So much better

Saw my doctor on Friday. Today I feel so much better. He had increased cymbalta to 90-- we’ll let me tell you I was having horrible side affects. Concentration problems, memory problems so severe I was afraid I was going to have to take a leave at work. I couldn’t form sentences appropriately. I was a mess. Very very weird embarrassing mess. Anyways I’m so glad it wasn’t the lyrica. Just anyone who is on higher than 60 mg and your having severe fibro fog you may need to lower to 60 I was reading that it can cause these problems and even more :frowning:
Just wanting to share.

Hi Joy,

Oh, boy, can it ever! For the first few months, I would be swaying all over the place and incredibly dizzy. Not only that but I'd come home from work and sit and stare at my computer monitor for about an hour, from the fatigue and fog. I still get bouts where I can't seem to think straight but usually I'm ok.

So glad to hear that you're doing better! And thanks for sharing about this. It's not something that comes up as much as it should. I guess most of us are so glad to have pain relief that we muddle through the other problems.



Thanks for sharing! I am on 60 now. Was gonna ask to increase it but maybe i'll wait. Already have enough problems with fob! Thanks!

I have been taking 120mg of Cymbalta for a while now, it effects everyone differently. I do better on a high dose than a low dose. I went off from it cold turkey once and I don't think I will do that again. That was horrible.

Yes, cold turkey with some of these meds is dreadful and potentially very dangerous. i think you can even possibly die from going cold turkey. of course, everyone's body reacts differently but it's best to take no chances and titrate the doses, as per your doctor.