Spinal stenosis

Hi everyone,

Last spring I suffered several weeks with back pain. It was up and down my spine and quite unbearable. I asked my doctor for an MRI and they found that I have spinal stenosis. But oddly enough, the pain went away and I was back to my normal activities. That was in March-April ( when the weather is changing). Now that the weather is changing again I am suffering once more. I could use a shot of morphine. Does any one have spinal stenosis? I am wondering if it is the cause of the pain or just my fibromyalgia acting up?

Hi dozer,

You and I are not the only ones who suffer this! I read the profiles and approve new members, always check the profiles when a member asks for information, and there are many!

Mine is kicked up too right now, not only cold, as in getting in the low 20's at night, but windy too!

My last MRIs were done a couple of months ago, when I got to my GP, he only had the results of the cervical spine. When he got the results of the lumbar, he called me at 9:30 at night, told me I needed to get to a Neurosurgeon right away! This was after the Rheumatologist told me it was not that bad yet! So I went to my Chiropractor to see what he had to say and he said he saw both opinions and agreed with both of them! ha!

Went back to the Rheum and here is what he said about the central canal stenosis that is moderate to severe "the fact that the Daypro (antiimflammatory drug) helps more than any other drug, tells me that at this point, the main problem is imflammation from the disease.

So I asked him if I should go back on the anti-inflammatory diet, and he told me that this autoimmune arthritis pumps out so much inflammation into my body that going through all of that would be a drop of water in the swimming pool!"

It is something they need to keep a constant eye on through MRIs, reason being, if it's disease induced, it can progress, even when there is no pain! it is rare that one surgery is successful, so they wait until it cannot wait any longer.

Spinal stenosis means the spinal cord narrowing, closing, and pressing on nerves. I asked my Chiropractor what the alarm is, he said that the nerves I am dealing with allow me to lift my foot to walk or climb stairs, should I lose function of this/these nerves, I will be walking stiff legged, throwing my leg out to the side to move, don't know how I'd get up stairs.

So please make sure you do not neglect this, when you lose a nerve function, it is gone forever!

Many are using the laser, but most DCs and MDs do not feel they have this down pat yet, just ask Hulk Hogan!

I hope this helps!


Sending some love and understanding,


yes, I have spinal stenosis too. recently I had a bone scan done to determine what was going on as life has all but stopped for me with this pain. they found inflammation around this area, and I am scheduled to get a shot of some kind in that area in several weeks. meanwhile, I can do a few things for a few minutes but then have to sit down. if I do too much, it seems that I flare from that area. I know others with this too. although it is very debilitating, it is important to push through the pain. love and hugs, annie

I had it for years and I had to have surgery, since my surgery I have not had any problems.

Oh Karen, that is GREAT news!

Hi SK,

Thank you for the article. When I got the MRI results last year the pain had died down and I cancelled a follow up visit. I have heard surgery is a last resort option. But there is another reason why I am not inclined to do surgery. I have 2 other problems with my back (spondylethesis and scoliosis) and I am not sure messing with any of it will help. I don't think either of those conditions are causing problems, but who knows. I will schedule another appointment with a neurosurgeon and get his opinion on the matter.

I too have spinal stenosis and a couple a herniated discs in the same area. I lost feeling in one leg and partially the other leg for a few months. After much physical therapy I regained the feeling. Now periodically my leg will start to go numb. I grab the ice pack and take anti inflammatory medication. It does not last too long now. I did also break the hip in the leg that I lost feeling in so It seems to aggravate my hip joint for a few days too. Try some ice and Advil and see if it helps. They told me to beware of heat at that time because it can increase the swelling. Not that any of us like anything cold… But it works ( for me). Good luck and I hope you feel better.

In 2007, I was diagnosed with spinal stenosis and foraminal stenosis. The symptoms were significant enough to warrant surgery. The procedure is called a lumbar decompression. At the time, I was told it had a 96% success rate and I was fortunate to have landed the top neurosurgeon in the Washington DC-metro area. It was an interesting road to eliminate the pain. In my case, it took two surgeries seven months apart, surgery on a holiday which allowed for more operating room time, the removal of a twenty-year old fusion and a new fusion higher up the spine.

When I woke up from the second operation I could immediately tell that the pain caused by the spinal and foraminal stenosis (and the unknown true cause of the pain) was finally gone. It was among the best feelings I'd experienced.

That pain has not returned, however, I still have fibromyalgia. I still have rheumatoid arthritis. I still have chronic fatigue syndrome. I still have facet arthritis. I just learned I have type 2 diabetes. I am still on disability, using a scooter and have a pain pump that pushes medications directly into my spine. I don't know how to advise you other than to give you my experience. The surgery got rid of one of my pains but I still have so many others. All in all, I would have the surgeries again because the pain I had then was the worst of any time in my life (I had twenty-year old scar tissue compressing and piercing nerves). I was unable to be anything other than a lump on the bed or floor. My life had stopped and the surgery gave it back (even though there is still other pains).

Hi Crynsugar,

Years ago, after I got into a car accident I had a cortisone injection. It helped but I remember the pain of the shot. Maybe where my whole back was a mess the shot amplified it. I will keep that option in mind.

Hi Ascarlerletterose,

I had two herniated discs years ago. I know how terrible that is. It had gone on for so long that the doctors told me I lost a signal at L5-S1. I think they were talking about nerves. I will try the ice. Today was much better. The Advil and Ultram worked. I am doing the exercises the physical therapist gave me in March and I think I have improved enough to go to the gym. I like the treadmill because unlike walking outdoors I can stop when I think my body has had enough. Sometimes 20 minutes is top.

Hi Marc,

Thank you for responding .I have heard so many negative things about back operations this is a nice change. I think I am going to give the conservative route a try. It may be that I just need to lose some weight so I do not have it weighing down on me. I don't know how recent the narrowing is on MRI images. I was doing better back in 2010 when I was at the gym pretty 3-4 days a week. I was doing well in the summer. I will re consider an operation if this does not work.

Hi Annie,

I have decided if there will be pain it will be me lifting weights or sitting on a stationary bike at the gym. I have done it in the past and it is absolutely necessary to go slow and easy.

Something clicked with me yesterday. My boyfriend has leukemia and he has a lot pain from chemotherapy. But he cannot take pain killers. The last time I saw him he was in pain but he did not tell me until a week had passed. I just thought wow, at least the pain killers work part of the time for me. His doctor told him he had to lose weight. I am hoping if I am able to shed some weight, push through the pain then I could encourage him. Prior to chemo he had a very active life- biking, kayaking, and tennis.

Hi Crynsugar,

I have never heard of klippel-Feil Syndrome. So I am happy that you provided me with the details. When you were a child and teen did you experience a lot of pain? Was your family supportive in regards to the syndrome? Is your treatment for your kidney failure working out?

I have only been dating my current partner for a few months. He tells me a little about the leukemia but he is not exactly forthcoming. So I don't know if he is uncomfortable talking about it. If he brings it up I will chat with him a little. When I re entered the dating scene I had hopes of meeting someone who also had fibromyalgia. With my first 2 marriages I was always trying to keep up with them and I always felt like I was a constant source of disappointment. In some ways they were pretty clear. I went to a regular dating event. I really like David when I met him. Several phone calls later he mentioned he had it, It is so wrong to say but in a way it is easier to be with someone who is dealing with their own health issues. There is more compassion, less pressure and our activity levels match.

I would say that you are doing the right thing. Surgery, especially back surgery should be the very last option if everything else fails. If you have weight to lose, lose it. I recently took off 50 pounds starting in June when I stepped on the scale at my doctor's office and found I was 33 pounds heavier than I had ever been.

Best of luck to you!


Hi- I have spinal stenosis, and ankylosing spondylitis, as well as Fibro. The spinal issues are concrete medical symptoms

that are clearly identified on an MRI. Most spinal stenosis symptoms come and go until they reach a point when they are so severe that maybe only surgery works, but again, this would be very clearly seen by the Doctor and MRI's.

It is not likely the weather has anything to do with this, although possible, but my pain definitely comes and goes. And it is very painful when I have it. I have never heard of anyone jumping directly to Morphine to treat this. Seems rather dramatic, and no Dr. would prescribe that.

I followed the normal course of excercise and physical therapy, which helped a little, but not much. Pills like Gabapentin which did nothing, then 2 steroid injections in my back. The first one didn't help, but the 2nd one, a month later, in August, worked very well, and I am still pain free now, (Oct. 29th).

The spinal stenosis could trigger Fibro, but not likely the other way around. Regardless, you need to treat the

spinal stenosis on its own.


Hi Michael,

I was not really serious about the morphine. I thought if the intensity and the duration of it lasted I might need 1 or 2 percocets. I save my tramadol for very bad days and usually it does the trick. I do not understand why it comes and goes and I think I panicked a bit because in the spring it lasted for 2 and 1/2 months daily. Then one day it stopped. Fortunately this was the case again. But all this information from members has been very useful. I am glad to hear that a few people have had positive results from injections. Thank you

Hi Crynsugar,

I am sorry to hear that your mother was verbally abusive. You mentioned she was a narcissist. I can relate to that. My mother is one too. She has not been abusive with me, more like unsupportive, negligent and cold. She was not so nice to my older sister. She managed to turn her into the black sheep. My older brother delighted in that. He was physically abusive with my sister. I think most of those memories (18-38yrs old) were repressed for many years and now that she is living with me the memories are coming back.She spoiled our older brother and he is a monstrous narcissist. He was her claim to fame (ego). He was very good at sports and ended up in the newspapers winning shots at basket ball or scoring in baseball. It does not help that he his handsome. He can reel the women in. I am friends with one ex-wife and one ex-girlfriend. They had refused to believe he was capable of the emotional abuse he could cause. He turned his oldest son into the black sheep and then stole his college savings. The younger son is an angel who could do no wrong. Fortunately his mother did not spoil him.

I think David will open up in time

Hi Pam,

Your father sounds very like mine. He was very supportive of my older sister and would take sides with her. This enraged my mother. My parents had separated when I was two (then got back together when I was 4). So I was never as close as my older siblings were to him. Yes, he had 2 jobs too. He basically did whatever she wanted. my sister had a lot of sympathy for him. My mother is a little careless with what comes out of her mouth. She asked my sister if she had ever considered a nose job. That was shocking but my sister went off the next year and had one done. When i just had my son and I was in the hospital she asked me if I had another baby inside. My husband was shocked. One year my mother thought it was perfectly okay to give my sister cellulite cream for Christmas. Then called my sister sensitive when she flew off the handle.

My father passed away in 1999. But I have so many dreams of him hugging me and saying encouraging words that I feel like his spirit has not left.I had a very strange dream recently. He came to me and asked if my mother was okay because he did not see her last night. When I spoke to my mother in the morning she said she had not slept that night. It was freaky.

I hope David will open up a little more too.