Preparing for weather changes

We have unpredictable weather here but fall and winter will be here soon so I am starting to go over things I need to do.

get the car check tires oil

nonstick surface for steps

food that can be fixed without cooking

first aide kit that is up to date

alternate heat source


I no you are probably wondering what this has to do with fibro but one year we were without power for a week and could not go anywhere if I had not had things in place the stress would have been horrible.

I can only imagine! You must not have been one bit happy about the power outage. Did you get a generator for possible outages? That would make sense to have and I wish we had one. But I'm glad you brought this up because I have to get my car in for oil and fluid top up. Time to get some rock salt too, probably. And maybe some of those no cook foods. And very important for those of us who still drive some: kitty litter and a shovel. Saved my butt last year they did.

PB this is a very good idea to post this right now because the weather worldwide has become very unpredictable these past years and the weather has been extreme so it is important for all of us to start thinking about preparations for winter. As you said should any of us be caught by surprise our stress levels would skyrocket!

Thanks for posting this so that we start thinking and preparing.

What is your alternate heat source?

Petunia I forget cat litter I have a stray that comes in the house when it storms then leaves but he will use a litter box I think he was someones house cat at one time. He would probably stay but he doesn't like my snake.

Rachel I have a gas heater on the wall that will last about 6 weeks when I fill it up I usually use it during the day and electric at night so moms bedroom will stay warm. My son has a kerosene heater.

PB, oh I see.

I wouldn't want to stay with you either if you have a snake!!!!

I am teasing you about the snake. But it is true. Oh my goodness I can't picture you having a snake!!