain - I’ll try everything once!

Aloha, Glad you are trying something new. Please keep us all posted on how it is going. I would love to find something to last me up to 3 months and I sure will look it up. Thanks so much, Gentle hugs, Robin