Hearing Issues

I'm not sure if the problem is associated with fibro or not, but I have had issues with hearing. I feel like things are amplified and makes every thing ring. It's hard to explain, especially to my children. They are simply laughing, playing, and I cannot handle it. It is overwhelming to me sometimes. I was thinking of getting earplugs or something to dull the noise. I was just wondering if anyone has this problem and what you have done to rid yourself of this issue.

HI, I have a real problem with noise as well.. My son will have his music on and then hubby turns up the tv to drown the music out ... Meanwhile I am going insane with all the noise . The house just seems to get louder and louder. I have aksed them both to turn it down. On the other hand , my hearing actually seems to be getting worse which I know doesn't seem to make any sense but it is true... Go figure.. I am gonna mention this to the doc when I get there. Cheers Lisa

I've never heard of anything like this, have the doc check. I do however get ringing in my ears alot, not sure what that's from. Maybe someone here can give you an answer. Good luck, Charlie :)

I thought I was nuts, yes it happens to me too. Almost like things are amplified yet muffled at the same time. I hate it. It hurts.

I have a similar problem with my hearing for about a year and it is more than uncomfortable, it's frustrating & annoying. Restaurants are also a very tough place that cause amplification of all my surroundings and the ringing increases greatly. Music is another problem for me, it's overwhelming at times for it's loudness, although others are not experiencing the same effects. I believe that it (ringing/amplification) is part of the Fibro condition because my chronic condition has worsened in the last year and a half, and the ear problems have increased.

After talking to a friend who owns a music store, he encouraged me to try some ear plugs (sells them at his store) that filter out specific pitches / decibel levels. There are several types and after trying 2 different plugs, I found that they filter out about 60-70% of the problem. My friend also stated that many musicians use them to help eliminate ringing of their ears. Hope this helps, I know that it is very frustrating to put up with this infliction, and it can literally rack your brain.

This is similar to the post about if loud noises bother us. Loud noises has bother me and all of my close friends..sick, healthy and non have fibro. Loud basses are the worse..since i feel it against my body physically and makes me feel anger eventually like it is invasive towards my body.

One thing i had to learn when i first was diagnosed with 2 serious diseases is not everything i get sick about or feel sick from is tied in to those diseases. I think forums like this are great place to find out if others suffer in same way and what their doctors say....but all should point this out to their GP doctor or better yet Internist.

I always agree that any new symptoms that last more than few days or weeks...depending on how serious they are should be pointed out to your doctor...but I start first with making appointment with your primary doctor whom hopefully is is internist. Of course if it is something very painful or extremely upsetting physically than i hit urgent care if i cannot get into any of my doctors and even have gone to ER....which plan on paying out of pocket at least $1,000 even with private insurance. At least that is what mine has been for blue cross .

Also this is where support groups in your area can be extremely helpful. You can make few friends or call group leader who can help you determine if it is part of fibro or something to go to doctor ASAP.

It took me going to support group myself plus a very nice Internist, who gently reminded me that i am going to get sick like healthy normal people do, still. So to try and stay calm, not worry because 9 out of 10 times it is not going to be anything serious.

Dear Lisa,

I can only imagine the amount of stress you are living with right now...it must be off the charts! Nothing is worse during teenage years when mothers/daughters fight or fathers/sons also fight...or everyone is. I get fighting is part of nature so kids want to leave the nest and parents want their children to leave...as that is natural.

It sounds like neither you or your husband has set limits on your son in number of years...since your husband handles it by just turning up his TV.... exacerbates the entire situation. Can you and your husband go in as united force and set noise limit to your son? You will need to stick to it.

If not, than get yourself to a counselor ASAP! For your own health. Hopefully, the counselor can eventually get your husband and than entire family into sessions to see if this is more than teenager's separating...trying to push their limits.

One last thing...just something very important, if you have other children in the house who are in elementary school or younger, with all that noise, their hearing is being damaged right now!

I go out buy both your son and husband wireless hearing aids ...they have them for TV. Insist for sake of smaller children they both use the headsets. Of course insist but give logical reasons how you are concerned about their hearing and that it is making you sick and you appreciate it if the both would do it if not for themselves, you than for the smaller children,please.

I sincerely hope you can find a way to reach your husband and get him to speak with your son. If they can learn how to speak to one another and not yell/fight etc(..which sadly are the only emotions many boys and men learn is acceptable to express in our society.) the joy in finally able to express the love they have one another will be so wonderful for them but entire family as well!

I wish you the best in handling this very hard situation...but i have seen it work out well in my life as well as so many others. Good luck lots of love ....

How strange something like this has happened with so many of us. While I was married after my boys were born and my fibro was undiagnosed I was constantly telling my husb. to stop yelling at me. I guess this was my perception and he wasn't really yelling. But what happened that was so strange was about 2 years before my breakdown I started being unable to feel a pulse(I was an RN) I couldn't understand it. Then I started being unable to hear. People that were standing just a few feet away from me would be talking to me and I had to ask who ever was standing near me what the person was saying. I had multiple hearing tests and all were normal.

This lasted for 5 years. I had been moved down to stay with my parents as I couldn't live on my own anymore and they had a labrador house dog and when he jumped around on their tile and wood floors the sound of his nails clicking around terrified me it was so loud by '09 I was able to move into an apartment and the hearing was gone again. I bragged about how well insulated the apartment was and how I couldn't hear a sound from the up stairs neighbors or the apartment on the other side of me. Then suddenly in 2011 My hearing came back MAGNIFIED I mean I could hear the neighbors above me open and close their dresser drawers and even at times hear snippets of their conversation. LOL I could only think that with each year the insulation would disappear. Now my hearing is not so magnified I just hear the things you would expect to hear when you live in an apartment building. Fibro does some really strange things.

I have never had ringing but since I was in my 20's loud noises hurt me. People told me I was nuts. When people yell I feel like I am being beat. My parents thought I hated kids( my nieces and nephews) but It was the noise that I hated. Noise still affects me, even on good days. I do not know if it is the noise or the stress it seems to cause.

When people yell I get so overwhelmed that I can't figure out what they are saying. I can hear them and know they are talking I just cannot untangle the words to make sense of them.

Hi, I can’t tolerate loud noises at all, or a lot of people talking loud. I love my music but not loud. When things are to loud I get very anxious and I just can’t think straight. It probably would be a good idea to get it checked with your doctor. Good Luck, Leanne

You know while we are talking about our senses, I wanted to add periodically I lose my tastes, I can eat anything and there is absolutely no taste, other times I taste things and they taste so salty it almost makes me sick

I can't take it when my sister turns the tv up. It's not that it's amplified exactly, it's just that the noi.se jangles terribly on my nerves, and it's not all THAT loud. I find the same thing when I'm a place where more than one noise is occurring; I just can't deal with more than one stimulus at one time, it drives me buggy anymore. Even if I'm trying to back out of a driveway, I have to turn the radio off so the noise doesn't distract my concentration completely. It's weird.

I also find that I can't hear too well anymore. Might be due to a few too many Rolling Stones concerts....or not. But I do miss conversations at times. Oh well. At least I had fun at the Stones concerts, so it was kinda worth it.

Sometimes a situation is ambiguous. For instance, with Lisa, it's probably the case that her perception of "loud" has changed radically with fibro, as many of ours has, so that what sounds loud to her really isn't too loud to others. I don't think the issue is her children playing music too loud (although I know that as a teen, I myself was guilty of that,) I think the issue is fibro messing with her perception of sound, considering she answered this post that deals with fibro altering our sense of sound. As such, i think it would probably be more logical to work with the "loudness" issue in regards to her fibro and not her family life.

Note to Lisa:

Man, though, when my son visits and plays loud music, I realize that I must have driven my parents insane with the music I loved so much and played so LOUD (the Rolling Stones, over and over.)

I thought for a while the hearing issues might be due to my teenage punk rock years, but then I don't really experience it all the time. It comes and goes. Usually it is worse at night, but I think that is probably because there are more people in the house.

It makes me feel better that I am not alone in this. I am often asking my husband if things are too loud. I have gotten several confused looks from him. I have ADD too, and noise has always helped me focus. I always had to do my homework with the TV on. If it wasn't on, I was daydreaming. Now it seems as though if the TV is on and someone is talking to me, I have to tune one out-which is fine, but when you have two children trying to talk to you, it is difficult to decide who to tune out.


yes I am sorry to say I can’t stand any noise around me. I think its related to chronic fatigue!Barb

It hurts me to put anything in my ear though. I get a trigger point behind each ear because mine can ache like a toothache as well.

Good luck. A hoodie helps for me or a scarf wrapped around my head. Good luck jmhaag.

Ooh! That's nasty! I didn't know you COULD hurt back there.

I too have become very sensitve to noise and can't tolerate it even at a normal volume. I have also become extremely sensitive to light and movement. Watching a movie with lots of action, or shopping in a grocery store while walking the aisles filled with different colors and products, can send me into a tailspin. Dizzy Dizzy Dizzy. None of this is very much fun.

nannygin - It's all normal for fibro with hightened nerve sensitivity. I have the same reaction to noise, light, movement, and even scent. Not only I get dizzy, I get nauseated, disoriented and my pain increases, and then get angry. I get dizzy from being in a crowd, too, from people moving, talking, their body odors and perfume/cologne/laundry detergent. I can't watch movies with super-fast actions, either. It disorients me during driving when someone is blasting their stereo in the car.

I love kids but I cannot stand their high-pitched screaming - it physically hurts not just my ears but also my nerves all over.