So happy ive found this site!

ty everyone for your replys , i dont feel so isolated now , you are lovely people and i send lots of hugs to you all xx im on a cry day i think as i read all replys and get upset , iam like an emotional roller coaster havent cried for 4 days thought i was doing well ! lol. all my love to you all today , tc x

Hi Angie,
Isn't this the greatest place? Without it, I also feel isolated. I don't have any family nearby, and none of them are supportive anyway. So I've built my own family, with the people here who understand, support, and encourage me every single day. I have made great friends here, the kind that you keep for a lifetime.

I'm glad you found the site too, and that you are happy here! Any chronic illness can cause those roller coaster feelings, and this is the perfect place to find the things we all need to cope with FMS, while helping others that are along for the ride. Always shout out if there is anything you want to say, we'll be here, and every voice counts !



glad to help make your life a little easier, Angie. That's why we're here. We all help one another through this witch of an illness. I'm glad you found us. Welcome!

And my doggies will be glad to make more silly faces and wriggles to keep you from crying again.

ty xx

ty xx