Sore dry eyes and exhaustion

Does anyone else out there with fibro suffer with dry stinging eyes?
Been told could be fibro, am using a spray on eyelids but relief is only short .
Also am exhausted, have iron stores at bottom level of normal and haemaglobin at bottom level too. Doc says exhaustion is the fibro not low iron. Any ideas?

hi suzee. have you been to ophthalmologist about the eyes? I had that and the doc prescribed some artificial tears..

as far as the low iron that in itself can cause extreme fatigue. did the doc who diagnosed that give you some iron supplement? I dont know what i think of that doc to dismiss this to fibro when clearly your iron and hemoglobin are low.

You can also do a search on foods that are iron rich and what foods compliment it to help absorb the iron better.

all the best,,,



Hi Suzie
Was optician who diagnosed the dry eyes so may talk to GP next time as well. Have been given 2 months supply of iron to see if I feel any better after that . Will definately look for foods that help iron absorption the in a few months ask for a blood test to check iron levels again.
Does anyone else feel that their GP is very quick to say any ills and chills you go to them for are fibro?
Sometimes it’s very hard going .

Suzeewong5 said:
Hi Suzie
Was optician who diagnosed the dry eyes so may talk to GP next time as well. Have been given 2 months supply of iron to see if I feel any better after that . Will definately look for foods that help iron absorption the in a few months ask for a blood test to check iron levels again.
Does anyone else feel that their GP is very quick to say any ills and chills you go to them for are fibro?
Sometimes it's very hard going .

Hi Suzeewong, when taking iron my doctor has me take Vitamin C with it to help with the absorption, this is something you might want to ask your doctor. I also take B12 vitamins which seem to help some with fatigue, again maybe you could ask your doctor that. I try to stay well hydrated with water and I get up every hour or so and make sure I stretch. I also eat a protein snack such as nuts in the afternoon which is when I feel tired usually. All those things help with the fatigue to a degree. Please keep us updated on how you are doing. Hugs.

HI Suzee, i know that many folks have that issue about docs just throwing things off to fibro or cfs. I have not had that with the doctors i have, thank goodness. I think if i did i would have moved along to finding a new doctor, which may have been what i You mentioned that the 'optician' diagnosed you with the dry eyes but i think you need an 'opthamologist ' to prescirbe. your GP could prescribe or you can get 'artificial tears' in most pharmacies. I am glad you will look for foods that help with the absorption of the iron.I am glad that you were given the iron and will check that in two months .all the best and big HUGGGGGGGGS


Do you have hypothyroidism by chance? I was told that my thyroid problems are contributing to my dry eyes, and I do not have enough lipids in my tears naturally so they evaporate too quickly. I saw an eye Dr and was given a prescription eye drops and it is really helping. Also, you want to use a lubricating eye drop like Refresh Plus Sensitive or Refresh Optive not a cheap Visine which only make the problem worse. Another thing that helps is to get a wash cloth wet with warm water and lay down with it over your eyes for 10-15 minutes. I hope you get some relief!