Ringing Ears

Does anyone have tinnitus -ringing in the ears? I,ve had it about 3 years…a low hum…sounds like a frig or air conditioner is running next to me…its getting louder…also hearing loss…I’de been in some denial with symptoms piling up and need to get diagnosed…other things ruled out…and I tend to be martyr woman…gotta smile and tough it out…ignore it but it’s screaming for attention now!..I’m new on here so glad to find this site! (symtoms: 24/7 muscle aches,pain,shooting pains, in more places than I can list, joint pain and crepitus, IBS, overactve bladder, tingling in feet 24/7, fatigue with severe episodes, balance problems,chills,hypersentitvity, memory, word finding problems, poor concentration, transposing numbers and letters, using the absolutely wrong word, anxiety)…the ringing ears I thought was unrelated…but I read on a fibro site it is a symptom too! It’s annoying…I listen to the radio a lot to block it out. Anyone else have to deall with that too? Is it just that the whole nervous system is in overdrive that causes all the symptoms?

Hi Stacy,

Boy, you got hit with a lot of fibro symptoms. The only one that I know nothing about is the ringing ears. However, I have read that hearing loss is a fibro symptom and I wouldn't be a bit surprised if tinnitus was too.

Here is a good site that I found that's devoted to tinnitus. It also discusses treatment of the problem, farther down in the article:


I'm sorry that you lost in the fibro lottery but thanks for joining us and welcome!

Hi Staci,

My husband has dealt with this since he was in the war, in 1970. He went through countless tests at the VA, and finally found an audiologist able to order him a special hearing aid, however, he has trouble wearing them for other reasons, when he did use them the ringing stopped. BTW, they are small, and really not even noticable!

I hope that you can find some relief from this, it cannot be any fun!

Big hugs,


I have pulsatile tinnitis which can be a buzzing, whooshing or heart beat that goes non-stop. The ENTs have performed many tests and can’t identify the cause.

If I listen to white noise I can’t hear it. Also, I stay on top of treating allergies thru shots and it helps. Good luck 2 ya!

Hi Avenk, Sorry u have to deal with it too! Sometimes I have to laugh when a second high pitched ringing overlaps the low hum and does a rotten job of harmonizing! One thing I can think of I,m thankful for is …I don,t hear outside noises at night …my husband will hear a dog barking…he won’t be able to sleep and says “can’t you even hear that??”…LOL.

TY Petunia Girl, I look forward to reading the article!

Thanks SK, Sorry your husband has to deal with that…I think hearing aid will be in the picture if the loss gets any worse…embarassing when I don’t catch things right, have to ask folks to repeat.